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Need help for a new Archery Hunter


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My brother in-law brought his step-son (15 years old) with during the firearms season this year. His step-son is new to archery hunting. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good reference books for hunting whitetail deer and/or archery hunting that might be of help to this new hunter. I know that T.R. Michels has some books out but do not know where to get them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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hso_archery_forum is one of the best all archery web pages on the net. I myself try and visit it each day. Hopefully as this page(FishingMinnesota.com) grows and gets more members it too will be a place people go to get archery information. Expecially related to the midwest and more spacific... Minnesota archery.

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Get involved with the local archery club, if there is one. Nearly everyone is eager to help out a new person to the sport of archery and bowhunting. I would also enroll him into a bowhunter education class, lots of great info! The class info can be found on the Minnesota DNR HSOforum under education.

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For anybody that's new and starting in archery I could not recommend enough how much an archery club can help in getting a newbie started. Nothing loses new archers/hunters more than not shooting good enough and not knowing what to do to make yourself a better shooter. I have seen more bowhunters lost than anything else over not being able to effectively shoot their game. An archery club has a vast wealth of information available as many have learned from past experiences already both hunting and shooting related. I am also willing to help a new archer with shooting instruction if you are willing to come to the Hutchinson area. Also, hunting magazines are cheap and full of very useful information and are great to read.

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WOW! Thanks for all of the advice, you people are great. I’m glad that I found this site, it was recommended by the MN DNR when they shut down their forum.

I will be pheasant hunting next month with my brother in-law and will talk to him and his step-son then. I did buy "The complete Hunter Bowhunting Equipment and Skills" for him, which should answer some of his questions about the bow setup that he has now. His setup works but he does need a different arrow rest, the one that he has is for finger release and he is using a mechanical release.

I will pass on all of your suggestions, thank you so much!

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Wish him the best of luck pistolero, and please tell him, that if he has any questions of his own. Sign on to FishingMinnesota.com and ask them. We will be more than happy to do our best to help point him in the right direction!

Its always great to see the youth start archery, they are what will keep the sport going!

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Pistolero....this board is a wealth of firsthand knowledge, and we're all happy to help. I'll add a couple more ideas: have him check the local library for "the archer's bible" and other general archery books. definately have him check out some instruction at a local archery shop or club. i've just started some after school programs at our shop in Alexandria. Getting good response and interest is peaking...not just for hunters, but target/recreational archers as well. good luck...


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Thought that I would share this info that I got from other sites.

From T.R.Michels’,he recommended that I get his Whitetail Addict's Manual.


several books by Greg Miller was recommended, found them on the Barnes & Noble web site.

1) Greg Miller's Greatest Whitetail Adventures: The Stories behind His Most Memorable Hunts

2) Bowhunting Tactics of the Pros: Strategies for Deer and Big Game

3) Rub-Line Secrets

4) Aggressive Whitetail Hunting

5) Proven Whitetail Tactics


Balanced Bowhunting II by Dave Holt

Thanks for all of the help! grin.gif

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