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Cleaning trigger assembly

Rogue Hunter

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I don't have a SBE (or any Benelli for that matter) but with all my guns all I ever do to the trigger assembly after I take them out is use Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber and blast it through those parts. Then a TINY bit of LPS-1 greaseless lubricant and slam it back in. They all work great with that treatment!

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Get yourself a can of Breakfree Powder Blast, or the Birchwood Casey Product mentioned above. Work over a big pile of old newspapers out in the garage, and hose the thing down thoroughly. Continue to hose down periodically, laying the trigger assembly down on clean paper towel after each dousing, while you listen to tunes, sip a beverage, and convince yourself you're working REAL hard.

When she seems nice and clean, wrap in paper towel, and the following day give it a nice heavy coating of Breakfree CLP. That stuff is wonderful for shotguns.... Put the assembly back in the gun, dripping with the CLP, and you're good to go for about the next 1,000 or so rounds.

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I don't want this to sound wrong, but, never, ever use WD40 on trigger assemblies.

It will gum things up faster than anything else out there, and provides *zero* lubrication.

WD is a great rust remover, and as the name implies, it displaces water (dries things out) wonderfully, but it has little place in the gun box.

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