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new toys/new addiction


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My lovely wife gave me my first spear for Christmas, I bought my first two decoys last weekend, and I got my first fish of the year last Saturday right before the temp dropped through the floor. In fact, a half hour after I speared the fish, the first wind gust of what became a hurricane, lifted the portable shack right our heads. I made the mistake of tying the spear to a pole on the shack and when it went flying, the dull end of the spear hit me in the butt and gave me a nice bruise! As you can see, I need some practice on my aim, but I can't wait for more practice!


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Way to go! I heard the details of your morning from our mutual friend who goes by Stiff here on these forums.

I can tell from the wound marks that the fish was moving out when you speared it so it was at least a good enough shot that you were able to get it at all! Plus I am sure you were pretty excited at the time.

That is a Fabek spear you have and will serve you very well. As a plus it is likley going to be a treasured heirloom now for your family.

I heard the four wheeler ride out to Terri's spear house to purchase a few of his decoys was a bit cold that afternoon! His decoys are carved from black walnut and are built like few others. They hold up to years of use and abuse. The biggest fish I have ever seen in the hole came into his red/gold 10" pike....numerous others too.

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His decoys are carved from black walnut and are built like few others. They hold up to years of use and abuse. The biggest fish I have ever seen in the hole came into his red/gold 10" pike....numerous others too.

I hope to get a Terrie Wise decoy someday...

Good decoys from a guy who does a lot for the sport of darkhouse spearing!!


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Early Riser- That Spear could be a Chuck Gerads who took over for Fabeck, I talked to Fabeck a cpl weeks ago and he isnt accepting anyore orders, Im glad he passed the lines on, their some fantastic flying spears. I speared tons of nice fish off my Fabeck. I ordered 4 from chuck Ill have in Novemeber.

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Yeah Laska I heard about another gentleman taking over from Fabek.

Jesse can let us know for sure, but I remember hearing that his spear which is pictured was ordered a long time ago by his wife - lucky guy!

If you can get four spears along these lines and hang on to them as investments or treasured gifts for loved ones that is great.

I have four Kraemer spears myself, as well as a L. Moening and certainly don't regret it! I am still looking for an original Dillo. I had a chance to pick up two of them about five years ago and I didn't do it because they had been painted - still regret it.

BTW Laska your decoys have come along quickly and look like nice slow workers as well as some dandy competition decoys. I hope you can set up a table at Perham sometime so I can pick one or two up for my own collection!

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