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REALLY Excited to Show You My Trail Cam Pics....


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BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE MY CUDDEBACK FAILED ME ONCE AGAIN!!! 30 some pics on there along a secluded travel route that may be a buck's so a good number of pics for six days. I pressed A button and waited for green light to come on and go off and then pulled the card. Got home. Inserted into computer and said it needed to format the card. AHHHHHHHHH! This is a brand new card that worked the last time around. This same thing has happened two other times. I format the cards again after the initial use with the Cuddeback (IR Capture) and nada, nothing. It doesn't work and I'm ready to be done with this camera. What a piece of junk. You could say its the cards but they are name brand, work and all of a sudden don't, even after reformatting. Where's the tylenol?!?!?

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I had something happen like that to me on a new cam I just picked up. I set it up at home and took a few practice shots and thought that I had deleted them all off the card, but i had not. So when I set it up in the woods and turned it back on and tested it, it seemed to work but no pic's after the two test ones were on it! cry I threw in a new clean disk, remembered to set it to OFF first from test before turning in on and had 35 shots by the end of a 3 day weekend. Dang those little stupid details like reading the instructions! mad

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remembered to set it to OFF first from test before turning in on and had 35 shots by the end of a 3 day weekend. Dang those little stupid details like reading the instructions! mad

Been there before. Even if the instructions don't say it, I now turn the camera off, insert the card, turn it to setup, triple-check the settings then turn it ON. Even if I am just switching cards or moving the camera from one spot to another.

There's nothing worse than finding your camera hasn't been taking pictures

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Don't reformat the card! Had the same thing happen to me. There is a HSOforum I went to that allowed me to get pics off of the card. Best thing is it was free. I will check and post the web site.
I just throw the cards back in my regular digital camera and delete them.
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Well when I switched out the card today, the camera wasn't off. I believe I turned if off at one point afterward while rotating the dial and then back on. It took a picture of me. The problem is, will they go onto the card? I guess I never new that Cuddebacks had to be off before you put the memory card in. As mentioned, the instructions never said anything about turning the camera off before inserting the memory card. Weird. Well, I guess I'll have to go back out sooner than I'd have like to in order to check on it. I wanted to move a blind to my new camera spot anyway. Ooof.

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i also have cuddies ir capture. and have had many of many of problems with them. if i could afford it i would throw them out! deerminator, have you ever updated the software on them? if not, go to cuddys HSOforum and try that it might help. im also having a problem with one of my cams chewing up battereys like they are going out of style! i will never deal with cuddy again!!!! mad

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Yeah, I tried updating itmany times and it started the update, then stopped and ended up draining a set of batteries after the failed updates! Before this, I had a digital regular flash camera I bought for $60 and it lasted 5 years being out almost all year! The one good thing I did learn is about these photo recovery sites. We had a laptop that crashed a year back and lost all our photos for about a year and a half. I started one of those programs today and it's recovered nearly all of them - for free! So I'm glad I made this post! Ha!

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well I got to one of my camera's on some property I lease across the street from me, and Finally some day light pix.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot

I described these people to the owner no one knows who they are. Im lucky they didn't steal anything... yet


It looks like that guy may have spoted your cam and is looking right at it! frown Hopefully he and his wife a just walkers?
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I never even know what to say..... I hear so much bad stuff. I have 8 Cuddebacks. I wouldn't trade my Captures for one single camera out there! Ive used them for almost 7 years now. I just bought 3 more last week. They are hands down the best, fastest, clearest camera ive ever used. I hate the other Cudde models... and I dont like ANY IR cameras. But the Capture Flash... best out there is IMO. And there customer service has been superb for me.

Ive got some different Moultries, Bushnell, Stealth.... none of them compare.

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