ASMOLEY Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 I have to do a marketing research project for school and i was just wondering how everyone feels about this never ending stadium issue for the Twins. It sounds like the Vikings are closer than ever in getting thers. If they continue to play like the fist two game they don't even deserve it Well thanks for any imput guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nbdyknws Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 I hear the Metrodome is the most profitable stadium in the country. If they could make the seats just alittle bit more comfortable for bigger people (like me 6'3" 200+) I think more people would go to twins games and what not. All my buddies always talk about going to the games and then dont go because of the fact the seats are way to close to eachother. Maybe that isn't the problem they are looking at but atleast if I hear it from a bunch of people, there has to be people I haven't heard from in the same boat.Otherwise I am all for a new stadium, I just dont think so much should be the tax payers money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jarrod32 Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 A new stadium can be a great ‘driver’ of development (and redevelopment)…Coors Field in Denver and even the Xcel Center are good examples of new stadiums reinvigorating entire communities…As for who should pay? Well, when dealing with something this large, anyone who benefits (significantly) should help pay. The tax revenue generated from major league baseball ($8 to $12 million annually to the State of Minnesota, depending on which studies you believe) does justify some state participation. Not the entire cost, mind you…the return on investment doesn’t justify $350-$400 million. But an $80 million contribution from the state can be pretty easily justified, based on the anticipated return on investment. And certainly the team owners – as significant beneficiaries – should also pay (they are), and there is also room for local government to contribute, given the development (and tax base increase) that will accompany a stadium.But the state is unwilling to pay…fair enough. So what we ultimately ended up with is the state doing what the state does best…passing of responsibility to get things done to local governments. Then, in Hennepin County, we have local governments doing what they do best…getting creative, and solving the problems and actually getting things done.Now, the state seems surprised that someone was actually able to resolve the issue. And, of course, the state – because they hate to see local governments actually solve problems - may try to put a stop to it by not “allowing” Hennepin County to do what they need to do. (By the way, what is this dump about local governments having to seek a permission slip from the mighty legislature every time they want to do something?)From an outstate perspective, the stadium plan is perfect. It gets the stadium, preserves the revenue stream and the cultural benefits of baseball in Minnesota (for all Minnesotans), and is paid for largely by a metro-area sales tax. I don’t see how anyone in outstate Minnesota can oppose the plan…Got a bit long-winded there. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 I am all for it. I don't like subsidizing the richest of the rich but it is the way of the world now and to me it makes sense. The problem people have is they don't want their taxes raised. Well, if we lose the stadium, its jobs, the team and income tax from its players and visiting players we will lose that tax revenue and have to raise taxes anyway. So, I say we keep the team and do what would be done anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willy Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 I'd love for the Twins to get a new stadium and I think they deserve one more than the Vikings. I also know it will never happen because of our worthless state legislature. Actually I'm sick of hearing about how they just passed something, when in fact nothing is REALLY being done. Get's Old. Make a decision already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishpepin Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Why is a new stadium so necessary? Is it sold out for every game? Is it delapitated? Does it offer poor playing conditions? Or is it a matter that the billionaire owner who won't spend crapola on players or facilities just wants more profit? I like the Twins too, but I just don't see why the taxpayer should bail him out? Time has proven when the Twins field a winning team the attendance is above league average. When management fields a poor team attendance falls. Mr. Polad would like us to believe that with a new Stadium the Twins would field a better team, well, I remember when Mr. Bud Selig sold that same bag of worms to the City of Milwaukee. They built Miller Field and the Brewers have not made the playoffs since, however, the franchise is more profitable. Who won and who lost on that deal?When Met Stadium was demolished, it was the newest sports arena ever demolished in the US. That was eclipsed when the Met Center was demolished, now we want to replace the Metrodome? The only way I could support any raise in taxes for any Minnesota Resident would be if the State and/or any other government body assisting in financing the stadium were given a dollar for dollar equity position in the team. That way if the Pohlad's want to sell or move the team, the State or other government would be repaid first. I think we all know that Mr. Pohlad is well aware that a new stadium would greatly increase the sale price of the Minnesota Twins and he and his family would be the beneficiaries of a huge profit at taxpayers expense. I would bet there are thousands of business owners in Minnesota that would like the same opportunity, I know I would. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eric Wettschreck Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 I'm WAY outstate and here's my $.02.Go ahead and build it. No, I'm not for the taxpayers totally paying the bill. I think the Twins orginazation should put up at least half the cost. The government money that pays for it should be from the part of government that will get the most benefit. So, if Hennipen county wants to put in the $$$ I say let them. Sure, for me some of the money brought in will benefit me, but not as much as it will benefit Hennipen.Also, PUT A DARN RECTRACTABLE ROOF ON IT!!!! I like outside baseball as much as the next guy. However, I don't want to drive 4 hours one way to not see a game cuz it's raining. I honestly feel a lot of people share my opinion. Without a roof many of us "Outstaters" just plain won't buy tickets in advance. Then, the Minnesota Twins may become more like the Metro Area Twins. That would blow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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