My 6 year old 50 HP took a dump on my. I am looking to buy a new boat and motor. I am thinking that the motor is the most important consideration. I want a 4 stroke. I have looked at some new boats but I can't see the difference between them. I like the Lunds but I don't see how they are better than some of the other names. Price is the only difference. I know many of you out there will give me some great advice.
My 6 year old 50 HP took a dump on my. I am looking to buy a new boat and motor. I am thinking that the motor is the most important consideration. I want a 4 stroke. I have looked at some new boats but I can't see the difference between them. I like the Lunds but I don't see how they are better than some of the other names. Price is the only difference. I know many of you out there will give me some great advice.
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