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"The DUDE" is DONE!!!


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Great story, and your pics are awesome! How did you keep his head propped up in that 2nd to last photo when you were holding his sheds?

Lol! I try not to "photoshop" things in or out, only change the levels! But in this event, I just didnt have enough hands, so a buddy held him up and I just removed his hand/arm from the picture later! I was wondering when someone was gonna say something! grin

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Lol! I try not to "photoshop" things in or out, only change the levels! But in this event, I just didnt have enough hands, so a buddy held him up and I just removed his hand/arm from the picture later! I was wondering when someone was gonna say something! grin

Oh geez, can we ever trust Slim's photos again! whistlewink
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so what your saying is it was a spike buck and you altered the pic to make it look bigger...haha just kidding!!!

That is a great story and awesome pictures...makes me wish I would spend more time after the shot getting photos but I am usually thinking about the work that lies ahead...next time I am spending more time getting better pics!!

Congrats on the deer and thanks for sharing the story!!!

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