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heat affecting dogs?


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Just wondering if this fast warm-up and not having "ample" time to shed there winter coats (outside dog) has had any affects on dogs. My 14 month lab has not been eating regularly for almost a week now. I figure its just like me in the summer, if it 100 outside I am in no mood to eat.

I have had a lot of questions being a first time owner and can't thank everyone one that has given me insight. this is probablly one of the best hunting dogs forums that I know of period end of converstation!

Thanks again! wink.gif

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I can tell ya that my young GSP is shedding like a fiend right now!! I would swear she should be bald withthe amount that is coming off of her! She definately has been lovin the warm weather as it means more play time outside with dad. I think she has it down to four strides to come off the upper deck and get to our back fence to get the dummy! I have to gush a little bit, I have never seen a dog this young use her nose/wind as well as she does. It's like she picked up where my old male left off, she is an absolute joy to watch work.

On a touching sidenote, my 6 yr old son insisted that we plant a tree in our back yard and bury our old male's collar under it. It will now forever be known as "Norton's Tree". Kids, they never cease to amaze.

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Our lab was feeling it yesterday. She was panting pretty heavily after we came inside last night. Lots of running and chashing frisbee's. She crashed out on the tile floor and after about a 1/2 hour she seemed to get her breath back.

I grew up with dogs but I don't remember them taking so long to catch their breath. Seems kinda weird but I guess I'm not wandering around in 80 degree heat with my winter coat on.

Oh, and she's eating only about 1/2 of what we put in her dish. Until last week she would gulp it down in no time.

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When it's hot we put a little plastic pool in our dogs kennel, they like to walk around in circles in it and cool their heels, my golden just lays in it. It's a good thing unless your dog sleeps inside. Scrub it out with bleach or chlorine every once in a while and clean it out good with fresh water.

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Wow, this is all great info to hear. I was just starting to worry about it. Our 14 month old female lab has gone from eating 3 cups a day, down to one. She also loves coming in when I get home and sprawling out on the downstairs tile. I am glad she is not the only one acting like this. She is not shedding that bad though, last spring was much worse. Now she is not loosing much hair at all.

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My 10 month old GSP has shed enough hair to make another dog!!!

My 10 year old lab goes into the garage where it's little cooler and just hangs out.

I know that I, me, myself am having a difficult time converting to the warmer weather so I suppose the doggies are also.

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I think you got it right... warm temps bring on a lower desire to eat... wish it worked the same for me! hehehe grin.gif

Really watch the amount of activity you do with your dogs (especially retrievers) over the next couple weeks. You don't want to over heat them. Swimming them would be better and also aid in the shedding of their coats. 81 degrees and a full winter coat can be a recipie for disaster! Remember South Dakota 2 years ago on their opener? My old 11 year old had a pretty good pant going after 2 retrieves on the way down the drive to get the mail and that's only 300'. My male has never had quite the coat of my female, but even he showed he was getting uncomfortable after 15 minutes or so.... give them lots of breaks and plenty of water.

Good Luck!


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Same deal with my 8 month old lab. She cut back on eating and wears out a little faster. In fact, she just doing everything a little slower. I think she knows when to say when.

I'll take her for a swim tonight. I didn't realize it would help them shed some. Thanks, Labs.

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The winter coat coupled with the fact that most dogs are out of shape coming out of winter is the likely culprit. My little shorthair is eating a little less too and she's blowing her coat in a big way. There's dog hair frickin' everywhere. I hate that!!! I don't know how you lab owners can stand that.


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My little shorthair is eating a little less too and she's blowing her coat in a big way. There's dog hair frickin' everywhere. I hate that!!! I don't know how you lab owners can stand that.


After a while you just get used to it and buy your furniture, carpet, clothes, and tiles in a color that matches the dog's grin.gif Too bad there is no value in dog hair. Anybody ever hear of an actual "lab coat" or "Lab shed pillow" Come people, lets put our heads together on this one smirk.gif

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