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My saturday report!

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Me and a buddy and his dog hunted pretty much every WMA south of the Belle Plain area. We hunted from 9 to about 3:30 and covered alot of ground and saw one hen all day. Now I know I should have went further out from the cities.

It was great day to be out though, a little windy and not too wet at all. Was really surprised to have only seen one bird all day, there was no corn at all so I thought our chances would be good. Saw lots of feathers and and lots of empty shells so I am sure people already hunted these spots before us.

Any one else having luck with WMA's? I am hoping to get out this week on some weekdays when not too many others are out.

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Justin (my son)and myself kicked up seven hens this morning

All on one parcel of land.. Pretty much had to step on four of them to get them up. Cole (my lab) looked at me as if to say why the h%$# didnt you shoot. All in all a good morning.

Oh and not a rooster seen. Just good to get out.

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Went NW of Hutchinson Saturday for about 4 hours ... as you said the conditions were pretty good considering what is was like Friday. Saw quite a few other hunters out. My dog found a few hens hiding in the grass and almost darn hit a rooster flying above me on the road but other than that it was slow. I would say 80% of the corn is out with some fields still in here and there. Can't wait for the big freeze and some snow as this will open up some areas where the roosters are surely hiding.

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My Dad and I got out Sunday morning south of Willmar and Litchfield and we managed to get 3 hens up along the edge of the WMA. I did see two roosters on some private land while we were driving around, so there must be a few left. It was still nice to get out.

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I got out Sunday from 10 - 3 out towards Willmar. Got one young rooster right away on public land and then nothing up at all the rest of the time on that piece of public. Then spent 3+ hours on private we got permission on and managed 1 rooster on our way back within 100 yards of the truck. We got up a few hens and a rooster in the cattails but they were only where the dogs could go and too far out for us, unless we had waders on. I think a good freeze will get us on some more birds.

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I went out last Thursday between Kasota and Mankato and flushed probably 20 birds. (1 group of about 12 hens). Another group of five birds of which one could have been a rooster but it flushed silent and I couldn't tell. The land owner said that the birds were hanging out in the plowed fields until sunset. He said to post on the edge of his field at sunset and hope for a shot but due to time constraints I couldn't do that. All in all a good day in the field.

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I have a better report to post. 3 of us started at around 1 pm on Sat and by 4:30 we had our 6. It was private land, but part of the corn was still in. Jumped over 30 birds. A great hunt. My old brittany was fantastic. This weekend I am off to South Dakota.

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