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you're all a bunch of sickos!  Sick...sick people.  Ya got LPS and the Rockwood,  if Dotch picked ya up hitchhiking it sounds like you'd have to sit on a trash bag, Reb and his "neighbor", Smurf and his anniversary shenanigans.  Thank God for Rhino, Eyeguy and I for keeping this a family page.  I need to go wash my hands after reading these latest updates.  Sick sick stuff.

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8 minutes ago, delcecchi said:

There you go again trying to hijack a page of innocent remembrances of days long gone by. 

you're just a sicko cheerleader.  I have my own hijack thread started.  I think they have a row at strip clubs for guys like you Del but I wouldn't know what that's called obviously.  They've corrupted your thoughts.  Back in the day you were solving problems, inventing new items for the space shuttle, making chiropractic machines to solve the ills of the world. Now your rubbing essential oils on a blow up doll all because of this bunch of sickos. :)  Shame on you.


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1 hour ago, Dotch said:

Don't even get me started Reb on some of them Cawchester establishments back when the legal age for consumption was still 18. I saw things an impressionable young farm lad never should've been allowed to see. They still haunt me to this day. ;) :D 

I found the more one fights it the better it is..:P 

Good morning chat, nothing like a little fondling....for the clasp that is.  High ya gents, looking forward to the weekend,  sleeping in is good. Had homemade zas tonight with more smoked gouda....WOW , I could put that #$%$# on anything.  Trout is in the brine for tomorrow,  hopefully have time to do more eggs....well last man is starting soon, gotta watch that.

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2 hours ago, RebelSS said:

Well, ya shoulda stayed out of the Playpen and the Happy Warrior then!!!   :P

The Playpen! I couldn't remember the name of that place. That was Karl Kassulke's joint after he had his motorcycle accident, wasn't it? I remembered the Happy Warrior though. I saw feats accomplished there that Bessie our Jersey milk cow would've been proud of!. Odd, I don't remember anything about a Delbert's Row however. ;):D

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2 hours ago, Dotch said:

The Playpen! I couldn't remember the name of that place. That was Karl Kassulke's joint after he had his motorcycle accident, wasn't it? I remembered the Happy Warrior though. I saw feats accomplished there that Bessie our Jersey milk cow would've been proud of!. Odd, I don't remember anything about a Delbert's Row however. ;):D

Yup, KK's Bruisers Pub...then it was the Playpen. Remember what hung on the rail over the entire bar at the Warrior? Guys neckties with their business cards, that the strippers had pulled off of them. Uh, er, that's what I heard, anyway!!!  :whistle:


41 minutes ago, smurfy said:

Man after reading all this smudge I'm gonna need to go to church tomorrow to get cleanzed!!!!:P:cry:

Yer going to church tomorrow?! O, Seventh Day Adventist, huh? Pray for us all!!! 



I made a boo-boo.....Bruisers turned into the Lantern Lounge.....the Playpen was at Soldiers Field plaza, and later became On Broadway, my hang out. 50's and 60's music with lotsa dancing. O ya, baby!!! Love to dance! :lol:

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2 hours ago, Dotch said:

The Playpen! I couldn't remember the name of that place. That was Karl Kassulke's joint after he had his motorcycle accident, wasn't it? I remembered the Happy Warrior though. I saw feats accomplished there that Bessie our Jersey milk cow would've been proud of!. Odd, I don't remember anything about a Delbert's Row however. ;):D

Don't remember the playpen.  Now the Red Lantern just emerged from the depths of my memory.   Then became Lantern Lounge.  As I recall, for a while they had the booze on one side of a divided room and the girls on the other.  Some foolishness with the city.  They were on their way out by 70 when I went off to (make world safe for democracy, waste 2+years as a slave to the government, choose one of your choice) and were gone by the time I got back in 73, as I recall.  


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Good morning guys. I'm up. Sorta. I think. It's sunny and 44* down here in the city by the bay. Today is a GOD day. No, I'm not going to church with Smurf. Goof Off Day. After all  the yard work, deck work, digging, rock hauling stuff, and mowing this week, my legs and back screamed all nite long.I had a list with thirteen things to get done to the house and ground this Spring, and I've already finished twelve. Way ahead of the game as usual. I don't even plan on grilling out, did that the last three nites. I see a pizza in my future evening.Might amble into a sports store somewhere and get my fishing license. I'm in dire need of some shallow water papermouth action. Finished getting the boat ready yesterday afternoon. Had to run to three places to get one of those little round watch type batteries that powers the in dash clock/date thingie. Should have checked the Co-pilot remote, I 'spose that needs one too. Looks like a warm up then rain...the lawn should really be growing then. Back yard needs to fill in a bit yet, front can just slow down a bit. My apple tree is loaded with blossoms, looks like a huge bumper crop coming this. I think those blossoms will pop open today...I'm betting they start, anyway. What a sight and smell when they do....time for cup #2 and a ham and cheese/ green pepper omelet. Have a good weekend, guys. Keep a cool tool and don't let yer meat loaf. :grin:

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First Grass Cutting Day.  So excited.  Grand Kids weekend as well.  So much to do and retirement is supposed to be for relaxation and finally doing what you like to do.  I don't mind grass cutting.  Still have a good self propelled mower.  Family telling me to buy a rider mower.  Not yet.  Excersise is good.  So far I'm still in decent shape for 67.  Walked 3 miles according to the phone trout fishing the other day and if anyone knows the north shore, that aint a walk in the park.  Still have to get the boat ready also.  Change the oil and lower unit deal.  The boat has been very good to me.  2002 1850 Chrestliner with a 4 stroke 115 hp Merc.  I've been using non ethonal pure premium in it for years and has run perfect all this time.  Have to get a new starting battery though.  Two years old and a Interstate.  Out of warranty so I'm thinking die hard or another Interstate.  I've had good luck with both but most have lasted me way longer than that.  Well better get at it.  good luck.

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To finish up some unfinished business from yesterday, yes Reb it was the Lantern downtown that was Kassulke's place I believe not The Playpen. Not that it matters. I did take a former girlfriend of mine in college to a strip bar one time as she wanted to see what went on in those establishments. We were still friends so I said "Sure, why not"? Had to be about 1981 as I'd graduated not long before that. Hot night so I'd just bought a case of Schmidt Extra Special to have nice and cold by the time we returned. No thoughts on my part of any ulterior motives being the gentleman I am however. ;) Happened to be a full moon, hence my obsession with the full moon was about to begin.

We jumped into the Gremlin and rocketed down to the Belmont Club where we parked on the street a few blocks away. When we got out there was a black guy and a white guy tussling in a yard not far from where we'd parked, just beating the living snot out of each other. Not good. Suddenly the black guy got up and ran into a house with wooden pillars supporting the porch. Seconds later, the white guy comes out of his garage with a chainsaw, screaming some racial epithets and proceeded to start sawing on the porch. Enough of that; police sirens were getting closer so we made hasty exit to the bar. At that time it was one of those dancers behind the glass places due to the laws restricting alcohol at the same address or some such nonsense.

It was OK but after a few hours she was bored and wanted to head home. Looked like the police had taken care of the lumberjack situation so we went back to my boar's nest on Raymond. There was a commotion out back when we drove up but didn't think much of it as she decided to exit and head home a few blocks away. Come to find out my roommate had gotten into a brawl with another guy over a girl (what else?) and they were still exchanging pleasantries. For dumb. Oh well, still hotter than a pistol out so made my way upstairs thinking I'd have a cold beer and call it a night. Wrong! Those clowns had consumed my entire case of Extra Special!!!! I was torqued although I had to smile and shake my head as I mused over the evening's events. Weird. Suddenly remembered it was a full moon and then it all made sense. :) 

Well, not getting much done am I?:D Mrs. Cheviot took off with one of her gal pals so am left to my own devices. Did sort through garden seeds from last year and ordered a few things I was short on. Can cross that off the list. Lawn appears to have risen to the top of the priority list so had best get at that after a little lunch. Breezy so will probably wind up wearing a lot of grass clippings. Should probably target tonight as a night to take the Stude out for a stroll, if nothing else to see how planting is progressing. Mrs. Cheviot will probably be tired so I'll probably have to fly solo again. I don't get it. I slave away here all day and am supposed to be fresh as a daisy when she expects me to perform at the drop of a hat. She goes off diddling around and gets tired. Hmmmm...sounds like role reversal to me! :crazy:

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the old role reversal Dotch...I pulled it myself last night.  Wife got home late and I was watching the Wild game upstairs working on ice cream bowl #2 and I had to scoop both bowls myself!  She came up and changed and then had a few beers and a few glasses of wine.  When she came up stairs she seemed a little buzzed up, big whoop.  She then asked a question every time I changed the channel, "what's this show?"  I finally got tired of it and hit the sack about midnight.

This morning I gave the role reversal talk, "you came home and sat in the kitchen and came up stairs all buzzed up.  You need to watch it a bit."  It was great.  I didn't care but after hearing it for years I couldn't hold my tongue.  

Finally, I got water boarded by a black lab today.  I was laying on the bed and the little lab came and pinned my arms behind me with her elbows and started licking my face.  She got a little aggressive and nearly had her tongue up my nose and I couldn't breathe.  I held my ground and didn't let up any of my secrets though.  I feel like a spy.

I can tell what happened to the gal.  She got married and is riding some guys rear end day after day.  She's no cereal saleswoman for sure.

Edited by leechlake
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Great story LL. Turning the tables is such sweet revenge especially when it conjures up memories of past @ss chewings. :D

The gal was another one of those "what might've been's" there Reb. Like most guys, my past is littered with them. Our paths still cross occasionally and we're still friends. Yep LL, she got married and probably got what she deserved. Come to find out though we're on the opposite ends of the political spectrum so that probably wouldn't have worked. While her actions sometimes speak otherwise, at least Mrs. Cheviot pays lip service to the concept that nothing is "free".

Keep thinking the orioles should show up today but so far they are no-shows. "Free" jelly; I just don't get it. ;)

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Dotch, you lived on Raymond? Small world.  My old stomping grounds.  

The fancy north part of Raymond  or the working class south part?.  I went to baker and murray

Edited by delcecchi
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49 minutes ago, LindellProStaf said:

And noone has asked the most pertinent question.  So Dotch, was she hot?  :D

Let's just say she was very "wholesome" with a tongue similar to LL's Lab. I always felt very clean after our dates.:D

I think we'd qualify as living in the working class part Del. Part of our Friday night ritual used to be going to the Terminal Bar, a 3.2 joint just across the tracks to the south of us within stumbling distance from home. Frequently it was terminal too depending on what we'd been into prior.:sick: Our place was the 2nd house on the east side of the street north of the railroad overpass. They tore the porch off and redid the place a few years back. They had to.Was about ready to fall down otherwise. It was fine for a bunch of college guys though. The floors upstairs where we lived sloped to one side which made mopping up the spilled beverages much easier. The landlady, Mary, at the time was in her 80's. She had a big chocolate Lab, Max, we all adored and fed all kinds of stuff to regularly. Mary could barely hear so that was a plus. We had a big bash one night and it got pretty loud. The next morning we were cleaning up the aftermath and ran across Mary putzing with something out in the yard. We apologized for making all the racket and I still remember her saying, "You had a party? The neighbors called and complained but I didn't hear anything." What a sweetheart. :D  

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Ah, the terminal bar.  I had a buddy who used to go there all the time.  He was older than the rest of us.   We were all too busy studying and working and trying to avoid getting drafted to spend much time in bars.   Besides I was only like 19 and looked like younger than that.  Did go to wisconsin a time or two. 

I recalling hearing the terminal bar was selling cases of buckhorn for some low price, like 3 for $10, or maybe is was 3 for $5, been a long time. 

That was probably officially "north st Anthony park", but close enough being by the tracks...

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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