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Deer movement and fog?

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I'm with Donbo 29 years of chasing them, fog has been really good to me like 2 of the 3 largest bucks I've taken were foggy type days like in 2003, 7:56AM he came to check that big lone scrape for the last time, could see maybe 80 yards well, sure your visibility isn't prime, but I think they also like how quietly they can sneak around, leaves don't make a peep usually if wet enough, prime time to refreshen a moist scrape. Usually fog means medium warmth so I'm hunting all day for that possible chance especially if I know there's a big buck around like by seeing that huge fresh scrape on the way to the stand, I plan for all day just in case.

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fog is great, seem to see a lot of deer movement

i seem to get surprised a lot though, twice now this year I've not had a shot because a deer popped out of nowhere and was gone before I could clip the release on and draw my bow

I've started leaving the release clipped on when conditions feel right

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Deer seem to sneak up on you in the fog, so I always have my bow in my hand as much as possible all the time and only hang it up to rest my hands and arms or getting someting out of my pack!

Otherwise I always have bow in hand no matter waht weather conditions are! 2c

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