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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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WOW! 14 hours and 10 minutes to get back to a sober state so that I can pilot my craft tomorrow. Folks sure are nice here at the Lodge! Sure know how to throw a party. Been buying drinks and havin drinks bought all night long. I am sure glad that I had 20 years of trainin in the Air Force on how to keep things to myself. These guys all just keep on about finding out about the wind tunnel testing on my ice house. Notta word from me about it thought I tell ya! HOwever since most of them guys are to hammered to look here I can tell ya that it is rated for a speed of, awwww come one yd didn't think I would fall for that one did ya? Cant wait to see you all out there tomorrow. I wish each of you a good fling and mope that you are safe. I gotta wonder what kind of condition the lake will be in after Pauls fling though! Dan and McGurk may be up to something as well. Time will tell! SLeep tight tonight if your dare! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Well almost two here at the Lodge. That is Two in the morning. Most of the couches and big chairs have a body in them. A quiet game of cards are going on in the corner near the big fireplace and even the second fireplace is deep in hot coals. The chili is about gone as is several cases of Wild Turkey. Even the Hamms keg took a pretty good hit tonight. All of tomorrow's flingers except for #10 made it to the party tonight. Grace and Bud spent most of the evening together and Barney just slept away the evening on the kitchen floor. Skinny and Hammering Hank arrived around ten or so, well rested and received a lot of good words for all of there work the past few days on the slope. From time to time people would step out onto the deck and look up at the clear sky. All returned in a few minutes with the same comments about how cold it was getting out then head to one of the fireplaces to warm up there backsides. Cigars have been lit and lazy smoke rings hang in the air. Pretty quiet as most are lost in their thoughts. Having been in the fling before I know that I would be going over my mental check list in my mind. Wondering of there is anything that I forgot and second guessing some things that I have over heard being talked about. Since this years fling is for accuracy distance is not a factor.

The three flamingoes that were seen floating in the new ice of a few weeks ago are now the target of the fling. They are about 300 yards straight out from the Lodge. Since the bungee will be angled towards Root Beer island someone will have to have the perfect shot and some kind of steering. Cleaning glasses behind the bar I too am lost in my own thoughts. I will be in Alert One and I have seen what can happen to that rig. Even McGurk says he still has dreams of last year. Duckslayer has been making the rounds and buying several also. He and the Mrs. fit right in with the crowd here. Her and Tess were drinking cocoa but the Mrs was pouring something from her purse into them. The Sparrow Club boys were here but left right after the home movies of the accidents. That's ok, more turkey for the rest of us. Nytelyer also was the center of attention and they are still talking about his fireworks displays. The Johnson Brothers found out we still had an Atari game and spent the night playing pong.

There are lights on down in the parking area and along the shoreline as several people are staying over night in there shacks to be here at first light. We are as ready as we can be and I just turn the outside lights to the Lodge off. Anyone still here will be spending the night. I toss a few logs on the fires and make my way back to my office. Leaving the door open I grab the quilt and stretch out on the couch. Morning will come soon enough.. From Lake Iwanttobethere... (20631)

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Welcome to the Lake Iwanttobethere Ice House Fling, this story is a little long so you might want to pour your favorite beverage and sit back for awhile. Lake Iwanttobethere is known for it's ice town. Every year about this time when the ice is thick and the days are cold the town of Lake Iwanttobethere moves from the land to the ice. Two huge bungee cords were recovered from a company that had some legal problems with them and brought to the lake by some of the Lodge members. In the beginning it was thought that if it was secured to the two big pines that shanties could be flung out on the ice with it. This saves a lot of work dragging shacks out on the ice and with the help of a few bottles of Wild Turkey and some Lodge fledglings, a few minor accidents and the rescue squad the first fling took place and is now history. We like to think we have gotten better at it and it has now become a place to be the second weekend of December. If you could not make it this year here is a somewhat accurate account of the event........

A clear, crisp and cool day for the launching of the Lake Iwanttobethere ice town. The talk of the town the past few weeks has been the fling and that a few of the ice houses to be launched are going to try and slip in behind Root Beer Island. In the past it was a great accomplishment just to survive the launch. Took a few years to get the kinks out of the launching. Some of the first houses had the sling go right through them. A few others went airborne and shattered after hitting the ice. Since then we have made great strides. We are down to having just the one fire truck and Doc Burriem on hand.. It used to be that staying upright and intact would bring a huge sigh and a polite round of applause from the crowd on shore. Lets face it, in the beginning people came for the same reason that they go to auto racing, the crashes. Frank the county plow driver with the help of Hammering Hank and Skinny have done a fine job moving snow from our recent storms. The use of the train snow thrower on Friday night made is all possible. They have piled the snow in to high banks surrounding the launch area and some people have already carved out advantage points to watch the fling. With sheets of plywood down for floors and their bbq's set up they have their own viewing boxes so to speak. The orange barrels have been taken from storage and placed along the shoreline and areas roped off for safe viewing the Fling. Old McDonnell has been running a shuttle service from the town to the Lodge using his sleigh. Filled with straw people are riding both ways and the kids are busy tossing each other off. His mules that he uses for logging in the winter huff and puff and clouds of steam rise from them. They love the attention and want to stay on the move. Besides a sleigh of kids is light compared to pulling a stump.

The parade started in the parking lot next to Dug's repair. The shacks were pulled out from the parking lot after passing inspection. The local high school marching band is out in the front of the trailers in their parkas and the rest of the town falls in behind the shanties. The towns fire truck brings up the rear. The fire truck and the volunteers have not had a call in two months and everyone in the department was hanging on somewhere. A assortment of 4 wheelers, hay wagons and pickups followed the shacks to the town's park. A few RV's also make the trip. The winter Ice Queen and her princess grace a flat bed float. The Queen who is elected during last winters carnival is somewhat pregnant this winter along with two of her princess, there lies the reason for the flatbed float. People line the street and clap as they go by and then follow on foot or jump into the hay wagons. As the parade pulled into the park Hammering Hank changed the music blaring from the softball field speakers from Polka, Polka to the song Danger Zone from the movie Top Gun. The song has become the theme for the launch. The houses are lined up in the order of launching in the staging area. All but the last shack have there tarps removed and are open for viewing. People gathered around the concession stands and the Mini Dounuts are always a favorite. Chuck and fellow members of the Lodge have been serving pancakes and sausage from the Lodges tent and are accepting donations there to help with some of the costs of the fling. We kind of went over budget this year. Wild Turkey ain't cheap anymore. Mindy and Mandy were serving root beer and hot cider in the main tent. Masterbaiters has a tent up showing off their heaters and a wall of ice poles and lures. This is a big event here at the lake, as the ice town is reborn each winter. The entire town has shown up at the launch. There was a brief service as no one was going to be in church today. Not to mention business are spread across the park peddling anything and everything that you need to go ice fishing with. The hillside and softball bleachers are already set up and staked out with blankets and heaters, a few chairs are scattered down by the shoreline but the locals know that the higher you are up on the snow piles the better it is to see the launching. The two large weather balloons float above the public dock and they are straight up as it is a dead calm day. A few kids with slingshots hide behind a mound of snow and take aim at the balloons. There pellets fall short to land out on the lake. The Sunshine Ray is doing a remote broadcast and it is being picked up and rebroadcast around the country side.

Several bon fires have been started and the air is heavy with the smell of wood smoke and the clinking of beers cans pulled from coolers. The local boy scouts have there trailer here and a sign asking for the empty aluminum cans. HP from the local paper is here with her new color camera! The Town Hall is parked at the landing a safe distance from the bungee cord. This year hay bales have been placed around the base. They will help keep it a little warmer and as a bumper just in case. They will be sending out a test log so we can get an idea of ice conditions. More show then anything it will get a full pull. Kids play on top of the snow banks and some are busy making snow sculptures. Already a band of snowmen have been made, they to are looking out over the lake. A few of the snowmen have had to have their hands censored by putting paper bags over them. This years flingers are around there shanties answering questions and shaking hands with well wishers. All except the #10 house which is still under wraps. Rumor has it there is a question on if it will be allowed to be launched or not. Dan Theim and Grace are a crowd favorite with kids petting Grace and asking what is in the barrel hanging on her neck. Rumor has it is Wild Turkey. The Sparrow Club has a small crowd of onlookers all dressed in the same light green ski jackets with a little sparrow on the shoulder. Just like a flock of sparrows they flutter and scatter when ever anyone comes near there shanty.

I gather with the launch committee and some of our local riders who on four wheelers will act as chase units in case of any mishaps. Past experience has shown that most if not all accidents occur at the launch itself or when the shacks hit the ice at the bottom of the hill. Seldom does anyone have any problems out on the ice. Since Dug did some repair work for me and really wanted to take the fling this year we traded positions. I will now be in Alert One set up on the second set of Pines with the spare bungee. With handshakes and pats on the back along with women who give me short kisses on the check while still others point fingers at me and make the sign of the cross across their body I set off to Alert One and with Skinny's help got myself inside. Since it was set up for Dug it was a tight fit for me. I did check over my equipment including the chain saw and ladder strapped inside. This year we are going to keep the gas can on the outside of the shack. The first aid kit was duct taped in it's place as was the Wild Turkey. Also two wool blankets and some water for patching. Skinny closed the door and I started the wipers on the windows which are pointed out over the lake and the launching site. The extension cord was plugged into the side of the house and I had power. The electric heater came to life and I sat back in my seat with my laptop so I can watch and write at the same time. Turning on the am radio and the intercom I pour myself a drink from the Wild Turkey, had to make sure that it was of the proper age and had not spoiled since yesterday.

Some of last years flingers are here today but not as flingers. The Jones twins are having to much fun drinking and are dressed in there polar cheerleader outfits. There cheeks are quite red. Willie Wrenchead after his rough ride last year losing parts of his house also has declined to be flung again this year. Big Earl has added an addition to his house and the committee thought it would be best if the dozer just drags him out this year. Earl is here and his house is down on the shoreline. He is sitting on top of it with his bucket of chicken wings and full length beaver coat. His house is decorated with Christmas lights and the generator is running. The SHOP at EARL's sign is flashing to the beat of the music. Weird Willie's house which was a converted plane fuselage has been converted into a boat and is no longer workable as a ice house. The Mpls couple have not been seen down on the ice this year. They to might have been a little hesitant after there ride last year. When the day is done the bungee will be open to send other shacks out on to the ice. By night fall the town will have a general shape to it and in the next few weeks it will fill up with houses and the light poles will be installed. The roads will be plowed and mail will be delivered to the shacks instead of the cabins. Mark the mailman is already being asked for change of address cards. The town of Lake Iwanttobethere will be on the ice and for the next few months the land will be quiet and the frozen waters of the lake will be alive.

The last of the smaller kids are brought inside the town hall and out of the way. There little faces line the windows looking out over the launching area.. Actually they have the best seats in the town The launching area sits below the Lodge and overlooks the Lake and the park and public access. There is a slight gently rolling hill that leads down to the ice. The two Large Pines sit at the top of the hill and the ends of the large bungee cord are attached to them. The towns dozer is attached to a release that is then attached to the bungee sling. Hammering Hank is in charge of the bungee fling and you can hear him clear his throat on the mike as he calls attention and welcomes every one to the 2007 Ice House Fling. Sealed up inside Alert One I have the old am radio which is ducted taped to the ceiling tuned to KCUM and I can hear Hank over the airwaves on Sunshine Ray broadcast. Hank starts off by asking for a moment of silence for the 20 inch box fan that still has not been recovered. All at the park go quiet as we think back to warm summer breezes and our memories of the missing fan...........

Hank then explains that All flingers are here of there own free will, they have all signed a release to the town and to the Lodge and to anyone connected to the fling. They are all called to the top of the hill where they are introduced to the town and each given there White and Red flares. The white flares are to be set off at the end of there fling to signal all is well and the red if there is trouble and need assistance. The siren sounds and people head to there viewing areas and the flingers to there shanties. The strobe light is turned on and along with a blue smoke bomb are set into the test log and after the warning horns sounds the log is fired with a full pull. The crowd cheers and the flingers watch and track the log as it shoots down the hill and across the ice. It comes to a rest a few minutes later and all you can see is the flash of the strobe. It looks to be just about were lasts years winners were in the distance contest. Way pass the three Pink Flamingoes.

First shanty to be hauled up the slope is McGurk. Hammer Hank does a good job of introducing McGurk to the crowd. He is you know the play by play man for the girls curling team and is good at filling in air time. Last years alternate McGurk was in Alert One and at the end of the day was launched with a small mishap at the end of the flings. By being in Alert One he is awarded the #1 seed in this years launch. Settling in to the sling like a rider settling on top off a bull in the bucking contest McGurk house is ready. Clouds of steam float out from under the shanty, the inspection committee know that he has some dry ice under there and has sprayed it with water to give it a special effect look and also it has something to do with some wind tunnel test he has made. The house looks like something you would see at a rocket launch. Hank announces him as a full pull! Guess McGurk did not read that this years fling was an accuracy fling not distance. The Horn sounds like what you hear at one of them downhill ski racing contests, as a matter of fact that is where we borrowed it from. One then two and on the third blast the bungee is released and the McGurk house is on it's way with a roar from the crowd. Looking like it is in the wind tunnel the shanty shoots down the slope with the smoke slipping around and disappearing in it's wake. In a blink of an eye it hits the ice and skips across the surface and in a minute it is nothing but a (Contact Us Please) on the horizon. I hear a click in Alert One and Hank telling me to get ready. Then the all clear as McGurks white flare is seen in the spotting scope. The crowd gives polite applause and goes back to there donuts and beer at the announcement.

Nytelyter rig has a few modifications done to it, at least that is what the rumor is. From the outside it does not look much different then last years shanty. Still painted in John Deer colors and now sporting a 2006 distance champ sticker. Maybe a little wider and longer. The inside of the shanty looks shorter inside. Nytelyter in his Blur snowmobile suit takes his shot of Wild Turkey from Hank and climbs in and waves out the window that he is ready. Using the four wheeler the shanty is pulled into place and the bungee slipped across the back. Checking the pull sheet a ½ pull has been requested. Hammering Hank climbs into the old dozer and pulls the bungee back to the mark and with a blast of the air horn once, twice and on the third blast the bungee is released. Nytelyters shack blasts off down the hill, the front end of the shanty is coming up off the snow and as it hits the edge of the ice the shack is completely off the ice. The sun shines off what appears to be metal runners under the shack. It is perhaps a hundred yards from the launch when a mast appears from the center of the shack and a sail unfurls. A large Pink Flamingo graces the sail. The door to the shack pops opens and Nytelyer wearing a harness steps outside of the shack. With his feet firmly on the threshold he is holding a rope to the boom and leaning back . He looks like Kevin Costner in Water World only taller and wider and heavier, guess he don't look like Costner. He begins to tilt the shack up on one runner and is making a turn towards Root Beer Island. Nytelyter using his sailing experience has the first Lake Iwanttobethere sailing shack We all watch as he makes a graceful turn and disappears behind Root Beer Island. The sun sparkles off his runner high in the air. Sitting in the Alert One shack I get another call to be ready when from behind the island we see the white flare arcing up to fall just off the point of the island. I settle back in my seat and have a second shot of Wild Turkey to settle my nerves. This rescue stuff is harder then I thought.

Dan's copilot is a town favorite here and this will be her first launch. Dan having survived last years launch and actually tied with Nytelyter for the longest fling. Grace his copilot will be with him this year. We will see if she helps balance out the shanty. Also it might be noted that Grace can't be trusted alone around ice as she has a liking for it. Grace is also our ice town rescue dog and it will be good to have her out on the ice early. Dan did have a smaller copilot last year that rode on his shoulder but we never did hear to much about him after the launch.

Dan's shanty is dragged up the hill to the sling by Grace, no need for the four wheeler. Also sporting a 2006 distance champ sticker on the door the shack reaches the launching site. Dan wearing a sliver jump suit covered in patches looks somewhat like one of them professional Bass fishermen of the 70's Even Grace has some kind of decal on her keg under her chin. Dan has also expressed an interest in fishing behind Root Beer island. Does not appear that accuracy is a goal and the three flamingoes look safe. Dan accepts his shot of Wild Turkey from Hank and Grace licks the shot glass clean. Dan and Grace enter there shack and Grace with her head out the window gives what appears to be the go ahead bark.. A ½ pull has been requested and the dozer with a black puff of smoke pulls back the bungee and sling. The horn sounds and the release is smooth as the shack glides down the hill catches some air at the ice and picks up speed moving across the ice. It to is making a gradual turn towards the island. From the Lodge Mike at the spotter scope reports that Dan and Grace can both be seen through the shack window leaning on the side of the shack. Mike also reports that there is something from behind the Island approach the shack. Grabbing my world war two navy binoculars I quickly locate the object. I can just make out Mark the mail mans old jeep dragging the brush that we use on the softball field. He appears to be pulling just in front of the shack and like a curler is drawing the shack towards the Island. Suddenly the brush breaks lose of the Jeep and swerves off toward the island. Mark and his jeep go straight and disappear from view. The shack follows the brush but is losing headway and comes to a stop just short of the island. Don't know if that was planned or not but there goes the white flare and everyone looks ok.. Dan then sets up a video camera that he got from the next towns over public access library. We can now watch as other houses approach Dan. I turn on my black and white TV in Alert one and watch as Dan focus his camera on the Lodge and the launching area.

Duckslayers has a marvelous shanty and one that received a lot of attention. It appears to have been a copy of an old ice cream three wheeler. A 6x6x6 plastic box with what appears to be the front end of a motorcycle. Mounted high on the rear is a wing or a spoiler borrowed from what appears to have been a stock car. The wheel has been replaced with a ski and the committee at inspection had to meet and approve the plastic design. The shanty was admitted with only a ½ pull being allowed. Duckslayer lobbied for a full pull but the committee stood hard on the ½ pull. Duckslayer has been pulled to the launch area and he has strapped himself in. His wife watches intently from a heated viewing spot off to the side of the slope. Doc Burriem is standing next to her and sharing some hot cocoa. Wearing a full face shield and six point harness secured to the plastic sides of the shanty with long lengths of duct tape, Duckslayer accepts his and Hanks shots of Wild Turkey and gives the thumps up signal. The sling is attached and the horn sounds. The red silk scarf that is wrapped around his neck streams out behind him as he heads down the hillside. He hits the ice and starts doing slow turns left and right like he is going down a slalom course. As he bleeds off speed he makes a turn for the Island. We can all see him on the black and white as he approaches and then passes Dan. Showing off now he makes a circle and parks it right next to Nytelyter. With a flourish he steps off and puts his kick stand down. Pops his white flare and shakes Nytelyter hand.

The Sparrow club has an entry in this years fling and as you know we will allow anyone to be flung as long as they pass inspection and or are drafted. This year we had a number of newcomers to the fling and the Sparrow Cub is one of the ones who were selected. Somehow and I don't know how they thought they had been issued a challenge to the fling. When I mentioned this to Elmer he hid his face in his popcorn and mumbled something I could not understand. The shack did have some questions in passing the inspection. Some of the things were the strength of the wallpaper as reinforcement and the unsecured wall wine racks. The house also seem to be made up of a lot of paper machie We were assured that the rear wall did have a solid beam in place for launching and the placement of the sling. After having them secure there bamboo fishing rods and wine bottles they were cleared to go. The two riders declined the Wild Turkey and instead finished drinking their tea. Hard to do with it being cold out and there little fingers frozen outwards. They put in for a 1/8 pull but received a 1\4 pull later Hank said it might even had been as much as a ¾ pull as he could not adjust for the light weight and something the French guy said might have been misunderstood. Horns sounded and they were sent off down the hill, about half way down the paper machie started to peel back from the sides of the ice house and almost like wings the walls peeled back from the frame work. They hit a rut in the slope and went off course heading for the public dock. People scattered as they slid across the dock catching the guide ropes to the weather balloons. With two loud TWANGS the ropes gave way and the shanty now caught in the ropes started to rise as it bounced once after leaving the dock. With an almost graceful look they caught a slight breeze and riding the thermals began to rise above the park. The last we saw of them there were being chased by some crows. We saw no red flare so we assumed they are ok. Hank never said anything to me over the intercom.

We waited for what seem like five minutes and decide to continue the fling. Next up was Dug and another interesting ice house. This was a pretty simple looking 8x10 shack with hardwood siding, a stove pipe and one plastic window. A couple of wood runners could be seen underneath it and with the door open you could see a bunk and a fold down table and two lift out floor doors for fishing. A bolted down stove was off in one corner. The window had two matching blue checkerboard curtains. An auger stood upright secured to the side of the house. A real honest to god fishing house. Dug took his shot of Turkey and Hank patted the side of the house and eased the bungee back and gave the horn signal. The shack plowed it's way down the hill and just made the ice skipping across and slowing turning in a circle. It came to rest a hundred yards out and with the door facing the crowd Dug stepped out and waved his white flare. He then went in and reappeared with his auger, after punching a hole through the ice he return to his shack and a moment later was sitting at his hole, rod in hand.

Skinny shanty is the same as last years, just a simple house painted in Red with Lake Iwanttobethere across the side. Skinny just has Hank in the dozer nudge him and he slides down like a six year old on the bunny hill. He hits the bank and slides out across the ice. Surprisingly he goes about 50 yards and comes to a rest. Waving his arms above his head he makes his way back to shore and receives applause from the on lookers.

Elmer walking along side his shanty hikes up the hill as the four wheeler strains to pull the house up the hill to the sling. Wearing his carharts and his red plaid wool vest he goes in to check the inside of his house. Elmer has been in every fling ever held here at the lake. As a matter of fact he was one of the original Lodge members who brought the bungees back to the Lodge in the middle of that hot summer night. They stored them out in the ice house and knew that somehow they would come up with a use for them. He used to compete in the distance challenge but now he being older and wiser uses the fling to get his house out on the ice with as little effort on his part as needed. The house is filled with all of his tackle and supplies, and enough beer and cigars to last the better part of the winter. The launch sheet calls for a ¾ pull. Hank offers Elmer a shot and Elmer grabs the bottle of Turkey and chugs a long swallow. Elmer climbs in and Hank pulls the bungee back. The horn sounds and the sling is released. Like a battleship launching the shanty heads down the slope picking up speed. It hits the ice sending a sheet of ice shavings into the crowd. Elmer has a surprise to, a panel slides across the roof and a small dish appears. The door swings open and flaps in the breeze. About 250 yards out an anchor is tossed from the shanty and dragging behind the shanty it begins to slow. The anchor finally bites in and the house swings in a half circle to come to a rest. Elmer appears with a chair and his white flare. His house sits right over one of his secret brush piles that he drooped in the middle of summer. He is about fifty yards shy of the pink flamingos and is now the closest.

The Johnson Brothers have returned from college and have entered a rather advanced yet inexpensive house to be launched. It can still be recognized for what it once was, a VW Bug. Yellow in color the bug has been stripped of it tires and engine along with drive train and gas tank. Just the shell left and that has been converted for ice fishing. The front compartment holds there gear and the rear engine compartment now has a pony keg and cup dispenser along with a bbq. Old man Johnson named his twin sons Barley and Hops for a reason. The bug is loaded into the sling and a1/2 pull has been requested. The two young men turn down the Wild Turkey and instead chug there beers. They smash the empty cups against each others foreheads. They climb in and are secured in there shoulder straps. The only seats in the bug face away from each other. Can't really tell which end is the front. The horns sounds and they zip down the slope and hitting the ice they start to spin like a kids top. A lot of there energy seems to be wasted in spinning and they move in a slow wobble across the lake. Guess that is the reason for opposite seats as someone can see where they are going while the other can see where they have been. The Bug finally comes to a stop about two hundred and seventy five yards out front of the launch. It is still spinning in place but after another minute or so that to comes to a stop and the two brothers exit. Barley holds a white flare over head and walks in a somewhat circle. Hops makes his way to the rear and pulls out a new cup from the dispenser and fills it. Surprising they are now the closest to the three pink flamingoes frozen in the lake and are the leaders for the accuracy contest and the prize package. Guess they are learning something at college after all.

Hank is called over to meet with Doc Burriem, while he is away the cover is removed from the #10 entry and a small house painted in Robin's egg blue is revealed. It has a white door and painted window boxes with flowers. Hooked up to the four wheeler it is dragged to the sling by Chuck. Stepping out from behind the dozer Tess takes her shot of Wild Turkey and hops into the shanty. Heads turn toward the launch as word spreads through the crowd that it is Tess not Chuck who is in the #10 position. She did not want Hank in the fling because of the danger and them being newlyweds. Hank said he would take the year off but Tess was going to surprise him with her own house. Now Hank slipping and sliding up the hill and yelling at Skinny and Chuck not to launch. Tess sitting in the window of her shack puts her hand out the window and like the Queen gives a little wave of her hand and with that the Horn sounds and the twang of the bungee she is shot down the hill. With the shanty heading straight at Hank he dives to the snow as the now Blue Blur flies over his head and skips once, twice before hitting the ice and heading outwards. Hanks stands and makes a dash to the second bungee with Alert One in the sling. He hits the release as he jumps through the door. I look down at him on the floor on top of the broken door and greet him as best as I can after drinking a half a bottle of Turkey.

Well I can't say to much about Tess's ride as I did not see it. The release of the bungee on such a little shanty as Alert One set me deep into the cushions of the chair made with canned foam. It did not help that Hank was lifted from the floor and tossed in my lap. It was all that I could do to hold on to my Wild Turkey and mug. As the shack went down the hill with nothing but the back half of the shack on the slope, I guess we were on plane. I could just make out the scattering crowd. Seems the snow hill in front of the shack was higher then it was planned for. Alert One plowed through the top of the hill and we were in a white out. Hank regaining his feet was busy tossing stuff from Alert One trying to make it lighter. Lucky for me I had my seat belt duct taped on and had the Turkey secure in both hands. I did notice that as we overshot Tess she had her little blue shanty resting right next to the three pink flamingoes. Seeing this Hank calmed down and stood in the doorway watching his wife and the Lodge recede in the distance behind us. I offered Hank the Turkey and he had a few pulls from the bottle while we waited for the shack to come to a stop. Of course we were way out pass McGurk and had passed the test log also. Hank had tossed out the flares and the blankets and the ladder and the extension cord for the heater was lost way back. Not being to far gone he had let me hold on to the Turkey and the radio. Using his workman's belt tool he secured the door back on the side of Alert One and we sat and watched the sunset. Remembering the football game was on we tuned it in on the old am radio still duct taped to the ceiling. With my batteries fading I have posted this account of the fling and we hope someone will be out to bring us back in................. In the distance we can see fireworks going off near Root Beer island and the quiet sounds of Polka, Polka drifting across the frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Kind of peaceful out here. From the frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere and Alert One the ice town of Lake Iwanttobethere is open for business... Getting kind of cold to...


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Has Alert 2 been sent out looking for Alert 1 yet? I walked over in the direction they were headed, but lost the trail with the blowing snow. I'm hoping they make it out OK. Good for Tess! Nice to see a little diversification making it into the fling. Maybe next year I'll read the rules a little better. I'm gonna get my house dragged back to where the flamingos are and stay close to the accuracy winners. Even if there's no fish, there is the town to help pass the time. A big Thanks to Bobby, and to all of the rest of the participants and helpers that made it such a great event!

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I had to go back to where Paul was! He stole, er I mean borrowed, my Capt Morgan and diet Coke! Now that I know the power of the sling it is probably good that I did not get the full pull, I may have ended up right back here at home on a full pull. We had a great weekend and I think it was enjoyed by all! I don't think that Doc and Tess were the only ones that were putting a hurt on that Hot Coco and special flavoring. It seems that most of the flavoring is gone already. Thanks one and all and again a special thanks to you Bobby for putting it all together. Always a great time every time I visit Lake Iwanttobethere! Planning stage already started to win the accuracy contest next year! Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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"Maybe next year I'll read the rules a little better. I'm gonna get my house dragged back to where the flamingos are and stay close to the accuracy winners."

Ahh McGurk you missed rules #9

9) Once your house has been launched and it comes to a complete stop you will not be allowed to relocate your house for 30 days. You may rotate it up to 360 degrees. You will be a marker for the rest of the town to follow.

The fling committee will be meeting later today and I will lobby for you to be allowed to move your shanty, You are way out there in no man's land so to speak. We have to retrieve Alert One and the Test log anyway. Hank and I arrived back at the Lodge late last night. We are still trying to warm up. Lucky for us Elmer remember we were out there and came and got us with his old Bomb-a-deer. This morning the landing looks like something from a military landing or invasion. Four wheel drives scattered all over with trailer and shanties. Groups of men waving hands and talking about where to set up and the sound of augers digging holes out on the ice for the houses that have already been set up. The bungees are down and now secure, a few fellows thought they would try and pull it back with a four wheeler and launch there house. They slipped going up the hill with the bungee attached. The bungee took the four wheeler up and down the hill several times. The rider was flung into the main tent and there is not much left of the four wheeler.

Skinny is out now picking up items from Alert One that Hank tossed. Hank is having lunch with Tess and they are talking about painting the shack. At least Hank is. Later today we will award Tess the prize package for winning the fling and the first map of the town will be displayed so we can plan on the ice road and where power poles will be put in. Sunny and temps already into the low 20's a perfect day after to work on the shacks. I'll haul mine down maybe tomorrow, have to figure out where I am going to set up. Give it some time to see how people fish tonight. Want to hear how things are out by Root Beer Island. We did hear from the Sparrow Club there shack landed North of the lake on the railroad track. When they went back to get it the freight train and come through and now they can't find it. There lawyers were looking over there waver forms. I am going to lite up a cigar and enjoy some time on the deck here at the Lodge. Been a busy past few days. Hope everyone settles in down on the ice and enjoyed there rides. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Nice looking sunrise this morning here at the lake. Hard water and houses spread across it. Smoke curls upward in the calm air from the shanties and already you can see a few doors standing open and activity on the ice. Landing is not quite so busy today. A lot of houses went out between the fling and yesterdays activity. Tents are down in the park and Lodge members went out yesterday afternoon and helped Hank and Skinny clean up. Orange barrels are stacked by the beach waiting to be placed for the town's ice road. Dug will be down later today with his plow to make the first pass. Tess being the winner of Sunday's contest will get the first pass made out to her shack and then it looks like the road will make the turn and head to Root Beer Island. A few more houses have followed Nyterlyter, Duckslayer and Dan out that way. Have not heard anything about fishing yet from there and hope the guys pipe in here soon. Elmer picked up some crappies off his brush pile straight out from the landing. He tried to sneak them into his cabin last night but Bud gave him away when he came home.

Hank is still working on getting used to Tess's house and her painted flowers. Chuck and Skinny along with Tess did a good job of building the house and keeping it a secret from Hank. They were out there fishing in it last night. I see Tess was at Vicki's picking up bait this morning. Tess received everything in the gift basket from the 20,000 reader that went unclaimed plus the package for being the accuracy winner this year.

A plowed road to her shack. Conies here at the Lodge a can yam, 99 yards of fishing line, a camouflage bobber, A Grouse call and a quart of 30-40 oil. a 12 pack of Mindy and Mandy's Root beer. Two bottles of Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup. A punch card good for six doz. Live minnows from the Masterbaiters Shop. A coupon from Earl's General Store for hand warmers, a buy one get one flung free from Del's Pizza and Sub shop. A free flue shot from Doc Burriem and a assortment of small chocolate from our very own chocolate maker. A new calendar here from the Lake Iwanttobethere Bank and a also a desk calendar and pencil set from Reed the Realtor. Besides the gift basket she also receives more conies, a doz. free minnows a day from the Masterbaiters shop. Free removal of her shack come spring. Free mounting of one fish from our local fish mounter and a coupon book for an assortment of meals and drinks from area businessmen. Also one ham from Ma and Pa's a pretty good package this year.

Well I am going to head down to the ice and do some scouting, see where the fish are and where I should haul my shack to. O By the way McGurk your shack was given the ok and was hauled back in by Elmer and his Bomb-a-Deer yesterday. They parked it just down from Tess near the Johnson brothers. It might be a little noisy down there with them college kids but still better then being where you were. Alert One and the test log are back in storage.

On another note I would like to say hello to everyone who came out to the fling and are here reading about us. Reef Runner if you can find the Lodge then I am sure someone can get you set up on the ice. From Lake Iwanttobethere (20758)

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From Lake Iwanttobethere (20701)


From Lake Iwanttobethere (250758)

Man, that Fling sure did bring in the readers. Impressive! We passed the quarter mil mark without even realizing it, glad we could help.

couple of cigars pulled up from the initial fling spot, and am glad to be allowed to move to the point. I may have a thing or two to teach the Johnson's; as is said "with experience comes wisdom." And man, have I had some experiences, as I'm sure do the others around the flamingos.

Looking to get into some crappies, so hopefully they will cooperate. I'm a big fan of "catch and release, into the grease" when it come to panfish. I'll have to do a little portable work around Elmer's crib that he has successfully found. Nothing marks a good fishing spot like a perma-house on top of it.

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From Lake Iwanttobethere (250758)

Man, that Fling sure did bring in the readers. Impressive!

Er Ahh Buff the cat was assisting me in writting this morning. The error has been corrected and Buff has been sent to his room to work on his 10 key adding machine skills... BB

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Two weeks out from Christmas and things are looking good here at the lake. Ice town is filling in nicely. Most of the locals have their houses set up and even a few of the out of town fishermen have taken time off to get there houses set up on the ice. Come this weekend even more houses will come in. I put mine out last night and I am just down from Elmer a little. Sitting just off his brush pile, but I think I'll do just fine there. Not really a bad place on the lake to put a house. Frank the plow driver has been out the last few days pushing back banks along the roads. Another sunny day here with temps in the teens. If this could last for the next several months I know a lot of people that would be happy. A lot of snow in the woods and the four wheelers and snowmobiles are all busy riding and a few hunters still out chasing birds. The small resorts and little bars around the lake are all happy. Everyone is getting some bonus business here before Christmas. Looks like a good end of the year for everyone.

Here at the cabin the battle of the Christmas tree has started. The wife took it apron herself to cut a tree down and it is up and decorated in the front room of the cabin. During the past few nights the two little boys, our cats Buff and Smokey will remove the balls from the tree and redecorate the cabin with them. The wife gets up in the morning and gathering balls and decorations from around the cabin redecorates the tree. We went through this last year. I thought she would wait a little longer to put up the tree this year but all the snow has put her in good spirits I guess. Used to be we just had to watch where we put stuff on the lower levels of the tree for the grand kids but the cats climb the tree and nothing is safe.

Spending time in the wood shop. Making the two grandsons a toy box that will double as a fishing boat for them. Of course it will not be sea worthy but with some imagination they will be able to dump all of there toys out and play inside of it. The youngest daughter was complaining that she didn't get a toy box / boat when she was little. Guess I'll have to build her something to.. Might be a little old for a toy box at twenty though. Garage is empty with the ice house moved out of the way. Quiet over at Elmers as he has pretty much moved into his shack. Pepper has been down there the last few days, she spends more time with Elmer then she does here at home. Ever since they shared the groundhog hunt this summer they have bonded. Barney has been down at the shack already, had to pop in a third hole so he has something to look at. He spends the late afternoon watching my two floats and trying to watch his own hole all at the same time. Settling in to a grove here. Getting things done around the cabin in the morning then a trip to the Lodge for odds and ends. At the shanty for the evening bite then back to the Lodge for a nightcap and to catch up on things. Can't think of a much better way to spend the winter. Of course we have Christmas coming and the Lodge Christmas party will be on Saturday the 22nd this year which also happens to be the first official day of winter. The Lodges tree has several presents under it already and it looks like the sprit is catching on even at the Lodge.

The fishing board already has a few one pound crappies on it and a four pound eye. Was a story going around of a big northern that was almost up through the hole and then lost out off Root Beer Island. Those guys out there have been quiet so far and not much of any reports coming from that end of the town. I was out on Elmers Bomb-a-deer and did notice a trail from Nytelyters shack going in the direction of Mindy and Mandy's place but I am not one to spread rumors, I leave that to Elmer. Snow is all packed down around Dan's place of course with them big paws of Grace that is to be expected. Well time to run some errands for the mises so I can make it to the shack by dinner time. Bang on the door if you see the lights on and the smoke coming out the pipe. From Lake Iwanttobethere (20809)

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Did not want to say much cuz I figured that Paul, McGurk, Dan and Grace would move into our humble abode and being only the size of an ice cream truck there would not be much room. We, young-son and I, have been getting a LOT of NICE crappies out there! Have kept a few for a meal but most are back there ready to be caught another day. Glad that I ended up where I did as there is lots of nice structure there and lots of nice fish. Have also caught some nice eyes but they have all gone back! I think that there will be no need to move the house at the end of the location freeze!

There still seems to be a faint smell of burnt paint in the house from the new paint that we had put on the ski's. Wish that I could find that 20 inch box fan and let it air the house out a bit. It is getting better though as time goes on. If we get everything set up we may need to install a fire extinguisher in the house for the fling next year. Who would have thought that metal on ice could get that hot? Maybe I should look for some titanium skates for the rig next year!

Finally got all of that dang hot chocolate drank up! Well there was not that much left. Funny though, there was more coco left than there was Bailey’s! Things that make a fella go Hmmmm. Bobby, it was good to get a good schooling on the cribbage board the other night. I will have to hone those skills before we play again! I do N Joy playing though and with good friends and a good cigar the outcome of the game does not seem that important. Much like when I go hunting with my son, if we get some ducks that is good if not we still have quality time out there!

I was at the lodge the other day and there was a dilemma. Seems that thee guys had checked into a room and Chuck had checked them in and charged them $30.00 for the room which would of course be $10.00 each.. Well Elmer got wind of that and told him no, that should only be $25.00 so he gave Chuck 5 ones and told him to go give it to the guys. Chuck not being able to divide 3 into 5 figured that he would stick $2.00 in his pocket and give them each a dollar back. Well, now they have each paid $9.00 for the room. Chuck has two dollars and I started thinking, 3 X 9=27. Chuck has two so that would make $29.00 all told. Well where the heck did that other dollar go? confused.gif Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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I found a buck on the lodge floor and just put it in the popcorn butter-and-salt fund can. My head hurts DS. No wonder you get schooled at cribbage with math skills like that! I know where your accounting error is, but I'll let some others figure it out. Make sure you keep a good head count on those crappies caught, it would make for an interesting read next winter. I always have a calendar in the FH for marking events of note; # of fish caught, new sightings, good conversations, noteworthy events, people there, etc. Mostly pretty mild reading, but there was that one time...

A quiet night of solo fishing (but little catching) and it was getting late, but I was in no hurry as I had recently had some midnight hits on the rattle reels. In the middle of doing a little minnow checking my door flew open. In stumbled a guy wearing his thermal underwear top, one sock, and NOTHING else. He was screaming "She let it go! She let it go! She had it out but let it go!" I yelled back "Shut the Door!" It took a couple of minutes at the furnace for him to warm up and a couple of hits from the emergency WT bottle, but he came around.

As soon as he was settled enough to talk coherently, he exclaimed that he had been at a bar most of the night easing out of a long work day, and spotted a cougar across the bar (claws and fur, but lipstick instead of fangs) and sidled up to her. Drinking commenced, and after a bit of creeping closer and having a good round of flirtatious banter, he popped the age old question. "D'jou wanna go outto my fishhoush wif me?" She hesitated, but agreed as he said that he some Boones Farm stashed out there. He asked where he was parked, and if he was able to drive, to which he replied "Oh, we're not driving. You do have warm socks under those knee high boots, don't you?" After some more convincing, they made the short hike out to his house. It was warm already as he had planned on sleeping there anyway after the bar, so they proceeded to get cozy. Only after he dropped his lines (all 4, he now had a guest) and let them be. The Boones Farm was passed back and forth, and the bench/couch/bed was getting some use that it hadn't had before.

But, wouldn't you know it, the night bite came through. 2 of the reels were spinning, and he instantly yelled "Fish ON!!!" and grabbed the closest line. She sat up not having an idea what was going on. He told her that after the reel stopped spinning, wait for it to start going again, and give the line a light yank. She did as she was told while he tended his line. He had his hooked, and started to bring his up. No sound from the other corner, so he brought up a 13" walleye, and was putting it back down the hole when she screamed "It's huge! It's HUGE!" He turned around to see her holding a walleye no less than 30" long, with the minnow laying on the floor. He mumbled "it is huge..." and froze, not having a fish like that before in his own house. There he was, with his jaw roughly at his navel, watching this all unfold not knowing what to do. Standing before him, was a woman he had brought out the fishhouse for her first time (but not her First time) wearing a red sweater and not much else, holding the biggest walleye he had seen pulled out of his lake, with a look of both extreme horror and pleasure on her face, not sure what to do. She asked quietly "Now what?" She saw that he had put his back and proceeded to put this momma back, too. Before he could respond, the monster was head first in the hole, and he let out a defeated "NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" and ran out the door screaming and cursing, not knowing what else to do. In that state of delirium, he had ran around looking for the first light on in a house. Which is why he was now here.

I asked him if he wanted me to help him find his house. He agreed, and I lent him a pair of boots to get back. It was a pretty quiet night, and there weren't more than 5 lights on in the dozens of houses out there. We eventually got it on the 3rd try (confusing a few people on the way) and he went in. I stayed back in case she wasn't presentable, only to have him stick his head out, saying "She's gone." I hopped in to see the minnow still on the floor, his clothes loose around the shack, and some red writing on one wall. "Don't talk to me at the bar ever again." in lipstick.

And that's how I first met Skinny.

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Sun is out and the wind is up. A warm 32 out but you have to be standing behind the shanty to enjoy it. Wind is picking up snow and sending it across the ice. Good thing there is enough snow to pack around the house and the door is on the lee side. All caught up on chores around the cabin, at least for today. Came down to the lake to see what is going on down here and I find that Skinny and Hank along with Big Earl have been busy. Earl being the businessman that he is along with Skinny and Hank who will try anything at least twice have started a new venture.

When they were out in their houses last night looking back at the big piles of snow on the launch hill they all got together with the same idea. A snow luge! With first light this morning they were out carving a track in the snow to launch ice fishermen and there gear down the hill and across the lake. Dug arrived to plow the ice road and it did not take him long to get onboard with the idea. Tilting his plow he started at the bottom of the hill and plowed a lazy curve out away from the shore towards Root Beer Island. You can now rent a plastic toboggan from Earl, load your gear and slide down the chute to end up just off the Island. When you are done you drop off your toboggan at Earls shack on your way to the parking lot. Sounds like a good deal for the day fishermen. The test log was brought out and with the added weight of both Hank and Skinny it took only a few runs to get the track in shape. I just watched the third set of fishermen fly down the hill and they acted like little kids screaming all the way down. I suppose it will get even faster the more it gets used. Earl was heading back to his store to order more sleds.

Skinny is back at the Lodge trying to explain to his girlfriend on the phone about a story that was posted on the Lodges web site. I just got a chance to read it myself. Sounds like something Skinny would do. Skinny is getting a lot of the guys walking by him holding out there hands about twenty inches apart. Laughing. I walked by and I can hear Dorthy shouting out the other ear of Skinny's head. I think she is a tad upset. I'll have to talk to Elmer, he knows everything that is going on around here.

I see McGurk sitting by the fire and a cribbage board and cards at the table in front of him. I see Gus heading his way with a platter of hot wings and a pitcher of Hamms. Before anyone else can sit down I invite myself. To windy to fish anyway ... From Lake Iwanttobethere (20876)

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Well, now they have each paid $9.00 for the room. Chuck has two dollars and I started thinking, 3 X 9=27. Chuck has two so that would make $29.00 all told. Well where the heck did that other dollar go? Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

hehehe minnow money. its just one of those things. ... paul

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Tess and Skinny's sometimes girlf friend Dorothy were in the Lodge changing pillow case covers on the Lodge's new thro pillows. They had brought in some Christmas colors to "Brighten" up the Lodge. While they were there they surveyed the decorations or as they put it "lack of decorations" Dorothy made the comment that the popcorn strings on the tree was just plain bad and to emphases her point she went to tear them off the tree. With her pull the entire tree came tumbling down around her. The popcorn had been strung together with Power Pro, 50# I think and it did not break as she had perhaps thought it would. The tree fell down on Elmer who was sitting as usual on his wicker couch in front of the tree and TV. Several members jumped up from there chairs to assist Elmer and set the tree upright so there was no need for me to move from my chair. Just about then Hank and Skinny came in the back door. Tess gave Hank a kiss on the cheek and Dorothy just gave Skinny a glaring look. Think it had something to do with McGurk and his story of Skinny and there first meeting. The four of them took a table and Tess with her green notebook started writing down things that would be needed to decorate the Lodge for the upcoming Lodge Christmas party. Hank pulled out his index cards from his back pocket and they compared notes. Skinny looking for something to do went behind the bar and pulled out a box of Christmas tree lights that needed to be untangled. After awhile Dorothy came over and started to help him. Elmer returned to watching his soap and quiet return to the Lodge. Just the occasional scream from someone going down the new luge broke the silence.

Finishing up my book work I took a stroll into town and went to the Dew Drop Inn for lunch. Sitting down at the counter I saw the special for the month was the ludafish and eggnog. I decided to pass on that and just had some potato pancakes, ham and grilled French bread. Watching my diet you know. Somehow the smell of ludafish was in the air even though I did not see anyone have it on there plate. I made some small talk over a hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick. A pretty common thread of conversation was what the guys were buying there wife's. No one had any real good ideas just a lot of things not to buy. I finished up my cider and gathering my coat and scarf headed out the door. I held the door open for a couple of guys coming in. One looked familiar to me and I ask him if I knew him. He told me he was just down at the luge, maybe there? That was it, " I thought you were going fishing?" Adjusting his pants he looked at me and said 'Nope, just here for the ride" and continued to the lunch counter with his buddies, limping slightly.

Earl saw me coming down the sidewalk and waved me it to the store, holding the hand over the bottom of the phone he asked if five dozen plastic sleds would be enough. I gave him a thumbs up and started thinking on ways the Lodge could cash in on this new ride we had. Grabbing a free candy cane from the jar I headed back out the door. Strolling down the sidewalk and checking out the painted windows I caught the whiff of fresh bread in the air. Apple pie came to mind and I set off for Amy's. A moment later I am sitting at a small table with hot apple pie and glass of milk and the lovely Amy waiting on me. Halfway through my pie Amy came over and sat close to me. Her fingers ran down my arm dragging her fingernails lightly on my skin. A small chill went down my back when she leaned in closer and whisper in my ear.. " Are you catching any fish on your spot" clearing my throat and moving away but not to quickly or to far I said "Maybe" slapping my hand she sat down across from me and we chatted while I finished my pie, I had just one piece, as you know I am watching my diet. Sun getting low in the sky so I said my good-byes and headed back to the Lodge to get my gear and go to the shack for the bite. From Lake Iwanttobethere (20917)

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Since the weather has not changed much the past few days staying cold but sunny Bud and I went out hunting. Digging through the garage I found my little bear paw snowshoes and armed with the single shot 20ga and with a pocket of shells we set off. The powder was easy going for Bud as he bounded through it jumping up and down like he was a puppy again. Little more work for me as my puppy days have been long gone. We made our way back behind the cabin and checked out the down pine top. I was fully expecting to bust a bird here but nothing but a snowshoe hare that bolted from the far side of the down top. Bud in close pursuit. The hare running flat out on top of the snow and Bud in his wake looking like a tank busting through the snow. I was going to call him off but I let him run, the hare made a circle and gave me a shot if I wanted to take it but I let him run by and Bud stopped. Bud gave me the do I keep going or let it go look. I called him over and patted him on the head. We both turned and walked away toward the pines. Bud now that he got that out of his system took his time, nose up in the air he walked out in front of me checking out brush piles and clumps of grass.

We were both moving slow when a grouse blew up in front of us right in Buds face. Taking me my surprise I made a poor attempt at getting the shotgun up to my shoulder. By then it was to late as the bird thundered off behind a big spruce, waiting for the bird to reappear to the right of the tree it went left. Bud, tail wagging and tongue hanging out gave me that "Well" look. I shrugged and told him the sun was in my eyes and we continued on our way. Sun high in the sky we tried the gully. Little more action here as two birds sunning themselves let Bud get close before bolting. The little twenty barked and only one made it up and over the hill. Bud returned with a prance in his step as he brought the warm bird to hand. Slipping it inside a pocket it bumped off my hip with each step as we looked for his partner. Coming over the top of the hill not a stones throw away sitting in a birch the other bird looked back at Bud. It did not even notice me as Bud walked under the tree and with nose down snorted through some leaves. The bird, neck stretched out peered down at Bud. Easy shot if I wanted it. Instead I just said out loud " Today is your lucky day" the bird froze and I could see him trying to look at me with out turning. I guess he looked like what a deer hunter looks like to a deer when trying not to be spotted. I chuckled and wave my hands. With that he took off, flying low and fast waiting for the shot that I did not take. Bud gave me the " what was that all about look" I slipped Bud a milk bone and unwrapped a piece of hard candy for myself. Looking around I ponder my next move. Snow looked deep in the bottom of the gully but you could see a few patches of grass up on top. Slipping off the snow shoes I flung them over my shoulder and we took the easy route on top of the gully.

No more birds but we did get a good walk in. No wind to speak of and the sun felt good on the face. Making it down to the road we had perfect timing as Elmer was just driving by. A few minutes later we were back at the cabin and Bud was in front of the fireplace licking his paws. Bird was cleaned and in the fridge. With a hot cup of cocoa I stand in front of the big windows facing the lake and look out. Time for some more snow I think to myself. You can see tracks going down the hill to the lake from deer and the dogs. Sun reflects off the windows of shacks out on the lake and I can just make out the blur of someone coming down the luge. Tess's and Hank's blue shack sure does stick out. Phone rings and Chuck is calling to tell me that Barney just pulled in a pound and a half crappie from his shack. Wants to know if I should have him enter it in the fishing contest. " Of course" I answer. Dang dog... From Lake Iwanttobethere (20975)

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About an hour away from football night here at the Lodge. A couple of local teams are playing tonight so there is a fair amount of local interest. The indoor archery season was to start here in the Lodge but we thought it be best if we moved that to the empty ice storage house. One would have to walk across the shooting lane when getting refreshment from the bar and taking it back to the TV area. The bar is well stocked as we thought about the football game as well as the Saturday night Lodge Christmas dinner and dance. Some of the ladies wanted to come in today and start decoration but were convinced to wait till later in the week.

The new outdoor luge run has to this point been a great success. More people are riding it as a ride rather then using it to get out to there fish shanties. No real injuries so far and that is good but we have decided to have users sign a waver form. A lot like the fling form so we just had to have a bunch of copies made and have a folder for them Even some talk of some kind of coupon book so you ride so many times and get a free ride. I think the idea there is to keep the free ride and give away the book. Going to be in the twenties here most of the week so fishing should be good. Helps having minnow water spill on the luge run. Getting to be quite slick. My dog Barney is in first place with a one pound 8 oz crappie that he caught in Chucks ice house the other night. He watched the bobber go down and with a touch from many years practice grabbed the pole in his mouth and backed out of the house bring the crappie up with him. What can I say, it has not been the first time that he has been on the leader board.

Christmas shopping is all done for me. I went out with the wife and we spent almost four hours together. I told my daughter and she checked my forehead to see if I was sick or not. Also made a comment she can't wait to see what I and her ma decided together on getting her. I would mention it here but she does come and read about the lake. Normally I would be at the shanty fishing right now but I thought I would help Gus out with some bar tending and I do have a few fantasy football players going tonight. Chili pot is full as is the Coney sauce. A big rack of fresh bread from Amy's for dipping and a new keg of Hamms just tapped. Should be a fun night and if you are close you should drop in and say hi.. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (21025

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Sitting behind the bar here at the Lodge trying to stay out of the way. Kind of like a general in a bunker I field questions and make up answers. Lodge is busy today as the ladies are here decorating for the dance and vendors are coming in and out with deliveries. With temps above freezing we are having a few water problems with the leaking Lodge roof. Hank and Skinny were up on the roof with sledgehammer's breaking away some ice dams. With all the snow we received everyone was busy cleaning up the cabins and we kind of forgot about the roof here. Now with the melt on we have a few pails around the main room to catch water and the ladies informed us that it would be unacceptable for the dance. Removing the ice was pretty uneventful and we could hear the pounding through the Lodge as Skinny and Hank worked there way across the north side. There was a moment of concern when Hank lost his footing and fell off the roof. Lucky for him he landed on the stack of plastic toboggans stacked up against the Lodge and after breaking his fall he found himself heading for the lake ice on his back in the luge run. Skinny wanting to make sure his partner was OK grab another toboggan and set off after him. I think they were both just trying to take a break.

On there return being towed behind the back of Elmers Bomb-a-Deer they return to the roof and finished the job. Now I can see they are down working on a skating rink. The towns skating rink is not ready for use so Skinny and Hank are down clearing snow off an area near the landing so people will be able to skate the night of the dance. The softball field lights have already been turned out in that direction so it will be well lit. The Christmas dance is one of the few times when the Lodge is open to all of the wives and girlfriends of members. A time for the members to share Christmas and also a time for the Lodge to get a free cleaning. Elmer has not been inside since the ladies arrived. Does not like all that fuss and bother of hearing a vacuum run and windows being washed and commentary about dust bunnies in the corners. When the ladies are done later this afternoon the Lodge will have a different look that we will have to tend with for the next few days. The ladies will call it "festival" we will call it cluttered. There is of course some good to all this. We get a free cleaning and it is better then when Hank just comes in with the power washer and leaf blower. The first thing I did was lock the office door, it is only locked twice a year, now and on New Years Eve.

So I sit behind the bar here and I greet the deliver folks. Sign my name and pass out envelopes from under the bar. We exchange gifts, The beer guy dropped of an extra keg of Hamms the chip guy a box of pretzels. The extras find there way to my office to be put in the closet till our next football gathering. If we left them out the ladies would add them to the lodges party menu. Ladies have a dance floor area cleared out. After they leave we will push the tables and chairs back in to make it smaller. Don't need to waste all that space. Lunch crowd starts to make there way in and are stopped at the door and made to wipe there feet. They even have to hang up their coats and there is some mumbling till they sit at the bar and find small bowls with fresh nuts. The cashews are quickly picked out but the peanuts left behind are fresh and they to are eaten. One of the guys makes a comment about the smell of the place. They sip their beers and wait for there hot wing order they all agree the new smell is "Clean"..

With each passing moment the Lodge is changing. More lights are strung up between the posts and the tables are washed. Even the mirror behind the bar gets attention. Boxes appear from storage that even I had forgotten about and colored balls and garland appear. The tree looks different with the old popcorn removed and the coasters taken off. Now decked out in tinsel it almost looks like one of the magazine Christmas trees. Someone drops a dime in the old Jute box and everyone stops as Bing Crosby voice fills the Lodge with White Christmas. As if on cue looking out the deck windows we can see snow falling. The moment is lost when a shovel falls off the roof and Skinny right behind. We rush to the window just in time to see Skinny sitting with the shovel between his legs heading uncontrollably down the luge. Hank grabs a toboggan and sets off in pursuit. The moment is lost, I head back to the bar and the ladies to the tree. The Hot Wings order is up and that is that.. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (21094)

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Well a nice day here at the lake has just about come to an end. Hit 37 out and most people were out and about in the ice town with there bibs down and just fishing in flannel shirts. A lot the guys were out sitting on there buckets and the smell of Bbq was in the air. The luge stayed busy as with the wet snow it had slowed down some and the screams were far apart and not so loud any more. I hardy hear them inside the Lodge anymore, kind of gotten used to it. Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has been busy as the crappies have been biting during the day and also a few walleyes are being picked up. Since there was that story of big Northern off Root Beer Island the sale of big sucker minnows has picked up. Perch Lane is all but filled in now and there are quite a few houses all along the Root Beer Island point. Fishing for gills has also been good out that way. I see the lights are on most nights at Nitelyters and at Dan's place.

The locals are out just about every night and we see a lot of visitors in on the weekends. Of course if you have a shack on the ice then you are now a resident. Dance at the Lodge Saturday and looking forward to shaking hands with a lot of people. Seems we will have a pretty good turn out if the weather holds. Calling for snow, a little would be nice to give us that Christmas look. Anything over a foot and we might have to party all night. I am sure after closing that a lot of people will move on down to the ice town and the hiss of laturns will be heard till the wee hours of the morning. Lodge is all decorated up and we have garland and bells and tinsel and window decorations. All that good stuff.. The ladies removed our jars of pickled pigs feet and pickled eggs from the counters. Took me better part of an hour to find them and get them back in place on the back bar.

This afternoon we had our office party, well that's what people call it, We don't really have a office to party in but we like to think we are a family here at the Lodge and some of us who are here a lot get together and open our gifts. The tradition at the lodge is to buy yourself your own gift, wrap it and place it under the tree. This way you get exactly what you need and want. Except for Elmer, he buys himself something that he has no need for. I think it is to remind himself of his ex-wife. I found under the tree three of them rods covers that look like Chinese handcuffs. I already have two so I got some more. I was very happy with my gift. I also gave myself a nice bonus that I will spend on some new tackle. Gus, Elmer myself Chuck, Skinny Hank, Mark the Mailman. Frank the plow driver Reed the Realtor and big Earl all shared in a toast. Afterwards the other guys came in later and had a second get together. All that is left is the empty wrapped boxes that the ladies left for decorations.

The day was so nice we sat on the sun drenched deck smoking cigars and sipping some fine two year old scotch, at least that is what it said on the label and besides it was found behind the bar. With some music on the softball speakers and a few kids out skating on the lake it was a nice ending to the day. The Lodge is clean and we are just waiting for Saturday and the dinner. Grand kids come to the cabin tomorrow and Elmer has a list of chores for them. Also I saw him at Earl's getting some gifts and I think Tess wrapped them for him. Much better then the staples and duct tape that he usually uses. From the Lake have a good evening... (21154)

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The Mrs and I should be up to Lake IWTBT Friday evening, and will probably head right out to the shack for the walleye bite. As I said before; I live at the Lake and vacation for 5 days a week at my job in the "Sin Cities." Luckily, the drive isn't that bad, and the weather should hold off until Saturday morning, it sounds like. Elmer was kind enough to show me what the crappies tend to like, so the frying pan has seen some use.

It sounds like Skinny's story has gotten around town. I fear that his reputation around here may have been tarnished, in one person's eyes in particular. I didn't really mean for it to get to that level, and I guess I didn't even associate Skinny and Dorothy being together. Maybe I can smooth it out a little at the dance if I see her alone. I'll send up the missus to have a dance with Skinny, and go to work. That look Dorothy has is sharp, though.

I've always wondered who that might have been that he brought out to his shack. I'd think it was a local, but Skinny didn't recall much about her. They only real specifics he had about her was a red sweater, knee high boots, and some leopard print here or there. Oh yeah; big hair. I mean, HUGE hair. As I've walked around town, I tend to keep my eyes open for possible matches. Mindy, Amy, Mandy, even TESS?!?!?! I don't think we'll ever find out, as Skinny has done everything in his power to push that memory out of his mind. Parts of it anyway. He can tell you the exact shade of gray-green that that walleye was, the number of missing scales on her left side, how big the white mark was on her tail, and every other detail, but not anything about her.

A man's memory is a funny thing, and I put myself right at the top of that category. I cannot remember what my wife was wearing on our first date, but I know the setup and how deep I was when I caught the 1st walleye on the 2nd weekend in January last year, where it was, what the temp and day was like, and who was there. Selective memory, to go along with the selective hearing, I suppose.

Merry Christmas!!!

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Well here is some local news here from the lake. Tomorrow night will be the Christmas dinner and dance held at the Lodge. All members are encouraged to attend and all others are welcomed. Happy hour starts at 1 PM and runs till the dinner at 6 with dancing and live music from 8 till 12 Fred and Fiona Fiddler will be here with their kids playing for the crowd.

Skating rink on the lake ice will be open from 4 till 8 PM with free baby sitting. Luge will be open till sunset with free rides. McDonnell will have his mules here and hay rides will be free of charge from 5 till 8 PM. You can get a free ride from the parking lot to the Lodge and back down if you have to leave early.

Earl once again won the Christmas lighting contest in the business division and Howard and Poly the chocolate makers won for the cabin division. I took third place with my disco ball on top of the chimney. When I had a fire going it would lite up the bottom of the ball and the rising heat would rotate the ball. Worked good till the ball got black from all the soot.

Since Hank is now married Skinny was put in charge of gathering mistole and placing it around the Lodge. I am told there is more then usual about. We are hoping that Nytelyter will be preparing some of his famous brisket for the dinner. Duckslayer has agreed to set up a special booth for his cocoa and extra's. Mindy and Mandy will be manning the kissing booth and word is that Candy may also spend a few shifts there rasing money for the Lodge. The Johnson Brothers will be on the keg serving as no one can pour a tap beer like these guys.

There will be door prizes announced every hour on the hour. Some of the packages are bait from the Masterbaiters, six packs of loose meat sandwiches from Amy's. A case of beer, your choice from Wet Your Whistle. A Christmas ham from Ma and Pa's and a sampler from Howard and Poly's Lake Iwanttobethere chocolate house. This is just a few that come to mind. The Grand prize is a free years membership to the Lodge and free basement locker rental for the year. Which means you can watch everyone else work around the Lodge and not have to do a thing. McGurk has offered a free weekend in his shanty which is just a short walk from the Johnson Brothers shanty. Can we say PARTY

Sunshine Ray is forecasting snow so we have placed some orange barrels dividing some of the parking lot off for snowmobiles and four wheelers. Please be advised that McDonnell's mules will be marking there own parking area. Would also like to remind everyone that the Lodge is also running there can drive. Please bring in one unopened beer can per person. These can be stacked just inside the entrance on the pallet provided, thank you.

Hope to see you at the Lodge, shake some hands and share true fishing stories from here at the Lake. From Lake Iwanttobethere (21206)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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