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Personally, I gladly sacrifice my beloved Twins to watch the BoSox beat the hated Yankees in the most amazing comeback in a series I have ever seen(probably you too). I'm sure most of the Boston fans were hoping that the Yankees would beat the Twins so they could take 'em out themselves(don't want to put any words in your mouth Bostonians). I'm glad they did.

Saweet! grin.gif

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Geeze, that is some exciting baseball! We got to see baseball history being made, team and player history!

We seen one great team lose to another, pitching from both teams on another level! How about Shilling, bleeding foot, a limp and all, quite the battler!

It was all good, when Boston was down, I thought they were finished and right back they came, riding on Ortiz late inning at bats.

Man, I hope the series is as good as this has been!

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That was pretty sweet. I'm by no means a Boston fan, but I'm sure glad they knocked the Yankees out. I'm so sick of the Steinbrenner's very good, but very overpaid team being there every year. He overpays guys that are beyond their prime a lot of times because they've proven it previously. They're a great team don't get me wrong, but they should be. Well the Sox became proven right now.

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Windy, since you are only a few yrs younger than me, we should both be around to see the next ChiTown series winner.

And I've got a walleye dinner to bet with you that it will be the Cubs, not the palehose. Bet on?

the Cubbie lovin' machine

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Now what do we do? The seasons over and in an odd twist, Dougy baseball has a World Series ring.

Ahhh well, I guess we will have to while away the winter hours ice fishing, watching the Vikes and waiting for training camp to open in the spring....then it starts all over again...GO TWINS!!!

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