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Binoculars -what do you use?


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Yes, I know... You love your monarchs. Respectfully, I'm not interested in hearing about it.

For those of you without the monarchs: What do you use? What do you like?

I am looking at some. Don't want to spend more than $100. My hunting is all within the state; waterfowl, deer, grouse, the occasional pheasant trip. I tend to be hard on my gear.

Drop yours from a tree twice then into the toilet and they are still kicking? Great!

You only paid $45? Even better!

Thanks in advance.

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Funny post. And yes, I do own a pair of monarchs, however, I have a pair of Barska's that I bought for $20 at FF before that, they have great glass and collect light well, but are not fog proof and worthless in the deer stand. Last year I bought a pair of Barskas for my father in law, they were probably $70 and were a lot nicer than mine and fog proof. They really looked like my Monarchs and looking through them there was very little difference. I would give them a try, I don't think you will be disappointed. If you are going to use them deer hunting, fog proof is a must.

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My wife just bought me a pair of Bushnell. They are 7 x 42. Fog proof.. She bought them at Wally world for like 60 bucks...I have not taken them out hunting yet but from all the scanning aroud the neighborhood they should do the job.. And they look just like the Monarchs:)

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I have some cheap ($50) Bushnell 10x50 binocs that have lasted surprisingly longer than I expected. I have used them quite a bit out west in Montana and they have worked great for spotting elk and deer a long way off. This last trip a seal broke and the one side fogs up in early morning high altitudes. They work fine though still anywhere else. One of these days I'm going to buy some thing nicer.

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I have some Burris Signature series (or something, their mid to upper range) that I got at GM several years ago. Clearance from $500 to about $200, so still more than you want to spend. But I really like them, the glass is awesome, so maybe their cheaper stuff is really good too.

But, in your range, I gotta say, and some will laugh smile but the PermaFocus 7x35s work pretty darn well! I have two pair, one is Bushnell and one is Jason, but pretty close to the same model, different logos. They are usually about $50 when I see them. I gotta say, I think they are decent and I like to look through them. Good luck.

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Cab's has a pair of Bushnell 10x42's on sale right now. They were on their HSOforum but didn't see them last time I looked. I stopped in Rogers and they had them for the same price. On sale for $29.99 and regulary priced $99.99. By all means, not the best glass, but definitely the best for the price!

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The cheap binoculars will "work" but I would want the best cheap pair that I could find. I would want some that will still be able to help me determine that 8 pointer from a 10 pointer. I would want ones that will not fog up, offer great (being relative) low light clarity, and are durable. Binocular quality comes from glass, and the coatings they put on it.

Even today's lower quality binoculars are as good or better than middle range binoculars 10 years old. A lot of you guys are talking about your binoculars but I can't tell if you like them or not, or what their pros and cons are? Please give them if you can.

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FWIW - my bro got a pair of (I think...) Bushnell 10x50 a while back. They weren't too bad, but with the higher power they were hard to get on ducks while flying, and they shook around when holding pretty good - and this from guys young enough our hands should not be shaky wink

One thing the sales guy who helped me (he was a birder with many types of binocs, he said...) said was one big part of binocs (aside from the glass) was the focusing mechanism. some have gears, some have springs, some are like the (cheapy, but goodie for general use) permfocus. He said the gears are generally more reliable and less likely to malfunction if dropped. If you "tap" the big end of the binocs on the counter, you can "feel" the spring sort of rattle/"sproing" a bit, and the gears you feel a solid thud. He said the spring is not bad, just not as solid and more likely to have issues from drops, etc. Not sure of that in real world, but he guided me to the less expensive Burris over the Nikons I was looking at.

I do see that there are some 8x42 bushnell permafocus, and for the price I would seriously consider those. I find they focus better than "cheapy" manual focus units I have used, including my brothers 10x50. But they are different, so might not be for everybody. They are the ones I keep in the the truck for "quick use" smile

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