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Archery Logs


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I have been keeping logs for the past 3 years of the archery season. I have Date,Time,Temp,Wind, Stand location and what I saw on stand. I'm wondering if theres some other things I should be keeping track that would help me in the future. Also I do this on spreadsheet and it sometimes gets crammed. Any ideas would be great. Thanks

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I've been doing this for over 30 years. I just use an empty, blank paged book. Then you can add as much or as little as you like without space issues.

The only extras I add are things that change year-to-year like how dry, or wet or how good or bad an acorn crop, or what's planted there, and who's hunting over there.

It's fun to read back over the years and see how things change.

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Yep, been doing this for close to 10 years now. If you don't journal, you're missing out IMO. Always fun to look back on past seasons. I keep my stand logs pretty short with date, temp, stand, wind, & sightings, but get into more detail on out of state hunts or places like Ripley.

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I did a quick search on Google and found some examples of daily hunting logs--not bowhunter specific. One of them had more than enough formatted information. Look at a few, make some copies of their formats, and then design your own.

Personally, I'm not a "stats" guy, so I like a log that provides room for anecdotes, storytelling, confessions, etc. grin

No matter what you do, have some fun with it, and share some of what you've learned with the rest of us.

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I don't log every hunt but I deep a detailed scouting/hunting log that details mature buck sign, bedding, and encounters while hunting. It all on the computer and includes maps, photos, notes, deer sighting, and a pile of other details like wind, weather, moon, trails used and anything else i can think of.

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I use Word & put as much or a little detail in as I want, people I'm hunting with that outing, where they sat what they saw or shot, other animals seen, odd conditions, etc. My biggest problem I find is that when the end of October rolls around & sometimes earlier, when I get to hunting a lot I get behind & don't keep up. Usually I do pretty good until those vacation days right before gun season hit & then who knows. This year I just looked & it died on 10/7. Still may try to reconstruct from memory, can probably do most of them.

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