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Sox Up 13

Commanche Jim

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Who was saying wait til the all star break for the twins comeback?



Pig Sticka?

Down to Earth?

Vikings Freak?

Pike Hunter?

Rubber Neck?


And whomever it was that accused me of personal attacks? (which post got deleted, if I'm not mistaken?)

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Hey Commanche,

I don't want to say, I told you so, but if you look back I predicted that the Sox would be up by 13 games on or before July 31st. For my next prediction, I will take it easy on the Twinks as the Pale Hose have a rough stretch for the next 6 weeks. I will say that the Sox will be up by at least 16 games on or before the end of August.



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Welcome to the "Up 13 club boys". Reggie Sanders out 4-6 weeks with a broken leg and Scott Rolen still hurting from his shoulder surgery and the wins just keep coming. Called up John Rodriquez from AAA Memphis to take Reggies spot in Left field. He got his first major league hit last night, congrats to the rookie. I was wondering if the Cards were going to call this kid up he had monster power numbers at Memphis.

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well I will be the first to step in and take my licks. Obviously the Twins are not a great team right now which is unfortunate. I will admit the Sox are on pace to win alot of games, and have played a pretty flawless season so far.

Plus this boards been pretty dry as of late, where is everyone? It just makes you look bad when you hype up the twins, then run when they start dropping(kind of like the Tigers fan that I once knew)

However we are 5 games into the 2nd half, and I wasnt aware that a 10 game lead could be changed in 5 games. Yeah there is no kind of comeback to speak of right now, but with 57 or so games to go, anything can happen right?.

Go ahead and gloat about beating the tribe and Tigers. We are playing .500+ teams and possible playoff teams. Really until the Sox actuallly accomplish something, your best record in baseball means nothing, just ask the 2001 Mariners. Besides, the sox havent convinced anyone yet, and nobody will think the sox are the real deal until they win something. Admit it, the whole city of Chicago, is cringing, looking over their shoulder waiting for that collapse.

Hey windy, your a music buff right? ever heard the song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie.

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Sorry Rundrave, but Windy knows a much better song - Na Na Hey Hey. (In case you don't know, that song is associated with the ChiSox and has been for quite awhile.) And I think the next phrase in the song is Goodbye, kind of what the Twins can kiss their hopes for championship number 4. And I guess if I don't give the Twins a chance, I have to concede my Cubbies are out of it too. They both have 3 chances left - slim, fat, and none.

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gene I hear ya loud and clear, I will be the first to admit, its a long shot, and a very very long shot for us to win the division. I am not counting us out of the wild card yet, but as of right now thats still long shot as well with the ways things are going as of late.

My main point, I am still gonna be around here talking baseball regardless of where the twins finish as I check my daily fishing reports and other valuable information this site was actually intended for.

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Looks like the fat lady is starting to fire up those vocal chords.... I guess I'll end up routing for the Red Sox or spankees to beat down the Chi-sox in the playoffs... we all know that will happen anyways right?!

Anyways, this thread got boring for me and others I'm sure when the personal attacks started flying back and forth... I'll give credit to the White Sox for having a great regular season (so far) If they are as good as they seem to be then they will sweep through the playoffs and win the world series.. if they are frauds, then they will not win it all. I have my money on the Cardinals vs Yankees..... with the Red birds winning.

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Welcome to the "Up 13 club boys".

I would love for Cardinals to a win/Buy Championship talk about under achievers in the playoffs we all know the Sox have been horrible for 75 years and will CHOKE in the playoffs this year like the one other time they made the playoffs in the last 75 years.

The Cards on the other hand have been quit good over the years and have been a fun team watch and have at least got a little excitement for all money they spent trying buy a title unlike the Sox's many failed attempts to buy titles "see failed miserably" or "Windy crying".

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Buzz hit the nail on the head. It's hard to talk any baseball here without someone trying to bash someone else within three responses, so I've taken the bulk of my baseball talk somewhere else.

I jump on and off the bandwagon of OTHER Mn teams, but not the Twins. I've always had a soft-spot for baseball, and those who have followed this squad through the lean years know that this is a pretty solid year, all-considered. I'm still watching and following the team as closely as ever. I've just got better things to do that post here only to have the ocnversation sway towards what has turned into the inevitable.


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Article on ESPN (just alittle part)

"Who's the best team in baseball? The Cardinals or the White Sox?" you'll hear.

Those who answer "Pale Hose" still don't sound like they believe it.

It's called the art of un-panicking. It's a body language and mind-set embraced by a couple of million people who want to pull out those black 1993 White Sox caps, but are afraid to because they don't want to be getting dressed for their own funeral.

As one former Sox player said, the Sox "have no staying power in the playoffs."

1983, 1993, 2000.

Again, 1959.

So when we read underneath second baseman Willie Harris' cap the words: "It's my turn now!!" we want to apply it to everything the South Side has invested in this team in the last four decades.

"It's my turn now" means Jermaine Dye is about to play like he did when he was with Oakland. It means the three pitchers we have in the bullpen (including the once-invincible Orlando Hernandez) must keep their ERAs under 2.00. It means the once-incredible Frank Thomas keeps hitting 11 home runs for every 76 at-bats. It means Scott Podsednik cannot fall off his first-half MVP-caliber performance. It means Tadahito Iguchi makes SI's Tom Verducci look like a genius for calling him the AL Rookie of the Year at the midpoint.

It means that Buehrle and Garland can no longer be the poor man's Wood and Prior in this city.

It means that of the 75 games left in the season, 50 are against teams with records of .500 or better. That doesn't include 11 games against the Tigers, who are at .488 (42-44). And the White Sox have not yet played either the Yankees or the Red Sox this season.

This is why breath gets held, why sellouts aren't guaranteed, why an entire third of the third-largest city in America can't commit to a team of destiny.

This is why we are not ready to … believe.

For the whole article check out the mlb portion on espn.

Sure they are winning but there is alot of reason why people aren't writing them in as world champs.

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Since Windy is in "vacation-mode" and unlikely to do the stirring, let me at it as a Chi-Town guy: At least they are still writing about the Sox chances!

The Mariners chances are history-a past performance which has no impact on the future. Remember all those other teams that were down 3-0 in a 7 game series and couldn't win it - that didn't stop the BoSox last year. And I don't think a bunch of games with over-.500 teams will mean much to the Sox as they seem to take every game one at a time and at the start of the game, both teams are even at a 0-0 W/L record for the day. Us Twin fans have to start hoping real hard for a Sox collapse, but I think betting on the Twins over the Sox right now looks like a longshot for sure.

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All we have to do is get into the playoffs. There is no need to win the division other than to continue the streak of dominance.

Yes, the twins are playing like dump right now, but their pitching has been solid all year and looks great right now. A trade, a few good games, someone gets hot, right in the thick of the wild card race. Now is the time for our veterans to step up and show the young guys the way. They have and wake up and realize we are fighting tooth and nail for a chance at the playoffs. I still don't think the Yankees are all that great and Baltimore or Cleveland or Texas doesn't scare me. The team I am worried about is Oakland! blush.gif

Yes, Sox might take the division, but if the Twins ever wake up, it would make a great playoff series come October!

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Here you go Commanche.............

Best Season: 2001, (116-46, .716 - AL West Title)

The sensation of the 2001 team was rookie Ichiro Suzuki, who quickly earned single-name (Ichiro!) status. A seven-time batting champion in Japan, Ichiro piled up hits, breaking the rookie record held by Joe Jackson. He won the AL batting title and ignited the M's offense at the top of the lineup. The left-handed batter also led the loop in stolen bases.

In the post-season the Mariners fell behind two games to one to the Cleveland Indians. But Piniella's crew quickly recovered to beat the Tribe in five games and enter the ALCS in a rematch with the Yankees.

The Yanks showed no respect for the record-setting M's, beating them in five games, including wins in the first two games in Safeco Field. The failure to advance to the World Series was a bitter disappointment to Seattle fans, still searching for their first baseball title. In fact Nostradamus predicts that the 2005 Chicago White Sox will have the exact same fate, only time will tell.

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I don't understand.....if we have to wait a few months to see, how can the Sox remind of the Mariners at this point in the season?

What about the 1998 Yankees? Do the Sox remind you of the 1998 Yankees? Or do we have to wait and see on that one, also?

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2001 Mariners, 1998 Yankees, this years Phoenix Suns, this years Illinois Mens basketball team, just to name a few....maybe that will get our points across, since one analogy didnt work...do you understand now?

j/k, I just dont see the sox going all the way, but only time will tell

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this years Illinois Mens basketball team

I always liked that one. tongue.gif


I wonder if any Twins will be quoted as saying they'll have fun watching the sox go one and done in the playoffs

That would be so classless, I know some of the White Sox players said that about the Twins last year and that shows their true colors.... we as fans can say it, but the players probably shouldn't. Besides the Twins players don't seem to stoop to that level, call it good leadership if you will.

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Hey Sled,

Wouldn't it be 3 and out, or have they changed the first round to a single game? Just Axe'in!

Lucky that I did not get to see one pitch of today's game, I was golfing all day in a Chamber Outing...Shot a 78 so life is beautiful, even if we are ONLY 11 games up. Here is a bold prediction. I predict that the Sox will win the next four games, no doubt. Any Takers?


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