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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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The last cars are leaving the parking lot as a very long day comes to a close here at the Lodge. An excellent turn out for the Lake Association meeting and picnic. Nytelyer out did himself as just about everyone return for seconds and we had people looking to buy meal tickets after being called and told about the BBQ. Locals started arriving by pontoon around 1pm and happy hour started early here in the Lodge. Did not take long and the docks were filled and pontoons were pulled up on to the beach. Several pontoons were decorated for the days event. One was decked out as a riverboat. Complete with a stern paddle wheel and twin smoke stacks. The parking lot was next to be filled and the over flow of cars parked along the 3rd baseline of the softball field. Sign in's and name tags were quickly handed out at the registration tent.

Big Earl who is the current president of the association called the meeting to order and the first order of business was election of a new president. By a count of hands Earl was reelected with no opposition. Information sheets were gone over and a discussion on weeds and if we need to expand the lakes stocking programs. Ralph Most from the DNR spoke about stocking and weed control. The latest lake map was handed out and dock stickers for members. With that the meeting was adjourned and everyone headed to the Lodge to collect meal and drink tickets. A couple of Kegs of Hamms were cracked open and the beer started flowing. Lines formed at the BBQ and the buffet tables that were loaded down with melons, rolls, pie, potato salad and coleslaw. Everyone got meal tickets with there paid membership. The fire pit with the sweet corn roasting was a very popular place as there was an endless supply of corn with butter and salt. Every table had a roll of paper towels, I did not travel to far from there and spend a lot of time trying to get some brisket between stocking chips and bring out root beer and corn. Finally I got away from everyone and managed to stuff myself. This year the baked bean tent was near the parking area as a few of the guys like to see how many servings they can eat and along with the Hamms it can be a little eye watering there. Another popular tent was the Root Beer tent with ice cream where you could make your own float. Some took it upon themselves to add shots of other things to make the floats even more refreshing.

Hammering Hank with Ms. Hess at his side did not get to far. Someone seem always to be pumping his hand. His back pocket was filled with index cards as everyone who talked with him had something that they wanted done this fall. I know that he is doing nothing after the wedding for two weeks as they will be on there honeymoon. Doc Burriem was also a busy guy shaking hands and getting pecks on his check. He knows everyone in town in only a way Doc could. Mayor Tom was busy shaking hands and maybe only Reed the Realtor shook more. Most stores in town were closed as everyone was at the picnic. Not a boat on the water except for a few fishermen and with the smell of the brisket and all the other food they were soon on shore looking for a way to get in line. A few meal tickets were found for them.

For entertainment we had our very own foreign exchange student Becky O"Brien wandering through the park with her friends singing Irish folk tunes. She brought the crowd to a hush with a stunning, haunting version of O Danny's Boy Dan Thiem appeared to be the object of the song and when she was done she received a standing ovation from the crowd. Her clear strong voice echoed through the gathering and when she held the last note she was joined by a loon as if it was planned.

Elmer being Elmer hooked his trailer to the back of his Murry mower and had the Johnson boys load up a keg of Hamms and surround it with blocks of ice. He then made rounds of the picnic tables and pontoons bring them ice cold beer. It should also be noted that when everything was all done Elmers truck was still in the Lodge's parking lot but Elmer and his mower and his keg of beer were last seen heading down main street in the direction his cabin.

Nytelyter and Mindy worked the BBQ and were a good team in turning out meat as needed. A half of brisket made it's way to the Lodge for sandwiches for all those who worked the picnic today. We saw a few new members to both the lake and some new members were sponsored to the Lodge. It will take us awhile to sort through everything. Earl will handle all the Lake stuff while lodge memberships will find a place on my desk to be sorted and looked at. When eight rolled around the pontoons set sail as a group. As soon as they were far enough offshore they all tied up together in a giant raft and the christams lights were turned on. That is when we noticed that another keg of Hamms had disappeared. Looking through the Lodges spotting scope we could just made out Chuck on the center pontoon with Mandy at the tapper. With boat lights on the singing could be heard all the way back to shore. With that the flotilla headed into the sunset

With perfect timing the Gulls arrived about 8:15 and working across the park they soon removed anything that was close to being edible. Some people lingered on and a few fires were lit in the pits. Hank and Ms Hess were seen standing on one of the docks side by side holding hands watching the sunset. Skinny was passed out in a wheel barrow by the ice house. Nytelyer and Mindy came to the Lodge for a cold one and then slipped out the side door. Last I saw of them they were hoisting sail and giving chase to the pontoons. I said hi to a lot of people today, I hope I got to shake your hand. Had that cell phone thingie in my ear most of the day so I always had someone talking to me. I think Duckslayer was here as there was a pretty nice ride sitting on the concrete in the Lodge's parking lot. I know McGurk was here as Amy told me he tried to hit on her. But he was with some gal with badly shaved legs. Well the wife is driving Elmers truck home for him and it is about time for me to call it a night also. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16355)

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Mother nature fooled us all and the heat wave continues. We did get a little break and some rain and now we are right back to the mid 90's here at the lake. All has not been lost, we did have time to do some valuable research here. At the end of the Association picnic you will remember that two kegs of Hamms found there way in transit away from the event. One ended up in Elmers garage the other parked on a pontoon boat at Chuck's dock. Soooo since the beer could not be returned to the Lodge for sale the only thing to do was drink it! There lies the research, will beer kept on ice under the shade of an awing on a pontoon last as long as beer kept on ice in the shade of a garage? Our two day mission was to drink the keg beer from both controlled locations one beer at a time. I am proud to say that this afternoon the two kegs are empty and we will publish our results at a latter date.

After a nap Elmer and I took the two kegs back to the Lodge and we got them back into the storage with no problem. Actually just in time for the beer guy to pick them up. Elmer slapped one on the side as it was being wheeled out, we had spent a lot of time with it. Lodge was quiet, a few guys playing cards and the soft humm of two of the ceiling fans slowly turning. Chip rack and candy display were looking pretty bare. I went to get the order books out but found that someone had already called an order in. Got to love it when someone is doing there job. So Instead I made up a couple of conies for Elmer and myself and we sat and ate conies with frosty root beers. To hot to do much of anything so we headed to the deck and Elmer produced a few cigars. In the shade we puffed away and watched a few fishermen bobbing away on the water of Lake Iwanttobethere.

If there is anything good about this heat is my garden is making up for lost time. You can go into the garden and almost hear the plants growing. Have to pick berries every morning. Tomatoes are filling their cages and corn is back to being strong and upright. Of course the weeds are keeping up and they have to be hoed. I guess I can't complain we are in the middle of summer and we are going to get weather like this. I am thinking of getting a little fishing trip in. But I would like the weather to break some. Well I think I am going to sit some and listen to the baseball game, maybe throw a line in off the dock and enjoy what should be a lovely sunset. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16452)

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Road trip, With things being quiet at the lake we were killing time in the Lodge when we all came up with the same idea while watching the baseball game, Road Trip. So after watching the Twins win we decide to make a few phone calls and the next morning we all met at the Lodge to go take in a baseball game. The spur of the moment event kind of snowballed from a few of the guys in a car to needing the van to end up gassing up Reed the Realtor deer hunting bus. Since the bus has been parked since last deer season the first thing we needed to do was run it in to the next town over where the high school was holding a car wash. We hid the bus around the corner while getting the Dodge washed and haggled over a price on the bus. With the Dodge all done we signaled the bus and Reed drove it around to park it at the Dairy Queen where the car wash was being held. We all ordered banana splits and sitting in the shade of the building watched as the cheerleaders spent the next hour cleaning off the bus. Seeing all that mud come off from under the back wheels reminded us of when it was stuck in the swamp last fall.

Now seeing a bunch of cheerleaders all lathered up washing a bus might be kind of exciting to some. But us being a bunch of old guys we were more into the chocolate syrup and ice cream melting in our banana split boats. After getting the bus cleaned and back on our way we did notice that the entire cheer leading squad was waving good bye to us but they were not using all of their fingers. And here I had left them a five dollar tip, Canadian. Next stop Dug's garage. Reed always being a thoughtful man had changed the bus to bio-disel a few years ago. At Dug's we filled the tank and After checking other things and airing all the tires up we were soon back at the Lodge to load up and head out. We took everything from inside the bus and put it down in the basement. There were a few things that made it to the dumpster and it was good to have all the windows open. The cheerleaders had washed windows so we could actually see out the ones we could not get open. We brought in a picnic table and set that up in the back so we could have our card game and some extra folding chairs were also brought onboard.

I notice the chip rack was filled but there was a case of chips left over, no sense in letting them get old so I tossed them on the bus. Along with some hot dogs and sauce for our tail gate party. Tapping kegs I found a half full one, so I left that and rolled a full one into the bus. Putting the keg in a kids pool that we had borrowed on the way to the lodge we were all set after getting some ice. I made change for everyone as we all had a roll of five dollar bills. Everything at the Dome cost five dollars. With that we boarded the bus. Myself with Reed driving had the two original seats in the front of the bus. Elmer had shot gun in the lazy boy. Chuck was on the stool near the keg with the flight harness on. Big Earl and Junior and Skinny along with Doc and Hank were already getting chips and cards out at the picnic table. We waited a few more minutes and a few more lodges guys came but after smelling the French fry exhaust from the bus they decide to drive down ahead of us. We all gave then five dollars to get tickets for us. Dug was the last to board and with the bus door closed and secured with a length of rope we were on our way.

Trip down was pretty uneventful, we made good time as soon as we hit the freeway. The guys were having a good time singing show tunes and mileage improved as the weight of the keg was diminished. Just outside of the Twin Cities we picked up a police escort. At first we thought we were in trouble when the squad rolled up next to us but then it just waved us to follow him. Pulling into the Dome parking lot we were directed to where the buses parked. The police officer rolled down his window and told us to have a nice stay Mr. Nudgent. Reed and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We untied the door and got out, that is when we noticed the Ted Nugent tour bus parked right behind us. It had the same camo paint scheme as us just it was like a million dollars nicer. It was also missing the writing in lipstick across the rear of the bus signed by the Beavers, cheer leading squad. Well we unloaded and mingled with the band who by great chance were also here to see the ball game. We blended right in as we were all wearing the same bowling shirts. I even met Ted who offered to let us watch the game from their private box. We declined as we already each had invested in five dollar tickets.

After walking around the dome we met up with our fellow Lodge members and picked up our tickets. Going in through a service entrance we were soon each outfitted with our very own beer cup holders and 24 beers each. The dome has really changed since the last time I was here. By the middle of the 4th we were done passing out beer to new found friends and had a few extra bucks in our pockets. With just a few beers left between us we decided to just set the holders down and take to some empty seats down behind the 3rd base line. They were really great seats and you could hear the ball slap the catchers mitt. One was really loud and as I turned to tell Chuck and that is when I saw that he was holding the side of his face as the lady next to him was leaving. Soon after that the guy who gave us the beer carriers appeared with a couple of guys in yellow shirts. Pointing at us and yelling something that we could not hear above the crowd noise. This was when my fellow Lodge member informed me about our part time beer vendor gig that he had arranged.

Staying just a few sections ahead of the yellow shirts we were soon lost in a wave. When the second wave came around we were feeling a little lightheaded. The third wave and we found ourselves sitting in a crowd of fellow bowlers also on a road trip. As a matter of fact the entire section was bowlers and our shirt seemed to be a very popular color. Here we sat out the rest of the game

Making our way out the exit we had to once again walk around the dome to the bus parking area. We did notice a lot of birds flying over head and as we got closer we saw that the gulls had taken a liking to our Bio-disel French frying bus. As a matter of fact they had done a pretty good job of redecorating it. Getting in we soon did a head count and turning on the GPS and inserting the proper lake chip for Lake Iwanttobethere we were on our way back home. We were suppose to stop at Mall of America but we decided that we would just say that it was closed or that we could not find a parking space. As we headed up the freeway we noticed a lot of gulls in our exhaust. Hank said there was a red light or two following us but the gulls were between us and we were putting ground between us. With the windows down and the snoring of lodge members we were back at the Lodge by morning. Of course we did stop at the casino and enjoyed the breakfast buffet and spent another five dollars. Well the Twins won 5-3 and we missed Hot Dog night. Odds are we won't be going back this year anyway. The bus needs to be washed again, I wonder if those cheerleaders will still be there tomorrow? From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Ok I am almost ready to throw in the towel. Another day of temps in the 90's I am running out of things to do in the basement of the Lodge. I have drank way pass my quota of beer in the past week and I have even gained some weight. I spent some time today on the deck with the sprinkler.. Me and the dogs just sat there and let it drip down on us. But we could not stay there forever. I have been in and out of the lake so much that Barney gives me dirty looks for disturbing his fishing. The road trip to the game was good, that killed a day and it was in air conditioning. Except for the bus trip, which left a peculiar odor on my clothes. I was out hoeing the garden and picking berries, looking good. I watered the apple trees as I do love my pie come fall and now is the time not to be cheap with the water.

Watering the trees brought back old memories of raids and pepper guns. Chuck and I would spend hours plotting our raids against Old Man Macki. Macki had a place just on the edge of town, the best way to describe it was that it looked exactly like the Adams Family house. Over grown yard with a metal wrought iron fence around it. At least in the front. The back ended up over a cliff. Now that cliff is nothing more then a steep hill but to us it was like the mountain in the Guns Of Navrone. With our 99 cent binoculars and two way radios that we had bought at Radio Shack we would make our plans. Glassing the grounds we would draw out a crude map in the ground of the house, fence and of course the apple orchard. I don't care what you say a stolen apple is always better then a bought one. Being a man I am a food gather, just against nature to buy food when you can harvest. Even at the supermarket, if you can lift two free samples off when the demonstrator is looking the other way they always taste better then the one little one she gives you. They call them samples, I call them a challenge.

We were not alone in our pursuit of the orchards apples, Several of our friends had tried to make frontal attacks of the walls and were driven back by brush, and the metal fence. Once two of the fellows made it all the way to the first old narly tree and were greeted with a shout from an upstairs window and then the report of a shotgun going off. Pepper splatter around them and they left fleeing over the fence with not even a green stem in their hands. Trouble with the orchard was as summer stretched into fall the apples got ripe and the grass and brush died down. Now there was a killing field around the orchard and Old Man Macki from his window could see us coming from a distance.

Coming home one afternoon from the ten cent matinee we had just seen a war movie where they dressed all up in dry grass and made them selves invisible. Chuck thought that was right up his alley so we spent the rest of the day weaving grass in his shirt and pants and boots and his dad's straw hat. Coming down the edge of the cliff he started a slow army crawl towards the orchard. I stayed back and with the binoculars watched him and the window for movement. He was just making it to the edge of the orchard when a couple of dogs running down the road stopped and headed in his direction. Calling him on the radio I advised him of the dogs and just then I saw Old Man Macki in the upstairs window looking out at the dogs. FREEZE I said. Chuck did his best marine impression and froze to the ground. As I watched the two farm dogs approached Chuck and one non chalant raised his leg and marked the grass pile that was Chuck. To Chuck's credit he lasted longer then I would have before he was up and running back towards me, The farm dogs barking and running along side. I could see Macki in the window and he appeared to be laughing.

We never did get any apples from his trees, with new bikes for Christmas that winter we had expanded our travels else where in town and the surrounding country side. There were easier trees to raid and the apples tasted just as good. At least that is what we always said. We had one lonely apple tree at our cabin and it never did put out much. When I took over the cabin one of the first things I did was plant several more trees. Over the years I became a lot like Old Man Macki protecting my trees. Neighbor kids would raid them and sometimes I would catch them and sometimes not. A lot of times I would just look away as they would grab a few and run laughing off. Sitting on the dock with mom I asked her once about the delicious apple pies that she would make and how I could never understand how she could do it with that old tree we had. She told me that she got apples from Mr. Macki she would trade pies for apples. So here all along I had been eating apples from Old Man Macki's I knew they were good... From Lake Iwanttobethere (16587)

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Good day to you from Lake Iwanttobethere! Someone must have connections as the weather has turned toward the better. A comfortable day here and I even had to turn the AC off in the cabin. This morning I woke up with the quilt tucked under my chin. Must have gotten so cool last night that I needed a cover in my sleep. So I spent the day working on the Honey Do list. Made a dent into it because tomorrow is penciled in as a fishing day. Funny how I seem to get three times the amount of work done on a decent weather day then on a hot day where the act of finding a hammer seems to take an hour. Of course I helped Elmer on his honey do list which is a tad strange since he lives alone. I asked him about the list once and he told me that his wife, who has been gone for over twenty years left it for him. He is still working on it A demanding woman she was. Of course I would not say that Elmer is really pushing to get that list done. Today we replaced a basement window in the cabin. The glass to the storm has been broken for 27 years and he thought that perhaps with the rising cost of fuel it might be a good idea to get it fixed. It was on the list, in faded blue ink.

We had to go visit Earl at the General Store as the bag of mortar mix that Elmer had bought for the job was now a solid 60# brick. It had been awhile since he bought the bag, it still had the price on it, 60 cents. We took lunch at the Dew Drop Inn as Elmer was buying. A nice roast beef sandwich with gravy and mashed potatoes. Some Blueberry pie for desert and we wasted another hour talking fishing with a few tourists from down state. Well not really wasted as we were picking their brains while they thought they were picking ours. Returning to the cabin it took about an hour to get the old window out, frame the new window in, run some caulk around the frame and using the fresh mortar mix make a new sill. I might have had it done a little quicker but I had to turn and listen to Elmer from time to time as he sat on his stool and gave me advice and instructions. As I clean the trowels Elmer added priming and painting to the back of the old tattered note book that contained his Honey Do List. With one window checked off there was but five more to do, someday.

With that I went to my cabin as Elmer looked over his note book looking for another project he could tackle. I saw him a little while later on his dock with his feet up on the rail. Hat pulled down over his eyes and rod resting in his lap and on the railing. Barney was laying at his side, head on paws watching his float about twenty feet in front of the dock. Guess he was done for the day. I looked over my honey do list and the replacement list next to it. A few days a go I had removed the ink pen by the honey do list and replaced it with a pencil. Then I would just come back and erase the penciled in jobs the wife would write in. I found the list today with the carbon paper she had placed under it. I didn't even know they still made carbon paper! At least the baseball game was on this afternoon so I could walk around with some ear phones on and work on the list. Got a few things checked off and wrote out a material need list. Placed that next to the Do list as proof that I had at least looked at the jobs.

Found myself at the Puddle Humper, did a little cleaning and got some rods ready for tomorrow. Made sure the batteries are all charged and my own list of things I need to get done. Gas, get some more Gulps from down at the Masterbaiters shop, a trip to Amy's for some loose meat sandwiches and maybe over to Ma and Pa's for some jerky. Running low on cigars, the skeeters have returned at dusk and I prefer the cigars to the bug spray. Well that is pretty much what is going on here. A nice quiet weekend at the lake. Boats out on the water and passing pontoons with locals waving as they drive by dragging a line or two. From time to time you can hear the boom of the Pizza cannon and the whine of a jet ski. Heck maybe later I'll go in to the Lodge and have a beer. See if I can spot Nytelyter out sailing, maybe I can get Del to shoot a pizza at him. From Lake Iwanttobethere (16731)

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Yup, I managed to stop by and get some of that fantastic BBQ. I tell ya that slooowwwwww cooking makes all the difference in the world. Would have liked to hung around and got a rousing game of cribbage going but as usual we had places to go and people to see. Seems like there is never enough time on a weekend to get done everything one wants to! The Hamms really hit the spot. There is only one other palce that I know of that has Hamms on tap. Little place in St Paul... it is the oldest bar with the oldest fixtures in Minnesota. They got a moose head in there that had to have been mounted some time in the 50's! Kind of a neat place though, if your ever in the area look me up and we will go there. Well I suppose that I had better get back to the chores! Seems that I, like everyone else, has a never ending honey do list that I have to keep up with a little bit if I expect to go out on the bike at all on the weekends. Next time I will come earlier and stay later and we will get in a game or two. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Yup even the bass man has to work from time to time. Been helping out Hammering Hank the past few days as with his wedding coming up he is trying to get some of his projects done. Had a good evening of fishing on Sunday night. Ten northerns, nine Bass and two Walleyes. So with more Northerns then Bass I guess I was Northern fishing. Tossing spinner baits for awhile and then a worm at a few good docks and ended up buzzing a white buzz bait that everyone thought was supper that night. The Dodge radio for some reason stopped working so I could not hear the baseball game but came back to life when I was pulling the Humper out at the landing. Must be a short. Next time it does that I'll have to go look at it but for now it works so it does not get added to the "to do list".

Wife called me around noon wanting to know if I was going to be home for lunch. I was close so I said I would make it a point. Came in a little while later to find the walleyes all cooked up and on the table with potato pancakes. As I sat down to eat checking the mail with one hand while shoveling food in with the other about mid fork full I looked at her and asked what she wanted. I was told we needed a new washing machine, and she needed a new one today as washing clothes is a tuff job. I made my usual comment that if she was really washing clothes she would be over at Misery Creek beating them on the rocks. I managed to avoid the wooden spoon aimed for my funny bone. Before the lecture started I agreed to call Earl at the General Store or at least stop by. With that I finished lunch and headed out the door.

Later at Earl's I asked if he had any of then old washing machines in stock. "Old" Earl asked. Ya the kind that last for twenty years with no service calls. All the ones I get last about three years before they are junk. Will have to go into the city for one later I guess, good stack of towels in the bathroom so I am good for awhile. Earl asked me if the wife ever open that new clothes dryer that I bought her a few years ago. "No, still in the box in the front porch" I said. 100' of some of the best clothes line money can buy.

Yesterday was a nice day for you if you were a tourists. Warm and sunny just a few clouds and no rain. If you are a local we need some rain here. A good overnight soaking would be a good start. Yesterday there was just enough wind around the knees to keep the biting flies away. A nice little walleye chop on the lake and the leaves in the trees moving around enough just to make that calming background noise that you don't hear unless you are looking for it. Great day to be on the water but I was working, a rare event on it's own. Well another day and I need to go work some so I can go buy the wife a new washing machine. I wonder what I can use as an excuse. Her birthday has come and gone as has the wedding anniversary. Christmas is to far away and Mothers day is long gone. Can't just give here a new washing machine. Hmmm Maybe I should look at that rod to replace the 10 footer that Mr. Big broke. Sounds like a fair exchange....

From Lake Iwanttobethere (16866)

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Lunch time here at the Lodge so I am taking a break from working with Hammering Hank and enjoying some down time here at the Lodge. Just polished off three Coney's with extra onions and sauce and on my second ice cold Mindy and Mandy root beer. I can see the the water droplets roll down the side of the mug to stop at the coaster. A tad warm outside but comfortable. Much better then that 90 plus stuff we were having. Even a threat of some much needed rain late this evening. On the home front I ran into the big city last night and bought the wife her new washing machine. With Hanks help we got it in the cabin and the old one was tossed into the back of the Dodge where I dropped it off at Mike's Junkyard this morning. The wife is happy, you think it was a new boat or something. She took a towel to it and wipe it all down like she was polishing it. Then she loaded it up with jeans to see what it could do. Kind of like a test drive. When I left she asked what I wanted for lunch, told her I was going to eat at the lodge, don't think I can afford another lunch from her this week.

Loggers days coming up this weekend at the lake. We should be busy with all the tourist that come in for it, not to mention the locals that enter in some of the events. Big Jim is in charge this year as Hank is busy as you might imagine. His wedding is less then two weeks off. As a matter of fact the weekend of his wedding is also the county fair weekend. Most people will be at the fair so the park and access will be quiet. The vendors who normally are here, mini-donuts, hot pretzel wagon the popcorn wagon and corn dogs will all be hawking their wares at the fair. Jim already has been hauling hale bales town to the park and I think I heard him say that him and Skinny will be bring the climbing poles in tomorrow and with Jim from the power company will be setting them in the ground. I know here we will be making a few extra batches of sauce so we will have our doors open. Permits have already crossed my desk at the town hall for beer and we have relaxed our burning permits for the weekend. With rain we will feel a little more comfortable in doing that.

With the county fair almost here we are coming to another way point here at the Lake. Labor day is not that far off and with that kids start returning to school and cabins will start getting ready to be closed up. Docks will start disappearing from around the shoreline and pontoon and boats will go into their blue tarp covers. It might be a little early to talk about football but that is not far off now either. Lots still happening here at the lake though. With the coming of fall we have our trap league starting up, some excellent fall fishing and grouse hunting. Kind of hard to talk about that with the temp outside pushing 85 but it is coming. Town Hall meeting coming up here soon also a Lodge meeting. Will be time to introduce our new members and elect Lodge officers. Also the Man of the Year honors will be handed out.

Well Hank is done, he has been talking on the phone to the future wife this whole time. Wedding plans and such. We are working on a bachelor party for him, so far he knows nothing about it. Well from Lake Iwanttobethere..(16930)

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Wow that has to be the quickest 75 reads on here. Already over the 17,000 mark! So I wonder who gets to have a nights stay at BBQ's hot tub down at the shady part of town/ lake? Say Dan if you can hold off the girls always have a booth at the county fair and Chuck will have some of his syrup there. Otherwise Ma and Pa's grocery store has it in stock. Top shelf right above the shore mix and next to the Mrs Dash. I see Grace has a new friend, cool picture.. (17006)

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A few small projects left and Hammering Hank will be all caught up. He will be taking next week off to entertain relatives coming in for the big event and to also meet Ms. Hess's family who will be coming in early to do some camping and see the local sights. Tess is running around town and the wife has been helping her out in regards to the wedding. As a matter of fact several of the ladies are treating this like it is one of their daughters weddings. I should have the wife write a story about this but then it would probably only interest the ladies here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Us guys are not to much interested in weddings unless we are writing the checks and if it is our own daughters. And we are usually so wrapped around their little finger that we don't even notice the numbers on the checks. Been there done that. Of course here at the lake it might be a tad different then in the big city. We have offered the Lodge and it's meeting rooms and have waved the rental fee since Hank is a member. We will donate a few keg's of Hamms and bar pour will be at a very reduced cost. I have not heard yet about entertainment as that is being planned by the women. A bachelor party is in the planning stages and Reed is taking care of that.

I think the wedding is going to be pretty simple, No doves being released or big Humvee limo's no seven foot wedding cakes or thousands spent on flowers. There may be a hay wagon involved and some pontoon boats. It is going to happen at the access or at least that is where we are to all gather. County Fair is going on at the fairgrounds but that is on the other side of the lake so it should be quiet with ample parking for everyone who has been invited. I think it will be a nice quiet wedding.

Making my rounds of the town this morning picking up things on my list to help me complete some more projects on the Honey Do List. Pretty much the common topic of conversation is the wedding, What did you get for a gift and if you are going or not or will you be attending the fair. With Loggers Days this weekend I am surprised at all the talk. Climbing poles are in and the log rolling logs are down off the dock in the water. Our local chain saw carvers are already carving away on their blocks of wood and I had to stop by the Town Hall for the release in regards to running chain saws on the weekend. We had to do an inventory in the ice house to see how we are holding out. This warm weather just does not want to leave us. We need ice for this weekend and the wedding and then we still have the Labor day picnic. At this rate we will be empty for the first time in several years. We might just have to clean the building, it has been awhile since that has been done. Will have to go to the saw mill and bring in a few wagons of new sawdust for next winter. Funny how we can remember last winter by just going to the ice house and look and feel the ice harvested from the lake last winter. To bad we can't harvest some of this summer heat for next February!

Grand kids will be up for the weekend and I will put them to work collecting frogs, I have an idea involving frogs and cookies for MR. Big. Will be fishing this weekend as I will take turns taking sons and daughters and of course grand kids out fishing. Will take in some of the Logger Days events and can't have enough of sweet corn on the fire pit. Local fire restrictions have been tighten up again starting tomorrow. We need some rain here. Will not have to worry about stocking Hanks fire wood racks as there will not be to many sales while he is gone. Somewhere around here I have a list of incoming Lodge members who have been sponsored. Duckslayer, BBQhead come to mind. I even think that McGurk was going to sponsor his brother in law, But the membership gang had questions whether he would be attending meetings in costume or not?

Time to close this up I need to get the tractor out and mow. Have to clean up the yard for the grand kids. They tend to walk through rather then around things. I know Elmer has some weeding to be done and the grand kids are easy to bribe with candy from Ma and Pa's. So from Lake Iwanttobethere where the fishing is always good, the air is clear and the beer is cold..(17034)

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I thought Silent Sundays were just a verbal thing.

Dan didn't you read your Lake Association bylaws? No lawn mowers or chainsaws are allowed on the weekends with in ear shot of the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. We try to keep it as peaceful as we can here on the weekend. Also a good reason not to mow or work when one should be fishing !
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Friday might have been the first unofficial day of fall here at the lake. Woke up to something I have not seen for several months, Dew... With temps still climbing into the low 90's here at the lake during the day, last night was the first night when it dipped into the 60's at night. And with the high humidity the result was dew on the grass come sunrise. A good thing as now the grass and garden plants get a free drink every morning. Friday evening brought football on TV followed by baseball from the coast afterwards. A sure sign of fall if there is any.

Grand kids came up in the afternoon and we did some docking fishing followed by a water fight. Well they had super soakers and I had the garden hose. I was defending the shutoff till my daughter-in-law cheated in favor of her sons and turn the breaker to the pump off. As soon as I lost pressure they attacked with no mercy. Later after the power was restored the daughter paid for it.

Things quieted down around sunset and the boys climbed up on the swing with me. With the small radio hanging above our heads in the canopy we listen to the baseball game and rocked away. A small fire was burning in the pit. With the sun going down and the air cooling they snuggled next to me. The maple smoke from the fire hung heavy in the air. The skeeters stayed away from us, with the smoke from the fire and a few well placed candles we relaxed. With the pit between us and the water we could rock away and watch the red and green lights of boats traveling across the waters of the lake. Just as the sun disappeared behind the trees we played the listening game. You have to sit very quiet and you take turns listening for sounds that no one else has pointed out. Tonight was a pretty good night to play.

The baseball game on the radio, crickets, Barney snoring under the table. The cabins aircontioner shuddering away. The boys ma and pa's soft laughter with grandma in the cabins kitchen. Waves slapping up against the wooded boat at the dock. A passing car going down the dirt road. A loon, a skeeter buzzing in your ear. A candle making that spiting sound when it get to where the water is. An occasional creek of the swing. #2 grandson farting! And the ensuing laughter from #1. A heartbeat..

It gets harder now, the boys strain to hear, they close there eyes tight and tilt their heads. The swing rocks back and forth, the faint sound of the TV in the cabin, the pump cycles. Elmers screen door opens and slams close. They both call out to Elmer as they hear him coming down the path. They jump off the swing to greet Elmer at the edge of the deck. Elmer takes a seat on the deck and they both climb into his lap. Asking what they are doing they tell him they are playing the hearing game. He asks if he can play. Of course they say. Elmer naming sounds but they have already gotten all of his answers.. The four of us sit and listen. It grows quiet as it gets darker. Not that it is quiet, but we have all heard all the sounds. Everyone sits with there head cocked, eyes closed. Except for me. I am watching the clock through the glass deck door and keeping an eye on the sleeping Barney. There, I see his ear twitch, I say " The Train" every one turns there head a little towards the far side of the lake and you can just make out the first chug of the ten o'clock freight. With each passing second it grows louder till everything else is overwhelmed by it. The daughter comes out and announces it is bedtime for the boys if they want to get out early fishing. With hugs and kisses they leave me and Elmer and head into the cabin.

" I win" I say.. Then I hear a bottle top pop and the sound of escaping air, Elmer holds up a beer bottle and says " Beer" I nod.. Just when I think I have won Elmer brings his own sound. Sipping on the cold beer and listening to the now fading train Elmer says " I know about Barney's ear twitch" I nod... " And I heard the garage fridge open" We both smile and sip our beer. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (17111)

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Renewed my respect for mother nature last night. Was out on the swing listening to the baseball game and enjoying my daily cigar. There was a couple of small thunderstorms passing over head. We would get a few flashes of lightning and some brief rain. I could sit in the swing and watch them pass and head out over the lake. Water coming off the garage and cabin were filling the empty rain barrels. When with out warning as lightning tends to be, a rather large and startling close bolt of lightning hit about a 100 yards from the cabin. The flash was so bright I closed my eyes and turn my head away. The blast slammed into my chest and I swear I was pushed back into the cushions of the swing. After a second or two I open my eyes to darkness and listen as the rolling thunder moved out from me across the water of the lake. It was like an endless wave of sound as it just kept rumbling away from me. Perhaps ten seconds later the lights started coming back on around the cabin and the garage lite flickered back on. The wife came out of the cabin to ask if I was ok and if it was close enough. I nodded yes..

This morning I took Bud and Barney on a short walk back behind the cabin to where the big blue spruce was. It looked like someone had taken a huge weed wacker to it and took the top off. The blacken top lay on the ground a short distance from the main tree. Bud and Barney quickly inspected it and then of course marked it. I'll give it a few days and will be home to some bunnies and maybe a grouse or two come fall. Just when you are enjoying a little rain mother nature reminds you that she can and will mark her spot. Most impressive..

The rain was brief and short, enough to fill the rain barrels for watering the garden but not a good drenching which is what we really need. Temps are going to be cooler this week and even though fall is not here yet we are getting some signs of it. We are losing four minutes of light a day now and already it is getting dark around 8:30 I fished on Sunday night and as I was working around the shore I saw a few docks already up out of the water and a few pontoons pulled up on shore. Seem to be a few less people out fishing to. With football starting up soon and then grouse hunting the lake will be quiet on the weekends. I tend to do much more fishing in the fall then in the spring as I am just to busy. Even though I can toss from the dock I have a few fishing trips planned and I have a few friends who take vacation this time of the year. We tend to shy away from the crowds of summer.

Logger days have come and gone, Lodge is quiet and the landing is empty. County fair is going on and all of our vendors are on the other side of the lake at the fair grounds. Wedding for Hank and Tess is on Saturday morning and Thursday night is the bachelor party. Grooms dinner is Friday afternoon at the Do Drop Inn. There is an open invitation to all posted at the towns public bulletin board. Wife has been busy so I am going fishing. Me and Elmer have a few spots we will start hitting. Waiting for them fish to start moving into there fall homes. From an overcast day at the lake....(17234)

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A little urgency here today, another night of welcomed cool sleeping weather. Today is going to be nice in the 70's with a chance of some much need rain showers and tomorrow and the rest of the week temps to be in the 70's during the day and cooling off to 50's in the evening. My kind of weather! I get so much more done during the day when I am not looking for a place to get out of the sun and am always reaching for the water bottle. The arrival of cooler weather must have reached all my friends at the same time. I spent most of the evening last night on the phone talking and making plans for day fishing trips. I hope to have a few fishing stories to pass on to you as I for some reason fish with a variety of characters. Seem to have that common bond of fishing and everything else does not matter.

Here at the lake things do get quiet here. Not that we don't have things going on but now it seems a lot of other things step forward for people to do. County fair is going on across the lake and I will make a trip over this morning to check it out and of course have lunch there. Driving around the lake is always a pleasure this time of the year. Especially on a nice day like today where the weather allows you to drive with the windows down. You make the trip and enjoy the view and smells of the passing farms. Having lived here for so long it seems that every tote road that I pass reminds me of a memory. If I am driving with some one then they get the story. Lots of bird hunting done on them roads and a few trails go back to distant lakes and streams that I fished in my youth. Those places are not secrets anymore. With the arrival of the four wheelers what would take us a half a day walk is now just a short ride. Seeing hunters walking with a dog or two is getting scarce also. As the four wheelers run the trails and cover hundreds of miles while we would walk a handful.

We still have a few spots that we like to slip into and we just don't talk about them. I would like to take the grandsons into them someday but I don't think I'll have the knees to make them long walks. I'll have to leave it up to there dads to pass on some of the old mans secret spots. Of course I am always looking for someone else's secret spots. Well maybe not secret maybe forgotten is a better word. As we get older and a little less mobile and if we refuse to go the four wheeler route then we just don't get to them spots anymore. Nothing wrong with four wheelers, before them people used horses. If you had them you used them. Heck when we got bikes we extended our fishing and hunting adventures. Times change, birds still fly and fish still swim. You still have to out think them.

So anyway I'll check out the fair. Have a few errands I can run on the way back. Pickup some sweet corn and milk. Puddle Humper is on the trailer and when I get back this afternoon I will be off fishing. With any luck at all I will be able to take off fishing as soon as someone says that they want to go. I have the calendar already penciled in with several day trips and a few over night ones. The wife knows that I will be gone more then home for the next six to eight weeks depending on the weather. It all seems to work out as come spring she complains that I am under foot to much and I should get out, Now I will be out all the time and she will complain that nothing is getting done on the honey do list.

This is such a great time of the year if you spend time outdoors. Fishing and hunting the garden is starting to give up food. Makes you feel good when you can look over the supper table and everything on it you caught, shot or grew. You sure ain't going to catch me buying no bottle water or a three dollar cup of coffee. Buying fish at a restaurant. You got to be kidding me. I am spoiled with Lake Iwanttobethere syrup on my blueberry pancakes. Home made bread with raspberry jelly. Spuds picked from the garden sliced and fried with garden onions. A nice walleye fillet looking up at me with an ear of sweet corn and fresh butter from the farm down the road. A salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. End the whole thing with a slice of apple pie from my own trees and a cold Mindy and Mandy root beer.

I guess this is turning into a quality of life yarn. Not meant to be. To each there own. I know a lot of people would like to have life stay the same. For some coming up to the lake and getting away from it all may be the ticket, for others they got to have that busy of the big city, We are all different. But even as I write this I don't ever remember reading anything that talked about living in the big city and going to starbucks and the theater and such.... I stand corrected, my wife just informed me that that is pretty much what Sex in the City" is all about. So I guess some people do like that.

Well I am looking forward to do some fishing and some bird hunting and not so much looking at the youngest returning to college here in a few weeks. Barney will continue to fish from the dock and make the occasional fishing trip with locals. Bud will get a little more antsy with each passing day as the urgency will show up in him. Geese will start making there way through. We will spend time sitting on the deck swing and we will hear them honking away over head. Ducks will gather and just one day take flight. Bud will one day be at the door not looking just to be let out but looking to take that trail that goes behind the cabin into the woods. He will sit by the gun cabinet and make that low rumbling sound deep in his chest when he wants me to take him out. Then the day will come when I am faced with a decision, fish or hunt, I really hate them days.. From Lake Iwanttobethere, where the days are growing shorter and cooler but the memories are always fresh.

Stories may be fewer and farther apart for awhile as I really do live for this time of the year. Thanks to everyone who comes here to read these stories about Lake Iwanttobethere. Besides you live here to and I would like to hear about your adventures here at the lake. Bobby "gone fishing" Bass (17287)

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Fishing report for Lake Iwanttobethere. I am sure that is what brings most people here the first time. They see fishing report and want to know if fishing is better at this Lake Iwanttobethere then where they are fishing at. Then it might dawn on them that they have never heard of this Lake Iwanttobethere. But with all the different names of so many lakes in Minnesota it does not seem to far fetch that there is a lake like this called Iwanttobethere. Somewhere maybe in Minnesota or Wisconsin or maybe even way up in the great north.

For someone browsing and they see all of these posts and all of the people reading about this Lake Iwanttobethere it must be a pretty popular place. Fishing must be really outstanding there. Some will stop and read and others will just pass it over. Since they never heard of the Lake it must be to far from there home to travel to so why read about the fishing there. Others however read it and find out that they have been to the lake and they know exactly where it is. Still others swear that there Uncle or a friend of there uncles lives in this fishing town. When they were young and not paying a lot of attention on family vacations they might have even been to this town. Some thing about it triggers long forgotten memories. Traveling down tree line dusty roads and driving pass fields of corn waving in the breeze. Pulling up to an old gas station to wait while dad fills up and having ma give ya a nickel to get a soda pop. Making the walk across the gravel drive to stand in front of the old pop machine. Reaching up to drop your nickel in the slot and hear it fall into the coin box. Opening the skinny door you look at the different bottle tops till you see the Orange Crush. Grabbing with both hands and pulling it out from the jaws of the machine. Popping the top off in the opener built in to the door and picking the top off the ground to put in your pocket.

An old guy in a green jumpsuit wiping his hands on a greasy rag that he sticks back in his back pocket. He has on a blue cap with a white horse with wings on it. He and your dad would laugh some and you would hear a ringing of a bell every few seconds or so coming from the pump. The old guy would wipe down the windows and ask something about "checking the oil" After a few minutes your dad would go under the awning inside the screen door and come out putting change in his pocket and holding a map. With windows down you would drive back out on to the dusty road and continue on your way. Sipping on your soda pop you would see a hand drawn sign about 4' x 6' on the side of the road. You would remember it as being hand painted with a lady with long red hair blowing in the breeze, her hand pointing outwards and it saying Lake Iwanttobethere across the top of the sign.. As you drove by you swore the lady winked at you!

You might not have thought about the lake for a long time, to busy with the opposite sex and friends. Your first car and maybe going away to school. Once when you were watching TV you saw a guy fishing bass and he was wearing a green jumpsuit. You knew you seen that somewhere before, but it took you years to remember that the old guy in the gas station was wearing one just like it, only it didn't have all them sponsors names all over it and it was a lot dirtier.

So now, sitting at work or where ever you are reading this from. Stop for a moment and see if you can remember exactly where Lake Iwanttobethere is.. I'll bet it is not all that far from home. If you talk with the guy in the cubicle next to yours he was probably there last weekend. Or he was thinking that he really needed to get back there soon.

Fishing report for Lake Iwanttobethere..... Guess it is just a little bit more then that.. From Lake Iwanttobethere see ya after the wedding !


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I open one eye and looked at the alarm clocking with it's flashing light and low beep beep. 4 AM as in the morning! Hitting the off button I laid in bed trying to remember why I had set the alarm for four AM when I was not planning on going fishing this morning. Then through the fog the answer rolled in. Hank and Tess's wedding. They are having a sunrise ceremony. I went to roll over to wake the wife but her side of the bed was already empty and cold. I did have Buddy look at me and then close his eyes as he went back to sleep. After a quick shower I climbed into my wedding outfit, Black carharts with a frilly white shirt under it and black work boots. The wife was busy in the kitchen doing what ever she does out there at 4 in the morning. After sitting at the table and sipping on some OJ there was a tap at the door and Elmer came in. Looking spiffy in his carhart bibs and frilly shirt. I was about to make a comment when I thought better of it since I was wearing the same thing.

After some small talk Elmer and I left together and were followed by the wife, she took the turn towards Tess's cabin as Elmer and I continued to the Lodge. Arriving at the Lodge several members were already there and the Lodge was lit and busy. Several pontoons were pulled up on the shore and in the darkness the only lights were the Christmas lights hanging from the canopy's. Being a guy I am not going to get into the wedding to much. We all loaded up on to the pontoons and at the crack of dawn we were anchored off Root Beer island where the pontoons were all lashed together to make a floating church of sorts. Hank came in a separate boat from the West and Tess came from the East just as the sun was rising. With the rising sun behind her she did, I must admit make a stunning entrance.

With the 229 pink flamingoes in the background of the point they exchanged vows and soon there was an outpouring of applause and outdated boat horns and whistles blew. With that there was a possession to the boat landing and Tess and Hank helped each and every guest off their pontoon with a handshake and a kiss of thanks. As if on cue the seagulls came in to doing there morning cleaning of the park so it was almost like someone had released doves. Kind of a normal country fishing wedding. Tess and Hank rode up on the hay wagon to the Lodge and breakfast was served.

That was the last normal thing about this wedding. Since this was all done by 8 or so we thought we would be on our way. But..... People started showing up. A car here a pickup there. A van here a few neighbors here. By nine there were more people here then when the wedding was held. Hank was the first to hit the tap and draw a Hamms and after that the drinking lamp was lit. Well it didn't take long for a few guys to form a line at the keg. Tess walked over to the bar and ordered a shot of Wild Turkey. With the rest of the ladies in tow they all toasted the day. Well more beers were poured, the cards came out and the wedding party spilled out on to the grounds of the Lodge. Even as this was going on more people arrived. More locals and customers that Hank had worked for around the lake. The mini donut trailer rolled in and set up shop in the parking lot. Donuts were free today as a present to Tess and Hank

By Noon the Lodges parking lot was full and people were still coming, parking now by the softball field. Some of the early guests having been there for several hours headed back home to tend to chores. No sooner did they pull out of their parking space then it was filled by someone else. Farmers started coming in after getting their morning chores done, with their wives bring in hot dishes and baskets of baked goods. The Lodges big BBQ was fired up and soon slabs of meat found there way to the grill. Guys stood around sipping on there Hamms and there were no shortage of helping hands to turn the meat and cut up and pass out portions. A little after 1 the corn dog wagon and Hot Pretzel trailer rolled into the parking lot and a few minutes later they to were passing out free food. Standing on the deck looking out from the Lodge from time to time there were actually lines of cars waiting to get into the park. That is when I noticed that the beach and docks were all filled with pontoons and there were more boats coming. Hank and Tess were holding court under the billowing white tent whose sides had been folded back and out of the way. Every half hour or so a toast was made and the crowd would grow quiet. After the toast clapping and cheering would follow and we were back to eating and drinking till the next toast. Shortly after three or so another hay wagon came in covered in a blue tarp. Parked off to the side it went unnoticed by most.

By late afternoon the crowd had almost completely turn over and a new shift of well wishers had arrived. A few more kegs had to be tapped and more ice from the ice house removed. The Lodge was busy inside as the washrooms were in great demand, Elmer was in his wicker couch catching a few winks and recharging for later. By seven the chip rack was empty and the bar was running low on scotch. Luckily we had ordered to much Hamms for Logger days and we were fine. Mayor Tom arrived around then and he was talking with Reed and Chuck. Later I heard that he was complaining that no one had attended his rally at the County Fair. As a matter of fact it was a very poor showing at the fair as it seems everyone from town was at the wedding!

Fiona and Fred Fiddle arrived at eight and the music started. Some of the local pickers returned from there trucks with guitars and banjo's and a drum set appeared from out of no where. Sawdust was spread on the lower deck and with the music playing loud the dancing started Hank and Tess of course had the first dance and I think they were glad to spend some time with each other and not shaking anyone's hand for a few minutes. A milk can was set in the middle of the dance floor and lines quickly formed for the dollar dance. There were so many people that you had a ten second time limit. Long ago I had gotten rid of my frilly French shirt and was now sporting my Miami Vice look. My black bibs and a white tee shirt. I had been the part of so many toasts that I had been sober and drunk three times already.

By ten Hank and Tess were hiding out in the ice house, Skinny was standing guard at the door. It had been announced through out the day that the final toast to the bride and groom would be at eleven. Then they would be leaving but everyone was welcome to stay till one. I ran across the wife several times during the day and she expressed concern that we had plenty of food and beverage but she was surprised at the lack of gifts that were coming in. The ladies were bring in presents but she had yet to see a guy drop off a card or a box for that matter. I told her not to worry these things have a way of taking care of themselves.

At eleven Skinny escorted the newly weds to the main deck of the Lodge, looking over what was a filled access of well wishers the couple thanked everyone for showing up. Well Tess did, Hank never was a public speaker, to his credit he did have a index card in his back pocket that he handed to Tess thanking his fellow lodge members. With a final toast Hank and Tess raised there glasses to the crowd and those of us who could raised our glass, or mug or can with them. Right on cue fireworks exploded over head as Nytelyter gave Hank his present. A few minutes later after the last burst exploded everyone looked back at the deck. During this time Reed and some of the Lodge members had pushed the hay wagon with the blue tarp on it across the grass to stop in front of the lodge and Hank and Tess. Climbing the stairs Reed picked up the microphone and directed everyone's attention to the hay wagon. "Hank, Tess your fellow Lodge members have all gotten together to give you a wedding present. We know how hard it is to find just the right thing as we have all been bothered with that question from our wife's and girlfriends these past few weeks. So for someone who has everything we thought you might like this".... " Go ahead boys" and with that the blue tarp was pulled off the wagon to reveal a brand new 14' Lund with a 25 hp sitting on a trailer!.....

I gave an elbow to the wife and while I was clapping with everyone else leaned over to say "I told you not to worry" With that several lodge member moved the wagon to the lake and with no wasted motion they had the boat and trailer off the wagon and then the boat in the water. Hank and Tess were escorted to the boat and with people laughing and shouting they idled away from the dock and into the moonlit night of Lake Iwanttobethere. In a moment they were gone. With that I walked toward the Dodge leaning on the wife and said " Lets call it a night" I climbed into the passenger seat and was asleep before she could get in the drivers door. From Lake Iwanttobethere (17468)

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Well it took some time to recover from Hank and Tees's wedding, Spent most of Sunday sleeping in. The wife for some reason was up at her normal time and took care of the dogs and cats and answered the phone during the day. Bud being Bud came in and slept with me some and then the cats took their turns bothering me. By mid afternoon I was up and enjoying the view from the dock. Cool and windy with a threading overcast sky but rain never fell. By five supper was on the table and the wife reminded me that Marvin would be coming over. Marvin? You know Tess's father from back East.. You promise you would take him fishing.. Now between toasts I think I did remember talking to Marvin. Marvin seemed like a nice enough guy just did not have to much of the outdoors in him. Comes from back east somewhere, New York I think. He did go on and on for awhile talking about fly fishing and a 300.00 pair of waders with batteries in them.

Right on time Marvin showed up in some rented SUV that he had gotten in the big city to drive out here to the lake in. He insisted that it had four wheel drive and a survival package as his daughter was getting married out in the wilderness. He told me that on the plane ride he had watch several dvd's of the survivor man series and was well prepared if we should run into any problems. To make things easy for you he looked liked Willie Nelson's brother complete with the long hair. He was just wearing a three piece business suit with very shinny wing tip shoes. The first thing he ask was if he could use the faculties. The what I asked? You know the bathroom.. O sure. Just go out the back door and it is a little shed next to the garage with a half crescent moon on it. He headed out the door but stopped when I called out his name. Reaching to the shelf where we keep the mail I grabbed a store flyer and tossed it to him.

"You may need this" I said. The wife coming from the kitchen over heard me and grabbing Marvin by the arm directed him to the bathroom down the hall. Giving me " The Look" she returned to the kitchen and supper.

Well during the wedding I had somehow hooked up with Marvin and had offered to take him fishing while he was in town. Hank and Tess had sailed off into the sunset on there wedding night and have not been seen. I knew they were going to have an extended honeymoon but they were pretty quiet about where they were going. I think they are somewhere on the lake but Lake Iwantobethere is a pretty big place and they could be anywhere. The new boat was not at either of there cabins so they might have gone on a cruise. Well after feeding Marvin pot roast and offering him a few shot of Elmers home made liquor we got him to loosed his tie. I asked if he was "packin" as he had a bulge under his left arm. He took his suit coat off to reveal a leather holster with several cell phones and one of them little computers. I told him they don't work out here and he mentioned that he had noticed he was receiving no calls. We sat out on the deck and discussed fishing. Elmer came over and the two of them who are actually pretty close in age starting talking about the good old days and walking to school in blizzards. Seems they both had spent time in the service and then they started talking about bars in Thailand. Why is in a world as big as it is that two service men can share a common bond over a bar 10,000 miles away. I took a well needed nap and missed most of the conversation.

I awoke from my nap alone and was informed by the wife that Elmer had invited Marvin back to his cabin. Since he had an extra guest room that did not have cats or dogs sleeping in it that Marvin would spend the night there. Seems Marvin was not to impressed with Bud and Barney watching him all the time and one of the cats had brought him a mouse that was still alive and it had ran up the inside of his pants leg. Elmer later called and asked if it was ok if he took Marvin fishing in the morning, Not a problem at all I replied.

The next mourning I was back to my regular routine. With cloudy skies Barney and I got into the Puddle Humper and set out for some morning fishing. Catching a few Bass down the end of the bay we headed for the reed bank on the point for some early Northerns. In the middle of the reeds we found Elmer and Marvin kicked back with there rods in the boat. They were busy taking turns passing a small brown jug back and forth and never even saw me and Barney as we drifted up on them. With a half hearted wave they tossed there empty lines over the side and watched us drift by. I think Elmer has a new friend. Barney and I continue to fish and soon left the two old cogers far behind us. A few northerns later we started the big motor and returned to the cabin. Just in time I might add for a nice pot roast sandwich from the nights before left overs.

Later that night Elmer and Marvin bought a few rounds at the Lodge, well Marvin bought. Funny how many new friends you can get with a few rounds of Hamms and a few shots. Marvin was the life of the party talking about fishing back east and how they catch Smelt on a hook! Sometimes as many as three at a time. Old Man Walter told him how we catch Smelt here using hoop nets or seines. Marvin was beside himself with the lack of sportsmanship in dipping for fish. Elmer and Marvin had managed to accidentally catch a few rockbass and a perch or two that morning while fishing and Marvin was boasting of his catch. When told that we measure trout around here in pounds and not inches he was astounded. Elmer took him to the hallway for the washrooms and was pointing out some of our wall mounts. Marvin decide then that he should extend his vacation and that he and Elmer should go out the next morning and do some real fishing but before they left for the night they did have the little brown jug refilled.

The next morning I was out on the dock when Marvin, excuse me Marv as he likes to be called now came down to Elmers boat with a cooler and their rods. Marv had changed in the few days since he arrived. The three piece suit was gone and now in it's place he had on a pair of Carharts with a John Deere hat and some fishermen deck shoes. He is now sporting his hair in a pony tail with a feather in it. With a wave and a hearty " good morning" he greeted me and even gave Barney a pat on the head. We passed a little small talk like fishermen do on the dock and then Elmer made his way down and soon they had cast off lines and were headed out into the bay. As they motored away Elmer turn to me and waved holding the drain plug in his hand. Grinning I headed back up towards the cabin. I expect I would be hearing some shouting when Marv starts getting his feet wet. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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WOW, it seems that I forgot just how powerful that Hamms beer is! I was able to stand through most of the kegs that were tapped though I think! Sure was a purty day for a wedding and it was great to see you all again! If you drink enough Hamms beer those 229 pink flamingos will attack you! I never knew that! ;-) Twas a grand and glorious day and I am glad that I was able to share. Had to stumble back to the inn as I knew I would not be able to drive anywhere on 4 wheels much less only having 2. Tess and that wild turkey thing did not help out much either. Fred and Fiona can play a pretty good tune and it was fun watching the folks dance. I had probably drank enough Hamms by then to dance but I was pretty comfy sitting in that wooden lawn chair so I stayed put. Nice thing about them Bubba jugs, ya don’t have to get up and go to the tapper very often and it will keep the beer plenty cold.

I think that Hank and Tess truly did like the boat. That was sure a good surprise to them I think! I hope that they will get many years of use from it. Looks like they will as they have not been seen since they left in it! It was shortly after they left that the flamingos started to get restless and looking like they wanted my beer so I stumbled back to the Inn and crawled into bed. 14 hours of beer drinking is enough for this old fart. Let me tell ya, when I left the next morning I was sure wishing that I had not put them loud mufflers on my bike. A couple hours down the road and I was feeling pretty go so I decide to take the long way home. Took a couple of days but I fonally got back home.

Was good to see all of you and I hope that you are staying dry wherever you are! We have had over 4 inches of rain here in Hooterville so far. No flooding though like we have in some parts. Feel bad for those folks and will keep them in thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you all again soon… Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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So that was your ride outside of the Hopp On Inn.. Marvin mentioned he saw it there. Excuse me Marv said he saw it there. He noticed it was gone when ELmer took him over to pick up his things and check out.. Fishing has been good, going out again here in just a few hours. As soon as the wife goes to work I'll be heading the other way! (17620)

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Hello from the lake.. Fishing has been good these past few days and the water is cooling. Ducks are everywhere here on the lake as the chicks are no longer chicks any more. Seeing strings of ducks being led by there proud mothers swimming the shore lines. Does with there fawns are also showing up on the waters edge. Being in a boat they do not see you as a threat and you can get quite close if you stay still and run the trolling motor slow. You can glide right up on them and the fawns will tilt their heads and look at you. I usually say " Hello" and then they will bound up the bank only to stop and give you a parting look before they disappear into the heavy under brush.

County fair comes to a close this weekend with the big event, Steam days. There will be dozens of old steam powered farm equipment on display. Of course anything that you want to eat on a stick is also there for you through Sunday. We are getting the threat of rain here at the lake but nothing has fallen from the sky on us. Another chance next week, so they say. Well if it's not raining then it must be a good day to go fishing and that is what I have been doing. Sure am making up for Spring when I was busy. Will be going out here in a little while just letting the puddle humper charge up her batteries. Fish are getting a little bigger everyday. Well at least the ones that I am catching are. I am having at least two maybe be three fish a day that are leaving me with nothing but memories. Yesterday I set the hook on one that ripped the rod right out of my hands. I scrambled to grab the rod as it was heading over the side. When I went to reel the fish it was gone. I don't even know what it was other then it was big and it made me talk to myself for awhile afterwards.

I spent some time this morning cleaning the boat, gave it a good vacuum and a rinse. Been spending so much time in the seats that I am thinking of replacing at least one of them with something with a little more cush in it. Both me and the seat are getting older everyday and we are both showing some wear. Vicki at the Masterbaiters is also doing her thing to speed the seasons along. Yesterday I came in for some odds and ends that I needed and she was busy setting up an end cap with some clearance things and was making room for ice fishing stuff! She told me that she has had people in the shop looking over gear already. And a couple of the newer residents have been looking at things for there ice houses and checking her catalogs. Funny because Earl at the General Store has also had some guys checking out things and they although not together had made comments about ice fishing. I think I know who it is.

Well batteries should be charged by now. Going around to the other side of the lake today so I will go through town and stop at Amy's for a sandwich to bring along and drive by Hanks and Tess's to see if they are around or not. Either they are having a very good honeymoon or the fishing is great where they are..... From Lake Iwanttobethere (17656)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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