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Climber stands question

Big Country

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About six years ago I got a great deal on a climber that was a low end product. I enjoy it, but have issues. It is extremely heavy and has no shoulder straps for carrying it back pack style. I use a ratchet strap to keep them together while walking, but find that it is very difficult to walk around with it over my shoulder. Any one know of a product that I could add on so I could actually carry it on my back? Thanks. BC

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Yeah Bret, I went that route right off the bat. I bought the straps from the Army Surplus store here in Duluth, but they did not work well. I will take a closer look at them tonight and see if I can adjust them in another position. I kinda gave up on them, but will try again as you say your bud likes them. Thanks guys. Practiced all week with the new bow and am getting it tonight. In the stand early morning to hopefully vindicate myself with the new Mission Riot. Man she shoots sweet! BC

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You could also try getting 2 padded rifle slings and attach them to the bottom of the base. Might take some adjustment to get them set right but they could work.

How do you currently carry your stand? I have a cheap/heavy climber I got from Dick's Sporting Goods last season. Not sure the brand name any more but it came with cheap nylon shoulder straps that work but arne't great.

In order to make carrying easier I found a way to interlock the seat and base sections (maybe everyone already knows this but I didn't when I bought my stand). Lean the base against a tree or wall so that the loop that goes around the tree is at the top and facing you. Then take the seat section and hold it so that the tree loop again is at the top and facing you. You should be able to drop the seat section down into the base section. It should go behind the tree loop and in front of the base platform. Not sure if that makes sense but it should all lock together pretty tight and shouldn't need to be strapped together any more. This is the quietest method I've found for carrying it and I've seen it work on a few different brands of stands. Maybe it will work on yours as well.

It should look something like this only the base section should be on the bottom. Then you can attache straps like shown in the image, but I'd attach them to the bottom of the base section. so that the tree loops are on the top and facing away from you.


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This is one of the main reasons I went with the Lone Wolf sit and Climb stand.

It goes together and one can tie it all up with one strap that is included.

Then I have the shoulder straps and it is very easy to carry in as it is not that heavy at all.

I realize they do not come cheap but they sure work nice and are about as portable as any stand made today on the market.

You should be able to find some straps to hook to the stand to at least carry it for some distance.

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