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One of the happiest days of my life!

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Well guys here is my update as we approach 3 weeks from the opener. Got her all dialed in up to 30 yards, got her decked out in her first set of camo, and got 6 stands set up where she will be comfortable, safe, and able to see many deer. I am wayyyy more excited then she is but although she doesn't show it as much as me she seems to be excited too! This season is going to be one of the best seasons ever regardless if I shoot a deer or not.

One last question for everyone, what would a good poundage be for her to hunt with?

We started at 30 pounds and have moved up since then. We are only looking to shoot 30 yards but we want to make sure she can make a clean ethical kill. Oh, by the way, did I mention I am excited?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

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Congrat's your going to have the funnest season of your life. Poundage is not as important as a well placed arrow with a scary sharp broadhead.

With her lower poundage I would suggest a broadhead like a Magnus stinger or some of the newer NAP or Muzzy cut on contact heads. 2c

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My wife started @ 35lbs last year, now with her practicing she is up to 50lbs, she shot the truefire t1's last year, I switched her over to the shotgun style hole the F15 Carbon Express cuts.... The cutting power is insane and its pretty true to field points. Accuracy is also very good. Slick Tricks will also be a very good choice for her and their razor sharp. Se if she will practice for the next 2 weeks everyday or every other day and see if she can handle more poundage- more poundage the better but like arch said its the well placed shot that will kill the deer.

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My wife is shooting around 44lbs and she's had a passthrough on a deer and 3 turkeys. 40lbs is plenty. Try to get her a nice close shot under 20 yds if possible. Hate to have something go wrong at longer distances and have her become uninterested after a bad experience. Tell her you'll gut her first one, but she's on her own after that!

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I was thinking about using Rage 40KEs unless you guys think a cut on contact would be a better option for her. She is planning on pulling 40 pounds this year, but we will definitely increase that for next season. I hate to change it too much this year so late in the summer. She has had a lot of practice at this weight.

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My wife shoots around 40lbs now, but last year it was mid 30's and she blew a Muzzy MX3 completely through a doe at 15 yards and expiring the deer before 100 yards.

40 pounds is more than enough and my recommendation would be a cut on contact head.

Good hunting you all, 3 weeks is coming fast.

Since my wife has started, my hunting experiences has been "renewed" to say the least.

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Defenently cut on contact when I was 12 I shot mid 40s and was a dum &$$ and shot at a deer that was at 35-40 yards and I thought it was 30 but I didant trust my 30 yard pin so I just put my 20 on its spine and let it fly I somehow drilled her with a double lung and it punched right threw

I recomend the mx-3 or the four blade muzzys

2/2 with the mx-3s

1/1 4 blade

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From a womens perspective- I've been hunting for 3 years and finally shot my first deer last year. As everyone does I wanted to wait for that buck to walk by, but my hubby told me I needed to shoot something just to make sure I could shoot a deer. I've always love shooting 3D shoots!! Last year I shot a nice size doe and of course the first thing my hubby asked was could I do it again and of course I said "Oh definatly"!!

As far a s broadheads I love my Muzzy MX3's and just purchased a new Mathews Jewel bow this spring and love it!!! I am so excited for the bow season to begin and hoping to shoot my first buck!!!

Guys keep it fun for the ladies and Ladies it gets you time away from the kids!!! laugh

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