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Ely Lake Expert

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I know this has been discussed in the past. I'm all for it assuming it can fit the majorities schedule, and we can pick a place that most can agree on. We'll need to discuss this with Rick before labeling it FM event. I don't know what the potential liability is if it were an "official" event.

Dave, you're the man here. I'm just a hall monitor. LOL

I'd be happy to help in the planning.

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I think it would be excellent to go for a ride in the spring whether it is a FM sanctioned event or not. I just think it would be fun to meet a bunch of you guys and go for a long ride. Dave you are kinda the guy in charge here, but I am willing to help in the planning of a big ride if I can. Lets just try to plan it so as many FM atvers as possible can go.

Lets ride.


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I would be in if something gets planned. It sounds like fun. I don't know that I would be much help in the planning but I would be willing to do anything I can. Keep us up to date.


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A few years ago, I think?, it was from the atv connection forum. A bunch of us minnesota atvers started talking on one of the topics and we actually planned an atv ride and we did have it. I think we had about 35 atvers show up. A few went off on there own but we had a large group ride together. It was a pretty good day. I will try to make it.

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