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Welcome GSPMAN


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I would like to introduce FM's newest Fieldstaff: GSPMAN

Your info has been very valueable to many, many people here. You will be a great addition to Setterguy and Labs4me here in the Hunting Dogs forum.

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Roat, Row Rorge.... Rooks rike the pointer guys are ganging up on rus rol' mud dog guys! hehehe!

Glad to have you aboard! Your insight over the past couple years has been great! Let's keep showing 'em what a GREAT dog forum really is!

Good Luck!


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Even though he has the wrong type of dog, he has always been very helpful. Maybe us flusher guys can straighten him out. Heck if there's "pointing" labs we could make some flushing GSP's.

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Thanks guys. Leech, Labs you'll never get me to come to the dark side. wink.gif I actually like flushers just fine and have hunted behind some pretty good ones. It's just that I like pointers more. And believe it or not, I have hunted behind a flushing GSP too (not my own). My first act as a new moderator is to go hunting this weekend.

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GSPman - congrats on your new appointment! I enjoy reading your prose. All sporting breed dog owners visiting this site can benefit from your insight, tips, knowledge, field experience, writing style and wit. Keep the good information rolling our way so we can better understand and help our hunting companions be the very best they can...both at home and in the field!

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Agreed whole heartedly! I actually thought GPSman was a moderator already.

This is actually the first forum I check into when I hit FM. The information tidbits I garner from this forum continure to help me and my dog immensely. And of course, the occasional private tutoring I receive from Labs4Me is a great help. BTW Labs - I think my dog's problem is on it's way to being erradicated. Thank you for the advice.

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