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Emily & Outing trails/ditches

Greg T

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Our cabin is in Longville, so we drive through Emily & Outing and I'm eyeing up those nice sandy ditch trails. So my question is, is there any particular place to park and unload the quads without anybody getting all bent out of shape? Any help or info is appreciated.


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Great snowmobile trails to ride in the summer on ATV's! Park at the Ruth Lake public access. Take the quads north right at the public access. You will be riding a few miles through the woods then come to a minimum maintenacne road which you want to take a left and head west. This road will bring you back to 6 right at the Wigwam Inn just south of Outing. Also if you drive back to 6 from the Ruth Lake access cross there are some nice trials going West from 6. They are snowbird trials so they are marked with maps miliage and bar ads. They can get a little mushy North of Ruth lake so plan ahead if it's wet out! Have fun!

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Thanks for the info, from what I can see there are tracks in the ditch almost to Longville. We usually ride the fire roads near Leech, but looking for something new.

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there is a trail system up there called the moose river trails, you can get the info and maps from the DNR HSOforum. I rode them once last year, they are very good trails. I believe they are just north of outing.

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I stay off the trails posted "snowmobiles only" but these West of Emily are just marked with Snowbirds logo and maps. I have run across other wheelers in the summer that are Snowbird members. The Moose River trials are pretty nice with great parking. Just be sure to bring a map. My party of 6 got lost last year along the highlines and we ended up on a goat farm. It was a little nerve racking because we were running out of gas and we have no choice but to cross the farm and here comes the farmer driving into his driveway at the same time. I thought we were in deep. It turns out that my buddy who is a cop in Dayton SAVED HIS LIFE a few weeks earlier, he was choking in a resturante down there! Needless to say he let us cross.

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