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What can I put in my Dogs ear?

Reef Runner

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Good morning all,

I have a two year old yellow lab that has one ear that got infected. I have been washing it out with a washcloth and warm soapy water. I have even put using a cotton ball and peroxide to reduce the puss. I read some where that you can use a"baby snot sucker outer thing" to squirt some kind of solution in his ear. What kind of solution should I use. Thanks!!

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His elbow. Sorry, I had to do it..but gsp is right. Oti Clear works very well. When my dog had ear issues I would lay her down on her side and squirt the stuff in her ear. I would almost fill the ear canal with solution then massage the entire area around the base of the ear to dislodge all the gunk that is trapped down in there. I would wipe it away and do it again. Pretty gross the stuff that comes out of there.

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This close to the hunting season I wouldn't waste any time and I would take the dog into the vet. I was there two Saturdays ago with mine and she is now on antibiotics(clavomax) and ear flush, and medicated ear drops. The bill was $153, but her ear infection went from a little discolored wax in her ear to a open sore from scratching and an earful of gunk in two days so we brought her in. The problem has gone away in 5 days of meds and flushing.

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The other nice thing about Oti-Clear is that it works great as preventative measure as well. I use it every day we are at the cabin and a couple days after we are home and have only had one mild ear infection this year compared to 3-4 bad infections a year previously.

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Hey just wanted to thank all of you for the Great advise. My little Jack is on the road to recovery. I got so of that Oti Clear and it seems to be clearing things up for him. Boy that sure is fun trying to get him to hold still wile you pour it in his ear. One thing I learned is make sure to do this outside or when he shakes after you are done you will end up with it all over you walls. LOL The wife sure did not like that. hehe. Anyway Thanks all!!!


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Hey thanks!

I think so too.

I sure got lucky with this one. We got him for $50. He was a hunting accident. I love watching him work the field. He has a hell of a nose. I don't have him super trained but I also wanted a dog that loves to play ball. Sure can't wait tell Pheasant season. I just married into a great hunting farm! YEA!!

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And use the cleanser/rinse on a regular basis...particularly if the dog has been in water, rain, etc. Rinse it and keep it clean, before an infection sets in. My golden had an infection, and I got some other kind of ointment to use in his ear...I will check on the name when I get home and post later...

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It's called 'Zymox'...it's an enzyme solution. My dog had a pretty bad ear infection, and this cleared it right up...it's good stuff...

You probably need to get it from your vet...I don't think it'll be available in any pet shop...

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I too use the Oti product but it doesn't clear up the infection as fast as hydrogen proxide. I take a large syringe, squirt a couple of CC's and rub the ear well. After he shakes it out, I swab it with a paper towel. Do this for a couple of days and your are good to go. Once a moth, when I give my heartworm, I use the Oti or an earwash I buy at Mill's. Note: I don't use the hydrogen on a regular basis. Only when it is infected. The Dog

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