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is now a good time to sell a boat?


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i have a small 14' alum boat with a motor is this a good time to sell it or will i take a beating. i'm thinking about asking about $1000. any thoughts

Of course it's not the best time to sell, but you're not selling a $40,000 boat either, so the difference between the 'best' and 'worst' price you're going to get is pretty minimal.

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One of the draw backs of selling this boat and motor this time of year is the potential buyer won't be able to test drive the motor and check for leaks in the boat. The good thing about this boat is that it doesn't cost much money and people might buy it because of the price and season. I had the same kind of a situation but it was in the spring. I bought a new boat and advertised the old one myself. I wrote down the information I could provide on the boat and motor for any potential buyers and left it with the wife. She sold the boat while I was at the lake with the new one. Cash money and I sent the registration information to the new owner by mail. Never heard from him again.


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The pool of buyers is a small fraction today of what it will be in the spring. So price will be lower and market time longer.

As to the price, there is no way we can tell you if that is a reasonable price without more details and ideally pictures. (if that's what you're asking)

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Sell price depends on the motivation of the seller and the buyer. If you don't care when or if you sell the boat you can wait till you get the price you want. If you need to sell it in a week at this time of year, then you just may well take a beating.

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