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Cabela's ICE Event- Exudedude

Captain B.R.K

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Exudedude- AS we all talk about OUR weekends and how GREAT the ICE SHOW was, no one has asked how your weekend went down in Owatonna? How unthoughtful of us wink.gif How was the ICE show at Cabelas?

I actually made the trip down there this morning for the Cabela VISA memebers weekend. Ran out of time and didn't get to see the ice fishing/fishing area. Spent to much time in the camo- ended up buying whitetail extreme bibs! 40% off since they were scentlok!! Heckava deal!

Wanted to come over and say hi, but I was being tugged out the door by my better half so decided I better run.

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I was down there saturday afternoon. It wasn't nearly as busy as the last Cabela's Club weekend.

When I arrived, I was waiting in line to get my $30 free and realized I left my Cabela's credit card back in Plymouth blush.gif Well, there went the free money.

I snooped around ice fishing for awhile but didn't run into you Exude.

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man, Your killin me.. you were there, but didn't say hi.. My feeling are so hurt! wink.gif... I;ll be fine.

It was an awesome event. Had a blast got to meet a few members from FM which I always love to do and I got to talk fishing for 9-10 straight hours each day. Life is good. I myself only made a few purchases, a couple of ice rods and a light for my portable. They really do run a pretty good show down there, plenty of reps to talk to... I saw reps from Otter, Clam, Croxton Pond bags, Frabill(me), Aqua-vu(me again, Northland tackle, Berkley.. and probably quite a few more, but I was too busy to get away from my station much.

ohh and BRK--thanks for asking bud!

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I was down there on Saturday as well but didn't know you were there or I would have stopped to say hi. Didn't pay much attention to the Aqua-Vu (sorry!) as I already have one. Didn't spend alot of time in the shelter area period. Too many people. That place was a zoo as normal and honestly couldn't wait to get out of there! grin.gif

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You should have told one of the individuals that were working the Cabela Club area that you forgot the card that came in the mail. I never got the card in the mail, but went down anyways to get a new auger since I had a Gift Certificate from my better half burning a hole in my pocket. I told the rep that I didn't get the card and he had me sign my name to a tablet and still gave me the voucher for $30...the wife signed up and I got another $30 in points. It made the price of the auger go way down...and the bonus was that I got another $25 in a gift card for purchasing an auger at $300.00. Pretty good deal....

Good Luck on the ice!

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I received no notification whatsoever of the Club Weekend and had to call down to find out exactly when it was supposed to be held. That kinda irritated me. I asked why and was told they sent out the Club invitation "randomly". I just signed in the ledger as well and everything was fine.

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