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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was a the Dew Drop Inn this morning having a little breakfast with the guys and we started to play a little of the "Seem like a good idea at the time" game. Most of the things remembered were from our youth but some of them happen during our adult life. I am pretty sure that you could add to the list or play the game with your friends on your next little get together.

Running across the new pond ice, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Putting the firecrackers that did not explode in your back pocket. seemed like a good idea at the time.

Using gasoline on the BBQ seemed like a good idea at the time.

Swinging across the gorge on clothesline seemed like a good idea at the time.

Filling the black garbage bag with acetylene and lighting it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Sitting on the roof of the chevy driving on the dirt road seemed like a good idea at the time.

Four guys on a motorcycle seemed like a good idea at the time.

Chopping ice off the roof with a fire ax seemed like a good idea at the time.

Jumping beaver dams in your dads boat seemed like a good idea at the time.

Holding on to the spark plug wire while checking for spark seemed like a good idea at the time.

Holding a sheet of plywood by hand on the roof of the Chevy seemed like a good idea at the time.

Testing a bark collar on your throat seem like a good idea at the time

I had things to do so I had to leave but everyone who sat down at the table had a few. As we get older we seem to remember those stupid things we did with a sense of pride. Maybe because we survived. As my boys get older in brief moments of weakness they tell me things that they have done in there youth. I just found out the other day that when they were young they would sit on my belt sander and with a length of extension cord and would have belt sander races on the driveway. I could never figure out why my sanders never seem to last very long. Elmer told me he knew all about them and had even placed wagers on some of them. Chuck just nodded his head that he to knew of the races. I think it is better that I just not know of these things. There of course things that I have never told my boys that Me and Chuck did. Some things are best kept a secret.

Well off to the town hall for tax time. Last week here and another snow storm is on it's way tomorrow. I am sure we will be busy and then it will be quiet when the snow starts up again. This is turning into a long winter. Guess cabin fever is not going to hit anytime soon. Not as long as I have to keep moving snow and cleaning dog feet. Enjoy the day, from Lake Iwanttobethere (10996)

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Snow storm is missing us today but not the wind or the cold temperatures. Had to tug the cap down on the old noggin this morning when I went out to get the paper. Ground is frozen and leaves are whipping across the yard. I took a walk over to the green house and spent a few minutes inside. Out of the wind at least. Adding to my do list I need to get out in there and do some cleaning and rearranging. Going to be awhile before I even think of doing any potting. Going on day thirteen of below normal temperatures in a row. So much for an early spring, this is turning into a long winter. I am not holding out to much hope for a decent fishing opener. Have that feeling it will be cold and windy and maybe a little rain to complete the package.

Going to have to make a few trips to the wood pile and bring some more wood closer to the back door. Should be done burning by now but still have a fire going here to keep the chill out. I see Elmer has smoke coming out of his garage so he has a fire going also. Chuck is pretty much done cooking his sap down and another syrup season has come to an end. Smelt season is next and I am not looking forward to it if the weather stays this way. Been out to the river again this week and not a bite. Pretty slow goings but once again the cool weather is playing apart.

Got a few fishing catalog orders I am just about ready to send in. Waiting to see if any prices go down and if Vicki gets anything in new at the shop that I might want to buy. Been slow down there but the shop just like a opening day tackle box is clean and orderly. At least for now. Even the Lodge has been quiet, Twins losing to the Yankees two nights in a row has not helped any. Getting spanked and giving up so many runs in the first few innings make the rest of the game long. Last night it got so bad that some of the guys went down to the locker room and brought up there putters. A game of miniature golf in the lodge with beer mugs on there sides ensued. We have a policy of allowing only putters upstairs. Ever since Gerry was trying out his new graphite driver and took out a ceiling light while practicing his back swing.

The Lodge map wall has been getting some attention. We have a wall down the hall that is covered in lake maps from around the area. This time of the year there always seems to be someone, drink in hand looking at the maps for a new spot to fish. Almost every conversation starts with " I remember when" as guys look over the maps. Lake Iwanttobethere's map is a work in progress as guys keeping adding to it every fishing season. Several years ago we covered all the maps in plastic as they were getting all smudged and the lines worn off from guys rubbing and pointing their fingers on them. Now there are wax pencils for some to add GPS numbers. Others just put an x on the map and write there comments on the side. Of course fishermen are making these notations and some of them might not all be accurate except for yours and mine.

Big easy chair in front of the fire is looking kind of good, Think I'll go over and settle in for a nap. Going to be along summer and I should grab a few extra zzz's while I can. Not going to miss much of anything today. Maybe I can come up with a new fishing spot or two that I should try. From Lake Iwanttobethere... (11067)

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Some sure signs that Spring is here and we finally have broken winters back. Temperatures to rise into the 50's here at the lake and with that the last of our snow should go today and tomorrow. With a few more days like that the snow on the north sides back in the woods will be gone also. Morning doves outside my window woke me up with that dang cooing of theirs. Long list of things to do today but even that has had changes made to it before I even start. Late last night put the dogs out for their last visit before turning in. Thirty seconds later all three are barking away and as I open the deck door I got the first real smell of Spring. Bud and Barny were waiting at the door to get in and out past the flood lights Pepper was barking up a storm. The smell of skunk heavy in the air. After some shouts Pepper appeared, a light whiff of skunk followed her into the cabin. Off to the crate she went. Didn't get sprayed but got some close enough to her that she smells a tad. Both Barney and Bud have been there and done that. They know better and if the dogs could have a smug look about then they both did as they walked by the crate and headed to the bedrooms. Shower and tomato juice for Pepper this morning.

Few telephones calls are starting to come in and I have to get together with Hammering Hank on a few jobs that we will work together. I am sure with no rain in the forecast and some decent temps that people will start getting outside and jobs will be thought up. I don't even want to look at my do list as I already know there is a lot on it. Oil changes for both trucks and have to take the chains off the tractor and the plow. Have to get in the shed and clean up seed and there are several trees that I need to do some cutting on before they bud up. Greenhouse needs cleaning and now I can bring the rest of the deck stuff out. Tarp off the puddle humper and need to do the bearings on all the trailers. That will be a all day job because Chuck and Elmer will both bring their boat trailers over. As long as we are getting dirty might as well do them all. Need to see Earl at the General Store. Have my list of needed items for him. Some light bulbs, potting soil and always looking for some more big pots. Need to get some seed tatters also. Have to write that down.

Kids will all be up for the weekend as it is grandson #1's birthday. Cabin will be filled with dogs, kids, grand kids and muddy feet. If I get lucky maybe I can get the front raked up. Better add another rake to my shopping list. BBQ ( need propane) will be out and we should have our first family cookout of the year. #1 Granddaughter will be on the dock looking for crappies as that is her job. Barney will of course be at her side. They will spend the day out there side by side looking into the water under the dock. Baby on her belly with her hands over her eyes and Barney sitting and patiently watching over her shoulder. From time to time she will put her finger to her lips and tell us to shush as we are scaring the fish. I'll pull up a deck chair and spend some time with her. Bud will follow me down and sit at my feet. He will be more interested in what is flying around and will have an eye out for the old goose. Pepper will just be Pepper, running around and barking, looking for free hot dogs that are not being watched. Boys will be in the garage looking over something and sneaking beers from the fridge. Elmer will come over and have some potato salad. Chuck will wander over with a beer in hand and the boys will gather in the driveway and talk about men things. Gals will talk with their mom about gal things. Yup Spring is here and summer will not be that far behind. From Lake Iwanttobethere (11150)

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Silently Sunday and it looks like it is going to be a nice one. Cabin is empty as the kids all came up early and have already left this morning for home. Didn't get very much of the do list done but #1 granddaughter and I made two birdhouses and she painted them. Kind of look like Easter eggs but they now join the others houses here. The two grandsons at two and almost one are going to be a hand full. #2 can now walk and a whole new world that was out of his reach is now right in front of him. Bud has decided to be his personal escort and was at his side almost the entire time he was here. It took time but he was able to get around part of the yard and patio. Little trouble with some of the ruff spots and he would have to put it into 4x4 crawl before he could find a level spot to stand up. As most babies do he tends to check things out by putting it in his mouth. Bud was right there to help him with this sampling. If it was edible Bud ate it before the boy could. #1 grandson knows right where to go, as soon as Elmer shows up #1 is in his lap and has his own personal attendant They both disappeared for awhile and I found them in Elmers garage going through brightly colored jigs and plastics. Nothing wrong with that.

Sitting in my easy chair this morning I was reading my latest outdoor magazine, well I was looking through it anyway. Today's magazines don't seem to have a lot to offer the reader. Half the mag is advertising and they seem to be half the size they were just ten years ago. I know everyone has to make money but I sure do have a problem with some of the advertising. With the grand daughter in my lap we were going through one yesterday. We get to the back and it was nothing but "male enhancement ads. What happen to a fishing magazine having ads that actually had to do with fishing? The old mags you could spend as much if not more of your time looking over ads for fishing lodges and float plan trips. Places to try out there new can of worms or buy six packs of lures just for bass or northerns. The latest boats and outboards where you didn't even had to mix the gas and oil anymore. Pictures of reels that were life size so you could see what they really looked like. Products showing rebates and you never found the coupon because someone ahead of you had already cut it out so you knew it had to be a good deal. Ranger boats, boy were they sweet but who would ever pay 10,000 for a boat. Buy a Zebco crappie reel and get a free cassette of fishing tips from Homer Circle. Entire inserts for fishing Manitoba Canada. South Bend Rods, Bass Buster Lures, Crappie candy, St. Croix rods, DR. Juice! Blue fin boats.

So I sit back in the easy chair and I go through the latest mag but after twenty minutes or so I am done with it. I reach to the other side of the chair and there I have a new stack of old magazines that I just rotated in from the den. Twenty five or so of some classic fishing magazines waiting for me to reread stories and look over ads for places to go to. No sending away for a free video to see how this works. I actually get to read a story about it. I can have the granddaughter sit in my lap and look at pictures of reels and fishing rods. Show her pictures of fish caught at camp way up north. Can point to pictures of planes flying over waters teaming with fish, at least that is what the ad says. Not have to explain why there is an ad for Pagama Gram next to a wild pheasants ad. Or why there is an ad for killing lake weeds sandwich between a Viagra and athena pheromone ad. Guess the weeds need more sex appeal.

Times of course change and I am of course getting older everyday. I at least understand that to a point. Watching grand kids running around and everything that is old to you is so new to them. Don't run any more so now when I walk I keep my head up and take smaller steps. Seems like I missed a lot of things when I was running. Starting to see things that Elmer has been talking about for years. Now that my kids have kids they are starting to see things differently also. I notice that a few times this past weekend. Boys would do something and my daughter would look at me and we would just click. A mental " yup you did that to when you were young" I smile because I know it is going to get better, they have just started to walk. The best is yet to come! From silent Sunday on the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere (11215)

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Ok it happen just a little while ago. I was outside just getting a few chores done and starting to work on the do list when it happen.... Cabin fever.... I just had the urge to go fishing really bad. I went to the puddle humper and pulled the cover back. Let the sunshine hit the deck and lifted the lids to let the air in. Going to be in the 60's today and that must have been the key. The warm breeze and taking off the jacket to work in the sunshine. Before I knew it I had a rod and reel out of the rack and on the deck. I pulled up a deck chair and started to strip line off the reel. The line coiled at my feet making a nice bird's nest. I clipped the end off and headed into the cabin to grab a paper bag that I had new line in. I had to sort through a few plastic bags to find the right one. I had some lures in one. Some wd-40 in another, boat oil in another and some replacement tips and some gulps in another. A new reel that I tucked back under the other bags. I was getting close when I found the spark plugs but that was not the right bag either. There I found the one with replacement line. Looking for some 10# I took it out to the deck and started to load the reel. Running it through the guides I had to put my glasses on to make the knot around the spool. With experience gain over the years I made quick work of respooling and a moment later I was on the dock with rod in hand a small white jig. Looking into the water I was just about to drop the jig into the water when I came to my senses.. 10# was to heavy for a crappie jig!

Back to the shed to pull out a ultra light rod and back to searching through bags for some 4# line. Going through the bags I once again came across the new reel and hid it even deeper under the other bags. Finding the line I returned to the deck and started the process all over again. Striping the old line off and replacing it with the new. In a few minutes I was back at the end of the dock this time with the right equipment. Just then the wife pulled up with two new rakes from down at the General Store. I leaned the rod up against the boat house and like a little kid walked up the path, work..... From a warm Lake Iwanttobethere (11254)

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Hillside is all raked and clean, Elmer came over and pulled up a chair to watch. That is an on going thing with us here at the lake. When ever we see someone working we will pull out a chair and watch. I guess they do the same thing in the big city. People stand on street corners and watch as building are built and houses painted. Here we take it a step farther and just pull up a chair and make ourselves comfortable. No offense is taken as we all do it. Some new residents find it a tad bothersome to be working with an audience. But they get used to it and find out that it does have it's merits as you never miss a spot when painting as someone will point it out to you and if a better tool is needed for the job at hand one will be offered from the watchers. When raking this also gives you plenty of reasons to stop and rest on your rake as you make conversation with your watcher. The last of the leaves were dragged to the compost pile and I joined Elmer on a chair looking out over the hillside and frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere.

We pulled out a few cigars and soon we were lost in the moment. Me being happy that I was done raking and Elmer in the fact that he was done watching me raking. Elmer noted that I had a rod out, leaning against the shed. I told him how I was briefly overcome with the need to wet a line. Of course that open the door to talk fishing. Ice still on the lake but it is pulling out farther from shore everyday. We got some showers last night and that will help with the ice. Going to be awhile before ice out but we have time before opening weekend. We started to discuss plans for opener and on cue Chuck came over carrying his fold up camping chair. Putting his chair down and off to the side as to not get in our view of the lake he pulled out his flask. The flask made a quick trip between us and another cigar was produced for Chuck. Settling back into my chair this felt a lot better then pulling that rake.

Leaning back in the chair with sun on my face and a warm breeze at my back it reminded me of some early season northern fishing. Of course it does not take much of anything to remind me of fishing. I am accused of either fishing to much or thinking about fishing to much. I think they are worse things that you could be doing with your time. At this moment I was thinking about a day not to much different then today. I was alone fishing back in a bay a few bays away from the cabin here. It was for May a nice enough day. About 70 with a little breeze. I was back in the shallows working over an old stump field that I had found several years before. Good place to go looking for bass when the pads start to come in but an even better place for early northerns. On a cooler day I would just toss smelt on the bottom and sit back and wait. On that day I was tossing top waters that I had carved during the winter. Well not really carved as that takes to long. I made them with my belt sander. Anyway the fish were active and I was having fun throwing and getting whacked by northerns. Those pesky little 26 to 30 inch ones. I saw a few that looked like logs floating but I could not get them to make a run at my home made lure. My arm was getting tired from pitching and catching so I took a break and let the breeze blow me back farther into the bay.

Digging into the tackle box I came across a big 8" lure that I had made as a joke. I used it to clean my paint brush off on it when I was painting lures and it was just covered in swipes of paint. All colors of the pallet were smeared across it's surface. It even had 4 eyes as I think my daughter had done some customizing to it. Well I tied it on to my rod and I looked out on to the calm waters looking for a place to pitch it. Seeing a lonely stump I let loose with a perfect cast. The lure settle down just a few inches from the stump and the rings of it's landing ripped out to disappear in the clear water. Everyone who has fished top water knows that you look for, that little something out there to give you a clue when something is going to happen. You see that first little bow wave of a fish turning and heading your way. That little bubble in the water that gives away a fish. Off to the right I saw that first little difference in the water and I knew a fish had seen or heard the big ugly lure land. I gave the rod tip a little snap and the lure plopped in the water sending out a new set of rings in the water. The rings widening away from the lure stopped as they hit what I knew was a fish not ten feet away, watching. This is always the best time for me. Like playing with a cat with a yarn ball I twitched the lure again, I shook the rod tip and the lure quivered........

I leaned forward taking up slack line. Getting ready to set the hook. I knew if I kept teasing I would get the big fish to take a run at me. THERE I could see the tail come up out of the water and dip back in, I can see the shadow of the fish and it looks to be a really big northern. It is coming around like the nautilus lining up my lure. I lean forward even more, balanced in the boat ready to set.. When Fishing with Chuck he is always humming those faithful notes from the movie Jaws when he gets ready to set on a oncoming northern. Now in the back of my head I hear daw dum daw dum daw dum....A vee wave starts where I know the Northerns head is and it grows as the fish makes a rush across the calm water after my lure, I twitch again, not on purpose but because I am so excited. Daw Dum Daw Dum...In a second it is all over... The fish makes a rush I settle in for the hit and when I notice out of my eye a streak rocketing across the water from the left and slashing at my lure just a split second before the northern gets there. Another northern that I did not see went for the lure. The water explodes like a depth charge just detonated. Somewhere in there I set the hook and just managed to duck as the chunk of wood came flying back and just missed my ducking head. Water comes down around me. And waves ripple out from ground zero. I sit back in my chair and listen to my heart racing in my ear. The rings disappear and the water calms. I see the tell tale zig zag of the big northern heading out of the back waters.

Chuck pokes me in the ribs and I hear " Daydreaming again Bobby?" I nod and just take a pull on my cigar. From the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere (11320)

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Just popping in to say thanks!

This forum has so much high profile contraversy it's just nice to be able to slip out of all that and drift off into one of Lake Iwantobethere back bays.

Thanks Bobby Bass! You keep on writing and I will keep on reading. grin.gif

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Well thank you Dan for the kind words. Most of the time when I write here I have not a clue if anyone is reading what I am writing. Not that I am not used to it. After 29 years of marriage, with about 15 of them being pretty good I am used to selective hearing and reading. My wife's grandmother was a very happy old gal, always smiling away. Took me a while to figure out she had both of her hearing aids off most of the time to save the batteries. She told me she didn't think she missed much by having them off. Beside she could hear the birds better when she turn them on with good batteries. At the Lodge we have a pretty much standing rule in regards to politics, religion and mother in laws. We don't talk about them. Plenty of other things to talk about so that is why you never hear to many stories if any about theses subjects. There are plenty of places to talk about those topics and they deserved to be spoken about just not here at the lake. I will write about a few of our rules we have here at the lake. The no mowers and chain saws on the weekend rule is one that will always be enforced. The Lodge rule of believing any fishing or hunting story told with in it's walls as the gospel truth is another. As a matter of fact we have a sign over the end of the bar that states " More fish and birds have been caught and shot here then in the wild" lot of truth in that.

Sunny but cool and windy here. In the lower fifty's but with the wind off the lake and over the ice it has a chilling effect. Of course it could be me to. As I get older it takes me longer to get cold but takes a lot longer to warm up. Find myself like the dogs following the sun around the easy chairs of the Lodge. Tax time has come to an end and now I will be just spending a few hours a week in the Town Hall. We should be having a meeting coming up here soon with the openings of fishing season less then a month from now. Still ice on the lake but it will be gone in time for opener. Smelting might be a problem, need some warm rain to open things up and get the stream running.

Been extending my walks a little each day. Knee is coming along but I missed out on almost two months there and at my age hard to get back that time. Garages doors are open and a few boats have there covers off and are getting cleaned off and a little wax applied here and there. Even a few campers have found there way to the driveways. Just some more signs that it is getting warmer out and fishing and camping season will be here. Not a bad winter as winters go. Did seem to have some legs to it as it kept hanging on and did not go quietly. Some of the guys are throwing the softball around down in the park but I have been informed by the wife that my playing days are officially over now. I concur, time to sit in the stands and heckle. A few years ago I stopped bowling and for the first spring in a long time I didn't have a sore elbow fishing. Here I thought it was from fishing and it was just throwing that big old hook of mine. Guess one should have some priorities. Fishing has to be high on the list.

Well I really was not planning on writing anything today, just kind of saw your message Dan and before you know it I just start rambling on. Of course I do have the advantage of standing on the dock here with a cup of coffee and watching the ice melt on the lake and if the wind is right like it will be tonight. When the sun goes down I'll hear the freight train working it's way along the far side of the lake. The train whistle will carry across the lake and you will hear the clickly clack of the wheels on the rail. As the leaves fill the trees they block the sound of the track so you have to be here now to hear it. Just another reason to visit Lake Iwanttobethere...(11408)

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Running errands today and took time to stop in the Diner and have myself a frosty root beer with Mindy and Mandy's label on it. I got myself back in the corner booth and leaned back in the leather and just sipped my root beer and gave my knee a little rest. Diner was not to busy as it was before the lunch hour rush but there were a few people sitting and enjoying the view of the lake and others came and went taking out their orders with them. I had my do list with me and I went over it as I sat in the booth. Could not help but over hearing conversations going on around me. Pretty much the typical Lake talk. Wondering if there was going to be smelt run and when was it going to start. Forecast of some heavy rain this weekend, mostly on Sunday and that should start things. Others talking about getting tractors running and how there feed made it through the winter. A few calf's born and the problem with them cats howling at night. Hate that time of the year when they are in heat. Grackles are making there way through the hillside and they are like vultures cleaning everything in there way. Nothing but empty bird feeders in there wake. Gray squirrels are out and about someone mentioned seeing a chipmunk. Groundhogs are being a problem, seems they made it through the winter and are out looking to expand there holdings.

Root beer was so good I ordered a second and here at the diner they give you a fresh frosted mug to go with it. Smells from the kitchen were making me hungry but I had a few more things to do before I could take my lunch break. Getting closer to lunch hour and the diner was filling up. The bell on the door was ringing away with each opening and the conversations were getting louder as people competed against the rising background noise. I got up and paid for my drinks and made some brief conversation. No sooner had I gotten to the door and my booth was occupied. Walking out the door I see a few out of state license plates and a couple of dip nets sticking out the rolled down windows of a car. I head over to the Lodge and a few trucks are in the lot. Entering I see Elmer sitting in front of the TV with a couple of conies and some fries. I make my way to the bar and see the coney sauce simmering away. Heck, close enough I make myself a couple of Coney's and grab a bag of chips and go sit next to Elmer. Elmer grunts at me and smears his fries in some catsup and continues to watch his soap and eat. Since we got satellite Elmer does lunch here at the Lodge and watches some soap. It is the only time of the day when he is quiet. I finish up and Elmer just nods at me. Ever since I put the coney sauce recipe out for people to read we have been selling more coneys. I don't know if people just have gotten a taste for them or if it is an excuse to come to the Lodge to get one or two or three.

Back to the truck and the do list, down to visit Vicki at the Masterbaiters and check to see if my order is in, not yet. I spend a few minutes listing to the bubbling minnow tanks and a little chit chat with a few out of towners. They are here for the weekend hoping to catch the smelt run. I get in my truck and head back towards town. I wave at Hammering Hank going the other way with a load of fire wood. All wrapped up in small mesh bags he must be stocking his vendors. Earl standing on the Steps of the General Store is busy giving directions, I can see his hands waving away pointing towards the access. I stop at Ma and Pa's grocery and I am greeted with the tell tale jingle of there bell on the door as I walk in. Pa already has my meat order cut and wrapped up and I share a joke and wave at Ma as I head out back to the truck.

Back at the cabin I unload the meat and check the answering machine. I am making supper on the BBQ tonight. The day is warming up and looking at the mid 60's by late afternoon. Wife is at work and I have to make up to her for my comments about 29 years of marriage. She was in one of her selective reading moods and happen to read that one. Supper last night was a burnt pork chop and a raw potato on a paper plate. When questioned she told me that I complain that my chops are not done and if you cook the potato to long you cook all the nutrients out of it. Paper plate, she didn't feel like doing dishes. The cottage cheese in my glass with skim milk on top was a real hint that she was not happy with me. Good thing I like cottage cheese! Well outside to fire up the power washer and clean the decks off and maybe even the dock. Puddle Humper is sitting in the boat house with her cover off. She like me made it through another winter. I may even have time to go sit in the green house and have a cigar. Lot of planning needs to be done and it should be nice and warm in there. Sunny and calm and the temperature is rising, from Lake Iwanttobethere (11446)

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hehehe with 11,400+ visits to this excact forum i am thinking that this forum gets read. i have said it before, i usually stop here first. dont want to miss a thing from the lake.

i am sure most of you have seen that the cover is off of the catamaran, and the fishhouse has found its summer spot. the power and satelitte have been reconnected to it. and i am looking forward,( believe it or not), to this summer. i have made the repairs to the cat. and will finish the hull polishing project within two weeks. then it will be sailing time. as much as i hate those hot summer days. i find it is much more bearable if i am on the water in a good wind.

it is nice to see that retirement is treating you so well bobby. and it does also seem that what i have heard about retirement is kinda true. my dad always said the only reason he was not ready for it, was most of his friends that were retired, are busier now then before. but the nice thing is that now he does not have to plan on time off to go fishing. if the urge hits him he is off to the lake.

now for me, although i do kinda look forward to it. it seems an unreachable goal, as i have just turned 47.it is a ways off in the future. so for now the word retire means. when i have new g**dyears put on the gmc. hehehhe

it is nice to know that the lake is there for me. and as i write the schedule for the shop. i can plan my fishing days a month ahead. keep up the good work bobby and next time you have a lodge meeting, i will buy the last round. just put it on my tab and i will catch it next time i am in. see you on the water. ... paul

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You know fishermen and hunters are greedy! Sitting on the deck I had this thought pass through my greedy little brain. Now I know you may think this is a little rude on my part but I want you to consider this before passing judgment. Say you go out fishing, which we all will be in just a few short weeks. You start off with "I would just like to get the boat wet "maybe wet a line. Then it is "I would just like to get a bite and I would be happy "Then you get a bite and it is "I would just like to feel a tug on my line" after the bobber goes down and the fish makes a run you say "All I want to do is see it" then when you see it the next line is " I just want to touch it so I can say I had one on." Then when you land it you say "All I want is a keeper" after the keeper you want to catch a limit or move on to another kind of fish, Now that I got my walleye I want a northern or a bass and as long as they are bigger then the ones you caught I will be happy. Of course the next thing is to catch more species then you. We all say just "one more cast" why? So we can have a chance to catch one more fish... Nothing wrong with that. So are you greedy?

A light rain falling here at the lake and I can see the dimples the rain drops make on the open water here in front of the cabin in my bay. A welcome sight for me as it is another sign Spring is really here and winter is behind us. Last night I heard peepers in the swamp and in the next coming weeks there song will drown out everything else in the evening. Sunset was after eight last night. Sitting on the deck with a sunset, peepers singing and a baseball game on the radio. It does get better but not much. A mallard drake and his girlfriend were swimming off the dock this morning. Bud alertly up on the deck sat and watched. With the morning rain things are starting to smell better. Getting the woods smell back. The wet cedars and the smell of pine is much better then any store bought fragrance. Had the BBQ fired up to heat up some of the left over steak from supper last night to have for breakfast this morning. A few drops of rain fell on the hood of the BBQ and the instant sizzle was another welcome sound. Looking forward to a good rainstorm. Some lightning and rolling thunder will confirm Spring is here and summer will be close behind.

And old friend will be flying in the middle of the week to spend some time here at the lake. A little vacation for him and an excuse for me not to do anything. He has a niece getting married so he will be spending some time out here at the cabin and we will of course be spending time around the fire grate. I will tell stories that he has forgotten and he will tell me stories that I have forgotten. The wife will come and listen to some and laff at most. My kids will come and visit and we will take them places telling stories that happen before they were born and some stories will even be about them. Some they will understand and some will go right over there heads. Some old music will be on the cd player and we will spend some time together just sitting and looking into the fire not talking at all. I am sure we will just say a name out loud and we will just nod and a story will be brought up or just a knowing nod passed between us. Old Girl friends will be spoken of and football games. Of course fishing stories will be told and the weights may be embellished but we will both remember them being that. We will greet each other with a hand shake and leave each other the same way. Till the next time. Takes us about two minutes to start finishing each others sentences. My wife will roll her eyes and just leave us alone. Will talk about being greedy fishermen and greedy friends. Just one more cast..Just one more story... From Lake Iwanttobethere (11498)

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Well I am committed, my bass thermometer says 71 out so the rest of the deck furniture is going out. Robins working the cleaned out front slope and the grass is turning green. Grackles have already raided the bird feeders today and I saw four eagles soaring overhead this morning. Air is heavy and it is going to rain sometime soon I feel. Calm out and not a ripple on the water in front of the dock. Barney has already taken up position and is intently watching the shallows. Bud just ran the goose off over at Elmers and is returning with a dog bone for his efforts. Pepper is in the cabin sleeping on the floor. She cleaned up the wife's breakfast plate when she turn her back so now she is sleeping the bacon and eggs off. I just got through reading the paper and nothing on sale anywhere that I can use so it's on to the do list.

Went down to the Lodge, forgot my wallet down there and while I was down there some female reporter was there chatting with the guys. She writes for some newspaper and was looking for information on a web site that a lot of the guys here are on. I know some of the guys gave her a few minutes but the Twins were on the TV and attention was mostly on that. She headed my way but I just nodded at her and smiled. It being silent Sunday and all. The last I saw of her Elmer who had just came in had her by the hand and was taking her over to the wicker couch in front of the TV Something about he would answer questions between innings.

Made it back in time to catch the last few innings of the game. While I was gone the wife had been in the shed cleaning up. I went through the garbage can and remove almost all of the good stuff that she had thrown away. Grabbing a shovel I made a couple of holes in one of the flower beds and she quickly took the shovel away from me and started working in the flower bed. Now that I had her distracted I returned to my shed and put my good stuff back where it belongs. Looking at my do list I checked off a few things and added a few more. Got the trailer moved up to the driveway and the dozer blade off. Parked the tractor under the lean to and I can forget about that for awhile. Added a quart of oil to the truck and that killed an hour as Chuck came over and tried to get me to talk. We had a conversation in sign language using very few fingers. I was able to convey that I would have a beer and a braut since he was cooking. Wife was yelling for me but since it is silent Sunday I could not give a response since it was not an emergency.

Was just about ready to go back and look at the do list when the first rain drop fell. Had just enough time to get back to the deck and under the overhang when it started to rain good. With some good planning I had a cigar and matches at hand so I lit up and sat back in the swing to enjoy the falling rain. Bud jumped up to sit next to me and I enjoyed his company and the first real rain that we have had for awhile. Blowing smoke rings the wife just gave me a look from inside the cabin as she went around closing windows that I had open up. Only heard the rumble of thunder once and with it Barney came running up from the dock. He was still standing on the dock in the rain but with the sound of thunder he called it quits. He noses his way inside the cabin and shakes. I can hear the wife yelling at him as she goes for a towel. Standing in the doorway she shakes her hand at me and I pretend I can't hear her over the rain falling on the deck.

Rain stops after awhile and my cigar is almost done. Bud is sleeping next to me. Now all you hear is that steady drip coming off the roof. The cushion is wet next to me but I didn't even notice. A few robins come in for a landing in the yard and go to work looking for supper. Got a nice soaking and I am glad I moved the trailer when I did. I am surprise to see it is only a little after five as I look through the window at the wall clock. The wife comes out and tells me she is off to buy some Ice Cream that I supposedly forgot to get. She leaves and I am left to relax in my swing. Bud leaves me to go with her, traitor. After a few minutes I head into the cabin and digging through my bags I find the new reel that I bought. Taking it out of the box I spin the handle a few times and listen to the click of the drag. I put the reel back in the box and then back in the bag and then back in it's hiding place. I stir the fire with the poker and throw a log on. Not really cold but to wet to have a fire going out in the fire pit. I sit in my easy chair and check the clock, time for a quick snooze before the wife comes home. Do list can wait till tomorrow, from Lake Iwanttobethere.. (11532)

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Pulling a shift here at the Lodge, kind of busy for a change. I can hear the sound of Hammering Hank and Skinny working on putting the smelt fry tent up down in the park. This weekends rain has started the run. On my drive into the Lodge this morning I saw Frank was grading a few washouts along side the lake. And I passed Mark the mailman with the postal boat on the trailer. He was taking it to Dug's to have it serviced. I would imagine it won't be to much longer and we will be going down to the dock to get mail. I drove by Nytelyter's place and I see he has that funny looking sailboat of his out. Looks like he was doing some work on it this weekend. Of course as we get deeper into Spring here the buds will be on the trees and it will be harder to see back from the road at the cabins. Who knows what Nytelyter is doing back there. I was so busy looking that I had to swerve to miss Dan Thiem on the road. That dog of his is really getting big. Gracie, I think her name is, she was in the passenger seat.

I also saw Da Chise and Duckslayer outside of Marv's Diner I don't know if they were coming or going, I waved but I don't think they saw me. I just got to the Lodge when Mindy and Mandy showed up with an order of root beer for us. They are already dressed in there summer delivery clothes. Blue Jean bibs with bright halter tops underneath. I was somewhat distracted by them as they unloaded the root beer. They just got the root beer in the cooler when Hank and Skinny showed up. Funny how them girls attract a crowd. Chip guy was right behind Hank and everyone headed for the windows when Mindy and Mandy went back out to their truck. Hank and Skinny went back to working on the tent and the chip guy left the lodge's order. I just finished filling the racks behind the bar when the candy guy shows up with his delivery. Been that way all morning, as soon as I get one order up someone else shows up. Barely had time to put the chili on the burner.

Going to pull a few shift here in the begging of the week so I can hang with my friend when he gets in town late Wednesday night. With some luck we may go do some smelting that night. I am sure we will find a place to hang our hat that night as the smelt tent will be up and of course Mindy and Mandy will be selling root beer and the mini-donut trailer will be there. Hank has the self service firewood display full already. If we get a good run and if it makes it to the weekend then some of the eating establishments will stay open late for the out of towners. Phone...just a minute.....

Del just called and is firing off an order of Pizza's this way. Elmer order a head of time and there is clear water and no ice between here and the shop. Some of you may be new here and might not know of Del's Pizza and Sub shop, home of the Pizza cannon. By placing pizza's inside two duck taped hubcaps he is able to use a European trap thrower, modified. To shoot his delivery across the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. I see looking out the window here that Skinny is on the dock with two garbage can lids, looks like he is going to try and catch the incoming delivery. Hope Del takes a little something off when he fires.

Well my shift is done here, Have long list of things to do here this afternoon still. Need to go to the smoke shop and pick up a few for smelting and borrow my dip nets back. Batteries for the flashlight and check on an extra pair of waders. Can't remember who I borrowed them out to. Maybe Hank? I'll have to go down there and ask him. The county street cleaner just came and turn around in our parking lot, I wonder who called them? Talk about good timing, we will get the streets cleaned this afternoon. Maybe I better head over to Earls and get the fire truck out, perhaps we can hose things down before the sweeper makes it there. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good one. (11555)

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Yep that was me and Grace! We were wondering if we could get her some dock fishing lessons from Bud. Or was it Barney? 75 pounds and not yet 6 months old.


Good to hear the pizza cannon is back . By using them hub caps they really can skip across the water on a calm night. Maybe we can get some lighted models for the late night delivery?

Hey, what ever happened to the flamingos? Last I heard Paul was keeping an eye on them.

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Ahh what a nice day, cool but sunny and no breeze. Say Dan I think we will have to wait till Grace gets full grown and then we will have to see if we have to reinforce the dock to have both Barny and her on there at the same time. I am pretty sure that Barney can show her some of the fine points of dock pointing. I did have a chance to look up the pink flamingoes and they are still at Nytelyters. There paid for till May then we will try and find a new home for them, unless we can't, then they would stay Nytelyters wing so to speak.

Spent most of the day so far driving around my buddy from the coast. He is only in town for a few days so we are trying to go down memory lane here. Started off at the Dew Drop Inn for some breakfast then ran into Mark delivering mail. Elmer and Chuck were on there way to the Lodge and we followed them over. Hammering Hank stopped us in the parking lot and before you know it most of the morning was already gone and it was time for lunch. Over to Amy's for a couple of loose meat sandwiches and I think Amy took a shine to my friend. I was on my second cider and they were still chatting away. The lunch hour rush came in and we were on our way to the Masterbaiters. A few dollars spent there on tackle they don't have out east and we checked off a few things on our to do list. Back to the Lodge to have a root beer and see if we could find out where Mindy and Mandy are at today. A few more Lodge guys came in and my buddy was surrounded answering questions about what he has been up to.

Standing on the Lodge deck I can look down at the parking lot and the park. Smoke drifting up and the smell of deep frying smelt. Had a small run last night and a few people have tents set up in the camper area. Tomorrow being Friday I expect the area will be filled and we will be busy. Not me, I will not be working and will be on the other side of the bar this weekend. I did locate my extra waders and my friend and I will be dipping a net and sampling the deep fry. Going to try and get out on Sunday and do some crappie fishing, going to be a warm weekend with temps in the hi 60's... Did I mention ice is out here at Lake Iwanttobethere? Open water as far as the eye can see. Lot more ducks and some more geese have been coming in to join the locals. The other night I had to stop on the way back to the cabin to let a bear cross in front of me and a few deer have been spotted checking out last years garden. Like they have not checked every night for the last 5 months.

Well going to grab my friend and head home, wife is cooking up supper for us. Almost feels like we have been on one of them cruse ship vacations. Our whole day is just rotating around meals, Either going to or coming back from one. Hope everyone has a good weekend from Lake Iwanttobethere..(11689)

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While driving around the lake and showing off the changes made over the last several years I got to notice a few things myself. We always called it going to the lake but now that the town is growing and more people are moving out here to live and with summer getting closer the town swells. As the town swells so does some of it needs. Like the now working one and only street light. A few more business have open and we have the new Post Office. Even the Lodge is now open to the public and we even kept the heat on this past winter. The Town Hall is no longer large enough to hold meetings so they have been held at the Lodge. The addition of our two parking meters and a pay phone. I even used the phone the other day. I ordered a pizza and then called home with my second call since it is 2 fer a dollar.

Ice is off the lake and no snow anywhere that I could see. Shoreline around Been There Pond is still brown but you can see a little green. Peepers are getting more vocal every night. Hawks are still soaring overhead and the pigeons seem to be sitting and doing less flying with the hawks around. Some of the poplar trees are budding already and I see some of the bulbs in the flower beds are growing. Golf course is really greening up after last weekend rain and with the temps to be in the hi 60's this weekend I am sure there will be a few golfers out. The course is not allowing riding carts yet as the ground is soft. I know the three hole is open and the 6 hole should be open Saturday. Some water in the small ponds and that is good, was really getting worried that we would start off really down. Public access is low but not as bad as it was last fall. Smelt have been running in the evening but you have to work to fill your bucket. That might change this weekend. A few trailers at the parking lot as the crappie fishermen are getting out on the water. A good place to go has been right off Root Beer island. I have caught a few right off my dock in the small bay that I live on. Nothing to brag about but the tug on the line sure felt good.

Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has been reporting that fishing has been slow but getting better. No problem getting bait and she will have full tanks in time for opener. After the street cleaner came through that just got everyone out washing windows and doing what touch up painting that needed to be done. Earl at the general store has all the shovels back in the rear and his cart with bug repellent and fly swaters is back out front of the store. Has a couple of racks with some flowers on it to. The feed mill just outside of town on the way to the golf course has had a steady stream of pickups going in and out. Lot of farms in the area and they are busy this time of the year. I don't really notice them as the only time I see them guys is when they come in to ice fish on the lake. And of course when we have the summer corn roasts. Guess we take for granted all that fresh produce that they have at Ma and Pa's grocery store. When they are in town it is usually at the back door of the General store. Picking up orders and sipping on Mindy's and Mandy's root beer. As far as I know only the Dew Drop Inn and the Diner are going to stay open late this weekend for the smelters.

Hammering Hank was hauling some more wood down to the smelt tent, been cool at night which is good for his sales. Guys from the Lodge have been manning the tent and are putting out a good meal of smelt, coleslaw and biscuits. This year they will be doing pancakes in the morning and featuring Chucks Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup. Along with the hot soft pretzels and the mini donuts one should be able to find something to eat. Of course the Lodge will be open and we always have the chili pot on and conies.

My out of town buddy is dealing with family today and then tomorrow he will have the weddings. He is all mine on Sunday and if the weather cooperates we will get some crappie fishing in and maybe hit the stream for a little while. Mostly I think we will just share some time in the boat and trade stories. He will try and convince me to go back east with him and go to work for him and I'll let the lake convince him that he should be spending more time here. First thing I did when I saw him was get him out of those cowboy boots and hat and put on some sneakers with a beat up old John Deere cap. I tried to get him to put some bibs on but I didn't have any small enough for him.. At least when I took him around town he didn't look like a tourist. He left today in a three piece suit, way over dressed for these parts.

Well off to make sure the row bow floats and I have a couple of rods ready for Sunday. Have a good day, all is good at Lake Iwanttobethere


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Being tease here, 81 degrees here in the shade of the cabin. Great weather to go crappie fishing in but so far we have not left the dock. Just sitting on the dock and every few minutes a few crappies will move along the shore line on there way in to the bay and the bobbers go down. Might not even take the wood rowboat out. Already have enough for lunch. The teasing part is I know this weather is not going to hang on. Elmer is down at the dock using my pole and chatting with my friend. I came up to the cabin to check e-mail and grab a few more cool ones for the cooler. Am just making a note to myself here to find the snowmobile suit, I am betting that when opener comes in two weeks it will be snowing. Just to nice out now and experience tells me mother nature is just playing with us and she will get back at us. But then again if it is a great weekend I can simply destroy my note and take credit for the good weather.

I got all the rest of the deck furniture out and made another discovery. Not only had the rat been busy eating my stored grass seed but had used the stacked swings to make his way to the ceiling of the shed where he shredded the insulation in the corner. After pulling the swings out I was greeted with a small mountain of dropping coming down from the ceiling. The shed is empty now and I will have to add it to my list of things to repair. I am sure the rat is long gone but next year I will have a few surprises if he or any of his relatives decide to return. So one problem gone and another goes running across the back yard. Just putting wood in the fire pit last night when the quiet is interrupted when a groundhog the size of a basketball goes rolling across the back yard. Pepper in hot pursuit. Bud was soon on the trail and they gathered at Elmers storage barn. Pepper was already digging away and Bud was on the other side in a blocking action. Elmer came out to check on the commotion. A rabbit came out from the back side of the barn and the chase was on again, this time off towards Chucks garden. Elmer inspected the diggings and I told him it looked like a fat female. Elmer got that look in his eye and headed to his garden. I think there might be a few stories in the next few weeks here. And Barney? He never left the dock, he was busy watching crappies.

I actually did get some work done yesterday afternoon, oil change on the pickup and also the snow blower and tractor. I have the mowers and tiller on my list, maybe tomorrow. Well back to some fishing here. To nice to be indoors and I hope everyone else is outside enjoying the weather. BBQ'ing or fishing or even some yard work. Two more weeks and I will be in pursuit of MR BIG, from Lake Iwanttobethere have a good one. (11806)

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I also saw Da Chise and Duckslayer outside of Marv's Diner I don't know if they were coming or going, I waved but I don't think they saw me.

Dang, sorry to have missed ya Bobby! If I was looking pale and gaunt then was probably heading into the diner. If I was loking like a little (big) stuffed pork chop then I was coming out. Mighty fine food at that diner! Will have to put the Lil Mrs on the back of that new motor cycle and bring her along the next time. Down here in Hooterville seems that we are skipping the 4 way stop and going directly to the stoplight! I wonder if it will flash after 10PM... Not many folks going through at night, only in the mornin and evenin as they go back and forth to work. Been a time for two I have had to wait for near on to 10 cars before I was able to cross the main! Well.. you all take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Duckslayer sorry I missed ya. When you get the chance bring the wife on up to the Lodge. A few years ago we added an area in the parking lot just for motorcycles. County was doing some repair work and in exchange for some conies they would wash out the cement truck and we got a decent place to park bikes. Better then in the dirt parking lot where things tend to get soft in the summer heat. Some of you guys are really fickle about dumping your bikes. As for stop signs and street lights we don't have either one of them yet. All we have is the one light on a pole. We have decide it is better to not have any lights or stop signs as that way you can't run them. Counting on lights make you feel that if you have the yellow you have the right of way. But with no lights you don't know who is coming. Of course in town sometimes we have combines drive through and I don't care who you are you lose if you hit a combine. Not to mention what the farmer will do to you after you hit his rig.

My friend survived the weekend and made his flight home. We stayed up pretty late Sunday night and he missed the alarm going off and slept in. We were lucky enough to run into Tinker at Mystery creek on Sunday night and he offered to fly my friend into town in the morning. With that as a back up plan staying into the wee hours of the morning smelting seemed like a good idea. Of course it was cold and we had a flask with and before you know it everyone was on shore sharing there different secrets as to how to stay warm. Most of them started with " Here take a pull of this" Tinker told me that he got my friend in to the city in time to catch his flight and he was still wearing his John Deere cap with his three piece suit. Looks like he took a little of Lake Iwanttobethere back with him to the east coast.

So after a day of sleeping and getting back in to my somewhat normal routine and after the headache went away I returned to my Honey Do List. Got the tiller up and running and did one of the gardens. Push mower is ready to go and I did cut a little where it was already starting to grow. Debating on whether I should put some plants out in the greenhouse but I am still thinking we are going to get snow in time for opener. The shed is empty and I need to get in there and clean up the mess left by the rat. I waved at Elmer this morning, he was sitting on his deck with his morning coffee and his .22 Been waiting for a clear chance at that ground hog. Now that Pepper knows it is over there every time she gets out of the house she makes a beeline for Elmers barn. Stealth is not a strong point for her. Bud on the other hand will go out and circle down around the shoreline and then up through the apple trees and getting down on his belly will crawl toward the edge of the high grass where he can watch the barn. This is all for not, because as soon as Pepper gets outside she goes flying off the deck running at full speed. Hitting the ground she will tear up blades of grass and chunks of dirt as she sprints towards the barn. The groundhog merely chews on some grass and turns and darts into the hole going under the barn.

In a big show Pepper will strut for Elmer showing how she has driven off the hog. Bud will get up out of the grass and making eye contact with Elmer they will both shrug. Elmer will go back to his coffee and Bud will go down to the dock and see if Barney has spotted any fish. Quiet will return as Pepper will head back into the cabin to follow the wife around in the off chance she may drop something that she can eat. Or to harass any of the cats who might cross her path. The best part is the yard has dried up and the water puddles are all gone from the drive. No more wiping feet off with towels every time the dogs go outside. This of course makes the misses happy as her furniture stays clean and cuts down on the washing. Dogs have hit the lake water a few times already but they usually just lay on the dock to dry off after. Slowly but surely we are falling into a summer groove here and winter is becoming nothing more then a memory. Things are really greening up and you can almost watch the buds on the trees grow.

Well I need to take a trip into town and pick up some spark plus and some gas for the tiller. Have to check in on Earl at the General Store, been trying to sell me a new lawn tractor and I do need to buy one and I will be buying from him but haggling is a big part of the deal. I don't want to seem to eager. Working on getting that mulching plug at a reduce rate or maybe even free. Have a good day and fishing opener is getting closer. From Lake Iwanttobethere (11886)

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Got up and waved at Elmer sitting on his back deck, except it was not Elmer. He has a dummy dressed in his clothes with a coffee cup on his deck sitting in his chair. Seems the groundhog knows better then to stray to far from the barn if Elmer is not sitting in his chair. After walking over to find the dummy and avert my worst fears that something had happen to Elmer since he was not moving. I found Buddy and Elmer hiding in the high grass to the side of the barn waiting for the groundhog to make an appearance. Elmer saw me and waved me off. I went back down along the shore line and found Barney on the dock, he was on point at a crappie in the shallows. Standing on the dock looking over the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere I could see some ducks paired up swimming on the point. A rabbit briefly appeared before darting back into the brush. I heard the door slam before I saw Pepper heading for the barn. Going into the boat house I grabbed a crappie rod and walked out to the end of the dock and dropped the line into the water. I quivered the tiny white jig and the crappie that Barney was watching nosed over to check it out.. Barney on his belly edged closer to the edge of the dock and putting his head down followed the crappie under the dock. Picking up I tried again but the crappie was not interested. I left Barney to his fishing. Checking the dock's mailbox I gathered some bills and a few catalogs and headed up to the cabin, just in time to let a panting Pepper back into the cabin.

Sunny but a little windy out not cold but not warm either, Have to keep reminding myself this is just the beginning of May. Nights are still cool and the ground is warming up but not ready for planting here yet. I did manage to clean out some room in the greenhouse and I am debating on moving some trays out there. The cats are treating some of my plants inside as if they are their never ending salads. The kittens are no longer kittens as they are now a year old and weigh about 14 pounds each. Last year they could walk on the beds and not hurt anything, now they collapsing the tops. Elmer came over and wants to borrow my .22 with the scope on it. Got a shot off but he missed the side of the barn and the groundhog. This has now becoming his mission in life and the groundhog is now his current focus. He says he needs to have it gone before fishing starts as he will not have any time for it after that. And before babies become a problem. He leaves with the .22 and Bud is at his side.

Puddle Humper has the tarp completely off now and I started to vacuum and clean her out. I know I cleaned before I put her under wraps last fall but it never fails that it still needs a spring cleaning. Pulled the check list out and maybe today I'll start going through it, Checking the trailer lights will be first as they always seem to create there own problems over the winter. I'll spend some time cleaning the hull and polishing but I'll save that for when I can listen to a Twins game at the same time. Have to go into town and pick up some steaks for the BBQ for tonight's supper. Also will stop at the General Store and stare at that new lawn tractor some. At least long enough for Earl to see me. He will make me and offer and I will make a deal about thinking it over. I'll buy a snickers and leave. Of course I'll give a passing look back at the tractor. Not enough grass to mow yet anyway.

Well I'm not getting anything done sitting here so I better get to it. Hope you are getting ready for opener and you have the boat and all your gear ready. Fishing is good here at the lake and I hope you return to share the opener. Till then have a good day from Lake Iwanttobethere (11967)

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Opening day for the fishermen on the far side of Lake Iwanttobethere. Cold, windy with some rain mixed in. Just a perfect opener for those guys ! Still another week before my side of the lake will be open for fishing and snow will not surprise me. I am just saying that just so I can say I told you so if it happens. Elmers woodchuck/groundhog problem has taken care of itself. On Friday Elmer had to go into the city to have his new eye glasses made. Thursday Elmer shot at the chuck three times missing the chuck all three times the barn twice, hitting the mailbox once. This was enough to convince him he needed to replace his glasses. He was telling me that he had some kind of super chuck on his hands as when he shot the chuck would not even flinch. He was claiming it had powers to deflect the bullet. Well while he was away I happen to be rolling the garbage can out to the roadside. I noticed the woodchuck at the base of Elmers garbage can. Bud saw the chuck and gave chase. He must have surprised the chuck as it jumped straight up landing inside Elmers can. Bud running around and around the can would not let the chuck get back out. A moment latter the garbage truck rolled up, dropping the dumper it picked up the can and garbage, woodchuck included. With a wave he picked up my can and continue on down the road. I wandered over to Elmers can and it was empty. The chuck is now someone's else's problem. I think I'll wait awhile before I tell Elmer.

Since Elmer was in the city I got a call from Ms Lois, Elmer older sister. She asked if I could drive her on her errands for the day and I of course I said I would. Lois who is in her middle 90's is a petite lady, always impeccably dressed. The complete opposite of Elmer. Driving her 1972 Chevy four door Impala we set out to do her errands. We drove to town with the windows down and just slow enough as to not raise any dust. This lets her hear the sound of the tires on the gravel and she can look out at the lake as we pass openings along the road. The trip to town is usually passed with stories of Elmer when he was young. Some I have heard many times before but once in a while she slips in a new one. I am sure she does this on purpose, just to make sure that I keep listening to her. Like Elmer she has a keen wit and not much if anything passes her eye. She knew of the woodchuck and I told her of it's removal. She advise me that it would be wise to delay telling Elmer for at least a few days, maybe longer.

Our first stop was at Doc Burriem office. I went to pull in along the parking meters and she told me to park at a meter. Getting out she open up her small black coin purse that she always carries with her and taking out a few quarters she dropped them into the meter. Coming back to my window she simply said " The meters are here to help support the town, and I support the town anytime I can" I waited in the old car and got to thinking about what she said. I got out and fed the other parking meter. A few minutes later Doc Burriem escorted her out to the car and helped her into the back seat. Lois reached into her coin purse and pressed a quarter into his hand. Our next stop was the General Store, Earl met us at the curb. Helping Lois out Earl extended his arm and took her into the store. I waited in the car. A few minutes later Earl and Lois came out of the store with Lois carrying a single package of fly catching paper. Earl helped her into the back seat and reaching out Lois pressed a quarter into his hand. We made a few other stops, At Amy's for some rolls and at Ma and Pa's to place a meat order. Looking at her watch she announced it was lunch time.

Pulling into the Lodge I helped her up the stairs inside and then over to the wicker couch by the TV. I returned with her usual order. A hamburger bun sliced in half and filled with Coney sauce a few chips and a shot of Jack. I returned to the counter and made a few conies for myself. I kept an eye on her across the room as she ate her lunch and watched the same soap that Elmer watches. I headed out to the deck and sat down to check out a few campers down at the access. Looking back I saw Lois chin down on her chest dozing. I made myself a little more comfortable in my chair and before I knew it Lois's hand was on my shoulder and she was asking if I was going to sleep the day away? I got up and went to get her plate. It was already back behind the bar, cleaned along with her shot glass. Out to the Chevy we made our way and our next stop was Dug's garage. Pulling in to the pump Dug came out in clean white coveralls and going to Lois's window he said "Good afternoon Ms Lois, Fill her up?" Dug lifted the hood checked the oil, added a splash of window wash and pumped a dollars worth of gas in to the tank. Ms. Lois hands over the dollar and reaching into her coin purse takes out a quarter and presses into Dug's hand "Thank You" Dug says, and we pull away from the pump and head towards home.

Driving home we have to stop for a deer crossing the road, Ms Lois pulls herself forward grabbing the back of the front seat and like a little kid stares away at the doe as it takes her time crossing in front of us. The does stands just a little off the side of the road and Lois and the deer lock eyes. The deer looks away and with a few bounds it is gone. Lois settles back in her seat and we continue on our way. I help her out at the front door and drive the Chevy back into the garage. I take the dust cloth and wipe it down and then pull the car cover over. Going back to the house I knock softly on the kitchen door and enter. Making some small talk about Elmer and the Woodchuck she says thank you for driving her that day and reaching into her black coin purse she pulls out a quarter and presses it into my hand.

I drive home with the window down, I can hear the gravel crunching under the tires and I get a glimpse of a deer running in the ditch. Another day with Ms Lois and a reminder of the little things. I got my quarter tip, but from Lois it is always more then that. I park the truck and going in my den I put the quarter with all the others in the jar on the mantle. From Lake Iwanttobethere(12043)

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Fishing report for local residents of Lake Iwanttobethere

Here is your fishing report and weather forecast for the Lake Iwanttobethere area. Sun will come up and go down everyday this week. There will be some wind and a few drops of rain will fall. You will not find enough time to get everything you need in time for opener. You will forget at least one important item and if there are four of you in your group that means you will forget four things. Access will be busy and parking spaces hard to come by. Bait shops will have lines at the cash register and everyone will be asking the same question, Where are they biting?

Smelting is winding down and some people did well while others just got wet. If the sun is up you will find northerns cursing the back dark bays and crappies will be working there way into the shallows following the points. Walleyes will be there for the taking, you will just have to work the cool waters and fish with your gloves off. If you are luckily enough to be fishing bass the little guys will be hitting spinners trying to impress the ladies. A few big boys may surprise you so be ready. Females will be tight lipped but there are pictures out there waiting to be taken. Sunnies will also be out but I think they are going to be tuff to find this weekend for some reason.

Temps in the 60's all this week with hit and miss rain showers. A few rumbles of thunder will roll though and your cabin might just be the one that gets dumped on. Ticks are out so be sure to check the little ones. Skeeters, you will see a few but not to worry. Obey the speed limits on the way to the lake, just leave a few minutes earlier The idea is to arrive early, fish late and have a good time. Make a check list for your boat and stick it in your tackle box. Most of all have a safe and memorable opening weekend..

Now for the locals.

Temps here are going to be in the low 70's and there will be some wind but not much. Crappies are moving into the shallows and northern fishing will be outstanding in the Mystery creek area. There was a pretty good smelt run there this spring and the northerns have been in there munching away. Residents who have there docks out have reported that the crappies and sunnies have already taken up positions under there docks and fishing for the kids should be good. Herons have been seen in the shallows so I think the bass are moving in closer. Remember only the north end of the lake is open for bass fishing this time of year. The deep hole straight out from the Lodge where the ice town was this past winter is always a good spot to start. Vicki reports that a few crappie fishermen have reported catching walleyes out there. A lot of docks went in the past week as Hammering Hank and Skinny were busy all week. A lot of these will have boats tied up to them on Friday. Access should be good for those who need to launch there. Remember the other spots on the lake that we don't mark for the tourists.

As the big day draws closer I will update weather for you, welcome back to the lake and have a good weekend. Don't forget the fishing contest at the Masterbaiters shop and also the Lodge has it's board clean and waiting for some postings. There is a 1# 4 oz crappie on it now. From Lake Iwanttobethere (12075)

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Lake Iwanttobethere, I have a feeling that more then a few people are thinking of the lake today. Hump day for most people in the city today. Some will be lucky enough to be leaving for the lake on Friday afternoon or maybe right after work on Friday evening. Others will have to wait till Saturday to make the trip to the lake. Some have been lucky enough to have already been to the lake and the Cabin is already open. Lawn furniture is out on the deck and the dock is in. Wood is stacked by the fire pit and maybe even the lawn has been mowed once already. For others all they can do is look over the list. The travel bags are packed, boat is ready to go. Gas has been bought and batteries charged. For many this is the man's version of the women's day after thanksgiving sale. In the wee hours of the morning Saturday lights and garage doors will be open all over the country side. Trucks will back up to trailers and they quiet voices of men saying " Just a little bit more" will be heard. Lunches will be packed and one by one trucks will pull out in to the night. Some may get a few blocks away and others will be well down the road before it is noticed that something is missing. A decision will be made then. Return, forget it or stop somewhere and replace it.

Coffee will be sipped, cigars will be lit. Young kids will fall back to sleep in back seats. Old friends will trade lies and maybe for some it will be the first time. Gas stations will be busy and clerks will be asking that question "Going Fishing" I don't know if they do it just to bother you or they are really waiting to hear a new answer. Like " NO I just decide to drag my trailer around at 4 in the morning" Maybe it's because they would rather be with you, going fishing instead of making coffee and telling customers for the hundredth time that you can't buy power ball tickets at 4 am

Soon city lights are nothing but a glow in the rear view mirror and a bigger glow of the sun coming up is just in front or to the side of you. Freeway turns to two lane and two lane to gravel. Then it's to a grassy lane leading to the cabin and then you are there. Lake Iwanttobethere, Just a few more days. For now just hope the ac works and keep working on that list, From the waters of Lake Iwanttobehere (12195)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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