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The last clam rope light ?

Dakota Iceman

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Ok, here goes. I picked up the rope lighting from cabelas the other day, the white version not the red led style. When i was taking it out of the package I happened to start reading the directions.....(yes I know...who does that?) It said right in the instructions "do not mount to poles in a portable" ??? I assume this is so it doesnt heat up and burn your fabric? Either way...I thought that is what they were designed for? Anybody care to comment. If this is true...I think the clam corp is misrepresenting this product. All the pictures in their advertising show it mounted to the poles in a portable....why would it specifically say this in the directions?

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If its the LED rope light theres no way it would generate enough heat to "burn or melt the fabric". I think they may be saying that because they know somebody is going to mount them where the poles collapse and when they set up there house in the thirty below and it snaps in half they can say hey it says on the back not to mount on your poles!

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Buy some bulk doublesided velcro in a role. Use this to secure it to the poles and remove the rope when done fishing and store in a coil. I use velcro for hanging rods, and other stuff from my poles.

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Here is my honest opinion regarding the light situations in portables. I have the rope light (non LED version) as stated above. They are ok, it illuminates my otter magnum well enough. the drawback is that these will only last approx. 3 hours on a vex battery. Someone told me about the coleman tent light. $10.00 its magnetized and holds very secure/ you can leave it and fold rights up in the folds of the canvas. It runs on 4AA batteries...I have not run it until dead but i did leave it on out in the garage one night when playing in the shack, got up the next morning for work and happened to see it in the garage when i walked by. This little baby is the cats behind and for ten dollars it just cant be beat. Throw on a good quality headlamp for overkill and save yourself the time,money,aggrivation ect... I have walked my way through just about every option out there in the past two years and i could have saved a few hundred dollars had I known about the coleman tent lamp. This just my honest opinion, I'm sure there are others who wouldnt agree with my assesment. Iceman out>

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