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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Keep it up Bobby \:\)

We hope to build a little cabin ourselvesthis spring. Oh, we have a 12x20 room now, complete with 4x6 "very nice" outhouse, but wifey wants running water and a kitchen, so I must toil a bit longer.

But it will still be a "cabin" not a Palace, and I will turn the outhouse (that I built last winter) into a durned nice fish cleaning shack \:\)

That is how my Grandpa would have wanted it...

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Easter from here at the Lake. Notice I didn't say Happy, woke up to more snow falling. Not that the snow is not "pretty" as the grand kids say, but just a little bit of an inconvenience this morning. You see all the grand kids are here and Grandma decided late last night to go out and hide the bright colored plastic Easter eggs around the cabin, outside.. A couple of problems here as I see it. One it was dark out, so we have no idea where the eggs were placed. Two, we now have new snow covering everything. Three, real rabbits like plastic colored eggs with chocolate inside of them. Would also seem that deer to like the chocolate eggs and the ones with jelly beans are also a favorite of the gray squirrels.

So early this morning the four grand kids were scrambling through the cabin looking under chairs and the sofa, behind the tables and even in the wood box for eggs. They found nothing because grandma and forgot to inform grandpa that the eggs were all outside. It didn't take long for Bud the dog to know they were hunting for something. With #1 grandson he helped search the cabin but with out knowing what they were searching for they were just bring back everything. To Bud's credit he did find something's that had been missing for awhile. Buff the cat has been busy. Buff thinks he is a retriever and the cabin Is his at night. We used to blame the dogs or grand kids when they were here for things disappearing. I sat on the couch and with a clothes basket at my feet the grand kids and Bud brought me half rolls of toilet paper with small teeth marks, single socks, a bottle of white out, two right hand gloves. An earring a empty jelly bean bag a roll of duct tape and two unpainted lure bodies but no Easter eggs. The good part was that things were being found where I would never look but the bad part was the grand kids soon tired of bring dirty socks to me. Not knowing about the eggs being outside I suggested they should look higher up for there Easter baskets. No one looked behind the drapes after last years disaster. Seems the wife came home late from work and decide to put all there eggs in one basket so to speak then hid the baskets behind the drapes on the south side of the cabin.

A nice sunny Easter it was last year, also it was not in March. By the time the grand kids ate breakfast and started to search for their baskets the sun had done it's job. The baskets now looked like a chocolate omelet. Trouble was that the wife had also placed that fake green grass in the baskets. The baskets covered in plastic to keep the cats Buff and Smoky out had now melted and mixed with the grass to make a somewhat of a chocolate grass brick. With jelly beans and Cadbury egg at the center the kids spent the afternoon trying to freeze their baskets and then bust the candy back out.. Using hammers they did have a good time in the wood shop. Just when it all melted again I had chocolate all over my tool benches. # two grand son finally said that the Easter bunny did a better job hiding eggs this year and headed to the kitchen looking for some breakfast.

That is when the wife came out and suggested the kids should look outside. This is when I pulled the drapes back from the patio window. Lake Iwanttobethere and swirling snow greeted the wife, Opps! was all she could say. #1 grand daughter pointed at a doe leaving front yard with what appeared to be a green Easter egg in her mouth. I can say that because I saw a gray squirrel tying to get his mouth around a bright blue egg just outside on the deck. #1 grandson saw the squirrel and with a battle cry he yelled " There taking our eggs!" They bolted to the cabin door and in pj's and slippers slipped past grandma holding jackets. They quickly fanned out searching for eggs. One by one grandma caught up to them and jackets were put on and hats pulled down over ears. #2 grand daughter did recon of the deck, Barney had gotten up and was her partner. Bud was busy chasing # one grand daughter who was running down the squirrel. The squirrel could not carry the egg and had to leave it with the yelling girl and barking dog getting close. #1 held the egg high over head yelling " I found one, I found one"

In a few minutes what was a quiet scenic postcard of a morning was now a trampled yard of footprints with dogs and screaming kids criss crossing it. Inside the daughter and her husband had gotten up and were placing a second batch of Easter eggs around the cabin. The daughter, knowing her mother had a backup catch of eggs. Having searched everywhere the kids made there way back to the cabin. This is when #2 son found a egg rolling under the kitchen table, being batted by Smoky the cat. Snatching the egg he yelled ' I got one". Everyone returned to the cabin and jackets and wet gloves were tossed to the floor. Cats scattered thinking they were being the hunted ones and dogs with noses to the floor paired up with grand kids and the search resumed. I stood on the deck and watched the snow fall, I caught movement off to the side and watched as the doe return. She was standing at the edge of the snow covered high grass and looking at me she bent down a little and opening her mouth she let the green egg fall back into the yard. Just kind of a mother on Easter kind of thing to do.. From Lake Iwanttobethere Happy Easter (25833)

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Signs of spring here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Just before lunch today as I was walking in to the Lodge a pair of geese flew overhead, The tell tale honking and splatter on Elmers truck gave them away. A few more robins have appeared and the snow is melting quickly along the roadside now. I drove past the ski hill yesterday and the sign was up saying last day to use your passes will be on Sunday then the hill will be closed. Looks to be that there was already a few bare spots on the slopes. Even Hank and Skinny were out with the long handle tree pruner this morning. They went down main street and under the watchful eye of Mayor Tom they trimmed a few of the smaller trees. The Lodge the past few days has had only the small fireplace burning. Even have a window cracked open to let in some fresh air. Just as long as the wind is blowing the right direction. This time of year the aroma from melting snow and what is underneath it from McDonnell's farm can be a might strong if you are not used to it.

No snow on the deck at the Lodge, a few guys have taken to sitting out there if the sun is right and the wind is slight. Couple of metal coffee cans have found there way out there to be used as ash cans. I might grab a cigar and spent some time out there myself. Warning sign up at the access, Sheriff Tim posted it for no sleds, trucks or four wheelers on the ice. Ice is pulling back a little around the shore and the ice is getting a little tricky. A few planks lay on top of a twenty four foot ladder to span the gap. Still a few out there chasing crappies and them big perch that the lake is known for. Water running in Mystery creek and the pools there are open. Another week and it will be open for fishing.

Hops and Barley Johnson have passed another inspection and the brewery looks like it will be open for business here shortly. Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has all the ice fishing gear now back in storage and the new rods and reels are in the front of the store. Some new lures hanging on the wall where the sunlight can shine on them and the fan on the heater can move them around to attract attention. Dugs garage doors have been open and the line of snow throwers is getting smaller. Being replace now by lawn mowers and the sound of a two cycle outboard in the test tank. The cloud of blue smoke and overflowing water on the garage floor a welcome site.

Earl at the General Store has his spring rack out on the sidewalk. Filed with garden gloves and bamboo racks. Boxes of garbage bags at a special Spring price along with little hand cultivator's. Not to far away from the rack a stack of snow shovels lean against the wall, just in case. Inside the smell of Lilies on closeout are being watered by Earl. Big Earl in his red knee length apron and his pink watering bottle are quite a site. But not something one tends to make a comment about out loud or at least in within earshot of Earl.

The cabin that Hank and I am working on is getting done. The sheet rocking is done and we just got the second coat of mud on today. Now we let it dry and will go back tomorrow. Gives me a good excuse to wash that dry dust out of my throat with a few Hamms. Hank has other projects to do like tree trimming while I just need to plan on spending the extra money from the job. Maybe a new rod or them new boat seats for the puddle humper. I seem to remember they were getting a little lite on the cushion last fall. O well just another Spring day here at the lake Iwanttobethere


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Just like everything and everyone else I am spending more time outside. Last night while out to do some shopping I had to stop on main street here at Lake Iwanttobethere and wait for deer to cross. I was a block away when the first doe crossed and then a few seconds later another crossed, just like little kids they did not stop and look before crossing. I rolled to a stop and watched as every few seconds a deer would cross in front of me. Finally after the sixth deer ran across and no more coming I was able to continue on my way. Mother nature is doing her thing to help us in regards to the high price of gas. The pot holes have appeared and some of them must have there own crews that come in during the night and widen and deepen them. At the end of mine and Elmers drive there is a an impressive one. Yesterday Elmer had his fly rod out and was practicing with a dry fly in it. He was only wearing his hip boots as there is not enough snow melt to call for the waders.

A few more geese honking in the evening and I was sitting on the deck of the Lodge when I heard there honking echoing across the lake. Has a different sound as there honks bounce off the ice. For awhile there we had more dogs then lodge members here. Bud and Barney, Grace and Bailiff all maneuver for a place in front of the fireplace at the end of the day. Now that ice fishing is pretty much done on the lake the Lodge is getting busy again. Still have the lunch crowd here but now guys are showing up after work to have a Hamms or a Wantaboutbeer. Needanale has been selling well also. Conversations range from seed planting to home gardens. Work being done on boats and orders placed with Vicki down at the Masterbaiters shop. Speaking of boats lot of talk about Duckslayer and this barge he has on order. Sounds like he might have found the right one and is busy outfitting it. Big Earl said he was down at the store looking at a super size BBQ grill. Big Earl has a grill with three side burners, a warming oven, a hot drawer with storage and room for a big pig but Slayer said he was looking for something a little bigger.

Several of us were out on the deck smoking cigars and relaxing in our winter coats. Even thirty five is cool when the sun starts to go down. With all the hoopla about smoking bans we have a few new members who are here because we allow smoking. Good thing for us that Sheriff Tim enjoys a good cigar and is one thing that you can offer him and he won't turn down. A few farmers have been taping there Maple trees and dropping off sap at Chuck's. It has been slow but with weather changing that should pick up. Mindy and Mandy have been making root beer getting ready for the opener of fishing which is not that far off. Forty five days away and we will be back on the water dragging lures and hearing the sound of water slapping against boat hulls. Hard to see that as we look out at the frozen waters of the lake and hillsides still deep in snow.

Plans for Nytelyters dock and fishing pier/store came across my desk at the town Hall. Shannon had left them on my desk and I though there were already stamped for approval but then noticed that the stamp looks a lot like the square bottom beer mugs that we use here at the Lodge. Must have been when they were getting drawn up here at the Lodge. I approved them and Shannon took them away to be filed. Town is growing, Brewery coming back on line the old Mill should be open soon I think. Earl has been selling paint for touchups by business along main street as all of us are waiting for is a good painting day. When we get a day over fifty again we will have the fire truck hose down main street. Frank the plow driver has been busy pushing mud around and this year has picked the access road for the golf course has his "washboard" road. Just lifts the blade enough to leave that washboard effect that shakes anything that is close to breaking on your truck. Fog lights, and license plates are usually the first thing to get shook off. Boat fenders are a close third. Lucky for me I stay off that road till mid summer, unless we have an early golf./ Beer tournament. Well from the lake you should be caught up now. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Forty Three days before fishing opener, but who's counting? Well pretty much everyone here at the lake is. Even though we are not getting any real warm sunny days yet the snow is melting. Sunshine Ray says we are below normal as far as the daily highs go and we are still finding our way down to single numbers at night. On the good side the sun climbs a little higher and stays out longer everyday. More and more birds are appearing and I saw and heard a few more honkers fly by last night. Deer are being seen as they have moved out from their winter spots and are now cruising looking for food. A sure sign of spring was the aroma of a skunk the other night. As soon as I smelled it I made a head count of the dogs, all were inside the cabin and I made a mental note to pick up a can or two of tomato juice from Ma and Pa's grocery to have on hand just in case.

Was down at the Gas -N- Go this morning getting gas and saw Wilbur taking out the cardboard from in front of his radiator. Was a good idea so when I checked oil I did the same on the Dodge. I took and stuffed it with other pieces of cardboard in the fifty five gallon barrel. Filled the window wash revisor and I am good to go. No sense in washing the Dodge today, back roads are getting muddy and standing water in the pot holes makes then hard to gage as far as how deep and wide they are. Speaking of potholes the local radio station is having a contest for naming the most dangerous ones in and around town. The one at the end of Elmers and my driveway is getting so big the local kids are selling tickets and using it as a mug bog track to race their bikes through. Snow melt from the hillside is only adding to it. Saw a duck land in it yesterday.

Seedling are do well in there flats growing in a bedroom window where the cats can't get to them. Still a lot of snow around the greenhouse so it will be awhile before I get in there and start moving things around. Puddle Humper is calling my name when I walk by the boat house. I have been trying to ignore her since I know as soon as I go and pull the tarps off I will want to get her in the water. I see a tire is pretty low so I will need to air that up which means I will then want to repack the bearing and then the tarp will come off. Fishing is still six weeks away and we need to pace ourselves.

Was a truck driver in town yesterday. He was having lunch at the Dew Drop Inn, was scouting the roads he said. Has a big shipment coming this way, something about a pontoon as big as a barge. Was asking about any road restrictions. Told him where he could find Frank the plow driver. Had to bring some wood for the fireplace down from what was the big wood pile. Wood box is full again and I will have to spend some time splitting wood and stacking for next year, Already there is good pile by the fire ring of broken branches. Spoke with my neighbor Chuck last night. Sap is running pretty slow and he hopes it picks up this next week. With the drought last year the trees are looking a little weak and he does not know if he is going to make enough syrup to fill all the orders he has already. Might have to travel to his uncles and tap some of his trees. Well off to the Lodge my turn behind the bar tonight and of course tomorrow will be the card game. Getting towards the end and there is still quite a jam of people at the top in the standings. Couple of guys were asking if they could shoot a few rounds of skeet out back on Sunday, Told them if they dig out the trap house they can shoot. Better them doing it then me! Well from Lake Iwanttobethere have a good day. (26161)

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Weekend here at the lake and already there is someone out on the frozen water chasing a few crappies. When I took the access road I could see the bright yellow coat and a blue one dragging a sled across the ice heading for what I think they think is a hot spot. Good for them.. Some of our summer residents stooped in at the Lodge last night and hands were shook and backs slapped. Cabin fever I hear is being felt in the big city. Lot of the snow is gone there and nothing but dirty sidewalks covered in sand and wet muddy grass with snow mold on top. For them winter seems to be gone except for the heating bills that still come to the mailbox waiting to be paid. Garages doors are open as long as someone is in the garage to keep an eye on things. Funny thing about the city as things have a way of walking away by themselves if you don't watch them.

Took a stroll yesterday in town here. Decide it was time to light a cigar and just wander some. Spent some time on the bench under the only street light we have and Hammering Hank came and sat with me for a spell. Wearing his faded blue work bibs with the back pocket bulging with index cards of jobs around town that need to be done. In his front pocket next to his two pencils he now sports pink index cards, but they are written in Tess his wife's writing. Her home/cabin business is doing well and now she to adds to Hammer Hank and Skinnys work load. It being a nice sunny day and no wind Hank seeing me sitting on the bench decide that he should stop and smell the roses. Just because there was none does not mean he still can't stop. Actually there may have been the smell of lilies that are on closeout coming from the direction of the General Store. After a little chit chat Hank moved on but I continue to enjoy the sun on my face and the smell of spring.

From my vantage point I could see Amy working the counter at her shop, didn't take much to smell the fresh bread when someone would open the door to leave or enter. Doc Burriem's car was tied up to the parking meter outside his office and I can see the ceiling fan turning slowing in Reed the Realtors office. He has his tax prep sign hanging in the window and that is why he must be in the office. I wave at Shannon from the Town Hall and she waves back. Always carrying a stack of folders she continues on her way. There another sign of Spring! As Shannon walks away I see a flash of skin above her shoe. She is not wearing any winter boots. Shorts can not be to far away I think to myself.

Earl wearing his red apron comes out to stand on the sidewalk outside of his store. Holding his broom he makes a few half hearted passes at a passing dried out leaf. Wilbur comes up and he pats him on the back and I can't make out what he is saying but I can hear his loud booming voice as he guides Wilbur into the store. I hear the jingling of a bell and turn on the bench as Elmer comes out of Ma and Pa's grocery store. Holding a small black note book in his hands he has his head down as he walks in my direction. Elmer as of late has been writing things down, making a checklist. He says his memory is fine but he does not want to forget anything when he makes his rounds. Just Elmers way of keeping track. I have seen the old tattered school note book that he has at the cabin. His x wife filled it with things for him to do. Everyone once in a great while he will take it out and open it to find a random job. Last summer we replace some basement windows in the cabin. The faded job was then checked off in the book. The book was then tossed back on top of the fireplace mantle till the next time Elmer decides he has nothing to do. Elmer kept on walking by on the far side of the street, not looking up he gave me a little wave and I nodded my head. Not much gets past Elmer.

Mindy and Mandy drive by and wave from their truck, the girls have been busy out on root beer island. Now is the time to get bulky supplies out there before the ice goes bad and they have to use the boat. Nytelyter has not been seen around town much, we know he has been working hard as of late. There was some talk that some of us should get together and just go and get him and tie him to a chair in the Lodge so he can relax for a spell. Sometimes people need to be reminded that work will always be there and you will never not have some work. I have seen some of the plans for the new dock on Root beer Island and it will be impressive. Hoping business will be good and it will be open for more then just the weekends. Duckslayer drove by and pulling to the curb he gave me a HiYA. Some small talk and he asked about finding Frank the plow driver. Needed his road graded as he was having something special brought in but would not say any more. I just smiled cuz I already know he has a new pontoon coming. It is a small town you know.

Well after that I decided to stretch my legs some and headed towards Dug's garage. As I got closer I could hear the sounds of a baseball game on the eight speakers he has hanging from the ceiling in the garage. He was sitting with his wood chair leaning against the wall of the office. A partial map of Lake Iwanttobethere spread out on the metal desk in front of him. Hearing me enter he tossed a dirty grease rag across the map. "O it's you" he said. And pulled the rag back off the map. I came around and looked down at the map. Planning opening day?" I asked. Dug nodded and we both bent over the map. I can't tell you anymore, it is a secret and this is a small town.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (26215)

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HiYa from the Lodge. First off Nytelyters money is no good at the Lodge on Monday night as we have forgotten about his birthday. Was going over the calendar here and I saw we had missed his birthday. Was going to put out the big 48 oz beer mugs out since he said he was buying. But will stay with the 12 oz glasses now. Looking at the calendar here we are coming up on a Lodge meeting in April. We hold meetings on the fifth Tuesday of the month and that will be April 29th also Town Hall meetings are held on the fifth Friday of the month and the next one will be May 30th We still have found nothing to spend the money on from the sale of the Old Mill and the suggestion box has been pretty much empty other then to buy some Wild Turkey and put it in storage. The thought there was that as it ages it will become more valuable, just our investment against inflation. We do have several cases of Boonesfarm Strawberry Hill wine that was bought back in the 70's and as soon as that goes over three dollars a bottle we are going to cash in.

A cloudy day here at the lake but it is 52 outside. A steady trickle of water is flowing across the parking lot as the banks are melting. A few of the guys were out with push brooms sweeping off the motorcycle parking pad and putting some oil dry down where Reed the Realtor had parked his RV after the fire. The RV is still parked alongside Dug's garage and I think they are waiting on parts. We were talking about going down to see a baseball game in the big city on Monday but we will instead have Nytelyters surprise birthday party. Sap is running a little and Chuck has been busy out in his shop. A slight breeze carries the smell of wood smoke and syrup boiling across the lake to us here at the Lodge.

Got a few telephone calls yesterday, we do a little guiding here on the lake and some past customers were calling and confirming their bookings. Guess cabin fever is reaching out farther and farther as we roll into April. Also got a few calls about garden tilling. Have been doing that for years here around the lake and with the snow starting to go a little quicker everyday the thoughts of planting is taking root. Earl at the general store has his garden cart out front I noticed. Packages of seeds and gloves and shovels and them kneeing pads. Still the winter shovels are stacked against the wall just in case. Well the snow has melted enough that I can open the door to get in the greenhouse. Think I will grab a cigar and go in and start cleaning things up in there. Still going to be a while before I can plant anything out there as I don't heat it. It still is getting pretty cool at night but we are getting closer to fishing and planting and sitting at the fire pit. A few more people have come up this weekend to check out there cabins. Some have not been here since deer hunting or maybe even since they pulled their docks up in the fall. Dew Drop and the Sunshine Inn have been busy with customers and the Dinner has been doing a brisk carry out business. Del's pizza cannon was test fired yesterday as he sent a few free samples off across the lake.

Out on Root Beer Island there is a growing mound of building material forming under the blue tarp on the point. Nytelyters dock should be taking shape as soon as the ice pulls away from the shore line. Lights have been on late at Mindy and Mandy's cabin as they to are getting ready for fishing just 41 days away. My ice house is put up for storage and I have the dome secure on the rack. Put a few mouse traps in just in case and rods have found there way to storage in the garage ceiling. Time to clean out tackle boxes and keep an eye on the ice. Pulled the tarp off the old wood rowboat on the shoreline. We get another nice day here I might even do some cleaning on it. From the Lodge on Lake Iwanttobethere (26312)

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HiYa from the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. The days continue to grow a few minutes longer and the sun continues to climb a little higher in the sky. Temperatures rebound to the mud making stage before noon now. With luck any snow and ice scraping of truck windows is nothing more then a memory for this year. As a matter of fact I remove my ice scraper from the truck and set it just inside the garage. It is still at hand in case it should be needed. I also moved the snow shovel back and in it's place the stiff push broom has made it way to the first spot by the door. Now that we have had a fifty degree day can sixty be to far away? Ice is pulling away from the shore and Mystery creek is now noisy as water is flowing from edge to edge tumbling over the small rapids and making the mouth where it enters the lake an area of open water. Last weekend the casters were in the chasing steelhead and dodging floating debris.

We did receive a light snowfall and Sunshine Ray was right on with his prediction as most of the snow fell on the far side of the lake. Another sure sign of spring is the changing of footwear around town. The heavy insulated boots are gone and no longer to you hear feet being dragged across the sidewalk. Now everyone is sporting some kind of pack or knee high mud boot. Today the towns fire truck was pulled out and the water that had been sitting in it all winter was used to hose down main street. As soon as the water started flowing shop keepers were out with push brooms to sweep off sidewalks. By late afternoon the street had dried and was as clean as it can get with out the aid of a thunderstorm.

Some action being made in regards to the money from the sale of the Old Mill. I sat in on a conversation with several members of the town along with the John from the power company. We are working on installing a wind mill on the hill behind the Lodge. The Lodge will provide the property the town will provide a partial payment in good faith and the power company will maintain it and add it to there power grid. Since the Lodge is right there the electricity will power the Lodge and then the lighting for the access. New lights will also be installed so no longer will you have to stick a quarter in the power pole at the access if you want to launch your boat in the dark. Hammering Hank and Skinny won the unannounced bid for building a new fish cleaning house down at the access. The quarter powered light will be installed in the shack so you can have light to clean your catch. They will be relocating a pink shanty that was abandoned on the ice. With some modifications and a coat of primer and paint it will make a fine fish cleaning house. There may be a question of the perfume smell but that should go away after awhile.

Deer continue to wander around in small herds. On more then one occasion travel had to wait on main street as the small herd took it's time crossing. No one is in a big hurry so trucks and cars just wait for them to cross, yesterday I think I saw three trucks in line waiting. Sheriff Tim has been on the other side of the lake. With snow over there they are still riding sleds and four wheelers. His dog Bailiff has been making the rounds here in town for him. Usually with Grace at his side they check out the back alleys and look for any suspicious activity. To there credit not a garbage can goes unchecked. Shop owners have taken to leaving a pan of ice cubes near the rear doors for the dogs.

Sap is running and so is Chuck. Still behind last season in the amount that has come in but doing better every day. I have already tasted this years syrup and it has the distinctive taste of Lake Iwanttobethere. I help out when I can, keeping the fire burning and answering phones for him. Barney is over there a lot acting as a door dog as you can hear anything when Chuck is in the garage cooking away. The sweet smell of sap boiling and the smell of maple wood smoke hangs in the air. Well needless to say we are staying busy as is everyone here at the lake. So much to do before the fishing opener comes and it seems like the days are not long enough. Baseball game can be heard around the lake as garage and boat house doors are open a little bit wider everyday. Frank the plow driver made a few passes at the end of my drive and the mud bog has now drained back into the ditches. Kids on bikes have moved on to find some where else to ride their bikes. Grand kids will be up this weekend so I put the two battery powered kids jeeps on the charger so they will be ready for them. They will not be allowed to drive down on the road but there is plenty of mud here in the gardens for them to share the experience in. I am sure there mothers will be happy. So from Lake Iwanttobethere. (26446)

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Sometimes I hate this time of year... Not because fishing is just weeks away and all I can do is look out over the ice covered water of the lake but..... Because the snow is melting and more projects are appearing everyday. Yesterday I met with some of the guys over at the Toast House. We don't have a Waffle House or a Pancake House here in town but we do have a Toast House. They serve up these big pieces of bread that they toast in an oven one at a time and then they just put your ham and eggs on top. I was a little off my feed so I just had the five egg and slab of ham kids meal. So between toast, egg and ham dipped in a new batch of Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup we went over projects for the Lodge.

Since the fire truck had already washed off main street and it was out we had it brought up to the Lodge and we washed down the outside of the building. This is when we discovered that the front steps are rotting some and we will have to replace them. Also several slabs of sidewalk will need to be replaced. The more we hosed them down the more they kept crumbling. I guess if we had gotten another tank of water from the lake we could have washed them out completely. They are OK for now but we have put them on the "List" We also talked about the Hot water heater at the Lodge which decided to go out on us, just when we needed it the most. Looking back on the "List" it was due for a cleaning. Well Hammering Hank took the stack apart and discovered a hole in the pipe. A trip to the General Store and that was quickly replaced. We knew right then that it was going to be a long day because that was just to easy. Well of course it didn't work, unless you kept coming down to hit the little red reset button. A call was made to Hank's cousin in the next town over who just happens to be a repairman and fishes the lake. He arrived a few hours later and decided there was problem with the hot water heaters motor and that it should be floor tested. He unbolted the motor from the heater but kept the power cord connected he then placed it between his feet and hit the reset. This is where someone should have said " Watch this" Those oil fired hot water heaters motors hit high speed in an instant! The gear on the end of the shaft was flung from the spindle and bounce off several items before burying itself in a wood post. "Well there's your problem" Hank's cousin said. With that we left him to work alone and went back upstairs.

The new ice house/ fish cleaning station is in the Lodges work garage. It has taken several coats of primer to cover the pink up but no luck in removing the perfume smell. The fold down seats were removed and some support added to the cleaning table. No work was needed for the floor as it was surprisingly very thick with a double layer of plywood. It should get painted and if the weather holds it will be out sometime next week. The wind generator is way ahead of schedule. Some scaffold was donated and already it is half up on the hill behind the Lodge. The power company made quick work off digging out four holes of for legs and they were dropped in and concrete has already been poured. We might even see the generator mounted next week. Will take some testing time I understand to work out the bugs. Dug was going to donate all his batteries that he has stocked piled down at his garage but I hear it comes with a converter so we can just plug it right in to out panel here. Hank is taking care of that end of the deal along with the power company licensed electrician. Maybe we can have him check the wiring in the Lodge while he is at it.

Ice on the Lake is looking a little blue and thin today. Snow is all gone from it and I would not go out on it. This Spring has been long and if Sunshine Ray is correct it is going to get a little longer. We are under a winter in the spring storm watch or warning. I never can get them right. Either way he is saying that we are going to get some snow on this side of the lake. Maybe as much as a half a foot. Am hoping it stays warm and we just get rain. Mystery creek is running pretty good and a nice steady rain will really open up the smaller creeks and I am sure help the guys fishing for steelhead. I was at the Masterbaiters shop working a little. Mostly shopping for myself since no one was in the shop other then the guys who come in everyday to listen to the sound of the minnow tanks and watch the spoons on the wall move back and forth from the heater fan. Anyway I found some replacement seats for the Puddle Humper. I just can't decide if I should buy the gray ones or the gray and red ones. Guess I will have to have a few Hamms and sit in the boat to make that decision. Well back to the garage to bring the snow shovel back to the front. It don't look good as Earl at the General store has put the garden sale cart back in the store and the winter cart with ice melt and shovels is back out on the sidewalk. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27069)

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Well there will be a delay in Spring this year. It seems that the far side of the lake has already gotten over twelve inches of snow and it is still falling. Last night after dark the storm came by here and we sat in the Lodge and could hear the long rumble of thunder and flashes of lighting across the lake. The wind did pickup and it has been raining lightly off and on all day. With the driving wind it does makes it seem like it is bad out but if you stand on the lee side of the Lodge it is not all that bad. You can smoke a cigar and the smoke curls up till it reaches the roof line then the wind grabs and it takes it away. From time to time a car or truck will drive through town and the roof or hood will be covered in snow. Most are making stops at the General Store and the rack of shovels that Earl had out on the sidewalk are disappearing at a rapid pace. Saw Frank the plow driver go through several hours ago and he had chains on the grader, not a good sign.

Sunshine Ray was at the Dew Drop as he is working on a Sunday. I over heard him say that it is rain to the south of us and then turning to sleet here at the lake and then snow as it passes over to the far shore. We may or may not get any snow tonight. We will just have to wait till morning and when we open the door to let the dogs out we will find out what we have. Lodge was kind of slow as people were staying close to home just in case the snow did come. A lot are like me and have a snow thrower pushed to the back of the garage and the boat is already blocking the way to the garage doors. I don't have any gas for it anyway. Grand kids were here for the afternoon but they did not get a chance to go out and mud bog. Grandma didn't want the kitchen floor that she had just cleaned tracked up. Just like us grownups they are getting sick of being bundled up in boots and snowsuits and having scarfs tied across their throats so tight they can hardly take in a breath.

After lunch they did make it over to Chucks and helped put labels on syrup bottles. They are rewarded licking their fingers of syrup from the buckets. Looks like Chuck will meet his quota as after a slow start the sap has been running well. Quite a few people are bring in sap and leaving with a few bottles of syrup. Less work for them but more sap for Chuck. The path to the wood pile is a muddy mess as all the wood in the pile in the driveway is gone. Normally we would just drive the truck up and bring a load down but to muddy to do that. So it is done with a wheelbarrow and mud boots. Dogs are going through the rags and towels kept at the back door of the cabin for them. They would prefer to lay on the floor in front of the fireplace. I think they are ready for summer to. Cabin smells good at least. Roast was in the oven and bread raising along with rolls. Grandma and the kids made cookies and I managed to get a few off the cooling rack before getting caught on a return trip.

Was a good afternoon to take a nap and that is what I did. Dogs and grand kids all found a space on the big couch and we had the baseball game on in the background and watched the lake. Woke up finding bubbles landing on me. Grandsons had gotten into bubble making stuff that they had left at Easter. Was real cute till Bud launched himself at one and landed on me. Dang dog needs to go on a diet! Well from the lake and a return to winter, at least for awhile.. (27257)

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Just getting ready to pull out here. After yesterdays spring winter storm we got a few calls of Lodge members in trouble on the far side of the lake. It being a Monday and all, nothing was planned for the day so after some eggs and bacon we decide to mount a rescue mission of sorts. We made a few calls and Hammering Hank and Skinny have hooked up a trailer and we have loaded it with snow throwers, gas and shovels. We would be on the road right now but Hank is working on a short with the CB radio. Word has gotten out and people are dropping off stuff for us to bring over. Amy from the Deli has made us a box of her loose meat sandwiches and Ma from Ma and Pa's grocery has given us a big jar of them Vienna sausages. The Lodge donated an outdated jar of pickle eggs ( I have no idea how old these eggs can be if they have reached their expiration date) Earl tossed in a few shovels and Reed the Realtor gave me some business cards to pass out. Just in case anyone has had enough of winter and wants to relocate.

Frank the plow driver is idling in the parking lot as he is ready to head back that way and said he could wait a little while and then break trail for us. Here at the Lodge all we have is a little slush and overcast sky. Sunshine Ray says it is still snowing on the far side of the lake and it looks like over twenty four inches has fallen. Chuck has just pulled into the lot and he has a load of firewood in his truck. Elmer is going to stay behind and keep the sap boiling so Chuck thought a load of fireplace wood might come in handy. Dan has Grace and Bailiff in his truck and they are both hanging out side windows, noses in the air waiting to get on the road. They are our towns rescue dogs after all. A few more guys have shown up as word has spread that we will be heading out. Most feel that we were lucky and should have a day of from work but the snow just fell on the other side of the lake. In a sign of strength the local kids boycotted school when they heard there was no school on the other side.

Hank has got the CB working and I can see him talking and making gestures to Skinny. Skinny jumps out of the truck and runs into the Lodge to return a moment later with a case of Wild Turkey under his arm. " There all out" he says as he climbs back into the truck. With a grinding of gears and revving of engines the caravan pulls out of the parking lot following Frank in the grader. The slap slap slap of his chains on the wet pavement leading the way. I grab a few extra cigars and get ready to follow in the Dodge. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27288)

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Well I don't care where you live when you get thirty-two inches of snow that is an event! Yesterday we set out to help Lodge members on the far side of the lake and as we went from bay to bay the snow just got deeper. It was a good thing that Frank the plow driver had been to Dug's garage and they installed the big vee plow on the grader along with the chains. There was no way that the plow on Hammering Hanks wood truck was going to push through the deep snow. Calling ahead on the CB we had Lodge members put out there pink Flamingo on the snow banks to mark the end of their driveways. It didn't take long to get a system down and we made pretty good time. Having several guys working as teams we open up the driveways and moved snow from in front of garage doors. Spent more time loading and unloading then actually moving snow I think. The weather was a little breezy but it was warm out. Coffee was flowing freely and as the word spread that we were there the Lodge wife's greeted us with sweet rolls, pies and cakes. Bags of cookies and brownies and thanks you were exchanged as we moved from cabin to cabin.

We were taking in a lot of good food and diets were forgotten. We explained it away by how hard we were working. Mix in a few other driveways that did not belong to Lodge members but were owned by others on the lake. Got to where if there were signs of life we just cleaned the drive. By late afternoon we were getting a tad tired and Frank was about ready to fall asleep at the wheel. We decide to have a time out and took a break at a public access to the lake. Frank was fast asleep taking a nap and the rest of us started a fire in one of the rings. We sat on a picnic table that we uncovered and with steam rising from our clothes enjoyed the fire and a cigar. Bags of goodies were passed around till we could eat no more. Yup thirty-two inches of snow is a lot of snow. That is almost yard of snow in the yards. Glad it came now instead in the beginning of the season. It will melt here and help put some runoff in the rivers. Fishing will pick up some. Don't have to clean drives to good as the sun will help melt the edges back. Will make spring last longer but it has been a slow cold one so far. Talk of fishing and jabs were taken at each other as men tend to do when working together.

Well after a break we decide to make a pass back towards our side of the lake, there were a few more cabins that we had missed and not a pink flamingo to be seen. Not many people know about the Lodge and the flamingoes. Everyone needs a distress sign and the bird is ours. Surprisingly we didn't break anything. Maybe a few shear pins but that is to be expected. Getting back to the Lodge was a lot easier then the trip out. Already the county had followed our trail and with the bigger graders and trucks dropping chemicals the road back look like a black ribbon. We went ahead of Frank and his grader and the last we saw of him he had the wing out moving snow to the ditches. Arriving at the Lodge we shed coats and boots and going down to the basement got dry clothes out of our lockers. Some had already changed out winter clothes and the lockers held changes of golfing apparel. When Elmer came by he found us sprawled around the main fireplace in our leisure clothes. Most were napping, the crackle of the fire along with the rhythmic dripping of water from the eves had put them to sleep, kind of like being rocked in a boat on a mid summers afternoon.

Well this morning finds the parking lot here at the Lodge empty. Everyone has made there way back home to do what they do. It being slow here yesterday Gus was doing some work around the Lodge and pointed out the Lodge front steps to me. Being the building inspector I agreed and we closed off the main door till we can make repairs. The back door, which is closer to the parking lot remains open and with warming weather the entrance off the deck will also be left open. We have the stairs on the Lodges do list. We also have been talking for a long time about closing in the front steps. Adding glass and making it more solar friendly, guess it might be awhile before we open the main doors. Yawn, I did not sleep all that well on the cot here in my office so I think I am going to head for home and get a good nap in. I have had enough of winter for this year. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27343)

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Here we are talking spring and winter is not done till the fat lady sings! Sunshine Ray is predicting blizzard conditions for this end of the lake on Friday. Hard to see that as water is dripping from the eves here at the Lodge and the bass thermometer on the wall points at fifty-one. But Ray has been on a roll the past few weeks so we are stocking the wood box and making sure the chili pot is full. Lodge is busy today as the guys from the power company are here and they have the new windmill up and running. Well at least the blades are turning. Needs some fine tuning I understand before it will start making juice for us here in the Lodge. As you can see by the picture we have a new weather station also installed on the support. This will give us a better idea of the weather here. I think they are talking about adding a light near the top so that will be another landmark for guys when they are out on the lake fishing. Right now they are just finishing up with a lunch of chili and Coney's. No beer as someone still has to climb the tower and finish with little things. Guide wires are all in place and it looks like a giant Christmas tree. Already we are thinking of stringing up lights next year.

The small deer herd that has been in town has gone back into the woods. At least no one has seen or had to stop for them the past few days. Might be because they knew of the coming storm and didn't want to have to walk in it. Robins are everywhere and I keep seeing those two geese. I don't think they are headed North anymore. Might just have found the lake and decided to stay. Rain and snow has really weaken the ice here and no one is going out anymore. Vicki down at the Masterbaiters shop has shorten up her hours for the next few weeks. A few steelhead fishermen out but the water in the river is pretty cold. Still several weeks before the smelt will run unless we get some warm rains. With the forecast for a blizzard I don't think that will be the warm water we are looking for.

After returning home the other day I left the snow thrower by the garage door and I filled the gas can, just in case. Muddy mess here at the Lodge. With all the rain and slush and guys walking back and forth to the wind generator there is a muddy path across the parking lot. The yellow pail and mop out by the back door with a signon it to clean up after yourself. Sun is trying to break through the clouds here, just enough of a glow to let you know what part of the sky it is in. Debating on whether we should bring some of the outside deck furniture out of storage. Few of the guys have been smoking outside on the deck. With the new smoking ban they have gotten use to smoking outside, even though here at the Lodge we are ignoring it. Saw something about it being OK to smoke in smoking shacks outside of buildings. We are thinking of building a plywood shack and calling that the Lodge and then use the Lodge as our smoking shack! Don't know if it will work or not. Well everyone is heading back out to work so I better run the mop across the floor. Here is a picture of the new wind generator, from Lake Iwanttobethere (27422)


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Not a naked ankle in town this morning. Winds are already blowing around twenty miles an hour off the lake and in the distant you can see the approaching storm. Hours away according to Sunshine Ray but it is coming. No longer is he talking about how much snow we may get, it is how much snow we are going to get. KCUM radio station is on the air and is doing it best to report all the closing that are being called in. Not going to be any yard sales and all the rummage sales are going to be canceled for the weekend. Gas -n- Go is doing a brisk business as a steady stream of pickup trucks with plows on are at the two pumps. Walk up business is good also as five gallon cans are filled and then set next to the door as people go in to pay and to chat over memories of storms pass.

Hanging signs are creaking and blowing swinging wildly in the wind, a few gusts are mixing in with the steady wind. Guys at the barbershop are taking bets on whether the new wind generator will survive it's first storm. You can sit in the first barber chair and look out the window the blades can be seen spinning away in the distant. A call to the county tool house has only Mabel the dispatcher answering phones. Frank and everyone else has been sent home to bed. Going to be a long night for them.

Even though liven at the lake we are pretty much OK from storms. Having been here for so long we have wood already piled in the boxes and can go to the root cellars for food. But a good winter storm always brings people out to make stops at Ma and Pa's grocery. Some extra cookies and pop, candy and maybe a nice roast or turkey to cook while you sit in the cabin and watch the snow fall No excuse to be caught with your pants down so to speak. Not like the old days when a storm would blow across the lake with no warning. Now with Sunshine Rays forecast and that TV weather station you can watch it come. Even standing on the deck it don't take you long to notice the small birds are no where to be seen. Out on the farms it don't take to much coaxing and the cows meander into the barn and the horse find the stable. Chickens are in the coop and the dogs are in no hurry to go outside. Cats find the deep hay in the lofts and the only thing flying is the dang pigeons. Being a bunch of showoffs they ride the swirling winds darting back and forth looking like aerobatic flyers at a air show. Of course being earthbound I can't tell if they are doing it on purpose or if it is the wind tossing them around like that.

Just when the last of the snow has melted we are going to start all over again. Only now the snow is going to cover mud and moving it will be a mess. Few guys here in the Lodge as like little kids we do tend to come out and play in the storms. Four wheel drive pickups with plows sit in a row outside the Lodge in the parking lot. Sorrel boots drag across the floor and coffee mugs are filled from the urn. A loose collection of guys gather around the flickering TV in the corner and Elmer tells anyone who will listen about the old days and the old spring storms. From time to time Hammering Hank will take a peak at the wind generator out the back door. It has become his new baby and he is a little worried if the guy wires will hold and if they can do anything else. CB is on and the squelch is turned up, an occasional crackle breaks through. All we can do now is wait.. From Lake Iwanttobethere, fishing season is coming... We are just having a little delay here (27459)

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It would appear that we are about halfway through a April blizzard. Something not seen around these parts for a long time. Town is not shut down but like the birds there are only a few people moving around and most just make dashes outside before heading back in to the warmth of their cabins. Straight line winds are coming off the lake and they are strong enough to make it difficult to take in a good breath. We have not receive the snow that Sunshine Ray has been predicting but he says to wait and give it a chance. Snow and the blizzard are going to be going good till late Saturday evening. Talked to Ray in the Sunshine Cafe, his station KCUM has been with out power and off the air since early morning. As a matter of fact a large area in and around the town is with out power as I write this. The snow which is that heavy wet cotton candy variety is sticking to the pines and with the forty to fifty mph winds the combination is snapping tree trunks and downing power lines.

Woke up to the bright flash of lightning that lit the bedroom. Barney was in bed with me and he does not like thunder. I open the cabin door to let all the dogs out and was greeted with a deck covered with snow and a few shingles pointed up right in the drifts. More work to do. I let the dogs back in, covered in wet snow that quickly melted. They all headed for the rug in front of the fireplace. Not cold out, that is a good thing, but I tossed a few logs on to the glowing embers and soon they were all back to sleep. Heading for the kitchen I turn on the small TV there only to find all the local stations off the air. About then the calls start coming in, first question is "Got power" and second is "How much snow" between calls I make a few of my own. Elmer is fine, says he is sitting in his flannels facing his deck doors watching the snow fall across the lake. Told me I missed a pretty good lightning storm around five or so. Chuck was up all night, feeding the fire as he is boiling sap. Hammering Hank called, and said the wind generator is spinning away and the mast is still up, the new weather station on the mask says we had a gust of sixty-two and it has been steady at forty miles per hour.

Might be a record for these parts having wind above thirty five miles per hour for over almost twenty hours now. Funny storm. High winds, some lightning, heavy wet snow and very very bright out. The sun is high in the sky and what light that comes through the clouds is reflected off all the new snow. Almost have to close the drapes to keep the light out. I was going to go out and maybe snow blow some but I see through the kitchen window that there is a drift covering the garage door. So much for that idea. I think I will just let it melt. Had the jeep outside pointed in the right direction so I drove into town. Saw some trees down and pickups with plows working parking lots and the Gas - N - Go was busy. Had to blink my lights at a few idiots driving with out there headlights on. Don't need the lights on to see, need the lights on so others can see you!.

Frank the plow driver passed me going the other way, I got a short wave of his hand as he was pushing snow into already filled ditches. Few trucks at the Lodge. Coffee urn was chugging away and just snow on the TV, stations had still not come back on. CB crackling away and calls coming in about when the pink flamingos should be put out for plowing driveways. Skinny was on the mike and jotting down locations and advising to wait till the wind dies down some. Right now everyone is fine and we are just going to wait the storm out. Twenty eight days till fishing opener, should be an interesting one. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27538)

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Power has been restored to everyone here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Already the blizzard of 08 is some what of a memory. Driveways have been plowed open and the sun hidden behind clouds has already started to melt the snow on the asphalt driveways and concrete sidewalks. The wind that was with us for so long is now nothing but a breeze. Sounds of chain saws can be heard as a more then a few trees were over come by the weight of snow on their branches and the push of heavy winds. The town has a law against chain saws and lawnmowers on weekends but this has been waved for this weekend as we do need to clean up after the storm. Lodge parking lot is clear, just wet from melting snow. A few pickup's with plows dangling from tired front ends are parked outside the rear door. Men in flannel shirts and sorrel boots line the bar and the sounds of metal spoons in chili bowls clinking away can be heard over the back on the air TV station. The CB sits in the corner on it's shelf, the lights are on but no chatter is heard. The red needle motionless. A yellow pad of paper with a yellow #2 pencil laying on top beside it. No calls for help today.

Hank stands like a proud father with a mug of coffee in his hand. Looking out at his wind generator she has passed the first test here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Through the wind storm and falling snow she stood tall and with the weather center hanging from her mast we recorded a gust of sixty-two miles per hour. Pretty good no matter where you live. Following the light breeze the generator moves slightly back and forth. Her blades catching the wind and spinning away. Later next week we will put her on line an she will start paying for herself. Some talk that we should have a contest to name her but already we have started to refer to her as Windy.

As storms go it could have been worse. Could have gotten more snow, could have gotten a lot colder. For wind it was right up there though. Part of the lake has open water and the wind really mixed it up out there. The shoreline has a mess of broken ice tossed up on it's banks but it is already melting. Today finds birds back checking out now empty feeders. The contents tossed all over the ground. The pigeons are huddle near the main chimney, tired I guess from all the flying they did during the storm. A couple of insurance guys were in here for lunch, they have been working on claims. Seems I was not the only one who lost some shingles and a garage lost all of it's vinyl siding on one side. Skinny arrives with the wood truck and grabbing some Coney's to go he and Hank head back out. Hank has a bulge of index cards in his pocket with places to stop and trees to be cleared up. With ice out going to be a little later this year he has something to do before it is time to start putting out docks.

I did spend some time outside, Standing out of the wind at the cabin I enjoyed watching the blowing wind and falling snow. If I didn't go outside then Bud and Barney did not want anything to do with being outside. So I stood outside with them while they did there thing. Pepper had gone over to Elmers house and no way was she going to come back home till the storm was done. She thinks Elmers cabin is hers anyway. As I was outside I noticed a couple of gray squirrels riding out the storm in a pine tree, they must have been brothers as they sure acted like it. The tree swaying back and forth in the strong winds would move close to the power line to the garage. I could almost hear them daring each other to be the first to make the leap to the power line. If the wind was right I could hear the chatter. One of them was brave enough or had enough of the other to venture out on the end of a branch and when the tree moved in that direction he made the leap to the power line. Thinking the hard part was over he then started to run down the line towards the garage. Except the power line was doing it's best to be like a bull ride at the county fair. The power line was flexing in the wind and the squirrel was holding on with all four feet and I swear he had his tail wrapped around the line to. Just about this time to make things interesting Bud and Barney looked up and saw the squirrel. So now the squirrel had the wind whipping the line, dogs underneath him barking and his brother the other squirrel clicking away at him. Bout this time a roll of thunder came through. Barney headed in a bee line back to the cabin and Bud thinking he was missing something followed. I let them in the cabin and went back to watch as the circus squirrel made it's way across the whipping line. With the aid of a gust of wind he flew off to land on top of the garage and quickly made his way down the roof to the eve and then down the rain gutter to the ground. Catching his breath he barked at his brother who looking at the line came down the tree and ran across the snow to hook up with his brother. If squirrels could punch each other in the shoulder I think I would have seen it happen then. They turned and disappeared into the storm.

So now we wait for the melt, and the return of the mud. But the good part is more water for the lakes and rivers and landings will be better to get in and out of. Bad part is lots of water in the swamps and sketters will be coming out the size of B-52 bombers. It can warm up anytime now, I want to sit out on the deck and listen to the sound of peepers and the first lonely loon. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27597)

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The sun is shinning here at Lake Iwanttobethere, and to be honest, it is about time!.. Snow is melting and water is running. Of course mud has made it's return also. Robins are looking a little more comfortable as the snow is disappearing and last years brown grass is reappearing. During the storm of a few days ago I would imagine there was some doubt with them about coming up to the lake. Sounds of chain saws cutting echo across the frozen water. Some open water here and there and the small bay by the cabin is no longer safe to venture out on at all. Bud and Barnry have taken up there positions, Bud checking the out buildings and fences and Barney spending time on the dock looking out over the lake and watching those two geese making passes down the shoreline.

The two gray squirrels were seen chasing each other around the base of the big blue spruce. I am pretty sure they are brothers, they sure act like it. Pepper finally came back home this morning. Elmer let her out of his cabin and she made a beeline here until she was side tracked by a surprised chipmunk that she ran over. Both chipmunk and dog recovered from their surprised meeting and the chase was on, only to end a few seconds later as the chipmunk found the safety of the wood pile. From my vantage point on the deck I watched as the chipmunk took up a position at the top of the wood pile while Pepper did circles around it's base. Never said Pepper was smart.

Snow is gone from the front of the garage and I never did get the snow thrower out. Pushed it back under the stairs and it can sit there till next winter now. Garage door is open about half way but Sunshine Ray says we will see sixty on Tuesday. If that is true then the garage door will be open all the way and the cover will come off the Puddle Humper. Did have a small fire going in the fire pit as there were a lot of small branches that came down during the blizzard. Makes a fine cooking fire and I did spear a few wieners and stuck them over the fire till they spit down the sides. Sitting with my back to a sun warmed side of the cabin I had hot dogs, chips and a can of pop. Yup, starting to look good around here... From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (27655)

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Met up with Hammering Hank and Skinny at the Dew Drop Inn this morning for breakfast. Over a platter of fried tatters and ham with French toast, eggs and some bacon on the side for flavor we went over his pocket of index cards. From time to time when. Hank gets to many jobs I help out as best as I can. Can't do the roofing jobs anymore, as I am old and slow and don't have the young legs to hang off ladders and straddle roof peeks. But as long a my two feet are planted firmly in the earth and I can reach it I can do it. So between mouthfuls of French toast covered in some fresh Lake Iwanttobethere Maple syrup we sorted through cards. First off was a tree top that needed to be sawed up and hauled away. One of our seasonal residents who is new to the lake heard about the storm and decide to come up and check out his cabin. When he arrived he found a decent size birch tree split and leaning towards his boat house. Being a fan of the AXE man show on TV he convince his wife that it was something he could take care of. He has already seen three shows and it did not look like it was a big deal dropping a tree, and beside this birch was not half as tall as them trees on TV.

So he went down to see Earl at the General Store, told Earl he had some brush work to do around the cabin and bought himself an axe and a small chain saw. To his credit he did buy a extra chain and a gallon of bar oil. The saw came with a orange case and a plastic wedge. Earl tossed in a gas can and some oil and a pair of glasses. Arriving at the Gas-N-Go wearing his flannel shirt and walking with a new found swagger he filled the gas can and then added the oil. Putting it in the back of his SUV he then went in to pay for the fuel. He told the young lad behind the counter he was going to cut some trees and then waited for his change with his thumbs tucked in behind his red suspenders. Getting back into the SUV he noticed his wife had rolled all the windows down and was sitting with her head out the window. Asking why his own question was answered with the smell of gas fumes from the can in back. He got back out and after buying a couple of bungee cords from the kid inside the Gas-N-Go he secured the gas can to the ski rack on top of the SUV

Arriving back at the cabin he unloaded his new chain saw and headed down to the boat house. Taking out a step ladder he check the roof on the boat house and standing back he survey the tree and laid out where he wanted the tree to fall. Cutting out a nice notch he used the axe to knock out the cut piece of wood then did something that if you cut trees you should not do, He took a coffee break. Back at the cabin the wife asked him how things were going and he told her "quite well" Coming out of the cabin with coffee mug in hand he was just reaching for his genuine leather gloves from his back pocket when he noticed that the top of the birch tree seemed to be moving across the sky slightly. Picking up the pace heading for the boat house he now can clearly see that the birch tree is swaying back and forth. About this time he hears a loud crack and watches as the birch tree breaks off right at his notch and falls backwards, towards the boat house. With just the sound of branches dragging across the boat house roof the trunk of the tree misses the boat house and lands on the ladder. His wife hearing the sound of the falling tree comes out and meekly says " O My"

An hour or so latter Tess, Hank's wife calls him and tells him to swing on out to a friend of hers from the sewing club. Seems her husband dropped a tree and his chain saw is buried under the trunk. Hank stops and says he will have to return to clean up the tree later. He slides the card over to me across the blue checkered table cloth. They just want you to cut it up into fire wood length and if you find the chain saw the wife says it's yours. I grab the card and head out the door to the Dodge. I do so love city folk.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (27700)

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All in all a pretty good few days here Lake Iwanttobethere. Red needle on the Bass thermometer nudged 65 here this afternoon. Garage doors were open wide and the sound of tinkering could be heard coming from inside of them. More then one had the bow of a boat sticking out into the sunshine. Yesterdays Birch tree took a few hours to clean up. I did find the chain saw under the trunk, no damage other then it was muddy as the ground was soft and the chain saw just kind of sunk into the ground. The ladder was a loss as the tree pretty much crushed it. I loaded up the work trailer with the brush from top and the rest I cut into stove length and left it laying on the ground. The owner of the cabin asked if I thought the axe he bought would work for splitting the wood. His wife standing behind him shook her head back and forth and held her hands up in a praying position. I told the guy that he would be better to stack the wood and let it dry till fall before splitting it. He started to haul it away stick by stick, his wife thanked me and pressed an envelope into my hands. I told her that the chain saw was more then enough payment but she insisted and I did not refuse to hard.

Later at Earl's I brought in the now clean chain saw and he gave me credit on my account for what it was worth, less a day's use. The brush went to the landfill which was open for free drop off. There was even a line of people bring in tops and branches from the blizzard. Next index card from Hank had me picking up an old stereo with an eight track player in it. A box with over a hundred tapes was also included. The stereo went to the dump and the eight tracks found there way into my garage. I even found a few that I brought to the Lodge. Next stop was another trip to the dump, this time with a old refrigerator and some tires. Aluminum cans to Mike at the junkyard and a mess of florescence lights to the recycling center. I made my way back to the Lodge and met with Hammering Hank. I handed over my completed cards and he added them to his.

He had another stack ready for me and I just tucked them away in the front pocket of my bibs, tomorrow is another day. I see Gus has gotten the Fishing Challenge board out of storage and it is up and mounted over the main fireplace. A smaller one for the Crappie Challenge is in place over the smaller fireplace. Even though the contest does not start for a few more weeks we want people to sign up and already there is some chatter going on over cold Hamms here in the Lodge. The three man /person teams have yet to be picked so no one can really pick on anyone yet. Just some banter back and forth by those who think they have the right spots on the lake. Mr. Big might just bring me a grand prize this year.

All the pink flamingoes are accounted for and the flock is gathered here at the Lodges garage. About that time of year when we will be looking for donations and the flock will find it's way into someone's yard or along the shoreline. Ice is going out on the Lake but I think we are going to have a late ice out. My old wood row boat is wet as it is tied to the dock and I think Elmer said he was going to take it out and row as far as the ice and try for crappies this afternoon. He should be here at the Lodge soon and I will find out if he caught anything or not. Baseball game on this evening and after that a playoff hockey game. Think I am going to stake out claim to a chair front and center of the Lodge TV and make sure there is fresh popcorn and a new keg of Hamms tapped. We have a few windows open and a fresh clean breeze is working it's way through the Lodge. Tomorrow I think we will open all the windows and give it a good airing out, Get the rest of the furniture out on the deck and maybe even take the power washer out. For sure it will rain if we do that. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (27757)

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Can ya smell it? I took a stroll around the lake this morning. Warm with an overcast sky, as I took the trail I could smell it. The smell of dirt being made. Have not got a good whiff of it since last fall when I was out deer hunting. Back deep in the woods where the big trees are you can just smell that deep woods smell. I have always said that if you could put it in a can you could retire off it. Guys would just spray it in there trucks or in their office cubes. Spray it on their boots so they could walk in the smell. Gardeners get to smell it from time to time, When they get to that good compost, the stuff you pick up in your hands and take a good whiff of. The kind that is just right to add to the crawler box. Today on my walk I got to smell that smell again.

Can you hear it? The sound of running water over rocks and across fallen tree branches. Not yet the rushing sound of a summer thunderstorm, but the sound of snow melt in the creeks. Not the bubbling brook noise with a waiting trout in a still pool but just the clean, crisp sound of running water where it was quiet and covered in snow a moment ago.

Can ya see it? The woods are all gray from the popple trees, but if you keep looking then the white of a birch appears and another and another. Green from a pine tree and white from unmelted snow at it's base. The splash of red from a robin's chest and light brown from deep fall grass pressed down to the ground by winter's snow. More green as grass is already trying to poke up from beneath the old long grass. A yellow sun tries to burn it's way through the over cast sky. A hawk comes into view, slowing riding the wind it makes lazy circles as it to looks at the ground like you. You are both hunting, you for spring and he for lunch. From Lake Iwanttobethere (28007)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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