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sign on fish house door - no valuables inside


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The only we have found to avoid it is to leave it unlocked. Take all things worth something to you and leave it unlocked. It kinda stinks but better than fixing something they destroyed trying to get in.

Nothing is sacred anymore. People just feel they are owed and they feel free to make you be the one that pays.

We have left candy bars on the bench and found them gone, have left change on the bench, gone. Kinda funny.

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As much as I would like to think this would work, I don't believe the people that break into fishhouses have the ability to read. If they could read then they would have a job and then they wouldn't have to break into our property.

I totally agree with MNUSER, Take it all out with you and leave the door unlocked. This is a real pain in the you-know-what. First you have to load it all up, drive to the shack, unload it all, fish for a few hours then load the truck back up, get home and unload the truck again.

I have a TV antanae on my house and it says to those people break into me and steal everything.

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I leave mine unlocked and I have occasionally even found people fishing in it. I don't care. I just told them they could use it anytime as long as I wasn't there. By the end of last season, I had four or five different people occasionally using my shack. I just asked that they use my cell number that was posted on the outside to make sure I wasn't going to be using it. Even made a few new friends.

Never had any brown surprises though......I may have to reconsider my open-door policy if that ever happens.

See ya'll on the ice.

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Hey WWG - have you been out on the lake chasing any fall eyes or craps yet? Thinking about heading out tomorrow evening.

Anyway, looking forward to hardwater and just might be having my newly built 7X14 out there early season. (well early as a 7X14 can get out there smile.gif ) and your more than welcome to use it anytime, especially if you find that yours blew across the lake grin.gif

As far as the topic of the thread, If I was a betting man, and I am smile.gif , I would raise my bet and say there is more chance that your shak gets broken into if you have a sign on it stating nothing is inside. If there really is nothing inside, they are going to think why is locked up then.

I agree with an earlier post....dont want it broken in...never leave smile.gif well that will be what I hope to do....anyone say night bite eyes smile.gif

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The shack will be empty, just like last year. The lock is to keep it from being used as an outhouse. The house got broken into once last year. The house got moved about 500 feet and it looked as if it had been fished in. The hasp from the door was sitting the floor.

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