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Buying an electric grinder

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I'm looking at buying a grinder soon but confused as to which one to buy. You can find grinders at the same speed but the price range will vary from $50 - $150. If the speed and attachments are the same then why the difference in price? Being that I will probably only use it a few times a year should I go with a cheaper grinder or will I regret it in the long run?

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Well last year i bought i think the brand is called back to basics not sure or wht speed it is but it was about 90 bucks and i've used it 2 years now to grind up 4 big does and this year i eve nsued it to stuff my snack sticks workd great!! grin.gif..hope this helps

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It was my first year of sausage stuffing and purchased one from northern industrial for $99.00 on sale 176lbs/hr worked great came with stuffer attachments but did not use instead went with that 8lb cast iron model like 30 some bucks and that also worked great, but you do need to place a gasket over the plunger to prevent major blowback.

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I've got that one from northern also, that thing really spits the meat out! I haven't done a deer with mine, but when chuck roast goes on sale I buy a bunch and grind my own burger. It took a news story they showed on one of our local stations for me to realize I don't want to buy ground meat at the store!

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I have an Oster brand electric grinder, think it ran about $100. It works but tends to plug up with silver skin very often. I end up slicing the meat across the grain in strips to minimize the plugging. If I were to do it again I would look for a more industrial type model.

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