leechlake Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 It was just reported that starting in 2008 US citizens will need a passport to RETURN to the US from Canada and Mexico. Canadian citizens will need a passport to enter the US. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemlock Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 I heard that an announcement from the top was coming on that. Not sure how everyone feels about that, but for your safety and mine, I'm cool with it. I know most of us are not the main reason these security measures are in place, but a passport seems to me, a good "catch all" documentation of who you are. They had better make them "smart passports" in order to eliminate fakes, and such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fisherking01 Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Passports are fine with me, I travel frequent enough that if it speeds the process and makes us safe the inconvenience of carying it will be very little. Hemlock, maybe you could try to get Ontario annexed into the US, then we could do away with the border crossing all together! We could save a lot of money not having to have conservation officers on both sides of the river. LOL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemlock Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Fisherking, Let me make a couple calls and I will see what I can do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wild Thing Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Remember, not everyone travels abroad, and only a small percentage of the population has passports. What about Joe Sixpack who has to spend $100 for a passport, or not go to Canada to fish? Or Jacques sixpack not going to the states for shopping? This will curtail some cross border commerce, and my guess is Congressmen along the border will try to kill it before the '08 date. It's one more reason -- like PAL's and RABC's -- to keep people out of Canada, and if I was in the tourism business up there I'd be fighting it. It's also a problem for our guests and children. We bring lots of folks to our cabin, and now we'll need to make sure they have a passport, even kids. Not good from my point of view. On another note, how's the ice up there? Can I get another weekend of ice fishing in on the Canada side of LOW? I was going to fish the Rainy R but I'm told it's chocolate milk for a few days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dirtking Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 We were out on sleds this weekend 4-2, 4-3 (whitefish bay) - a little slushy in areas but all in all the ice was hard and excellent - barring a lot of rain - I would say the ice would be in good shape. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemlock Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 I was also out on 4-3-05 we had very little slush in Whitefish Bay. We had probably 16-20" of good ice...seemed to vary a bit. We did get a good shot of rain for most of the day yesterday. 55 here today and warming up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wild Thing Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Thanks guys, how about ice pulling away from shore? Is there any snow left on the ice? Sounds like maybe snow machines will still work. Rather be in a boat, but so be it.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemlock Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 We did snowmachine, saw a lot of wheelers though. Found some slush, but again, not much. We put on the lake at a very "untouched" access. Ice was good right to shore. Wild Thing, you definately have an argument with the tourism industry and passports. I was basing my opinion on the fact that I'm going to get a passport regardless. However, your point of joe/jaque sixpack not wanting to get one for themselves or their kids to come on a summer trip to Canada every so often, is definately a valid point. We'll have to wait and see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JZ Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Congress will have the passport thing killed dead in the water, as fast as Hemlock can say Fish ON!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wild Thing Posted April 5, 2005 Share Posted April 5, 2005 Hemlock, it's really a hassle sometimes to invite people up to the cabin. You need to get personal and ask about DWI's. With my duck hunting buddies, it's another $60-$80 for the gun permit or PAL, plus a hefty license fee. There's liquor rules and the general scarryness of the border interrogation (not a biggy for those of us who do it 15 times a year or more.) Put it all together, and some people just don't want the hassle. My wife and i already have our passports, and we'll get one for our kid. But it makes it hard to bring her little friends or our cousins. I guarantee you most seven year old's don't have passports!! This will end spur of the moment trips. It takes 6-8 weeks to get a passport down here. P.S. On your question a few weeks back on the dollar/loonie difference. I can tell you that I spent a lot more money in Canada when my $1 was worth $1.40 up there. Now, at $1.18, I bring everything I can legally bring with me. Just a thought. I'll still go up, but I won't spend as much when I get there. Just a thought. Are you fishing this weekend? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BDR Posted April 6, 2005 Share Posted April 6, 2005 Now I just saw on the news that Canada's response is to require a passport to enter Canada from the US beginning in 2006.That Yearly Rainy River trip just got alot more expensive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hemlock Posted April 6, 2005 Share Posted April 6, 2005 Wild Thing, You are correct in your assessment of the hassle issue. I addressed it in another thread titled "Passports" or something. I'm not fishing this weekend. Probably the last good weekend to wet a line through the ice...safely. I had my fun on Sunday. One of the most memorable days I've had on Lake of the Woods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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