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Power Inverters...



Im going to be on the lookout for one. As far as what I will run on it, here goes...



1 75 watt light


And here is a possible stupid idea, I was thinking of running a battery charger for the other battery when needed, but maybe thats a bad idea?

What do you guys use, I know they are not exactly cheap. Hope to find one around $100.

Thanks Chad

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Just thought I'd pass on my latest experience with power inverters. I had bought a Vector 350 watt inverter to run a 13"tv and DVD player. First night on a hunting trip the TV was cold and the inverter would not start it at all (50 watt TV). Second night everything was all warmed up, it worked fine for 1 movie. Third day TV would not start up, probably not enough juice left in the battery. After that weekend the inverter was returned for a refund and i'm now looking for a AC-DC TV DVD. Could have just been my TV too, i've heard some are very touchy about power durring start-up.

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