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Sight Light


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I have a trophy ridge site and the light had the wrong batteries in it when I bought it. I put new 384/392 in it the other day and when I went out hunting in the a.m. I turned the light on and it was so dim. Should I buy a new light? Do any of you archery veterans use a light? Do the deer ever see the light?

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I think you can get a whole new light at scheels for around $8-$10 I used one a couple of years ago worked great when I shot a big old doe at 60 yards. Sometimes when its overcast it gets dark sooner but you still have legal shooting hours and thats what the lights work great for. Don't have one on my new bow but I think the help at times.

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I think if the light is dim that it would be better for hunting. I used to have a sight light, however by the time I needed a light on my sight it was too dark to see my target. It may come in handy when you're in a blind and you can't get enough sun to your fiber optics, yet it's still during shooting hours. I bought a fancy new sight last year that matched my bow, but under low light conditions I couldn't see my pins. I put a light on it, but I found out that once that light is on, your sight looks like a Christmas tree. You get blinded by it and you can't really make out your target that well. So, I had a $150 sight that "looked cool", but was worthless for hunting. I switched back to my cheapo sight that has a mile of fiber optics in it. It works a lot better for me while hunting in low light conditions.

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I agree with all that was said above- the only time I've ever used mine was in a ground blind. In a blind, it's great! My blind gets too dark to see my pins at least 20 minutes before the end of legal shooting time. If you're outside you should see your pins until the end of legal shooting light (or within a few minutes of it on a decent sight).

The light in them is meant to be quit dim. If it is too bright, it washes out the target too much. If you look at the light when it's in the last 10 minutes of legal shooting time I'm guessing it won't look so dim.

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The light really helps me, mine is quite dim. I don't have a great sight with a lot of fiberoptic. It is designed to have the external light source when the sun sets the last 30 minutes of light. It works great the last 10 minutes of legal shooting time and right at dawn, but only if you shoot with both eyes open.

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I have a sight with a light also, but I never use it. Like someone else said, "it makes the pins light up like a X-mas tree". I wish it had a variable setting so I could dim it.

I am usually able to see my pins OK during low light, its the peep that I have trouble seeing and maybe thats because the deer and the ground become so dark that I can't tell when the pin is centered in the peep.


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It is hard to line up the peep when it gets dark, that is where all the countless hours of practice comes in. When you draw, it should be so automatic that the peep automatically lines up. Much tougher than it sounds' especially with a deer in front of you.

My light is dim and really only lights up the green and yellow pin. The red pin is not great but to be honest, that's my 40 yd pin and I wouldn't take that shot if I was using the light, too dark for that distance

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