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Puppy prices


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A friend of mine told me that $700 is to much to spend on a pup. I personally don't think so if the pup is coming from good, proven blood lines. I know this all depends on breed too.

So what does everyone else think is to much to spend on a dog.


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I spent $750 for my British Lab, can't say I was thrilled to spend that much, but after a year with my dog I would pay that much and more to get the same dog. Each person has to balance what they feel is appropriate, but for a dog with good lines I don't find that amount to be out of line.

I have friends that own what I call Muskie bait little dogs that paid over $1500 for an animal that runs around the house yapping and barking. I'm sure most of them are satisfied with their pet. It is all relative, you decide what you think is the right amount, not your friend or anyone else, me included. Good luck with your decision.

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Something is worth what someone else is willing to pay, simple as that. If the product is superior then I don't mind paying more for it. Buying a dog is a very inexact sience, you may get a champion for 100 bucks, or you might get a dog that can't hunt a lick and pay over 1000 for it. I say do your homework, ask a lot of questions and decide what that pup is worth to you. If you think its a good deal, then it is. Good luck.

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Paid $900 and $850 for the last two dogs. Way I look at it the initial price pales in comparison to the upkeep cost over the years and I have no regrets. Good luck with the pup.

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What breed are you looking at?

The cheapest part of owning a dog is buying it. But also remember, with a pup all you are buying is potential, and there are no guarantees the pup will perform.

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I don't know enough about AWS's to comment on price but for $700+ you should have the right to see the parents in a hunting situation to help you decide. This is especially true for a less popular breed as your odds of getting a truly great field dog are lower, IMHO. Are AWS's competed in trials or any other field evaluation process?

For shorthairs I would have a hard time justifying spending more than $750 for a pup unless the sire and/or dam was a NFC and there were more NFC's up close in the pedigree. You can get into some really great GSP bloodlines for $400-$500 and will have all the dog you need.

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The difference between a $300 or a $700 is just pennies a day over the lifetime of a dog.

My uncle is really interested in buying a American Water Spaniel. Make sure you keep us updated with pics and updates on the pup. Enjoy.

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Tell you uncle to check out Night Hawk Kennels near Vergas. They are the breeder that I will be using. They have a HSOforum. Just do a google search or e-mail me and I can give you the info I have and the HSOforum. jsb @ lucascorp.com


I seen all there dogs yesterday when I vistited them. Most of there dogs have particpated in several hunt test and variuos other activities. Many of them hold titles. I am confindent that I will be getting a good dog. But as you said in your other post, there are no guarantees.



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