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Always test your camera!


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Well as you may know(if you looked at the camera thread) I bought a camera for my house that did not work well. This morning I got out the old digital camera and put a 8GB micro sd into an adapter and went out to the shack. The lake was absolutely beautiful with the fresh snow on the trees and fog hanging from the clouds. I decided to take a quick pic before getting in the house. When I turned on my camera it blinked with a red light and said "card error". I thought, "Oh well, I haven't seen but one pike in 4 days anyhow."

About two hours of watching my sucker, in slides a hog of a pike. I grabbed the spear but didn't throw. This fish was comparable to the one I speared a few days ago:) I figure I have enough meat and if its not bigger than the two I have on the wall I don't want to kill it. I proceeded to watch this fish hit both my sucker and my "old trusty" red and white more than once. Around and around it went for the next half an hour!!!

I was shaking when I called my dad to brag about the big fish I had passed up. Dang I wish I had tested my camera!!! Although I didn't throw the spear and I missed out on video it was one of the best mornings of spearing I have ever had.

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LOL Klean, I got my camera going this afternoon... Bad micro adapter. I always have a gill rod with but now I'm going to bring my trout rod with a big jig. If I see another that I don't want to throw at, maybe it will eat my lure so I can CPR it.

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LOL Klean, I got my camera going this afternoon... Bad micro adapter. I always have a gill rod with but now I'm going to bring my trout rod with a big jig. If I see another that I don't want to throw at, maybe it will eat my lure so I can CPR it.

Perfect thinking. A spoon on a rattle wheel works too,that way you get the feel of a handline fight.

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