Steve Bakken Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 any new stories? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott K Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Looks like I get to start this year off, although it is one from last year. It was deer hunting in Wisconsin, we got to camp about 2-3pm friday, saturday being opener. When we got there we all cracked a beer, walked back to our stands to check on them, came back unloaded the truck. Well I decided I needed to start drinking captain cokes! I mix them 50/50. So anyhow on with the story, I polished off the liter of captain about 11pm, thought I better eat and have one more beer before crashing for the night, so I did. I woke up at the crack of noon, nobody else in the cabin, figures they were all hunting, which they were. I sat up didnt feel very good. Looked out the window and see one of our crew walking back to the cabin and said didnt see one of the other crew in their stand either. I needed to go to the outhouse to take care of business, and I looked out the window and seen the guys gun leaning against the wall of the outhouse, so we figured he was in there. I waited 15 minutes looked again the guns still there, and I could see the light wiggleing in the outhouse, I wonderd what was going on in there and laughed with the thoughts that were in my head. I waited another 20 minutes or so, still his gun sitting there, and could see the light moving back and forth. HMMMM.... something must be stuck!!! I walked out there I asked are you almost done I need to go!! He said Yes come unlatch the door the latch locked him in there and he didnt want to push the door to hard because he didnt want his gun to fall over, and he didnt want to yell because he didnt want to spook any deer for the rest of the crew out hunting, I told him the rest of the crew has been waiting for him to get out of the outhouse! He spent over an hour trying to get out!!! We make food , eat get ready to go out. I grab my gun case, open it up and I see my sons .22, not good, I hunt with a 30-06. My back up 30-06 I know I left at home because the stock was cracked. I did bring my 11-87 12 ga. so I just used that . So we finally make it back out to our stands, well for me my first for the day. I get to stand about 1:30pm get situated sit there for a half hour, then my hang over starts kicking in, so I figured its 65 degrees outside, miday, I will rest a bit. I put my gun down and sit back, leaned up against the tree, 2 minutes later I see the biggest buck that I have seen up there, walking at me. I try slowly to grab my gun, I get my gun the buck walked behind a big pine, I was never to get a shot . Then it was quiet again, until about a half hour before dusk, A big doe walks up, I had my gun in my hands! It was following the trail, didnt know I was there. I take a shot, about 20yds, she never moved, just stood there broadside. I looked seen I hit a branch 5 ft from me, I shoot again, shes still standing there, I looked I hit the branch again 6" from where I hit it last time. So I adjust how I am standing, shoot again, she took off running, I though, well I must have hit her! But then I look at the branch there was a third spot. I hit the 1" around branch about 5 ft from my stand 3 times in a row, trying to shoot around it 2 times. I looked for blood, nothing. Anyhow that big buck that I didnt get a shot at , the neighbor came over to tell me he shot a big buck, and it came from my direction, . And I think if I would have had my 30-06 I would have got that doe. Well that was last year opening deer camp! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Studer Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 This is just kind of a funny story of dumb luck. I swear every year my brother, my dad, uncles, cousins, and friends in the hunting party are at camp the night before. We all have all of our scent sprays, shooting lanes, scent killer, grunt calls, stands strengthened all of the precautions that a guy takes before the season. We all get a good night sleep (maybe I jumped the gun on good) and we are up and running by 4 am, all moving ever so quietly to our stands and in our stand well before first light. We all sit for hours opening morning and my little brother always comes rolling into deer camp about 9-10am in his carhartts throws on some blaze orange that's laying around camp, smokes a cigareete on his way to the stand, takes whatever stand is left empty and bags one every friggin year!! Here my older brother who has hunted for probably 4-5 years longer than me and my little brother has never shot one. This really gets him wound up. Gotta love them little brothers. But I can truly say I really enjoy reading all these stories and getting ready for the hunt with my old man and my brothers and the rest of the hunting party!!! Can't wait!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted September 19, 2007 Share Posted September 19, 2007 Ok here goes a couple hunting shack stories:1. My grandfather had to go to the bathroom in the woods and - well he picked some posion ivy to wipe with. He is gone now, but whenever I go to the woods I bring T.P. and think of him.2. My dad likes to stalk in the woods while hunting. I was in a stand and he came out to a trail. I knew there was moose trashing around about 50 yards behind me (they were tearing up the place). I waived to him motioning him to walk behinid me, to the north, on kind of a drive. About 10 minutes goes by and he yells out - "There are Moose between us - I'm stuck"... (must of been in rut) - I say thanks dad I thought thats what it was... I am going in for lunch want me to bring you something later???3. My uncle was known for bringing candy. This was in the olden days so the wrappers were just paper. Well uncle Dick would walk through the woods eating M&M's - throwing the wrappers down. My other Uncle Wally seems to be following the same path. He sees the M&M wrappers and gets mad. Who the heck has the candy and not sharing.In the meantime, Dick found some moose turds; not knowing exactly what they were.They get back to the hunting shack and start talking. Then Dick throws this bag of M&M's on the table. Wally jumps up and says "your the son of a ____" who has the candy. He takes the bag and down they go. Well Dick is on the ground laughing, Wally is searching for words and whiskey.Another... my cousin Brian and I were about 14 and 12 respectively. Good ol' Uncle Dick thought it would be a great idea to take a .22 and shoot holes down the outhouse to help it drain. Brian, grabs the .22 and says I'll do it!! A couple shots go by; then as luck has it - someone must have dropped a spoon in the dark beyond - dump came flying up and smacked Brian right in the face. (Brain does not come up that much anymore:) ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maros91 Posted September 21, 2007 Share Posted September 21, 2007 All right, I have 2 stories. 1) 2 years ago it was my wife's first year hunting and she hadn't seen anything for 2 days. I told her to be patient and you will get a deer. I decided to make a drive for her. Post her at the end of the ravine and I will come up the middle. When I dropped her off I said,"be still and be patient and something may show up." So I make my drive and I get back to her and I ask if she seen anything. She said she seen a buck and a doe. I asked why didn't you shoot? She says after you left I was playing with the bark of the pine tree and heard a branch snap and these 2 deer come racing right towards me. Like you said I was patient but these deer didn't slow down so finally I waved my arms when they were 20 feet from me and they ran over the hill. I later told my wife a good way to slow a deer down is to put a slug in them. 2) Last year I am making a drive toward my dad who is posting near this funnel area. I make my drive and am walking down this deer trail towards my dad. I look and see a lone glove laying next to a tree right next to the trail. My dad is about 20 yards away from this tree and he has one glove on. I get to him and start to smell the smell. Yep....I walked right through it on the way to him. I called him every name in the book. 50,000 acres of public land and you have to dump on the trail I am walking on. Unbelievable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckey Posted September 21, 2007 Share Posted September 21, 2007 My uncle is known for his animated deer stories. He often described the size of a bucks he saw by extending his arms above his head saying "he was this big". A few years back his daughter came hunting with us. We put her on a narrow field (60 yards wide) by our camper. When we came in for lunch she said she saw a buck and a doe feeding along the edge of the field. When ask why she didn't shoot the buck she said it was "small". I ask her to described the antlers. She then held her hands about 20 inches apart and at least a foot high! She then said "it was nothing like this" and held her arms above her head like her dad does. We still laugh about that one. P.S. When asked how many points she said "lots, I didn't count them" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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