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Thanks again Scoot

harvey lee

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Well, next week is the 14th annual Twist of Fate hunt for the physically Challenged. I believe this will be my 13th year guiding and the 14th year for this annual hunt.

All the hunters have to do is get to the camp at thier cost and after that, everything is taken care of from the get go at no cost to the hunter. Thier food, lodging,butchering, clothing if needed and transportation to and fro the blind is all free to them.

Each hunter is assigned a personal guide and hopefully we can again have a 100% kill this fall. Both males and females are invited to attend these hunts.

Living in Mn, it is tough to get my blind in shape for the hunt and do the needed baiting at the blind.

Few years back, Scoot, yes the moderator of the Archery forum has built and donated a blind that I use for this hunt. Scoot built it and delivered it for the hunt and in the past 3 years or so, has hauled corn out to the blind along with his brothers. Scoot also cleaned out the blind, did any repairs to it also so when I get there the day before, it's ready to go.

Saves me alot ot time and money not having to drive there, about 575 miles round trip to take care of everything.

Scoot, once again, thanks for all you do to help me harvest a deer for my hunter.

This year, I have an Iraq veteran that was hit by an IED in the back. Tyler, my hunter is really pumped to get out and do some archery hunting and I am hoping hard we can harvest a deer for him.

Again, thank's Scoot for all you do as it means alot to me.

This hunt means alot to me as when 1 of these physically challenged hunters do shoot a deer, the smiles on thier face say it all. I have shot some awesome book bucks but not one of them can outdo the smile on the hunters faces when they harvest a deer.

Approx 4 years ago, my hunter was from Wisc named Owen. Owen had a terminal disease and did not have long to live. Owen told me that every member in his family had harvested a deer and that before he left this life, he wanted to shoot a deer. Owen and his buddy came over and when Owen shot his deer, it was about the most emotional expierence I have ever had.

Sad to say, that next March, Owen did pass away.

I have had others ask me why I take time out of my fall hunting season to help with this hunt, I have explained to some that if I have to try and explain that, you would never understand why.

This hunt is the highlight of my fall, every year and it goes alot easier with all the things Scoot does for this hunt.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks for all the help Scoot.

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You bet, Tom! ...and I agree with the above- the role you play in this operation is a great one! The whole dang thing is wonderful and I'm happy to contribute in the small way I do. I hope you will take some pics and share here in the archery forum. If the trailcam is any indication, you shouldn't have too tough of a time getting a good grip and grin pic or two!

Good luck and have fun!!!

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I have had others ask me why I take time out of my fall hunting season to help with this hunt, I have explained to some that if I have to try and explain that, you would never understand why.

So true.

Tom, good luck to you and Tyler! If it's not too much hassle, a few pics to share would be nice. It's a great thing (both Tom and Scoot) sharing your resources with others so they have an opportunity that otherwise wouldn't exist.

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I am not always great at posting pic's but this year, if we are lucky enough to harvest a deer, I will get some pic's up.

Here is a link to the Twist of fate HSOforum. Many times not all the harvested deer have photo's as there are times when we may look for a hit deer very late and by the time we get back and have it skun, we forgo the pic's.


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