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State record season?

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Well, since finding out that the carp I caught had 3" more girth than the state record, that got me thinking what other fish that I caught could have been possible state records?

As you allready know mine was 41" by 43" the state recrd was 42" by 31", man that sucks.




This pumpkinseed was 9 3/4", the state record was 10.1", but I doubt that my fish was 1.56lbs (released).


This dog fish was 32" long and I didn't get a weight on him either. State records were 31" and 32" 10.15lbs

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Nice fish!

A buddy of mine is in hot-pursuit of the state-record Goldeye right now. He was only a couple ounces off the other day, but the length was close... hopefully I'll have a report on the new state record Goldeye in the near future smile.gif

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State Record Dogfish eh?

I like to tell my state record dogfish story. Of course I didn't catch it but its a good story none-the-less.

Was fishing Medicine Lake in the Twin Cities last spring from shore in French Park. A gentleman fishing next to me hooked into something with fight!! He had that fish up to the shore many times and it took off to deeper water every time. I thought he had a nice little pike on but I was wrong. He eventually pulled the fish on shore and it was the biggest dogfish I'd ever seen. I had my Rapala digital and tape measure with me but didn't have the camera.

His dog fish measured 31" and about 10 1/2 pounds on my scale. It was definitely a state record caliber fish. Would it have qualified on a certified scale, that I am not sure about. I do know that fish went home in a bucket that day and he had the biggest smile I had seen in awhile.

Speaking of pumpkinseeds sunfish, Chad Halvorson has one posted somewhere that is well over 10", I think it was close to 11" What an awesome fish!

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i don't have the mounts, but have pictures of a 6 pound dogfish i caught on Lake Miltona, and a 6 lb channel cat from the Blue Earth river....I need to get them into dual frame....maybe one of those cat/dog pet frames, eh?

Take a look at the state records, you'll find many are with in reach. I talked to a couple guys who fished Ida two years ago....they described the 'biggest rock bass' they'd ever seen. They had weighed it and measured it before releasing...when I heard the tale of the tape, I opened the regulations book and showed them the current rockie record...theirs would have had it beat by nearly a quarter pound! the look on their faces said dissappointment...until i said "hey...it was a ROCK bass! " *L*

I maintain that a record is a record....regardless of species...be proud!

That carp record has stood a long time.....maybe this will be the year!

good luck and good fishing!

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there is a state record dog in dead near Pelican Rapids, my old man caught one that weighed 11 and 1/4 during the phil coder invite the first year it was out there. they weighed it on the digital in the boat and released it. he thought the state record was bigger.

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I talked to a guy bowfishing one day and he had his line attached to a coffee can. After talking to him a while he broke out a few pictures of fish well over the state record but I dont think they were 80 lbs. I believe 68 lbs was the biggest. This was on a well known lake by annandale grin.gif He told me he has had some bigger ones get away so now he uses the can to let the fish run and just chases the can. Not a bad idea.

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One of the 85's was shot in the Minnesota backwaters, one in Bald Eagle Lake. The Minnesota River one was quite awhile ago, but the Bald Eagle one was more recent.

I think the Minnesota (and possibly world) carp record will fall soon, and it will be over 70. The good bowfishers know where to find these beasts, and if a guy like that decided to put down the bow for a day or two he could make history. Or make a fortune guiding european carp anglers to their fish of a lifetime.

By the way, if you want to find the biggest carp, talk to minnow trappers. They see them every day. The carp migration is around the same time as the shiner run, so they can usually point you to the best areas.

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Well, I gave the state record a run for its money again. Last year at this time I would have had it for Longnose sucker. In the regualtions it says 3.2lbs, this one was weighed on a certified scale at 3.6lbs 21". Catch is, a 3.10 21" was caught 5/19/05. Bottom line, 4 ounces short a year late.

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