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sharpening auger blades?


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Depends on how dull they are.

If they are just a little dull it would work well to use a stone/hone/file on them.

If they are so bad that they hardly cut or won't cut, a grinder if you can follow the angle and the shape that is already there will work.

If you aren't that proficient on a grinder, find a bait shop that will trade in for a new/re-sharpened set.

If you want to use stone on them don't let them get too dull before you hit them with the stone. Keep em sharp and they will be good to you.

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I sharpen my chipper and Mora blades. Keeping the correct angle it crucial. With the Mora you can use something like Smith's Sharping Kit sharping. For chipper blades I use a large stone and sharpen them free hand. Again keeping the correct angle and not rocking the the cutting edge. Start out by taking kicks or burrs off the blade, usually they're on the backside of the cutting edge. Once you've done that sharpen the edge with the longest taper, then with a stone deburr the backside again, a couple stokes is all it takes. A 7/32 round file will fit the grooves for Strikemaster Chipper blades. Look closely and you'll see the taper, keep that angle with the round file and give each groove a couple strokes. Don't forget the point on the auger, Use a flat file, again keeping the correct angle and when done deburr the backside which in this case is the large flat side. Careful not to rock over the cutting edge.

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