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Snow mobile trails and tracks

J Smith

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Good question. The wife hates ridng doubles on the sled and I wouldn't mind riding the Scrambler if the weather was decent. After the "great" winter we are having this year, I can't convince her to add another sled to the inventory.

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I was talking to a guy from Wisc at the Ice Show about this. He said, Wisc requires at least one ski, in order to be recognized as a "snowmobile". So, guys that have ATVs equipped with tracks will mount one snowmobile ski on the back of the ATV. I haven't seen it but would advise to seek out that info before you purchase.

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ATVs are not registered and licensed for use on snowmobile trails so I'm sure we would take heat for using them there whether or not they have tracks. Also we now have the new trail permit issue to deal with. I wonder how long it will be till they hit us with that one for the ATVs too....

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There are a lot of trails in WI open to both sled and wheeler use during the winter. Check the county tourism sites and the ones that do allow wheelers certainly let you know. You can't ATV on all the trails but certain counties have a pretty good selection to ride.

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If I install a set of Prospector tracks on my Sptsmn.800, am I allowed to ride on Snowmobile trails? I would consider it a Snowmobile, would'nt you?



I'm assuming that your from MN and wondering about riding in MN.

Sorry this is going to get long. But hang on its good!!

I bought tracks for my 700 Sportsman a fw years ago and asked the DNR about it. First with one of our local CO's that I have know sense I was knee hi to a grass hopper. He told me he didn't see a problem with it but would look into it more. Now I was willing to buy the snow machine license and the works so I could "Be Legal", however having one CO not having a problem with it doesn't help me if I run into one who is an Anal Sphincter. He did some e-mailing and I got the official word from one of his higher up's.


Subd. 3. Snowmobile. "Snowmobile" means a

self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice

steered by skis or runners.

So I would have to put ski's on the front of it. Like thats going to work on my Sportsman. If I had a little 2 wheel drive racer I could do that, and I know a guy who has done it. I guess its a fun machine. Anyway I was preaty much told that I would get tagged if I were to ride my machine even If I had the tracks on it. Then the gear/s in my head started to spin up and I saw the HUGE Loop holes in the very non-discriptive law. And asked a few questions of which she (his boss) did not like. My question was something on the terms of this. "So according to DNR laws I can not ride my tracked 4 wheeler on a snowmobile trail because it lacks ski's or runners. However I can put ski's or runners on the front of a 66 School passenger bus and that would be legal. Secondly according to your laws pertaining to "metal traction devices" this ONLY aplies to tracks.

Subd. 13. Metal traction device. "Metal traction

device" means any metal device or array of metal devices

attached to a snowmobile track to enhance traction that is:

Sense the 66 passenger school bus has dual tires in on the back I can then use chains to aid me in getting around out on the trails. All of this would be perfectly legal. Now I have heard the saying tread lightly used alot by the DNR in regards to our natural resources so we have minum impact upon our enviorment. Which one of these two options would be least invasive upon the snowmobile trails? My big yellow snow bus that by the definition of your laws would be legal, or my tracked four wheeler?" For some reason his boss never returned my e-mails after that... Go figure. I think she took great offense to it when I beat her over the head with her own rules.

BTW. If your going to ride in the summer on those things, read up on the laws..... I got away around em if you need a hand.

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