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Dog training collars


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I am looking at getting a training collar for my dog. Recently I have been looking at the Dogtra collars and am wondering if anyone has any input on these collars and what model you are using? I am interested in the Waterfowl series (2000, 1200, 1100).

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TT and dogtra are both fine collars and both have wonderful customer service. I have used both collars, first a TT for 3 years and it worked great, then I had the chance to try out a dogtra when they first came out and have been very impressed. I have owned it for 5 years with zero problems. You would be happy with either collar, just do your homework and decided what collar has the features that you want for the price...if you are buying new, shoot me an email. I can get most collars at a discounted price and don't mind doing it for fellow fmers.

[email protected]

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Do you want the best quality and customer service? Get Tri-Tronics. I had my collar about a year, it all of a sudden quit working. I called customer service, talked to a real person, and 3 days later had a new collar no questions asked. I was extremely happy with the customer service, and fast turn around. A friend of mine had a collar (not going to mention the brand, but starts with Ino.. and ends with ...Tec)that went crazy on him, darn near ruining his dog... We had to wrestle the poor thing to the ground just to get the collar off. He ended up out 250 bucks because they apparently don't stand behind their products...

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Oh.. Dogtra's customer service has been great for me.. it took me about 3 belt clips to figure out that I was installing them wrong before I didn't break another one... the last time I e-mailed them they sent me two since they noticed I had requested some earlier... no questions asked, shipped free of charge.


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