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Cycle Country VS American Eagle plows


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Any opinions, think I've narrowed it down to these 2 plows, but am not sure which one is better...anyone with any experience with either or both, please advise!!!!!! thanks fellas!! hoping to make a decision soon and get it ordered ASAP found good deals on both.

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I have the Eagle plow on my King Quad.I used it last year to plow snow with it and it worked great.As I stated before I had the Cycle country on my old Grizzly,and that worked great as well.I like the Eagle plow system better than the cycle country simply because of the hook up,and the angle system,but maybe the newer Cycle country's are different?One last thing,my Eagle plow weld broke completely through last year,but luckily Larsons Cycle (the place I got it) backed it up with no problem,and replaced the broke part with no questions asked!I have had no problems since!

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is the mounting process with the american eagle as easy as it sounds in the ad? how about the mounting plate, is it really safe to leave on as a skid plate or is a guy better off removing it in the offseason?

the american eagle is the unit i plan to buy here in the next few weeks, but i havent seen one in person only the catalog, so any and all info would be appreciated!!

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Polaris used that mounting system awhile back. It was pretty easy and fast. Dpending on your riding, I wouldn't use any plow moutning plate as a skid plate. The plow mounting tabs would get bent. Lowers ground clearance as well.

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thats kind of why i was asking. thats what sold me on the american eagle was their ad states the mounting plate gives "no loss of ground clearance and doubles as a heavy duty skid plate in the off season." when you want to attach the plow you "simply" tighten 4 bolts. then loosen the same 4 bolts to remove.

the plows i have seen in person all have some type of hardware hanging below that i can see getting hung up on stuff.

i just need to know if whats in the ad is just hype or if they really are that slick. also anyone know of a place that sells that brand in the at paul area? it would be easier to decide if i could see it in person rather than just pictures!!

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cast...I believe the eagle has a two part mount. the only one on the market. looks like there is something that hangs down, but that is easily removable for the off season, or for harder riding. I ordered my eagle plow and when I get it on, i'll let you know how easy it is. I did ALOT of research, and short of the new blackline plows, the eagles are the best out there in my opinion!!! so far the dealer has my blade and push tubes, but not the mount!!! I'm waiting, not so patiently, want to get it on!!!

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I have the eagle plow and love it! The only complaint I had was the mount. It is a two piece as mentioned above, but lacks strength. I had a welder friend of mine weld the bottom bracket to a heavier "skid-plate" and could not be happier. The skid plate portion of the mount is not very thick and had a tendancy to bend- I took it off in the spring to avoid damaging it. Also- with the two piece system the lower bracket (the one the the plow arms attach to) would shift around no matter how much I tightened the bolts, (they would just bend the skid plate piece). Now with the original plow bracket welded to the new skid plate it is very durable, but I did lose ground clearence.

If you want I could e-mail you pictures.


[email protected]

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