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WY elk: a no-go


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I'd hoped to go back to WY to hunt elk this coming Sep. However, I found out today that I didn't draw the tag I applied for. Bummer! I've got a rough plan of attack on what to do next, but I'm disappointed that we won't be heading back to our old stomping grounds from '07 and '08. This is the first elk hunt I've applied for since we did our last one in '08 and it's been killing me every Fall (and most of the rest of the year too) to not get back out and chase bugling bulls.

My buddy Slevy applied to a different area through a connection he has at work and he found out he drew an elk tag. He'll be hunting private land South of Jackson Hole somewhere. Hopefull he'll take lots of pics and I'll at least be able to share some great shots of WY through him.

As for me, I'm going to either be hunting and taking pics in NM or MT. I'm bummed we won't be in WY, but I'm looking forward to trying an adventure on some new ground. Should be fun regardless of where we end up...

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That stinks Scoot but it seems at times we all run out of luck drawing tags.

I talked to a buddy in Fargo today that I have not talked to since he went to Wy last fall elk hunting.

Brad shot a 6x6 that scored 318 with his 300 short mag at get this, 825 yards. Said there was no way to get any closer as it was after a cow. he had praticed alot of very longe range shots and figured with no wind, he could easily make the shot.

Now that's a prize for sure.

Maybe we can hook up this fall for some ND whitetail Scoot. One of these years it will work out. With this easy winter, the deer herd should rebound some even with all the yotes.

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318 6x6... sounds good to me! Order me up one of those!!!

No WY for us, but we're dead set on going somewhere. We've got a rough plan of attack on where to go next, so we'll see if we can pull a tag somewhere. If not, there's always OTC CO and ID. There's also leftover tags in MT and WY. I think we'll find something, but unfortunately there's a good chance it won't be as good as the area we've been in WY- we got very lucky finding that area.

All that being said, Tom we HAVE to hunt together this Fall! I'm hopeful that the drive will be 1/2 as long this Fall too- we're hoping to be moved to Casselton before Sep. Then it'll be a short drive down to join you.

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welcome to my world, i have not drawn an az elk tag since 2002, and i live here. lots of bonus points just no luck. my buddy seems to draw every year, i guess i will have to apply with him. have fun, pictures are some times just as good but don't taste that well.

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An elk hunt is high on my bucket list.

Do it! Don't wait!!! My only regret with elk hunting is that I waited too long to go on my first trip. You can elk hunt any year you bother to put a trip together and you can do it for under $1000 (total cost). Do it, do it, do it!!! I really wish I would have put a trip together when my dad would have been able to go with and hunt- that would have really been something... I also wish I would have started to get points in multiple states long before I did. Do it while you're young and don't look back and wish you would have...

You haven't lived until a bull screams a bugle in your face from a few yards away! It'll rock your world and stick with you for life...

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and you can do it for under $1000 (total cost).

That's getting to be tough to do with the big increases in tag prices for non-res. Montana killed it last year for us. Could still maybe do Colorado and keep it under a grand for each guy if you have 2-4 guys all pitching in for food and gas. Though even CO raised tag prices this year I read.

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Yep, MT made the "under a grand" deal impossible last year. However, in most other states it's still possible. Even still, it's an incredible experience for a semi-reasonable amount of money. Compare that trip to Hawaii or Disney World- I'll take the elk trip every time and it's a fraction of the cost.

Don- good luck in the AZ draw!

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Good luck Don, I cooked for a hunt years ago in 4A. Someday I will get a 10 tag and that will be my bucket list. I normally hunt 5B south but they went in a few years ago with an agriaxe and took out all the cedar trees to bring it back for the antelope. I will keep working on it, plus long lake has water and fish in it now so one can do both in 5b. Good luck on the draw.

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10- that's what I want! I'd give my left, ummmmmmmm... arm, to hunt there! Maybe in ten or 12 years! Good luck jmd1- I hope you pull the tag this year. If you do, please take lots of pics and share them with us here.

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