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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Well, I certainly hope it's not to late to enter. You wanted 10, and only have nine! This has been such a great tradition, we could pass this oppitunity up any longer.

Been polishin' the heck out of the 316 stainless steel bottom of our small 6x8 with our special ingredient(GOLD) for the last 2 weeks.

Not worried about where we end up,(as long as it's on the lake)Hopefully, with the shiney bottom, the fish will react to the bright reflection and come right in, shutting down the rest of the lake. We will also want to go with a 3/4 pull(Michelob is not a big mouth) So the waste/littering should not be a problem. The pull should get us away from the middle of the lake and onto the shallower water off the deep hole. We realize that this puts us way off the main road, that will only save on the fish population. A sacrifice we must make to save the future of the lake.

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Burrr, we are making serious ice now!!! As I write this it is a minus 5 here at the lake and we have both fireplaces in the Lodge going. Bud is by one and Barney by the other and neither has moved other then to move away from the fire when their coats start smoking a little. We have added another flinger so to speak to the list. A late entry 1lkstatge has signed on and has gotten his shack to Dug's in time. This means that Skinny will not be flung but will be in Alert One the entire launch time. I had failed to list Elmers shack so we did have an opening. Our forecast is in for the fling.. Temps to rise in to the upper 20's and a good chance of snow in the afternoon. A snowstorm is predicted for Sunday and then it is going to get really cold for even these parts as Sunday night it will be in the -20's Good time to get the houses on the ice, bank them with snow and then hunker down for a few days.

A few other notes here, There has been a rumor going around about some of them environmentalists showing up at the fling. They are going to protest that we are using trees to anchor the bungee cord to. If they show up, Hammering Hank says he already has a plan in place to remove them from the area. We, in the committee have been told it involves a test ride from the fling.. Also Lodge members are reminded that with cold weather here you are asked to stop by the wood pile on your way into the Lodge and bring in a stick or two with ya. We don't want anyone going out to the pile in the wee hours of the morning after drinking Turkey and get themselves turn around out there. The fling is a mandatory Lodge event, and we expect to see everyone here. There is a sign up sheet on the end of the bar for things that need to be done. If you don't sign up then you will be assigned tasks as needed. There are still slots open for Alert two, Slope groomers, beer tenders in the tent, Gus could use a hand with the BBQ and parking never has enough guys. With snow in the forecast a few more spotters would be good and bonfires will need to be kept burning.

Remember the fling party for all flingers will be held tonight in the Lodge and there are insurance wavers to sign and also Reed The Realtor will be here to sell life insurance to ever one who is interested. Lots to do today but we want to keep you up to date. If you need to get a hold of me I will be at Dug's garage doing some last minute adjustments to my shack from Lake Iwanttobethere {88,063}

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Welcome to the Ice House Fling!

Well the day after the fling. Right now we are in the middle of a blizzard. Here at the Lodge you can just see the landing and parking area below the Lodge. Between gusts of wind and snow coming off the Lodge roof I can just make out what looks like the base camp of an abandon arctic expedition. Actually we did not have time to put things away before the storm hit. The main tent is still standing but the doors are flapping in the breeze and already enough snow has started to drift that the orange barrels are nothing but mounds of snow with a dash of orange color on top. Several ice shacks are stacked along the shore, they did not make it out on the ice. The mini donut trailer is chained to the softball fence and does not look like it is going any where real soon. We can't see any of the ice town that is out on the ice, to much snow and wind. With the CB crackling over in the corner of the Lodge we are staying in contact with several residents who have decide to ride out the storm in their shacks. For them it is an adventure, at least that is what Elmer said when he filled a baggie with pickled eggs from the bar and along with Marv headed out on the ice..

It being a silently Sunday I am left alone with my laptop here by the Lodge main windows so I jotting down some thoughts about yesterdays launch. The day started off cool with just a light breeze. For the past several days we have gotten a little snow overnight. Last year we had two snowstorms right before the launch and actually we had to much snow on the slope and on the ice itself. This year we just managed to have enough to allow a somewhat smooth transition from the slope to the lake ice. Ice fling director Hammering Hank did a fine job of organizing the launch, as we had no major problems.

At ten a.m. with some light snow falling we had the parade from Dug's garage through town to the public access. The shacks remain under tarps during the parade but after being unloaded at the park the covers were taken off for final inspections and public viewing. The first thing we noticed is that there has been a lot of thought into these new shacks. Someone has had a lot of free time on their hands over the summer. I toned my shack down this year, I was just launching the center section and will add the solar dome later along with the bowling alley, skeet shooting deck and of course the built in flip out BBQ. Also the wine rack was removed for safety reasons along with the keg holder. I did have the converted barber's chair secured with extra bolts to the floor.

Elmer put a lot of time into his shack as he covered one entire wall with the crappie scales. Kind of like a heat shield. I don't even want to guess how long it took to do that but as Elmer says when you get old that is all you have, time. Big Earls shack was the same as always, a big old block of a shack made out of logs, but he did go a little modern as his lights on the outside that spell out THE GENERAL STORE are all LED's. At the park he was busy handing out 2009 calendars and shaking hands. The inside of his shack is empty except for the folding chair that is tied to the center post. Once the shack is on the ice Earl will load it up with goods for sale.

OK, so while the houses were open up for a final inspection the crowd started to grow. Already the better spots off to the sides of the bungee were taken up. Small bbq's were in use along with a few of them turkey deep fryers. The main tent was busy as cocoa was being served and the mini donut wagon had a line. Hot pretzels on a stick steamed in the cool air and most of the teenagers were at the softball field now converted into a skating rink. The local ATV club was at the edge of the shoreline ready to act as a chase team if needed. Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather were doing a remote for the radio station KCUM and handing out bumper stickers. They were down near the shoreline and they had a large weather balloon on a tether. This year they were not leaving it unattended as the local kids shot up last years balloons with pellet riffles.

Parade this year was pretty uneventful, went off without a hitch. Even though we have snow on the ground it was nothing like last year so there was no one on cross country skis and only one person was seen using their snowshoes. Just about everyone from town is at the hill and there is low rumble of noise from all the conversations going on. Last years snow queen who was pregnant was given a second chance and rode the flatbed trailer with her court again this year. All the ladies and their kids looked great. The bust of cheese in her likeness made it with the crackers to the main tent. With the lack of snow this year there was no need for Frank the plow driver to make a path for us. He did how ever bring up the rear.

We did come up with our ten needed shacks for the flings, Some are regulars and are here every year and as always we have a few new ones. Some who were here last year are not with us. Tess in her baby blue eggshell shack is back. We have found out that she is a strong woman and if Hank was not going to let her be flung then he was not going to be flinging anyone. The luck of the draw had her going out second. I should give a little history here as some people who come to the fling are new to the town or have not been here long enough to have been at a fling. It has become a tradition here at Lake Iwanttobethere to move the town to the ice come winter. Ice fishing is a big part of the town and we have what we pride ourselves in as being the best ice town anywhere. To be fair we have what is called a "fling" a long time ago the Lodge came upon two very large bungee cords and now we attached these two bungee cords to two sets of trees on the slope just below the Lodge. Using our tractor we can pull the bungee back and we insert ice shacks that have been reinforced for such a launch. The bungee is then pulled back anywhere from 1/8 pull to a full pull and released. Depending on the weight and construction of the shack it will sail down the hill and on to the ice.

Ten shacks are selected for the launch with the shack flung the farest winning a plowed road for the winter and a special prize package. In the second bungee our rescue shack name Alert One is on stand bye the entire fling. Loaded with equipment, if need be it can be flung after a shack in trouble. Such things as a life raft and bottles of Wild Turkey are standard in the Alert shack. There is also an Alert 2 but that is only used as a back up. After the ten houses have been flung other houses are free to use the bungee for their launch or like most people they are dragged out onto the ice. The area between the ten houses is where the town will set up. Houses can be placed out side of the flinged houses but they will not be provided with plowed roads and electricity.

After the houses are inspected and the general public has there one hour of walking through them they are dragged one at a time to the top of the hill. Even though Skinny will be spending the day sitting in Alert One he still wanted his shack shot out onto the ice. Skinny's shack as always is a converted fiberglass outhouse and it is placed in the sling and only a 1/8 pull is needed to send it skipping down the ice and in the general direction of Root Beer Island. It seems the shack had gotten one of the runners stuck in the grove made from firing the test log down the ice covered slope. Skinny gave a thumbs up to the location and with an assist was secured in Alert One and the door closed.

Tess's baby blue house with the pink curtains was then loaded in the bungee and with a wave to her husband at the control took a ¾ pull and was a blur as it flew down the slope. Hitting the ice it took to the air and landed on the ice like a figure skater and gracefully flew across the ice. A pink curtain streamed out along the house and we later found out that the landing had broken a window out. Using the spotter scope we watched as with the lack of snow Tess's house just continued to glide across the ice. Finally coming to a rest we saw Tess get out of the house and set off her flare letting everyone on shore know she was OK. Actually the shack was closer to her and Hammering Hanks cabin then the landing, I think that was the plan.

Next up was the tell tale John Deer painted shack of Nytelyters. There was a delay here as we could not locate Nytelyter and he was finally found behind some cases of root beer with Mandy. After securing the shack in the sling and Nytelyter giving the thumps up from a window the Shack was launched also with a ¾ pull. This shack was heavier and we could see Nytelyter in the window as he roared down the slope. Hitting the ice he was in the same grove as Tess untill the side wall of the shack folded down reviewing fireworks motors. Clear of any spectators the fireworks were set off sending rolling balls of fire across the ice. The crowd on shore yelled and clapped loudly. With just some trails of smoke coming from the side of the shack we can see here on the slope that the shack was doing a slow curl towards Root Beer Island. A few minutes later it came to a stop and a final burst of fireworks headed skyward. The signal that Nytelyter and his shack were OK. Skinny clicked on the radio and said he was ready to go, we told him Nytelyter was OK and there was no fire, just sit tight. Skinny double clicked back and went back to his crossword puzzle.

Elmer's five by 10 foot shack was loaded in the sling with the crappie scale front. A ½ was requested and Elmer entered his shack. He was wearing a special suit of sheet metal and we strapped him into his seat and applied expanding foam as requested. He had one of them nascar helmets with the strap on to hold his head in place and yelled at everyone to get out of the way as he was in a hurry. With no fan fair the horn was blown and the shack was flung down the hill. Following the same track as the others before it things look good till it hit the ice. For some reason it flew up on its nose and skidded across the ice. Fish scales flying in all directions. It came to a stop and the crowd was quiet as we waited. The door popped open and a grappling hook shot out from inside the house. Elmer appeared at the doorway and pulling the rope the house fell back down on its runners. Elmer then shot off his white flare and the guys on the rescue ATV's turned their motors back off.

Next up was the General Store's Log Cabin shack. We had to get several guys from the Lodge to assist getting the shack into the sling and a ½ pull was requested. Big Earl wearing his carharts and bright red apron climbed in and secured the door. The led lights were turned on and started flashing. The horn sounded and the bungee groaned as it was released. Slowly the shack started to move down the hill, the two runners digging ruts in the slope it plowed through the hump at the bottom of the hill and with a slight turn to the right from a bent runner came to a rest just a five iron shot away from shore. Big Earl came out of the shack and just waved at everyone. Retreating into the shack he reappeared and put his chair on the roof to watch the rest of the fling.

A town favorite the Johnson brothers carried the shell of their VW bug to the launch site. Several other guys from the lodge pulled the toboggan with their supplies along side. A keg of Needabeer was locked into place as a runner and a keg of WhynotAle was secured on the other side. With one brother going in through the trunk the other entered through the engine compartment. A 1/3 pull was requested and with everyone pushing up against the boundary ropes the bug was shot off down the hill. As expected from previous launches it was a train wreck. The first contact with the ice and the bug went end over end, spinning sideways with an occasional flip the bug skidded across the ice. From our vantage point behind the bungee we could see it was heading towards Big Earls shack. When it looked like they were going to hit for sure the far side keg broke loose. The bug hit the shack with a glancing blow and looking like a kid's top lost forward motion but spun like a giro. We stood on shore and watched the spinning bug slowly move across the ice, finally it slowed and then came to a stop. The hood popped open and one of the Johnson brothers hit the ice running, In a straight line he retrieves the lost keg and returned to the bug. Anyone else would have been dizzy and dazed and would never have made that run but it being the Johnson brothers they most likely had been drinking since yesterday in preparation. The brother climbed back in the bug and the hood slammed closed. A few seconds later a white flare was seen tossed out from the other end.

One of the more interesting shacks was in the sling next. Hunterdown, a new Lodge member must have spent to much time getting advice from our bartender Gus at the Lodge. Hunters shack which did meet launch approval is a converted pontoon. Where the deck house would be is now a 6x6 shack bolted to the decking of an old pontoon boat. A nice safety feature having them pontoons come spring. The interesting part was the deer stand on the tripod legs on top of the roof of the ice shack. I suppose it would be a good vantage point to spot schools of crappies moving beneath clear ice. The entire shack was painted in a white and gray camo pattern and per rules it had to have some color. A wide red band of red paint encircles the entire rig and it did kind of look like something the coast guard would sail. The rig was placed in the sling and no one could find Hunter. He was there all the time as he was wearing matching gray and white camo and no one noticed him standing next to the side of his shack. With a half pull the horn sounded and the shack made its way down the hill. Actually it was one of the better launches as with the ridge on the bottom of the hill flatten and the shack's pontoons riding above the ruts it gracefully slid out on the ice to disappear. It came to a rest and Hunter climbed the tower and held his flare overhead waving it from side to side.

Now our rivals the Sparrow club from across the lake entered an unmanned shack built from cardboard milk cartoons. Last years papermache shack was cut in half from the bungee and rules were rewritten to out law a repeat of that. This year they built the cardboard shack and with the 4x4 in the rear it did pass the support inspection. There was question about not having a rider but the rule was waved for them as we didn't want to get in to a long argument with them. The shack was loaded in the sling and with a 1/8 pull was shot down the slope. It took a straight path to the General Store shack where it exploded on impacted! Big Earl did look somewhat surprised as the cartoons came tumbling down around him. Not being wasteful Earl set off a white flare that he was OK and then preceded to put the flare into the center of the remains of the Sparrows club shack. The members from the Sparrow club immediately sought out Sheriff Tim looking to stop the Fling and press for charges for destruction of property. Sheriff Tim listen to them and then wrote them a ticket for littering.

Another resident and first timer to the Fling with a small 6x8 house Stadge was loaded into the sling. Asking for a ¾ pull we scratched our heads a little. The ¾ pull was announced and the crowd gather up spotting scopes and binoculars. The horn sounded and the small shack flew down the slope. The light from bonfires were reflected off the stainless steel runners under the shack. With just a little air it skipped across the ice quickly flying by Earls and then the bug. A moment later and Elmers shack was left far behind. Only the spotting scopes could see the reflection of the runners as the small shack sailed across the ice. Gus with the big spotting scope on the Lodge deck said he could just make out the shack on the other side of the bay, It looks to have come to a stop just pass the bluff. A puff of white smoke was seen by Gus and it was relayed to the crowd that the little shack was OK. Looks like we have a winner for the farest shack.

Now the big boy was hauled into the sling. This shack came in on a flat bed a few weeks ago and it did pass inspection but we have not seen the owner yet. A converted Air Stream trailer it was a thing of beauty for these parts. Resting on hand polished oak runners it was all of thirty feet long. Had a dish TV mounted on the roof and a wine rack almost as big as mine. The fireplace was an added touch. A rather lanky looking guy wearing a full face shield came to the sling and producing a key undid the lock and waving to the crown stepped inside. A moment later and the rear window open and a hand appeared giving the thumbs up signal. A full pull was on the release sheet and the bungee was pulled back all the way. The tractor puffed black smoke as it dug into the snow and then the release. Looking more like a silver bullet the shack flew down the hill, gaining speed as it rushed pass the crowd. Hitting the ice the satellite dish popped off the roof and bounced along side the shack. Traveling across the ice it made graceful, control turns across the ice, this thing was being steered! It flew pass Earl's missing it by a few feet, with another course correction it slid past the Johnson brothers. Heading directly for Elmers shack it made a smart correction and drifted around Elmers shack, but there was a problem as the dragging TV dish snagged Elmers grappling hook on the ice. With a lurch Elmers shack broke loose and was being dragged behind the Air stream. Not as graceful now the Air stream started sliding sideways across the ice. It came to a rest with Elmers shack bumping to a stop along it's side. Elmer was out in a flash and looking like the tin man he stormed the Air streams door. With our binoculars we saw the door open and the helmet come off the driver. It was Marv! Tess's father. The two of them pounded each other on the back and climbed inside the Air stream. We found out later that day that Marv has retired and has decided to move to the lake. He wanted to surprise Elmer and so he did.

Well, that bring us to me. Like I said before I am just launching the center section of my ice house and after looking where everyone has come to rest I asked for just a ½ pull. Climbing in I strapped myself in my barber's chair and gave the thumbs up signal. I took a nice pull and like a curler I brought the hammer home to rest in the center of the new ice town that is Lake Iwanttobethere. {88,157}

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HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere. We are a week out from Christmas and it has almost been a week since the ice house fling. Been kind of busy around here and like everyone there is not much free time to be had. Since the little blizzard we had the day after the fling the town has settled down. The snow was nicely timed as people were able to get their houses out on the ice and then they had snow to bank them. Hammering Hank was out with the plow and the roads are all in and with banks they can clearly be seen. Perch Drive and Crappie Lane already have their signs up and Main street has it fire barrels out and community fishing holes. Vicki from the Masterbaiters shop is back and she is open and doing a brisk business. Once again it seems the crappies are hanging out near Root Beer Island and a lot of houses out that way. Mindy and Mandy have their shop open and the hot cocoa is at the ready.

More snow in the forecast for this weekend, Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather agree we are in for another storm. They just can't come together on how much we are going to get. During the last storm there was a report of three inch snow flakes coming down. Not to hard to believe as this is Lake Iwanttobethere. Bungee and the test log are back in storage and we have a good base for the luge. If we get the snow like they are saying we should have the run open before Christmas eve. Already some of the guys are leaving the Lodge and taking sleds down the slope and out on to Main street. The General Store ice house is stocked and Earl is spending a lot of time down there. Pretty good job as between customers he is fishing. I guess when you are the owner there are some perks.

I did get the solar dome installed on my shack, but there has not been a sunny day yet to see if it is working. With the forecast it may be several days before I will find out. Elmer has been spending his time out in the air stream with Marv. Marv has decided to retire and has moved to the lake to be closer to his daughter Tess and his son in law Hammering Hank. When he was here Marv and Elmer hit it off and the two of them are making an interesting pair. They do come in to the Lodge in the evening and are hitting the cribbage tables as a doubles team. Winning a lot they are quickly becoming the team to beat. Skinny is busy trying to figure out their "code" then he and Gus will challenge them. Reed the Realtor is looking for a cabin for Marv and Marv has shown some interests in the nudist cabin out on the point. Don't know if it is for sale or not but Marv mentioned he liked the view on that end of the lake.

Lodge has it's Christmas party coming up, Town Hall meeting and also Lodge meeting all in the next two weeks. First ice fishing contest will also be held and the prize list for the longest shack fired from the sling was posted. This years winner received coupons from Midgets Dirty Air Ducts cleaning service, Mini Blinds from Tess's, Two extra large pies from Del's Pizza and Sub Shop. Ten free tanning sessions from down at the car wash and a Sleigh ride from old McDonnell farm. Of course they also get a dozen crappie minnows a day free from the Masterbaiters shop and a plowed road for the winter to their shack.

Starting to snow here and I do have to help Skinny with some projects around the Lodge. We still have not blown out the big ice shed as we just got the snow thrower repaired. Seems some one did not secure the Christmas lights on the Lodges eve very well and when the side walk was being cleared it grabbed a fallen end of lights and the auger pulled the lights off the Lodge and wrapped them around the snow thrower. We ended up bring it inside the Lodge to thaw and then it took us almost a entire bottle of Wild Turkey to untangle the mess. We were in no shape to climb ladders to put the light string back up so it had to wait a day. Also there was the problem Skinny was having with his arms as the lights were turned on when the snow thrower grabbed them. Did you know that a snow thrower will conduct electricity from Christmas lights? With Skinny not being able to use his arms for awhile due to the dumbness, excuse me I meant to say numbness he had to drink his Turkey through a straw. We all did the same as a sign of solidarity and we saw he was drinking more turkey then us that way. Hope to see your shack out on the ice soon and just a reminder that there are still a few more shopping days left before Christmas. Hope ya are thinking of getting yourself something nice, I know I am.. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {88,278}

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Merry Christmas from everyone here at Lake Iwanttobethere..

Lodge is busy today it being Christmas Eve the members have their kids and grand kids here. Lodge is holding a Christmas party for the kids and this gives a last minute break for the parents to get some late shopping in or just a plain break if needed. Early this morning Tim's Dairy dropped off a thousand of them 4 oz ice cream cups along with the little wood spoons. Funny how even on a cold day no one can turn down free ice cream. Actually the sun is out and the bass thermometer has climbed up in to the middle teens, above zero! Wind is nothing to talk about and the snow has finally come to a stop. This morning we plowed the Lodge parking lot and the ice town is all plowed out. Public access has plenty of parking and we are proud to announce that the Luge is up and running. With all the snow of the past several days we did not have any problem at all building a pile big enough for the take off point. Plastic sleds can be rented here at the Lodge and then left down on the ice at the General Stores shanty. Even a few of the wood toboggans have made the run with Hammering Hank being the first to take the trip down the hill. The pair of Elmer and Marv were the most interesting pair to go down as they tried to balance their full minnow bucket and thermoses. They did make it to the bottom of the run and then dragged the toboggan the rest of the way to their ice shack. With all the kids going down the luge it seems to be getting faster and the runs are going farther out onto the lake ice. Lodge members are taking turns dragging kids back up the hill using the bomb a deer.

A little excitement this morning as Big Earl was dressed up as Santa and was standing a tad to close to the fireplace. Well he caught his backside on fire and was the center of attention as he ran around the room. He finally was tackled and knocked to the floor where a perfectly good pitcher of Hamms was poured on his backside. Earl was OK as he was wearing his NASCAR fire suit underneath. Don't ask why he had that on. Tess was here and with her ever handy sewing kit she made repairs to the suit. There was however a loss of maternal and Skinny had to take over as Santa. Something about a tall skinny guy as a Santa with a gut that is a little scary.

Gus is on the grill and hamburgers and hot dogs and the occasional burned brat fills the air. Mindy and Mandy are here and root beer is free to all. Mini donuts fill the air with the smell of cooking oil and the sound of the paper bags being filled with air and then smashed against the side of a leg to echo across the ice. Ice fishing contest going on from noon till four. Prizes will be awarded then and we will call it a day as the sun will be going down. Lodge will still be open but it being Christmas eve it will be quiet here. I may stay around to play a few hands of cribbage and make sure the grill gets put away. Christmas lights are all back in working order and the tree is decorated and presents will be tucked under it for tomorrow.

Between kids here I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope you have a fine holiday and hope to see you here at the lake soon. Always room in one of the shacks for you to come and sit a spell or an empty bar stool here to park it. From Lake Iwanttobethere {89,208}

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Another Christmas here at Lake Iwanttobethere is coming to a close. A good day weather wise, cold enough to remind you that it is winter and some sun to keep you outside. At the crack of dawn grand kids made the assault on the tree in the living room. Parents sat on chairs with steaming cups of coffee made from one of ma's gifts. Some flavored imported stuff and tiny cookies from the plate left for Santa. As usual the smallest one found the empty boxes and wrapping paper more fun to play with then the gifts. That is until she came to the box with the stuffed monkey. Compressed inside the box as the ribbon was broken the monkey expanded and grew in front of the tot. The two wide eyes of the stuffed monkey met the two wide eyes of the tot and that was all she wrote. The two of them spent the rest of the day arm in arm. Grandpa picked the right gift.

Adults exchanged gifts and grandma's boxes of hats and socks and gloves were open. Gag gives were exchanged and some fishing tackle found it's way into waiting hands. A few gifts required assembly and tool boxes were open along with glasses dangling on the end of a nose peering over instructions written by some one who went to MIT. After awhile things were all put together and the extra parts were stored in boxes and set off to the side. Wrapping paper is gathered and stuck inside the big black garbage bag. Order is somewhat restored and the living room floor has the look of a battlefield with toys and ribbon scattered about. Grand kids with nothing but the whites of their eyes head out the back door. Properly bundle against the cold they are released to play in the snow and try out the new sled. Dogs follow the kids and with in minutes the once trackless lot is now covered with footprints. Parents gather at the windows and watch as the oldest pulls the sled and the others follow in the deep snow.

The smell of turkey in the oven and potatoes boiling on the stove, steam on the windows and a mixture of candles burning in the arch way. Some sticks of apple from the tree that went down a few years ago burn brightly in the fireplace. Hot cider with cinnamon sticks clink in mugs and the lights on the tree twinkle. Soft laughter and the cabin is cozy and warm with family. After dinner we all bundle up and pulling sleds we step out onto the ice to fish for a few hours. The silence of the ice is disturbed with the auger blowing blue smoke up into the air. Ice shavings spin off the blades and kids quickly move to the holes to look down into the water. Rigs are set up and pails tipped over. The big blue cooler is open and kids take off mittens to reach for grandma's fudge. The son in law is first to strike with a small perch. His brother in laws quickly shame him into releasing it back down the hole. The grand son catches an even smaller fish and is rewarded with praise on his fishing prowess. No more fish are caught but it is still a successful day on the water.

Back at the cabin the ladies head to the kitchen and the kids return to the toys. Menfolk sit with feet up and watch as kids find ways of using toys for things other then they were intended. Lincoln logs are mixed in with tinker toys to create walls to be attacked by GI Joe's. The wall holds up till the battery powered four wheel drive pickup trucks ram them. Mothers come out of the kitchen to correct their children in the proper way to play. Men encourage the kids to double the Lincoln logs and reinforce the walls with couch cushions. Late supper is served and turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie soon has everyone ready to go to bed. Kids say goodnight and grabbing their new found favorites head to the bedrooms. Moms clear a path and with glasses of wine snuggle with their spouses. Old stories of Christmas past are retold and we all sit in the light of the Christmas tree and the flickering of the fire in the fireplace. With the day coming to a close and with the sound of the grandfathers clock chiming out eleven bells we decide to call it a night. Standing up and stretching I am the first to see the two does walking across the yard between the cabin and the lake ice. They stop and give us a perfect picture as they stand still for a moment and we get to watch them and the moonlight reflecting on the snow covered ice of Lake Iwanttobethere {89,326}

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A balmy plus thirty-six out as I write this. Here at Lake Iwanttobethere it is our turn for some mixed weather. After receiving several snow storms in the past few weeks now we have unseasonably high temperatures today. Just waiting for the other boot to fall as this is all going to freeze as soon as we get cold again which is a given. Last night we had drizzle and I took advantage of it today as I have already cleaned off all the decks of snow and we are right down to the bare wood again. With all the packed snow I was thinking it might be awhile before I saw the deck wood again. Critters will have an easier time of it as soon as this freeze comes back as all the deep snow will have a hard crust on it. The dang gray squirrels are out and have spent the morning raiding the bird feeders. I should run the Dodge down to the car wash and give it a good rinse but I called Earl and he said there was already a line down there.

From my vantage point here at the cabin the ice town looks to be pretty busy. Can make out a lot of colored coats moving between the houses and snowmobiles making the run out past Root Beer island. Smoke coming out of the workshop over at Elmers. Looks like he has a project going on as I can see his snow blower parked out on the drive and the doors are wide open. Bud and Barney are sleeping in the living room, with no presents under the tree they now climb under it to sleep. Boys have taken the grand kids out on the ice to fish and the ladies have all gone into the big city to shop. I guess there are no bad days to shop. Looking a the new years Honey DO List. adding a few things and making sub lists. Just about time to start thinking about doing taxes and books for the Lodge. I like to get a head start on that but today I think I am going to stay here at the cabin and enjoy the peace and quiet. I do have the snowshoes handy and I am thinking a walk on the trail might be in order. With this warm weather if the sun peeks out at all I am sure the grouse will be out. Bud lifts his head and looks at me. Sometimes I swear that dog can read my mind. He must have overheard me thinking about grouse hunting.

Still eating leftovers, Ham and Turkey from the fridge and tins of cookies on the countertop. Rolls are all gone and I do have that on my short list to go to Amy's and pick up some more. I was looking for fudge but that is all gone. Had to dig out the fire pit yesterday and wrapping paper that was to torn to be salvaged was added to the cardboard and burned. A few broken sticks were added and the kids roasted some marshmallows in the coals after the paper was gone. Always something nice about hearing the crackle of an outdoor fire when you are surrounded by snow. Winter does have it's own sets of sounds that you don't hear in the summer. Sitting on the ice and hearing the deep, sharp crack of ice is still unnerving the first few times of a new season. Hearing the wind as it comes across the ice bring swirls of snow with it. The clanking of someone pounding on metal from the other side of the lake just seems to carry in the winter. The ten o'clock freight working it's way around the far side of the lake is always a winter favorite sound.

Well next week will be busy here at the lake, we have the end of the year Lodge meeting, town hall meeting, New Years Eve party. New Lodge members will be sworn in, ice fishing contest. In the next month we will have more ice fishing contests, Ice will need to be harvested for the Ice House, Winter carnival, Beer tasting days. Something else we are working on will be a Luge contest and the ladies of the Lodge are in the planning stage of a big sit down fancy supper. I have to add that on to my list here, another calendar so I can keep track of everything that is going on. Well the sun does not look like it is going to come out but it has gotten a few degrees warmer. I see the grand kids have made it up off the ice and are now busy making a snowman. Well that is something that I can surely help with, I have a long history of making snowmen. Perhaps one in the center of the driveway as a surprise to the ladies when they return from shopping is in order. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. {89,440}

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Happy New Year everyone! Well in a few hours anyway. But then when most of you read this it will be the new year. I am hiding out here at the Lodge in my office. Taking a break from tending bar as it has been a long day. A little after ten here and most of the people are off the ice of Lake Iwanttobethere. Fishing is done for the evening and after today's events a lot have gone home for the night. We still have the fireworks display to be held at Midnight and under the lights we will be having a Luge contest on the Luge run. We will be sending down sliders side by side armed with roman candles so we can track their progress in the dark. We were hoping for a clear night sky but clouds have moved in. Not much of a moon out anyway but with the clouds the temperature has been slowly rising. Of course there are several bon fires going on down on the access and hot cider is being served. There is also some of that bayless stuff mixed in with some cocoa making the rounds.

Lodge meeting and the town hall meeting were both held this week as there were five Mondays and Five Tuesdays this month. Town is in good shape and the Lodge will be introducing several new members. Rather then just lumping their names all together here I will introduce them from time to time. I will make mention that Hunterdown has been made a full Lake Iwanttobethere Lodge member in good standing, and Hunter if you see this you need to settle up with Gus for the round that all new members buy. Sorry that all the members of the Lodge were here and you went over your credit card limit. Been awhile since we all had a drink from the top shelf of the back bar.

A little cool today out on the ice but it was sunny. I know the guys who were out curling had a good time and after the confusion with the guys who wanted to get in a few boccie games in was settled everyone was happy. It might not have been such a good idea putting the horseshoe pit out there so close to the curling, surprising how far them shoes can bounce on ice. Doc Burriem says the one guy should be fine when the swelling goes down. It was just good that there was some Hamms out there that could be applied to the swelling right away. On a dare Frank the plow driver was going to take his grader out on the ice to widen the curling rink. But someone had heard about a front end loader that had gone through the ice on a neighboring lake and we figured the grader weighed as much if not more. We like Frank and don't want him to lose his job so we passed the hat and gave both Frank and the tourist five dollars and called it a draw.

Mabel's Hot House and Sauna has been very busy ever since she dragged a ice house onto the lake that is also a sauna. She is set up just a few doors down from me on Main Street. Kind of disturbing to be in the shack jigging with the door open and see some one like Skinny pretty much buck naked running from the sauna to his shack. Even more disturbing is when Hammering Hank has locked Skinny shack and he has to make the run back to the sauna. If ya didn't see him going, ya sure saw him coming back.

A lot of cross country skiers have been out on the lake also. Taking the trail from the golf course they are making their way on to the snow covered ice and then coming off right below the Lodge. They stop in here to warm up and of course use the rest rooms. The yellow bucket sits near the door and you can hear Gus mumble as he has to mop up behind them as they tend to track a lot of snow in. Well looks like some more people have come in so I better get back out and help Gus. Not having a balloon drop this year at midnight but we did manage to get several dozen intertubes. We have them hanging from the ceiling and that should make things interesting. They being all black you can't see them up there in the rafters. Well you all have a happy New Year and we will see you all here at Lake Iwanttobethere...{89,700}

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Well, I just returned from Senior Camp. As one of my Christmas presents I was given a few days at senior camp here on Lake Iwanttobethere. Having turned 660 months old this past summer I qualified to go. Senior camp is held when the owners feel like it. I was lucky enough to have receive a tip that camp was going to be open for a few days and I jumped on the chance to start off the New Year going to camp. Now I am sure some of you reading this have an idea already about what going to camp is all about. This is not like what your kids or grand kids go to in the summer. No computer camp no leadership camp no boy scouts or girl scouts. No intercity under privilege youth who sold cookies or tins of popcorn door to door. This is senior camp where old fashion values are at a premium and everyone is not a winner. As a matter of fact everyone is a loser. You don't get a letter for your jacket for perfect attendance. No certificates for spelling your name right and they only take cash, no credit cards.

Breakfast is at seven and plates are cleared at seven thirty. Chalkboard in the dinning room has the day's menu on it and you put a check behind what you want to eat. Sounds pretty ruff and nothing you would actually pay to do you say. But.... After breakfast the day is yours. No phone calls are accepted. The computer sits under a 80's plastic dust cover in the corner. Several cigar boxes sit on end tables next to well-worn lazy boy recliners. The chairs are so well used that there is no hesitation when you sit back into them. The leg rest glides out and locks in place and just a little forward motion returns the rest back into it place and the back comes up to let you exit the chair. Snow mobiles with full gas tanks and keys in them are lined up under a awing at the shoreline. You can take a sled and head out to the shanties or if you like someone will drive you out. You can spend the day or an hour out fishing and when you return you can clean your own fish or someone else will do it. If you want them for supper you tell the cook.

No TV but there are recliners facing the lake and if there are no clouds in the sky you can watch the sunset with a cigar in one hand and some warm brandy in the other. Their white sheepdog Merlin will sit by your side and search out your hand so he can get petted behind his ears. When you return to your room nothing has been touched. Your pants are wear you left them on the rug and your slippers are still on the floor of the bathroom. Farting is encouraged and crumbs on the floor are acceptable. Every story told is taken as fact and some interesting hunting and fishing stories are exchanged. Wife's and girlfriends are not allowed but stories of grand kids are. No one tells you to wipe your feet, but you do anyway. You buss your own dishes and it is just as easy to pour your own brandy as it is to wait to have it done. After a few days of this relaxing you find yourself ready to head back home.

So why do they call it senior camp? A good question. I guess because it makes you think you are out on your own when you are really always on your own. It makes you say thank you for things you take for granted and sometimes it is just nice not to have to put gas in the gas tank Guess it also proves to yourself you are not as big a slob as the wife makes you think you are sometimes. After going to senior camp I know now why the wife gets a beauty day from the daughters. Guess there is something to someone else cutting the cucumbers slices to put over your eyes. I missed the snow storm but returned to the cabin in time to do the cleaning up. I would say it is getting old but that is part of living here at Lake Iwanttobethere. One hundred and twenty days out from the beginning of a new open water fishing season. One hundred and twenty days and I'll be chasing Mr. Big again. One hundred and twenty days and shoveling snow and trying to warm up cold fingers on top of the toaster will be nothing but a memory. Senior Camp, hard to beat in the dead of winter. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {90,025}

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From time to time I get asked the question what is the difference between Lake Iwanttobethere and say the lake just down the road from your house. Well really nothing, but sometimes things happen around here that just seem to make Lake Iwanttobethere a tad different. I had an example last night. I was out doing some shopping with the daughter. We went into the big city but decide to eat at a small drive in that stays open year round on our way back.. It is just outside of the lake but close enough that we consider it part of the Lake Iwanttobethere area. Well anyway we had ordered up some burgers and fries and a couple of there double thick double rich malts, which is why we stopped. So we are sitting in the Dodge eating and I see a rabbit hop out of the brush and sit next to the Dodge. I'm thinking to myself that this is just like the city, but we don't have seagulls waiting for handouts we have rabbits. I rolled down the window of the Dodge and tossed a French fry out the window. Sure enough the rabbit with nose twitching found the fry and proceed to eat it like Bugs Bunny and a carrot. So there is a difference here at the lake. We have rabbits instead of sea gulls at our drive in's

Been several days since we have any snow fall here, Temps the past few days have been in the mid twenty's which is almost like a heat wave. Ice town has been busy as people have been down in force on the ice. With shanty doors open during the day shovels are out and banking with the fresh snow is complete. Street lights have been up for awhile as well as the burn barrels along main street. Mabel Sauna and Hot House continues to do a brisk business. Big Earls general store shanty is also a busy place as with the rental of the plastic sleds for the luge run people are coming and going picking up soda and pop. I guess there is another difference here at the lake. We call pop pop but a lot of the tourists who come into fish call it soda. So Earl has a sign stating he has soda and pop for sale. Hammering Hank and Skinny have been busy making wood deliveries and keeping their bins filled. Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop is changing some displays around with an end unit showing off some new top water lures. I think she is looking forward to open water already.

Elmer and Marv have been busy fishing out in the silver fish house. The lights are on late into the night and they are up early as they are among the first having breakfast at the Sundown Cafe every morning. Dug down at the garage has been keeping up with repair work on snow throwers and it has been a good year for snowmobiles. The other day I saw the county trail groomer parked outside. Needed a quick weld job and a cup of coffee. Christmas decorations are nothing but a memory as they have been packed away till next year. Town looks good. The new snow we have been getting keeps the place looking fresh. Banks are getting kind of high along the streets and the county came in along the highway with their big snow thrower and cleaned out the ride share parking area. With the snow cut back you can see the layers of snow and how many snow falls we have gotten. A few weeks ago now we got that warm day and now there is a crust on the snow, add a few more snow falls on top of that and the deer are walking tall. One of my neighbors down the road has a bank of cedars he is trying to protect from the deer and rabbits. He put 6' netting up around the long row of trees. With the snow and new crust the deer and rabbits can now walk right up and chew over the top of the fence. He is not happy.

Lodge has been a steady place. Quite a difference from the summer. We are busy in the summer but it is a different kind of busy. During the winter the door is always open and closing. With the luge just outside the door and cross county skiers coming through to warm up. Add the Lodge members storing fishing equipment in their basement lockers and the pot of chili always on, well we stay busy. After the evenings bite we get people in but by nine or so it is quiet again. In the summer nine would bring in the pontooners tying up at the dock and coming up for a beer and a cigar. The one thing that does not change is the ten o'clock freight weaving its way around the lake.

No Lodge meeting till the end of March so it will be awhile before all the gang is together. I do have to schedule a volunteer fire department meeting for the month. The countdown board for open water fishing needs to be started to. Already halfway through winter, it just seems to go quicker every year. Might be because I am getting older? Maybe I should have saved Senior Camp or maybe I'll just go back again.. From Lake Iwanttobethere {90,172}

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Quiet morning here at the Lodge. I was perched on a well-worn wooden stool at the end of the bar. Just a few steps from my office I had been feeling kind of closed in. With a new year here the desk in the office is covered with paperwork and boxes. Tax season is here and the Lodge books need to be gone over and of course friends and family have been dropping off shoe boxes with taxes needing to be done. So I had moved out to the bar where I could have some elbow room and spread out the papers that I am working on. A couple of clean, empty beer mugs holds down papers from the breeze that comes when the back door to the Lodge is opened. The curved bar top keeps my pencils from rolling off to the floor. The Lodges lap top is open and sitting with a picture of Windy the windmill as its screen saver.

Looking up I saw a couple of guys come in the main door and stamping their feet on the wood floor weave their way through the tables to the fireplace. Tossing hats and mitts on the closest table they briefly stood in front of the fire before one of them turned and walked to the bar. "Howdy" he said " HIYA" I returned. Gus came from the kitchen and asked what he have. He orders up some hot ciders and a platter of wings. Turning to me after Gus went back into the kitchen with the double swinging doors closing behind him he said " You have changed things since I was last here" I just nodded and looked around. He grabbed a bowl of popcorn from the bar top and turned to rejoin his buddy.

I watched him as he sat down facing the fire and looked around the Lodge. Thinking to myself we changed things. What did we change? Crossing my arms I turn on the stool to look at the Lodge. Bar is the same, the well-worn cherry top with the brass kick rail. Square bottom beer mugs so we don't leave round beer rings on the surface. Gus has been here forever. Popcorn machine in the corner, nothing different there. Heavy old tables with the high back wood chairs. Still the same plastic covered menus stuck between the catsup and mustard bottles. Black and silver napkin dispensers and same glass salt and pepper shakers. Old wicker couch in front of the TV heavy drapes pulled back from the deck windows to let in the morning sunshine in. Both fireplaces burning, same wood fireboxes heaped with maple and birch. Maybe the chip rack is what he sees, that is kind of new and the display case with candy bars, but that has always been there, just now it has candy in it. Before it would hold wax worms and an assortment of cigars.

Same yellowed log walls, no new fish hanging on the walls, pictures are the same and the chalkboard with the fishing contest is in its place. I stand up and start to walk around the Lodges main room. Now I am trying to find out what is different. I can't put my finger on it but something is different. He is right, something has changed. I could just go and ask him but I should know my own Lodge. Hurricane lamps are filled with oil and on the fireplace mantel, just in case we lose our power. CB is on its shelf, extra umbrellas sit in the bin by the door. Wood chairs can be seen through the deck windows. Buried under snow they are still there. Ceiling fans are lazily turning over. Ahh the new light bulbs, that must be it, but they are all off. Hmmmm I keep walking, I nod my head at the two guys at the table, I get a return nod from the one as they are fingers deep into their hot wings. I return to the bar and sit back in the stool. Back bar is the same, a few bottles have a little less dust on them since Hunterdown had to buy a round. Cash register is the same, jar of pencils the same. Pickle eggs are in their place and the extra heavy glass ash trays are stacked in their spot. O well, I think to myself the guy is just imagining things.

I am back at work on the paper work trying to figure out how the Lodge went through 700 rolls of toilet paper when the guy came to the bar wanting to pay his bill. Gus comes through the swinging kitchen doors and I waved him off. Coming around the bar I take the money and bill from the bar top and ring it up on the till. Turning with his change I tell him thanks for stopping by. He tells me how they always make a point of coming to the Lodge when they drive through. They gathered their mitts and head for the door. I called out " Wait a sec" when you came in you said we had changed, what has changed? The guy looked at me and pointed at the wicker couch, Elmers couch. " You have the same pillows as my wife" and then he turned and went out the door following his buddy. I looked at the couch and the pillows that Tess had made for Elmer, "O ya" I said to myself. From Lake Iwanttobethere {90,263}

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OK, it's cold out... Even for Lake Iwanttobethere. A cold snap has settled in over the past few days and it will be here for a few more. Has been so cold that people are passed complaining and are now bragging about how cold it is. A minus 30 was recorded this morning and with the wind it felt like minus 50. I myself think anything after minus 20 is just plain cold and it doesn't really matter to much after that. Surprisingly it does not seem to make to much difference here at the lake. There are a few more trucks running out in the parking lot and we have been having a run on hot cider with a cinnamon stick at the Lodge. Car wash is closed but will reopen as soon as they get the door unfrozen from the floor. The morning smell of bread from Amy's bakery hangs heavy in the air and stays longer. The good thing about a cold snap like this is the days are filled with sunshine. No snow in the forecast and Sunshine Ray is about beaming as he walks around town.

Of course you should allow for the cold but we still have people out cross country skiing. They come into the Lodge and have to sit by the fire for a while before the frost loosen up from around their scarfs and they can get then undone. Gus has been taking the hats and mittens and tossing them in the Lodges dryer. When the skiers have warmed up they can slip on the dry mitts and without a second thought they head back out on to the trail. Gus just shakes his head and talks about city folk under his breath. Bud and Barney rode down to the Lodge with me today. After a brief stop in the bushes they both came in the Lodge and have not moved from their spaces in front of the fireplace. Even Elmer is taking a snooze on the wicker couch in front of the TV. Marv had to run into the big city and Elmer told him he had Lodge work to do. Lunch crowd has pretty much returned to work and the smell of conies and chili still hangs in the air. I had a few conies myself and since I was not going to be doing any driving I had a nice chilled Hamms. The frosty mug made more than a few guys shiver when they came in the door.

From our vantage point here at the Lodge we can look down on the ice and the shanty town. Not to much movement but you can see the tell tale curl of smoke coming out of several shacks. With the sun up high in the sky it gives the impression it is nice out but the thermometer still is holding at minus five. The talk on the CB is not so much of any fish being caught but of stories starting off with "I remember when it was so cold that......" Lucky for us Elmer is sleeping or we would have heard some of his old trapper stories of his overnights with nothing but a knife and a deer hide. I for one am in a comfortable position. Standing in front of the deck doors, the warm sunshine beaming in and the heat of the fireplace at my back. A full belly of conies just starting to digest and a few burps allowing me to enjoy the conies a second time for free.

One of those morning where Earl is not standing at the front door to the General Store. He is inside and is wearing not one but two bibs, hospital style. One covering his front and the other his rear. He is not moving to far from the heat off the urn of free coffee on one side and the popcorn popper on the other. Junior is on the ice at the shanty store and until he calls in saying the fish are biting Big Earl will stay at the store. The sale cart is parked just inside the door and today it has electric heaters and sleeping bags stacked on it. The box of hand warmers on the counter is half empty as there has been brisk sales of the little plastic packages. Down at Ma and Pa's grocery Ma is huddle under her hand kitten shawl behind the counter. An electric heater is on at her feet and the small TV on the rear counter is turned into her afternoon soap. Pa is back behind the butcher counter slicing up some ham, you can hear the whine of the cutter as it slices. The bell over the door makes a muffle jingle sound, I think it has frozen.

When the sun starts to set the Town of Lake Iwanttobethere will grow quiet, Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather both agree that tonight will be the coldest night of the winter and then it will warm up. As soon as that sun dips behind the hill a few extra logs will find their way to fireplaces and people will turn in a little earlier tonight. A few hardy souls will still be out on the ice. The CB will be on in the Lodge till the wee hours of the morning, just in case someone needs help out on the ice. Even after hours there always is someone at the Lodge. Late night card games are quite common this time of year here. Frank the plow driver will make a pass through the Lodges drive and stop in to fill his coffee cup. Mark the mailman will be in a little while later as will the garbage man. Tim the sheriff will check in to see if the night went well on the ice and Gus will roll in around eight to turn on the grill. Some chatter on the CB of crappies going on the bite. A few guys fill their thermoses and head out on the ice. I think I'll man the CB and stay warm tonight. From Lake Iwanttobethere {90,491}

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HIYA from the hard water at Lake Iwanttobethere. After a little overnight snow the sun has been peeking in and out of the low cloud cover. Bass thermometer on the Lodge wall reads a balmy 16 above zero! Taking a break here at the Lodge, ice fishing contest going on here at the lake. I guess I forgot to make a note about that but there still may be time for some of you to make it to the lake. Of course the fewer people here increases the odds that I might win something so maybe I did that on purpose, forgetting to say anything. Lot of activity going on the ice as you can imagine. Access has several trailers parked neatly along the snow bank and sleds and atv's are running back and forth across the snow and ice. Bon fires going back on shore and the smell from the mini donuts trailer is everywhere. My shack is open and the grand kids and their dads are manning the holes. Several holes are just outside the door and the kids are having fun. We ran out of minnows the first hour, not because fishing was good it was just that #1 grandson decided the minnows needed more water and dumped them in one of the holes. We did scoop some back out but I am afraid the rest are in trouble. Fishing around us did seem to pick up there for a while.

Some kids are playing football and another group stands listening to music from a boom box watching their tip up's. When a flag goes they all make a mad race for the flag and first one there gets to claim the fish. As the day goes on the it takes longer to get to the flag, might be the beer or they are getting tired. Even though it is in the teens it is still a little cool out if you are not dressed right. Much better then the minus teens we have been having but care must still be taken. More than a few grills are out on the ice and brats and cans of beans are slow cooked over them. The more serious cooking fires are on shore and people are making their way from fire to fire chatting and staying warm. Hank and Skinny have brought in a truck load of hay bales from McDonnell's farm. The contest weigh in station is behind the bales. The bales are stacked high and a blue tarp flaps in the wind overhead. A long card table holds a coffee urn and another has hot cocoa. The chalk board from the lodge holds the score of fish caught so far. As a fish is taken to the station to be weighed eyes follow. The fish hits the scales and then you can hear the click of the bull horn and the weight is announced across the ice. Cheers can be heard for anything over a pound and pats on the back or cat calls are delivered to the lucky fishermen or woman on his or her trip back to there hole. If it is a decent fish you can see movement in the ranks as fishermen will move a little closer to the hole and the sound and smell of augers will fill the air for a few minutes. Quiet will then return till the next fish caught and weighed is announced.

Down on the ice Big Earl has his shack open and business is good, the door at the Masterbaiters shop has the sunlight reflecting off it as it opens and closes with customers. Standing out on the ice you can see the flash and just make out the customers as they walk in and out. Windy the windmill is slowly turning over and a few of the locals are using the windmill and the water tower to mark up their spots on the ice. I have seen a few tourists coming in and using them hand held GP'S units. Dragging there sleds out to the point off Root Beer Island. Last year that was a hot spot with the new brush piles that were put down. Little do they know that the piles were tangled up in Weird Willie's nets and pulled off into deeper water late last fall. We are not going to say anything as the more entry fees, the bigger the pot.

Lots of people are not even fishing just glad to be out for the afternoon. Some are skating and a few are even tossing the horseshoes over in the pit. We have banked the snow up there higher so we don't have any more accidents. Doc Burriem is here, sitting on the wicker couch at the Lodge. Just in case we need him. Has a cute young gal with him who everyone is wondering who she is. He mumbled something at the Lodge meeting about needing an assistant, we are thinking this may be her. Skinny is trying to get up the nerve to go and talk to her but says he needs an aliment of some kind to break the ice with her. The guys are busy at the bar offering up suggestions, most of which I can't repeat. Well I am going to be back heading down on the ice. I see Hammering Hank just came up from the ice with a load of plastic sleds. I am going to take the luge down and save myself the walk. I have enough clothes on that if I flip I will be well padded. Hope to see ya on the ice here at Lake Iwanttobethere {90,555}

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We lost a dog this afternoon to diabetes. We knew it was coming but always hard to prepare yourself for a loss of what has become a family member. Stories from Lake Iwanttobethere always have had a little truth in them. Some stories are certainly embellished but most of the exploits of the dog known as Pepper were true. One of the nice things about Lake Iwanttobethere is that the dog known as Pepper will live on here. There are still stories to be told about her and she will still make that run over to Elmers cabin and will still chase rabbits and bark at them pesky grays squirrels. I hope when you read these stories that your dog is close enough for you to reach and pet between the ears and when they bark and want your attention you stop and give it to them. They deserve as much love from you as they give to you.

It may take me awhile but Pepper will get a story of her own, she deserves that. Bobby

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HiYA from Lake Iwanttobethere. Well it is official, Pepper has moved in with Elmer. The other day Elmer came and picked up Peppers food bowl and with Pepper at his side they took the trail over to his cabin. Elmer has been dog less for years but Pepper has always sought him out when he is outside. Since she spends more time over there then here it was time for Elmer to pay for her dog food. Elmer did not put up to much of an argument and calling Pepper Anne by her full name they officially became a couple.

With a few warm days here the pesky Gray squirrels are back out and Pepper went right to work, running around the cabin and barking away. When Mark the mailman came by Pepper raced the length of the drive and barked away at him. Mark drove up and brought me my mail and started complaining about Pepper, I just pointed to Elmers cabin and told him you have to go talk to the owner. Chuckling away I went back to smoking my cigar on the deck and watched Pepper run around Elmers cabin in hot pursuit of a squirrel on the ground.

Bud and Barney came out to enjoy the warm day as the Bass thermometer was just pointing at the thrifty two degree mark. If the sun was out we would have some dripping water off the roofs but it is a cloudy day. Sitting on the dry spot on the deck the two dogs watched as Pepper made another circuit around Elmers cabin. For a minute there I thought they were expressing some interest but then they both just laid down on the deck and with head on paws watched. Following a smoke ring as the slight breeze caught it I looked back at the boys and thought to myself now that I am back down to two dogs it might be time to start looking for that new pup. Been thinking about picking up a chocolate lab and have Bud and Barney help train him or her for me. The boys are both going to be nine here soon and they should enjoy some retirement time here on the deck with me. Besides I own the two best fishing and hunting dogs here at Lake Iwanttobethere, what better teachers!

Looking out over the frozen waters of the lake I am thinking I should get to work on the Honey Do List. Got several projects going on in the cabin and keeping me busy during the dead of the winter is something the wife is very good at. We are about seven or eight paychecks from open water, makes it seem shorter than counting days. Only about three paydays away from starting seeds in the greenhouse. The heavy catalogs have been making Mark the mailman days a little longer and harder. Talking to him he said he has noticed a drop off in junk mail that he must deliver. Seems the economy has affected the junk mail that is being sent out. Of course the fishing catalogs are also starting to come out but that is always a good sign of summer coming.

I am interrupted in my thoughts by the flash of brown as Pepper Anne bust through the brush and runs across the yard. With a well practice bound she clears the steps and lands on the deck. Going over to Bud and Barney she drops two milk bones to the deck, gives a bark and jumps off the deck and fly's back across the yard. I can hear Elmers voice calling her by name. Bud and Barney look at me with the what was that all about look and then pick up the milk bones. They head to the deck door and wait for me to open it, I do. Pepper disappears and I smile, she is home.

These thoughts are for Pepper and my good friend Elmer, both are gone but they both live on here at Lake Iwanttobethere.


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Well a sign of spring today here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I was driving out by the car wash and I about lost the Jeep in a pothole, wishful thinking on my part perhaps, but spring is just down the road. I was down by the car wash because I had just come from the grand opening of Marv's new bookstore/smoke shop and craft store. Since Marv has moved here he has been working a deal on the hush hush with Reed the Realtor to buy the old Woolworth's building that has been vacant for many years. The Gentleness club is housed on one end but they are only open in the summer months and on the other side Marvs daughter and Hammering Hank's wife Tess has her decorations shop. In between the building space has been vacant ever since the Cheeze Whiz house of crackers closed up and the Anything on a Stick store dried up.

With some quiet fan fair Marv open his shop this morning. He knocked the wall down into Tess's shop and that has given her more room to spread out from her shop and a bigger work area for Hammering Hank. Marv noticed on his trips to the lake that we only have a bookmobile come in once a week and decide he would help out the town by starting up a bookstore. Of course he can't have his own library but it is a good start as he has his collection on several bookcases that Hammering Hank and Skinny have built. Also he has order just a ton of magazines. He now has a bigger collection then Bart at the barbershop does. So here is the deal, you can come into Marv's and pour yourself some coffee, enjoy his magazines and browse his bookshelves. He has a couple of computers set up so you can even get on the Internet. Near the windows he has several couches with a view of the car wash that you can sit and smoke a cigar if you like. He has several display cases with cigars from around the world and he has a story for just about every cigar in the case. He has another display case with a wide selection of jerky in it. Even some of that hard to find turkey jerky and the even harder Goose jerky.

Elmer, who always has been a big reader is a silent partner in the venture. When I was there Elmer was busy emptying boxes of paperbacks from his cabin and placing them in some metal paperback racks. He was stamping them with a big rubber stamp that said "Stolen from Marv's " Pepper Anne was busy looking through the old cardboard boxes for any mice that might have made the trip. The books are for sale and you are just asked to place a donation in the old fishing creel on the main counter. If there is a bookmark you are asked to please wait for whoever is reading the book to finish it. Another wood bin is by the door if you want to donate books. There is even a section to donate old vhs tapes and a TV is set up where some "How to Fish" tapes are playing. In the background you can hear someone calling out "SON "on the TV.

I did a little browsing and found myself looking over an old lure making book and before I knew it I had lost an hour. Pepper Anne came over and laid next to me, head in my lap as I sat on one of the couches. I got a few ideas from the book and stuck a book mark between the pages so it can't get sold. I waved at Elmer and went back out to the jeep just as Big Earl was heading in with some books under his arm. I think Marv and Elmer might have found a place to hang their hats, from Lake Iwanttobethere {90,840}

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Finally a little dusting of snow here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Things were looking pretty dirty around town as it has been nearly three weeks since we have gotten a decent snowfall. Here at the Lodge we decide to get a group of members together and with shovels and brooms did a proper cleaning of the decks and pathways. Hammering Hank even got the leaf blower out and got the snow out from between the railings. The big ice storage building was open and the few cakes of ice that were left were dragged outside. Like honey to bees it did not take long for D.T.'s dog Grace to show up and start dragging ice away. Bailiff was with her and he just found a spot under the pine tree and with head on paws watched the cleaning. With brooms and shovels the old sawdust was removed and bagged and then hauled down to the fire rings at the access. It will be used to start fires with and for those who want to take the time it will be added to fires and slowed burned up. Skinny brought in a new truck load of sawdust from the sawmill and that was moved by wheelbarrow to the bin inside the building. A few more weeks here and we will have the ice harvest out in the bay, When last checked the ice was a little better then twenty-four inches thick.

During this time Elmer sat on the wicker couch watching his afternoon soap operas. When I asked him why he was not down at Marv's he told me that was work and you don't mix work with relaxation. Only place to relax was here at the Lodge, so can't be doing no work when you are relaxing at the Lodge. Makes sense to me, I guess. I was at the Lodge because I was hiding out from the wife. On her Honey Do List was to repaint the cabin kitchen, an easy project. But now it has grown to remodeling the kitchen to look like a galley that she saw on one of them decorating shows when she was in the city visiting her sister. Lucky for us here at the lake we don't get them channels, But when she goes into the city she comes back with all these ideas. Since the shows are only a half hour long she figures I can duplicate it in an afternoon. Well let me tell you, paint takes longer to dry in the real world then on TV. So I told her I will have to do a lot of running into the general store and the lumber yard because I just don't have everything that is needed on hand. That worked the first few days but when I left her alone she just kept adding ideas to the Project as it is now called. Last night supper was made on the BBQ on the deck. As the stove was out of action and moved to the other side of the kitchen. As they say marriage is a compromise and when it comes to the kitchen we are fine just as long as I get the last word in on a decision. To bad that is usually " Yes Dear " o wait that is two words.

I do have to make a few more cabinets for the Project so that means some shop time for me. Weather is not as cold as it was but still chilly during the day. The potbelly stove is trying to keep up and warm the wood shop. Been doing some cleaning in there as I have wood up in the rafters saved for projects that either have been done or forgotten. They get cut up into small enough pieces that can be burned in the wood shop stove or packed into the milk crate to be hauled out to the ice shanty, New base cabinets are put together and now door fronts need to be made, The base cabinet sides are held together with glue clamps and I can stall for time there begging off any other work as I wait for the glue to dry. Kind of nice just feeding the fire and making smoke rings with my cigar while the glue dries, almost as much fun as watching paint dry! I am looking forward to staining everything and waiting for that to dry.

Fishing has been slow out on the ice or no one is talking. A few houses have been moved since the fling but mostly everyone seems to be happy where they are. No reports of any problems on the ice and Sheriff Tim has been spending a fair amount of time in his shanty. The lights are on late into the night out at Marv's silver shack, Don't know how much fishing is going on out there. Always seems to be a lot of people stopping out at the Johnson brothers place. I think they are still offering free samples of their brew. DT is out by his shack a lot, mostly fishing tip up's and he has landed a few decent northerns. I think he has a little hot spot out that way. Chuck my neighbor has been working in the evenings in the garage, He's getting ready for another season of Maple syrup cooking, not all that far away. Already the end of January and I am hoping the cold weather is about done, I can sure use some deck weather. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Well here we are the first silent Sunday in February and I am working the bar at the Lodge. A quiet morning so far in the Lodge but not outside. Already the Bass thermometer hanging out on the deck wall is showing it is thirty-three out and with just a few clouds in the sky the sun is shinning brightly and being reflected off the snow. A few guys are sitting on the now very clean and very dry deck out of the wind. It was a good idea to do that clean up the other day as what little snow was on the deck has melted. Not much snow on the roof on this side of the Lodge and what is there is melting and running down to drip off the eves. A nice sound, that of dripping water here on the first day of February. Today has promise to be as nice as yesterday was. Although the day started with heavy cloud cover it was calm out and the sun burned through around midday and by three in the afternoon it was forty-five out, in the shade.

A long line at the car wash as we can see it here from the deck. The spotting scope that we use to track houses during the ice house fling is set up on its tripod and out on the deck. Normally the scope is just out on the deck in the summer time or in early spring when the leaves are off the tree and we have a straight shot looking across the lake at the John Deere painted cabin that is home to some nudist Today it is pointed down at the ice of Lake Iwanttobethere as just about every shack door is open. Tip ups seem to be scattered everywhere and from time to time you can make out someone making a dash to a red flag. A few ATV's are out with their dozer blades and they are working on pushing back that last little snowfall we got and cleaning up the walkways and side roads of the ice town.

The Luge run is busy, seems every few minutes we can hear someone screaming as they take off down the hill. The screams get a less loud as they hit the ice and get out of ear shot. A foolish few tourist came and trying to save money they did not rent a plastic sled from us here at the Lodge but unloaded an old wood toboggan. The six of them then loaded themselves onto it with legs wrapped around the person in front of them. They then eased their way off the lip of the Luge run and I think maybe it took about five seconds to realize this was not such a good idea. The driver, either from a planed escape, or he just fell off rolled off the front of the toboggan. The now driver less toboggan hurled its way down the luge run gaining speed. Of course Hammering Hank and Skinny has built the Luge run and banked its side walls for two man plastic sleds weighing in at around five hundred pounds. I would guess there was better then a thousand pounds on a waxed unguided missile hurling down the hill. The guys on the deck seeing this stood at the rail to gain a better view. The toboggan several times ran up to the very top of the run in some of the down hill corners. We being the concern people that we are quickly placed wagers on if the riders were going to make it to the lake ice or be flipped out over the sides of the course. Well they did make it to the ice but they took some huge air when then hit the ridge that is the start of the lake ice and the end of the hill. This is where separation took place, they were so busy holding on to each other that no one was holding on to the toboggan. The riders as one rose in the air as the toboggan flew out from under them to make a graceful landing onto the ice and continue across it. The riders, as one crashed to the ice with a sound that made most everyone on the ice look back at their direction. I know I winced at the impact and I was no where close.

About this time the driver who had fallen off at the top of the run made his way down the hill on his back. Not nearly going as fast his friends he was still making good time when he hit the bottom of the hill and went airborne to land on his buddies. Kind of looked something like a bowling ball shot as he scattered his friends when he landed on top of them. One of the guys on an ATV retrieved their toboggan and brought it back to them. They made their way back up the slope but did not take a second ride down the Luge. I can see them all here from the deck, sitting at a picnic table in the sun passing a bottle of Wild Turkey back and forth and holding and rubbing different parts of their bodies. Just a few more visitors to Lake Iwanttobethere with a lasting memory. From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,075)

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I think I saw a robin today, well maybe not. I was in and out of the wood shop staining the wife's new kitchen cabinets and it might have been the fumes that made me see that bird that might have been a robin. Getting to be that tricky time of the year when if you look out the window at the sun shinning you are fooled in dashing outside in just a tee shirt and your bedroom slippers. A few steps out on the deck and that wind hits ya off the lake and reminds you that it is still winter out. While I was in the shop working today I had a feeling that I was being watched from time to time. I did peek over my shoulder a few times expecting to see either Elmer or Chuck standing in the doorway. When I was in the kitchen checking some measurements the wife asked me how long the squirrel has been living in the wood shop. She was standing at the glass deck door coffee mug in both hands tilting her head towards the outside. Coming up behind her I was just in time to see a rather fat gray squirrel come out from the wood shop eve and jump to the fence. Watching the squirrel run across the fence tops I felt for my coat on the wall rack. Grabbing my coat I went out the door in the direction of the fence but did not go too far before breaking through the crusted snow. To much snow on that side of the shop for a closer inspection so I had to just stand and search the tree tops for the culprit. I guess Peppers battle with the squirrels has just added another warrior.

Kitchen remodeling is moving along just fine, so far. Wife keeps adding things she wants done and I keep saying yes. Of course I seem to have forgotten some of the things that I am suppose to be doing and my excuse is that she just keeps changing her mind. Rather then argue with her I just say yes we can do that and then forget to do them. I watched my daughter do that to her husband, my son in law and it works well for her so I thought I would try it on the wife. So far so good. However I have argued on a few things with her and then grudging gave in. Good thing she does not read this because I really agreed with her. Just can't let her find out. Boat show in the big city here in a few weeks and I am thinking some improvements need to be done to the Puddle Humper. With all of this work being done on her kitchen I should be good to go on some purchases, more on that later.

Ten inches of snow fell on the far side of the lake the other night. Not a flake here so that makes it almost six weeks since we had any real snow. Not complaining, at least not too hard. I like the shovel leaning up against the door and the snow blower will last that much longer. The Puddle Humper has been calling my name from time to time. When I walk by I give it a little pat on the side to let her know that I am thinking about her. I even have the clip board by the door with a do list started. Inside I have a few tackle boxes out and when I get a chance I will start to do an inventory. I learned my lesson last year as I thought I was running low on spinner baits and every time I was down by the Masterbaiters shop I would go in and chat with the owner Vicki and buy a few lures. Come spring I did inventory and got all my little bags out of their hiding places and found out I had bought over fifty spinner baits! Pretty sure I am good on spinner baits this year. Now I just got to check on them floating worms, seems I bought a few bags of those this winter already. Well I better get back to making noise in the shop so the wife thinks I am still working on her project. From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,161}

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There's a storm coming! Well at least that is what I heard. I was having breakfast at the Sundown Cafe this morning and Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather were in a corner booth. They had some maps spread out and were going over wind charts and checking graphs in a book. I am not a weatherman, I mostly just go out on the deck and look skyward. I feel for the wind on my face and check the surface of the water and then look across the lake to see if any dark clouds are coming and in about five seconds or so I make my forecast. Is it a good day for fishing or do I need to hide out in the wood shop. Sometimes I also take in effect the gray squirrels and if there are dragon flies buzzing me. Winter time I have to rely on Sunny and Stormy and they could not agree with each other right now. Stormy had a stack of flapjacks on one side of her plate and was pouring Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup in a pool in front of them. I think the flapjacks are the hillside here at Lake Iwanttobethere and the syrup is the water, or in our case the ice. She was making a point in her forecast as Sunshine Ray was attacking the pancake shoreline with his fork What I got out of it was that the temperature was going to stay right around the freezing mark and we are going to have rain. This time of the year that makes for an ice storm and it sounds like, between the clicking of forks on breakfast plates that we might be in for some serious weather.

I paid for my breakfast and with the free complementary toothpick stepped out on to the sidewalk. Sunshine greeted me and juts a slight breeze. Not a cloud in the sky and looking out at the frozen waters of the Lake there was nothing that I could see that would indicate the pending storm. Wilbur drove by and tapped his horn and I gave a wave as he went by. Setting off in the direction of Marv's bookshop there was a little chill in the air. Hard time to predict the weather this time of year. Still is winter but we are on the back side of it now. A lot of good ice on the lake and the bite seems to have been getting better right at sundown. Adding a few minutes to every day and nice to be out in the light at five in the evening. Hard to believe that in a little over four months we will be able to be fishing top water in a setting sun at nine at night. With that thought I pulled my collar up around my ears a little as a small breeze coming off the lake caught me with a little chill.

Been a few weeks since Marv and Elmer have open the bookstore. More shelves are in and more books are stacked on them. I enter the door and hang my coat on a recently donated coat rack. One of the old free standing ones with the curved metal hooks at the top. I put my coat opposite of the one already on the rack to keep it balanced. I hear the scratching of nails on the hardwood floor and turn just in time to be greeted by the wagging tail of Pepper as she rubs up next to me to be petted. I reach in my back pocket and pull out the milk bone that she all ready knows I have. She takes the bone and then turns to head back to her overstuff pillow on the floor by the smoking section. Elmer sitting on a couch reading the Sunday paper looks over the top of the sports section and gives me a nod of his head. Marv with the outdoors section is standing or I should say leaning on the display case housing the cigars. His mouth is wrapped around a stogie and a small curl of smoke drifts upward from his mouth. He to gives me a nod of his head and I return the same.

Making my way over to the hard bound books I find the one on lure making and take it to an overstuff chair with a view of the car wash. Busy for a Sunday there is a line of trucks that are going in white and salt covered and coming out in blues and reds and greens on the other end. The sunshine poring through the window feels good and the old chair seems to fit my body like it was made for it. Well maybe because it is a chair I donated and it does fit me. Don't need much of a reason to take a nap and since it is silent Sunday and I am in a bookstore no one should disturb me. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good Sunday. {91,280}

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Lake Iwanttobethere ice storm of the century.... Did not happen. After all of Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray work, mother nature threw in some warmer then expected temperatures and we receive rain. Been drizzling now for the past two days. In town here it is not bad but out in the country the rain on the snow covered dirt roads has made them slick. There has been some ice there, enough to sneak up on you if you are not careful when walking down to the mailbox. The Lodge parking lot is clear of snow but the runoff has signaled the demise of the luge. The Johnson brothers being the Johnson brothers were the last to go down the luge doing it in a canoe. Which was a good choice as there was standing water where the luge dumps out onto the lake. Several houses have been removed from the lake and are at the access waiting to be either taken home or dragged back out on the ice again. Right now it does not look to promising.

Last night for several hours the town was without power. The Lodge was still bright as Windy the windmill was doing her thing and there was a lot of credit being taken by Lodge members over the installation. Funny I don't remember to many guys out there cutting and clearing the brush and prepping the site but that is the way projects are remembered when they work. We did test our siren, so we got that out of the way. Hammering Hank drew the short straw and had to climb up on the wet roof and turn the hand crank. Of course the first time up he dropped the crank and if had not been tied by a rope to his ankle it would have fallen all the way to the ground. As it was it jammed itself in the rain gutter and that was a good thing because as Hank was making his way down the slippery roof he slid right off and the rope and the jammed crank stopped his fall just before he would have hit the snow. With the ladder moved to that side of the Lodge and some help he was soon free of the rope and the crank was retrieved and a second attempt was made to reach the siren. It was a good thing to that it took two tries as we could not find the box with the ear plugs in it. We ended up cutting pickle eggs from the jar on the bar top and sticking them in our ears. Surprising they worked quit well, a little messy but better than having a ringing in your ear or ears.

Gus has been busy working on his menu for the Saturday night Lodge Valentines dinner. Just a few nights away and already we have all of our tables booked. Tablecloths are at Tess's for mending and washing and the box of decorations has been found and along with the candles are ready to be put out. Yesterday along with our order of Coney buns from Amy's we also got some free samples of some heart shaped rolled she is making for the dinner. A nice touch. By the way I think Amy's is the only bakery that makes buns in packages of eight, which when you buy hot dogs in eight packs actually makes sense. Del's Pizza and Sub shop has been having a special on their heart shaped Pizza's with extra extra sauce. I was told today that if the weather stays mild he might be able to fire off orders with the Pizza cannon to the ice houses on Saturday night. Earl at General Store has changed the cart outside from salt and ice picks to boxes of candy and flower arrangements. Even the window over at Ma and Pa's Grocery has a Valentine ham in the window. Funny how winter is slipping away quickly here. Already halfway through February and the tax season.

Back at the cabin, the Project is continuing. Bought one of them new style microwaves that you hang over the stove and they have a built in fan in them. Installation was pretty easy after rebuilding the upper cabinet so it would have someplace for the microwave to bolt into. There was slight problem with a mounting screw that might have nicked a power line in the cabin wall. Seems the circuit breaker kept tripping until I remove the said screw. Was working fine till I came home last night and there was no power in the cabin. Wife was blaming me and my installation. I thought I was going to have to do some major wall removing till I noticed no lights on at either Elmers or Chucks. Just a power failure, we lit some candles and watched a dark Lake Iwanttobethere. A few hours later the power came back on and the dogs Buddy and Barney got out from under the covers and we went back to working in the kitchen. I made a mental note to buy some more candles and that with a nice box of chocolates from the General Store and I will have Valentines Day covered. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. {91,351}

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Well the Lodge is humming, seems the ladies are making a big deal out of this Lodge Valentines Day dinner that we have on the schedule for tonight. It now has become a dinner dance as the fabulous fine fiddle fingers of Fiona and Fred Fiddle will be making their way around the Lodges main room fiddling for our patrons. I thought they would all be just Lodge members but now they are being referred to as patrons and we have to treat them better than Lodge members. Gus was told that he can't carry more then five drinks at a time by sticking his fingers in the beer mugs and that he is suppose to write everyone a check, not just ask if they want it added to their tab. Table cloths cover all the beer rings on the tables and we have candles and flower arrangements. Even have a non smoking area with some red rope being held up by brass holders that were borrowed from the old closed movie theater. They were put in storage here in the Lodge basement and Tess found then while she was looking for extra table cloths. With the lights down low and with some soft music playing in the background you won't even hear the other patrons licking the hot wing sauce from their fingers. It might even look kind of romantic, I think we can get an extra five dollars for them tables.

Typical mid February weather, overcast with the sun coming out from time to time. Light dusting of snow over night but not enough to even leave a track in. Some ice houses went back out on the lake and the slush has froze again. A few guys had water inside but working as a crew several guys made the rounds and houses were chopped out of ice and lifted up. Some were moved to better locations and today it looks like a regular day on the ice. Smoke curling up from a few houses and chairs are sitting outside of open doors as guys watch tip ups while sitting out of the light breeze. Luge has a few gapping holes in it and Earl has collected all the plastic sleds and has them for sale at a discounted price. Barney the dog has a following as yesterday he was at three different shacks and as soon as he came in the fishermen were on to the crappies. Barney has a knack of being able to follow the crappie school as it moves around the lake. A group of guys are following him around the ice town this morning and every time he stops someone drills a hole and drops a line.

Wife is working today so no need for me to go into town and hide out at all. Been doing some work on the Project and it is coming right along. Wife has given up on adding more ideas so I am adding a few of my own. Relocating chips in a cabinet so they are closer to the Hamms in the fridge. Adjusted the shelves in the wine rack to hold the Wild Turkey bottle. Grand kids candy jars are lower to, otherwise they are just going to climb the shelves. Wood box with the wiping rags are at the back door so we can have them handy to take care of Bud and Barneys wet paws. I over heard Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray talking about we are over the bad stuff and any snow we get now is going to be the heavy wet stuff. Won't be long now and the sun will work on them snow banks and we will start to see some bare ground under the pine trees. The rain we got did clean things up some. The greenhouse is clear of snow and it won't be long till I have to go out and start cleaning things up inside. I can't say it has been a long winter it really seems to have moved quickly this year.

Boat show in town this next week so I will make the drive into town and spend a few hours looking over some rigs and picking up brochures for hunting and fishing camps. I will get in free because Lake Iwanttobethere will have a booth. I will be there handing out town literature and answering questions. You are welcome to stop by and look at our fishing books and maybe sign up to stay at one of our resorts. Will even give ya directions to the Lodge and tell ya the code for a free car wash at the car wash. Well time to put another coat of stain down on some trim, have to keep it wet so when the wife comes home I can point to it and tell her I can't do nothing till it dries! From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,440}

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Black Snow.... Had to go into the big city yesterday for a funeral and I notice the city is covered in nothing but Black Snow. Black snow or dirty snow what ever you want to call it is along the main streets and side streets. I guess it is from them city graders pushing up the snow onto the sidewalks and now that it is melting all that is left is dirt on top of the snow. With the sun staying out longer the dirt warms up and melts more snow underneath it causing the banks to get smaller and just dirtier. I noticed the chain gang as I refer to the day care kids all walking in a line side by side holding on to their rope can now be seen over the tops of the slowing melting banks. I saw another group of harden kids, More like four year olds with a handler at the front and another at the rear of the rope line. Unlike the young kids these guys were pulling at their rope and were all over the place. Some lighter jackets were being worn and I even saw some hair peeking out from hats. Another sign that winter is losing its grip and spring is coming. Now that I think of it I even saw a few puddles of water from snow melt.

Boat show in town starting tomorrow so I will make it down there and hook up with a friend. He is in the market for a newer camper so we will spend some time kicking tires and looking at things we can't afford. I am sure we will hang over the sides of a few boats and run into people that we have not seen for a while. Buy a warm beer and watch the young fishermen work tired old flies on short rods at the Trout tank. The gurgling of water and seeing some fish swim that are bigger then minnows will do nothing to push back that feeling we get this time of the year. Cabin fever will start affecting everyone here soon.

Come Friday we will be on the ice of Lake Iwanttobethere for the annual ice block harvest, should take a few days and we will have the ice house fully loaded with ice blocks for all the Lodges events for the upcoming year. From our test drilling the ice is clear and thick and we should not have any problems. I have order an extra keg of Hamms and it is already resting in the ice house on the core samples that we have taken. This year we moved it closer to the door so it won't be misplaced like last year. No one wants to go through them beer brain freezes when you drink beer that is too cold.

Valentine's dinner was a huge success! I think we even made some money off it. Nothin happen out of the ordinary that night other then Gus's truck was stolen from the parking lot. Sheriff Tim found it right away on the road leading to the freeway. It was out of gas. Not surprising as Gus only puts a dollars worth in a time and he was due to get gas that day but had forgotten to stop at the Gas-N-Go We don't have any idea who took the truck but nothing was missing and actually Gus told me he came out ahead as someone left a pack of smokes on the seat. Hank took Gus to his truck along with a five gallon can of gas. After some priming they got it running and brought it back to the Lodge. Gus now has enough gas in the truck now for several days. Using the stick he keeps under the seat he slides it into the tank through the fill pipe. Pulling it out and checking the wet spot he has enough for five days now. Along with the free smokes he is good to go. Guess the gas gage is stuck on full, might be why the thief selected Gus's truck. Yup, even Lake Iwanttobethere has crime. Our first auto theft in hmmmm twenty-two years. A regular crime wave going on here.

Well, Earl at the General store has his rack sitting outside the door. Some good discounts on flowers and box heart shaped candies. Even has a lawn mower out with last years "Last One" tag fluttering in the breeze. Few ice fishing poles standing upright with red tags on them and plastic sleds are stacked along the wall. Already green decorations are showing up in shop windows as Saint Patty's day is coming. We make a note of that because it of course means green beer and there is always some left over for Lodge members in the know. Well, I hope your day is going well, fishing has been decent at sunset and a few more houses are off the ice. Already mid February and Vicki at the shop is starting to change around some of her displays. I even saw some smelting hoop nets outside her door the other day. From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,532}

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One week out from the end of February, where did the month go? Looking forward to a lazy day here at the Lodge. Sun streaming in through the deck door over looking the ice on the lake and the crackling of fire can be heard in the fireplace. Friday and Saturday we harvested our ice for the rest of the season. The ice house is now filled to the rafters and we have all the ice cutting tools back in storage in the Lodges garage. The weather was perfect for the harvest as it was in the twenties with some sun peaking through the low clouds from time to time. Using McDonnell's mules and wagon we loaded up the ice blocks and brought them up to the ice shed where they were sorted and manhandled into position. The smell of clean saw dust was heavy in the air as they were stacked and covered in the sawdust. Hard work no doubt and the keg of Hamms by the door was in demand. Several different crews worked on the project, from laying out cutting lines down on the ice to actually cutting to hauling ice out from the water to the sled and getting it to the ice house to the stacking and clean up.

DT's dog Grace was there of course, Dan had her in her own harness and this year like last she was responsible for hauling her own ice blocks to the building. As some of you may know Grace has a thing for ice. She is constantly in search of it. During the winter it is not so bad as we of course have ice everywhere. During the summer she can be a pest as you have to keep an eye on your cooler and your drink as she will use that long tongue of hers to snake cubes out of your glass before you can react. Bailiff and her make an interesting pair, they being the towns rescue and search dogs. Of course we all know of Bailiff drinking problem so it is wise to hold any drink you have in your hand when either one of those two appear. Pretty much an old crew working the ice harvest. Most if not all the younger members are on the far end of the lake chasing pouts and using it for an excuse to mingle with the gals from other towns. Reed the Realtor is there of course, along with the battered RV of his that he uses for road trips. Any gathering is an excuse for Reed to go pass out business cards and shake hands.

A little dusting of snow the other day, maybe an inch where the wind didn't grab it and blow it away. Just enough to cover ice on sidewalks and make walking a little bit of adventure. With the lack of any real new snow we are winning the battle of the driveways as with the sun showing itself a bit longer every day the banks are creeping back. Won't be too much longer now and people will start shoveling snow on to the blacktop to watch it melt. Ice shacks have been coming off the lake, and it does not seem that anyone is in a real hurry to put them away as they sit parked outside garages or next to pontoon boats covered in blue tarps. Down at the General Store Earl has a shipment of seeds on display. Already there are a few empty slots as people are buying up the tomato seeds and picking up potting soil. Funny how as we get older that is something we look forward to get us through cabin fever. Planting little seeds and waiting for some green to appear. Going down to the Sunshine Cafe if you still back in a booth and take the time to filter through the conversations going on around you plant growing is a hot topic. Big burley guys talking of watering and which brand of tomato is the best. We do have a lot of farmers who come into town and the home growers are rubbing shoulders and talking pH

Guess the same can be said about fishermen. When sitting in a boat or shore casting everyone is the same. In search of that common thing, a fish on the end of the line. Looking for that tap that makes you stop talking and concentrate on feeling for the next tap. That grin that comes on everyone's face when they know they are fooling something deep beneath the surface. Funny how sitting here basking in the sunshine looking out over the ice and seeing guys pulling off houses that I am thinking of fishing. Going to be awhile before the ice is gone and then we will have to still wait a few weeks before we can put the Puddle Humper in the water. Of course there will be smelt to catch and early trout season. Fishing shows on TV to watch and some tales to be retold here at the Lodge. It being near the end of February just means we are due for a nice winter storm, or maybe two. The snow will help us forget about cabin fever for a while but this time of the year when the snow falls we know it is not going to be here long. It will melt and we will have puddles hiding potholes. We will have mud and wet dog paws. Squirrels will be out in full force, at least the ones who made it through the winter and guys will be at the Cafe talking of tomato plants and the raids being made on their bird feeders. For now I am just going to sit back in the old well-worn Lodge chair here. Enjoy the free heat coming through the window and take a nap, If I am lucky I'll dream of calm water and a good top water bite! From Lake Iwanttobethere. {91,635}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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