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Yeah, I agree.... My 12 year old daughter got a shot at a nice deer on saturday. Based on what we could tell, it sure looked like a clean miss.... It sure would have been nice to be able to track the deer for a while to really know for sure... There was no blood or hair, or other sign he was hit, but I could only follow for about 200 yards til we lost the ability to follow him.

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I know of 3 deer(2 bucks and a doe) that were shot and lost adjacent to our property....Talk about disappointing!

I wonder how many every year are lost, especially in no snow years. Cripes!

So much for passing on small bucks, when they get blasted next door to us, and they cant even find them.

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I happened to find a gut shot forkhorn last weekend. It was stiff already and probably was there for a good couple days. confused.gif That just infuriates me to no end!

About 4-5 years ago, I stumbled across a gut shot doe also. This one was warm and no doubt a recent kill. The party that was hunting the property next to us had packed up and left already. I felt comfortable enough to tag this one and take it home. I'm still alive and never did get sick so it must have been alright.

No doubt snow is great for hunting & tracking! Now did you say it was coming this weekend? I've got one weekend left for rifle.

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This whole subject brings back memories of a hunt 3 or 4 years back. Nice fall somewhat like this year. Saturday of the second weekend, I was heading back to my stand for the second shift at about noon. Hadnt been there 10 minutes when a Really nice buck (the biggest I have seen to date. Not huge but nice), and doe come trotting through at a moderately fast pace. I let the doe pass, and waited for the buck to get near a decent shooting lane. As he approached, I whistled and he stopped right in the lane. I zeroed in with my 30-30, but just as I was about to squeeze off the shot, he stepped away and kept going. All I could do was watch him go through the woods, and watch the sun glint off that beautiful rack. Bummer that I didnt get the shot, and I will always remember seeing glimpses of him as he bounded off out into the pines. However, I would rather have passed him up like that than to have taken a less than perfect shot in conditions like this year, where there is no snow and tracking would have been very difficult. I'm not sure how many people share this philosophy, but I am glad that I made that choice, even if it was painful to watch him bounding away.

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