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The best place to buy a portable?


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Sign up for Galyans Preferred customer program. In a few weeks they will send you a coupon/certficate for $75 off any purchase of $500 or more. You should be able to get a fish house and a bunch of extra gear!

Fleet Farm is also very good.

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The ice fishing show, no comparison. Last year when I was looking, I had the first dealer I questioned quote me about $700 for the set up I was looking for. I went from dealer to dealer to dealer...... by the time I was ready to leave, the offer I had on the same set up was $500, out the door, tax included. be a bargainer, it pays!! use the dealers offers against each other. just like anything else, fish houses have a good markup, and you have lots of room to bargain.

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try fishing tackle outlet in brooklyn park. I was in there the other day looking for fish houses. I talked with Joe for about 45 min. He was very helpful and said he would beat any prices in the metro, including fleet farm. Also, he can get any brand that you desire. I decided not to purchase a fish house this winter because my wife gave me the "one or the other" the other happen to be a new 4-wheeler, that kinda makes it a no brainer. I suppose the old suitcase will have to do for one more year. Good luck

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