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Anyone try on the Strike Ice Climate suit yet?


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Just wondering how the fit and size compares to last year's gray floating suit? Are the legs still really wide?

I'm 5'6" short and the old suit legs look like elephant legs on me! When your legs are only 26" long and the bib legs are 13" wide each it's not a good look, plus the black knee pads are knee/shin/ankle pads. grin

Funny thing is, the AA suit bibs look like skinny jeans on me compared to the Striker. I know it's not about the look, I just like when things fit me well. My gray clam suit fits me perfect but too bad it doesn't float.

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i bought the new suit at the show this weekend. Im 6'1" 240 i usually wear a 2x . the 2x jacket with just a sweatshirt on was a little tight by that i mean when i zipped it up the zipper tightened up at the midsection. the jacket fit for sure but i wanted the room with bibs or layers added in so i went with the 3x jacket and 2x bibs. 2x bibs fit well when squating no tight spots and drop to knees nothing got tight or binded.

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I've worn the Climate Suit a bit, haven't had a chance to do much of anything outside in it yet, mostly just trying it on and checking it out and waiting for cold weather smile

I am right there with Hardyboy, in the Climate Suit I wear my normal size bibs and 1 size bigger than normal in the jacket. My normal jacket size fit me okay when I wasn't wearing the bibs .... but trying to put my normal size jacket on over the bibs was not comfortable at all. That is the nature of 3-in-1 suits with removable linings .... it's going to fit a lot smaller with the linings inside it, and a lot bigger when the linings are removed. That's just the way it works.

The bib legs are a bit roomy, but comfortable ...... a lot more comfortable than I expected given how bulky they are with the liner inside them. Without the liner they feel great.

I've worked in outdoor sporting goods for about 20 years and have been able to see and wear A LOT of great garments. But in all that time I recall owning only one 3-in-1 system where I actually used the removable lining by itself, and that was the Columbia Quad Parka. I think the Climate Jacket is going to be number 2. The removable liner inside the jacket makes an AWESOME jacket on it's own and I can see myself using it by itself A LOT!

All in all it is a very nice suit. You can check them out HERE at Pro Fishing Supply. Shipping is FAST and FREE!

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The removable liner inside the jacket makes an AWESOME jacket on it's own and I can see myself using it by itself A LOT!

I have been wearing my liner since I picked up the suit at the show. I REALLY like this suit. Yes, it is bulky and YES, I too had to upsize the parka from what I normally wear, but I got over that. In my mind I am still a size 6.
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Talking with Shawn at the show (the guy who designs all the striker stuff) he said he noticed that people were having to bump up a size in the coat over the bibs. His plan for the rest of the winter was to figure out a way to get them closer to the same so when people order a 2x suit and bibs they are going to be sized the same. That way there is no more worry about the sizing being different.

we also took notes on what people were giving us for feedback and relayed that to him as well. It will only get better from this company. Second year on the market and were projecting to be out of product by mid winter at the rate were going now.

Feel free to get ahold of me if you have any issues with your suits, or questions regarding them. Or call them up and ask for Shawn.

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I looked at the Climate today, but it was a little more money and I just have never like 3 in 1s. My usual size Jacket was too tight and I would have needed a 3XL in Climate. I went with the regular this year 2X both jacket and bibs and may be looking at getting a lite jacket next year. These things are A LOT warmer than I expected and the quality appears to be first rate.


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Tried the climate out today at the show 5'-9" 185 lbs 32" inseam, the large bibs and jacket fit me well. Shawn said the climate jacket is cut with the lower section an inch narrower so if you are heavier in the mid section you will need to bump up to the next size larger. I think my wife snuck back and got it for me for x-mas.

These suits are very nice, I have been looking at them on the net but really wanted to try them on because of hearing of sizing concerns. I do not think you would ever get cold in this suit even being out all day in below zero temps.

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If someone would post some pics of the suit that would be nice. I've only seen the few pics online. Is the material a bit nicer then last years suit? Not the old one was that bad but it to me it seemed a bit off compared to other suits I've owned, it almost seems coarse like you can see the weaving of the fabric.

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I bought the regular for this year. And even though its my first suit... I was blown away by the quality. I cannot imagine a suit that is built better. I have never imagined me needing a specialized suit in anyway, this year I had a little extra money and spent it. I could not be happier with my purchase. This is the 1 item I could recommend to anyone and not feel I gave bad advice to ANYONE who asked.


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