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Smoked beans


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I dont remember exact quantities but take a large can of baked beans, add a good squeeze of ketchup, some brown sugar, chopped onion, a jalapeno or two, chopped pineapple, a couple slices of cooked bacon chopped up, and maybe a few spices and smoke for a few hours with a light wood like apple or alder.

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I make them under my ribs. Call them "drip beans". They catch some of the fatty drippings from the ribs, you don't want a ton of drip but some.

Basically you take a few cans of beans and dress them up however you like them. I kind of just like some brown sugar and onions. Add about 1/2 cup of beer or some other liquid so they don't dry out to much. Place them under the ribs for the last 1.5-2 hours. You can stir them a few times because it seems to help the smoke permeate the batch.

It's truly as simple as that and they are fantastic.

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