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where's the smack??


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I can understand the cheese faithful for being confident, it's not everyday that you get to face your arch rival (forget the stinky Bears) WITHOUT the LEAGUES most dynamic playmaker. Not to mention the fact that Moss owns the cheese and there secondary is absolute mush (just ask Manning & McNair). If I was a packer fan I would feel so much better about the situation there in than if Moss was playing... I don't think we've thrown a bomb the last three weeks. I think the Pack will win a close game... arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Smack......Smack......Smack..... grin.gif

Going to be a good game for the Purple. Favre gets pretty jacked up for this game. He'll throw 4 interceptions, one is returned for a touchdown. Culpepper has a good game, throws for 3 touchdowns, and runs one in.


Vikings - 31

Packers - 17


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After watching that Onterrio (sp) guy run with the ball I would consider him just as dynamic as Moss. Every time I have bet on the Vike-Pack game I have lost my ten dollars. I have lost it betting on the Pack and I have lost it betting on the Vikes. Now I know better than to ever bet on that game because no matter how bad either team is that year it don't mean s--- at game time.

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Well said Muskybuck, except for the part of Onterrio being as dynamic as Moss.... Nobody is! unless you ask T. Owens.... he'll tell you he is.

I like that it's a 3:15 start time, it won't effect most of my deer hunting... those people at the networks must have got my memo. (:

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I thought the biggest game of the year for the pack was with the bears?

The pack will have to score 2 less touchdowns to win now that moss is out.

Going to be out in the boat fising for walleyes and watching the game. Got the TV set up and am ready for the Toilet Bowl. Culpeper is due for another 5 td game, Farve does not have that in him anymore. Big day from Longwell though.

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