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Rut Calendar


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So everybody is talking about rut and rattling and scents now for bow and firearms season. But how long does rut go? I hunt the muzzleloader season around the Alex area and I think rut is pretty well over by then, but am not sure. What should I be doing for calling, scent, etc., if anything? Or should I just get between the bedding and feeding area? The area I hunt is private land with oak woods, hay fields, and a lake on the south side without much cover of any kind around the edge of it. Muzzleloader season is Nov. 26 - Dec. 11. It gets dark so early and the deer just keep comming out later at that time of year, so I would like to help my chances as much as possible. I have been out 2 seasons now. Had a misfire last year, so am now 0 for 2. It would be nice to break the ice. Thanks for the help.


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I've read people that think that time of year is one of the best. I've never hunted that late. Here's their logic. The rut is basically over, but from what I've read a doe will cycle again about 4 weeks later if they are not bred originally. They can do this 4-5 times I guess until they get bred. I don't know how often it happens in a state like MN with so many whitetails that a doe would not get bred. Anyway, the thought is that the bucks become much more aggressive and competitive since the number of hot does (potentially) at that time of year would be exponentially less. Therefore they will be more vulnerable to a doe bleat, estrus scent and rattling. Also less hunting pressure. When I move back to the east side of the river, I'm going to take up muzzle loading to try and take advantage of these things. That and the colder weather.

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I usually just try to find a field they're hitting that time of year, it usually will have heavy cover close by & in my experience tends to be low ground. I hunt the river bottom more then. If you find deer you tend to find more of them even that early & places they were during the early fall may not hold any deer at that point. It could be different this year with it staying nice so long & the peak of the rut not supposed to be until about mid November.

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For later into the season... when most does have already been breed and most bucks are tired and worn out... Try to target areas around main food sources... this type of scenario is really good in agriculture area.

As you target these areas, do not rule out doe estrous bleats, rattling, and scent trails. Even though the main breeding season is over for the most part, some deer wont come into season until later and some does that were not bred might come into season again. And when tempted, even the most tired and beat up buck will want his shot at one more doe.

But as the season wears on, food will be any deer's main focus. So combine a food source and tempting a buck with a little love should get you shot...

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I've seen bucks chasing a doe on Thanksgiving day, so they might respond to rattling and grunting, only one way to find out. As the others said, hunt the food sources, the does will be around there and the bucks will follow.

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